3-19 End Game
3-19 End Game
End Game
The good news is Brigitte is a lot happier. And the bad news is it’s Mr Lyle who’s making her that way.
End Game
The good news is Brigitte is a lot happier. And the bad news is it’s Mr Lyle who’s making her that way.
Original air date: May 8, 1999
Written by: Juan Carlos Coto
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.
Jarod gets help fom the police profiler Samantha Waters as he investigates the mysterious disappearance of a 13-year-old skateboarding and chess wiz.
Jarod’s Discoveries:
Jarod’s Occupations: Detective
Jarod’s Aliases: Jarod Doyle
Official Synopsis
Jarod joins forces with profiler Samantha Waters in his effort to locate a missing boy.
Bryce Banks, a 13-year-old skateboarding whiz, makes his way to a darkened school courtyard. He is approached by a man whom we will call Big Joshua. Bryce reacts with surprise upon meeting Big Joshua in person, as he had identified himself as an eighth-grader during their correspondence on the Internet. Bryce attempts a getaway, but Big Joshua abducts him. As Big Joshua’s vehicle speeds away from the scene, the school courtyard is rocked by a massive explosion. Meanwhile, Jarod finishes his latest mission, which required the impersonation of an Atlanta police officer. But before he leaves the station house, word of Bryce’s kidnapping is broadcast by a dispatcher. Jarod informs Captain Brandt that he will investigate the case.
Jarod meets Detective Carl Logan at the home of Bryce’s parents, Nora and Phillip. Nora informs Jarod that Bryce was supposed to compete in city chess finals on the upcoming Saturday, but wanted to go off skateboarding with his friends instead. His disciplinarian father prevented him from going skateboarding. Jarod searches Bryce’s computer for clues. He discovers that the boy had arranged to meet an Internet friend named Joshua so they could play chess face to face. Meanwhile, Big Joshua holds Bryce captive inside his basement. Referring to the boy as “Joshua,” he drugs Bryce and attempts to brainwash him with a montage of video images.
Mr. Parker asks his daughter for her help. It seems that Brigitte has been behaving erratically of late, and Mr. Parker has no where else to turn. Reluctantly, Miss Parker agrees to look into the matter.
Jarod and Logan’s investigation hits a dead end. They received some unexpected help from Samantha Waters (from the television series Profiler). Sam tells Jarod and Logan that the kidnapper’s m.o. matches a man who abducted eight boys in the 1980s. Though six of the missing boys turned up dead, two of them remain unaccounted for. Since the kidnapper’s last victim was held only seventy two hours before he was killed, Jarod realizes time is running out.
Meanwhile, Miss Parker spies Brigitte sobbing in a bathroom while injecting herself with a syringe. She assigns Broots to investigate further. Later, Broots enters Mr. Parker’s office, where he begins searching for clues. He discovers a syringe in a trash can and places it inside an evidence bag. Broots hides himself in the bathroom when the sound of Brigitte and Lyle’s voices fill the air. It soon becomes apparent to Broots that the pair are having a secret affair.
Sam tells Jarod that all of the victims shared one thing in common: they were all cut-off emotionally from their fathers. Mr. and Mrs. Banks tell Jarod that a reporter who covered Bryce’s chess matches seemed rather odd. This tip leads Jarod to the kidnapper’s name: Joshua Meyers. He and Logan enter Meyers’ shack, where they discover hundreds of photos of Bryce. Suddenly, a man begins shooting at the pair. When the man, who we will refer to as Little Joshua, runs out of ammunition, Jarod tackles him. Logan and Jarod conclude that the man, who identifies himself as Joshua, is not the kidnapper, but the second boy whom police never found years earlier. Samantha and Jarod agree that the entire scenario resembles what might be best described as a human pyramid scheme, one in which both Joshuas, who were themselves brainwashed as children, repeated the crime once they grew up.
Meanwhile, Big Joshua completes Bryce’s brainwashing…or so he thinks. Though Bryce identifies himself as Joshua, at the first moment of opportunity, he attempts a getaway. Big Joshua tackles him.
Miss Parker approaches her father, intending to reveal the affair between Lyle and Brigitte. At the last moment, Broots pulls her aside. Lab tests have revealed that the substance inside the syringe was a fertility drug. When Miss Parker again approaches her father, she hears Brigitte and Lyle recount what precipitated their entrance into Mr. Parker’s office on the previous night. Their version casts a perfectly innocuous light on the entire incident. Miss Parker holds her tongue. Moments later, Mr. Parker states that he and Brigitte intend to have a child.
As Jarod interrogates Little Joshua, he eventually connects with his true identity. Little Joshua then aids with the investigation. Thanks to his help, Jarod and Logan locate Big Joshua’s hideout. The basement, however, is empty. Jarod realizes that Big Joshua has taken the boy into the woods to kill him. Moments later, Big Joshua removes a large hunting knife from his waistband. But before he has the chance to stab the boy, Jarod tackles him. Logan and other officers swarm Big Joshua and take him into custody.

