DSA's - Movies

DSA's - Movies

Transcripts for the movies can be found here. They are just transcripts of the dialogue, not including any commentary or interpretation of the episodes. Follow the links to the season of choice for a listing of available transcripts.

My entire life is on these DSA’s.From the moment you people stole me to the moment I escaped. Every breath I took, every SIM I did, every morsel of food I ate.

These transcripts are only a record of what is said and by whom. It was decided not to include any commentary, keeping it strictly a transcript. This was due to the fact that any interpretation of events, expressions, tones etc is individual and not necessarily truly representative what went on in the episode. The primary purpose of these transcripts is to help writers when they are searching for a quote and for translations for non-engish speakers. If anybody has any non-english transcriptions they would be willing to share on this site, or would like to submit commentaries, please contact us.

Official DVD release of Season 2, the US version, was released on September 20, 2005

If you change the story, the ending is up to you.

The Pretender 2001

Original air date: January 22, 2001

Written by: Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W. Van Sickle

Directed by: Frederick King Keller

Picking up where the television series left off, The Pretender 2001 features even deeper explorations in the show’s mythology, including a revealing look back at how Jarod originally escaped from the Centre. But now he must infiltrate the NSA to capture a ruthless assassin who might be a fellow Pretender from his past!


The Pretender 2001

The Pretender 2001

Island of the Haunted

Original air date: December 10, 2001

Written by: Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W. Van Sickle

Directed by: Frederick King Keller

Jarod takes a keen interest in an ancient symbol that may unlock secrets about his family. But Miss Parker is hot on Jarod’s trail and about to make discoveries of her own. THeir investigation leads to a remote island off the Scottish coast, where a set of sacred scrolls, vital to the Centre, have been hidden — and protected — for centuries.

Island of the Haunted

Island of the Haunted

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