DSA's - Transcripts
DSA's - Transcripts
Transcripts for all the episodes and two movies can be found here. They are just transcripts of the dialogue, not including any commentary or interpretation of the episodes. Follow the links to the season of choice for a listing of available transcripts.
My entire life is on these DSA’s.From the moment you people stole me to the moment I escaped. Every breath I took, every SIM I did, every morsel of food I ate.
These transcripts are only a record of what is said and by whom. It was decided not to include any commentary, keeping it strictly a transcript. This was due to the fact that any interpretation of events, expressions, tones etc is individual and not necessarily truly representative what went on in the episode. The primary purpose of these transcripts is to help writers when they are searching for a quote and for translations for non-engish speakers. If anybody has any non-english transcriptions they would be willing to share on this site, or would like to submit commentaries, please contact us.
A huge thank you to Nemesis and Haiza Tyri who have transcribed the movies and nearly all of season 4, never would have got this completed without your help. Thanks to Kat Parker for providing the screen caps that grace some of these pages. More screen caps are coming, it is a big job and takes time.
There Are Pretenders Among Us
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Browse the DSA’s