Season 1
- 1-01 Pilot
- 1-02 Every Picture Tells A Story
- 1-03 Flyer
- 1-04 Curious Jarod
- 1-05 The Paper Clock
- 1-06 To Protect And Serve
- 1-07 A Virus Among Us
- 1-08 Not Even a Mouse
- 1-09 Mirage
- 1-10 Better Part Of Valor
- 1-11 Bomb Squad
- 1-12 Prison Story
- 1-13 Bazooka Jarod
- 1-14 Ranger Jarod
- 1-15 Jaroldo!
- 1-16 Under The Reds
- 1-17 Keys
- 1-18 Unhappy Landings
- 1-19 Jarod’s Honor
- 1-20 Baby Love
- 1-21 Dragon House
- 1-22 Dragon House
Season 2
- 2-01 Back From the Dead Again
- 2-02 Scott Free
- 2-03 Over the Edge
- 2-04 Exposed
- 2-05 Nip and Tuck
- 2-06 Past Sim
- 2-07 Collateral Damage
- 2-08 Hazards
- 2-09 FX
- 2-10 Indy Show
- 2-11 Gigolo Jarod
- 2-12 Toy Surprise
- 2-13 A Stand Up Guy
- 2-14 Unforgotten
- 2-15 Bulletproof
- 2-16 Silence
- 2-17 Crash
- 2-18 Stolen
- 2-19 Red Rock Jarod
- 2-20 Bank
- 2-21 Bloodlines
- 2-22 Bloodlines
Season 3
- 3-01 Crazy
- 3-02 Hope & Prey
- 3-03 Once in a Blue Moon
- 3-04 Someone to Trust
- 3-05 Betrayal
- 3-06 Parole
- 3-07 Homefront
- 3-08 Flesh and Blood
- 3-09 Murder 101
- 3-10 Mr. Lee
- 3-11 The Assassin
- 3-12 Unsinkable
- 3-13 Pool
- 3-14 At The Hour Of Our Death
- 3-15 Countdown
- 3-16 P.T.B.
- 3-17 Ties That Bind
- 3-18 Wake Up
- 3-19 End Game
- 3-20 Qallupilluit
- 3-21 Donoterase
- 3-22 Donoterase
Season 4
- 4-01 The World’s Changing
- 4-02 Survival
- 4-03 Angel’s Flight
- 4-04 Risque Business
- 4-05 Road Trip
- 4-06 Extreme
- 4-07 Wild Child
- 4-08 Rules of Engagement
- 4-09 ‘Til Death Do Us Part
- 4-10 Spin Doctor
- 4-11 Cold Dick
- 4-12 Lifeline
- 4-13 Ghosts From the Past
- 4-14 The Agent of Year Zeroh
- 4-15 Junk
- 4-16 School Daze
- 4-17 Meltdown
- 4-18 Corn Man A Comin’
- 4-19 The Inner Sense
- 4-20 The Inner Sense
End Game Transcript
Scumbag Detective | I got you, you self-righteous son of a….. | |
Jarod | Ah, ah ah! Don’t mess with me Detective, especially with this gun. It’s a .44 Magnum. I saw a guy in a movie use one once. Highly effective. | |
Scumbag Detective | What you gonna do Jarod? Shoot your own partner? | |
Jarod | Why not? You shot yours. Detective Santora knew too much didn’t he? About your kickbacks from the Eight Avenue dealers. About your private stash of heroin, courtesy of the evidence locker. You’re an addict Detective. Your partner found out, so you killed him. | |
Scumbag Detective | Oh, like I’m gonna do you. You fired six shots your moron. And oh, by the way, you were right about Santora. If he wouldn’t have been such an overachiever.. I wouldn’t have had to shoot him between the eyes. You ever seen that in a movie? | |
Jarod | No, but I saw that in a cartoon. Gotcha. | |
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Bryce | Another game Joshua? You’re on Bryce. How about face-to-face? | |
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Joshua | I knew you’d come. Man-to-man. | |
Bryce | Joshua? | |
Joshua | You look surprised. | |
Bryce | You said you were in the eighth grade. | |
Joshua | I was… a long time ago. You’re daddy should have taught you to never trust strangers on the Internet. | |
Bryce | I thought you were my friend. | |
Joshua | I’m better than that kid. Much better. I’m your brother. | |
Bryce | Help! No! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Where are you taking me? What’s going on? | |
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Detective | Good work Doyle. Maybe there’s some dirty cops in Minnesota you can take care of. Never seen a cop transfer in and out as fast as you did Doyle. | |
Jarod | I have a very short attention span sir. | |
Detective | Minneapolis is lucky to have you. | |
Jarod | Thank you. | |
Detective | This your family? | |
Jarod | Uh, yes. I hope to update those photographs soon. | |
Detective | Haven’t seen ’em in a while hmmm? | |
Jarod | No sir. | |
Radio | This is dispatch, over. | |
Jarod | Go ahead Dispatch. | |
Radio | Decatur Division reported a 207. 13 year old boy residing at 439 Oakbrook Road. | |
Jarod | A kidnapping? This is Detective Doyle. I’m rolling to the scene. | |
Detective | What about Minneapolis? | |
Jarod | I have to do this. | |
Detective | Why? | |
Jarod | I have a thing about kidnappings. | |
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Jarod | I’m Detective Doyle, what have we got? | |
Detective | What we got is what we don’t have, namely, her son. Bryce Banks. Thirteen, straight-A student, captain of the chess club. Mom goes in last night about 10:30, kisses him good night. Wakes up this morning and he’s gone. His father is a strict disciplinarian. Mom’s just a mom. She’s pretty shaken up. I don’t even want to imagine what these people are going’ through right now. | |
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Margaret | They took Jarod! My son! Where is he? Where is he? | |
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Detective | Detective? Detective? | |
Jarod | Hmmmn? | |
Detective | Are you with me Doyle? | |
Jarod | I’m with you. | |
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Miss Parker | Daddy, I got your message. Everything all right? | |
Mr Parker | Angel, I need your help. | |
Miss Parker | My help? | |
Mr Parker | It’s Brigitte | |
Miss Parker | Oh. | |
Mr Parker | Look, I know how hard it’s been for you since Thomas’ death. | |
Miss Parker | I’d really rather just…. move on. | |
Mr Parker | That’s what I’m trying to do, move on, make my marriage work. But Brigitte? I don’t know what the hell’s going on. I mean this erratic behaviour, mood swings. She’s changed her hair colour again. This morning I found her crying in the shower for God’s sake. | |
Miss Parker | Daddy, I don’t see how I can be of any help. | |
Mr Parker | Well, reach out to her, woman-to-woman. I mean, relate to her, find out what’s bothering her. | |
Miss Parker | Daddy, Brigitte and I aren’t exactly bosom buddies. | |
Mr Parker | Angel, please. Remember she’s family now, hmmm? | |
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Detective | The kid’s a prodigy. When it comes to chess, Bryce Banks is the Michael Jordan of the checkerboard. | |
Philip | Can you tell me what happened? | |
Jarod | I don’t think your son was taken. At least not from here. There are no signs of a struggle. And the only fingerprints on this open window are your son’s. | |
Philip | Bryce would never run away. | |
Jarod | Are you sure? There’s something else isn’t there? He slammed this down before he left. | |
Nora | He slammed it down because of the tournament. Bryce was supposed to compete in the City Chess Final on Saturday but he wanted to go skateboarding with his friends and Philip wouldn’t let him. | |
Jarod | You had an argument. | |
Philip | I worked my tail off for that kid. He never appreciated it. | |
Nora | Oh God! | |
Philip | It’s true. | |
Nora | Bryce is gone and we don’t know where, can’t that wait? | |
Jarod | When you came in to say good night did you notice anything strange about the way your son was acting? | |
Nora | I could see how disappointed he was, missing the trip with his friends. But before I left, he was back on the computer. | |
Jarod | He traded e-mails with somebody named Joshua. They arranged to meet for the first time last night face-to-face to play chess. | |
Nora | Could Joshua be the kidnapper? | |
Jarod | We’re going to find out. | |
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Detective | There was a report of a bomb exploding here around 12:05. What’s with the explosives? | |
Jarod | Looks like the kidnapper wanted to destroy all evidence. He used a highly flammable explosive, like napalm. | |
Detective | That seems like overkill. Why not just grab the kid and be done with it? | |
Jarod | That’s a good question. | |
Detective | Which leaves us right back in the dark. | |
Jarod | In the e-mails, the kidnapper asked Bryce to meet him here. How did they both know this place? | |
Detective | Chess tournament. Statewide event. Covers players from all over the southeast. | |
Jarod | And it’s open to the public. | |
Detective | Yeah. Maybe the guy’s some crazed kiddie chess fan or something. | |
Jarod | Uh-uh. It runs deeper than that. | |
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Young Jarod | You never let me play games. Mr Raines, I don’t understand. | |
Raines | When you’re the best at what you do Jarod, people stand up and notice. | |
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Jarod | The kidnapper wants Bryce because he’s the best. He covets the superior mind. | |
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Joshua | Yes, Father, yes sir. He’ll be ready when the time comes. | |
Bryce | What are you gonna do to me? | |
Joshua | I’m going to give you immortality. | |
Bryce | What’s that for? | |
Joshua | It’s for you Joshua | |
Bryce | I want to see my mom and dad. | |
Joshua | I told you Joshua, you have a new father now. | |
Bryce | My name’s Bryce! | |
Joshua | Your name is Joshua, just like me! Y- you can’t understand. But you’re brilliant. You’ll learn. | |
Bryce | Why are you doing this to me? | |
Joshua | Because you’re special. | |
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Detective | My people have talked to everybody involved with the chess tournament and come up with zero. | |
Jarod | Well, they’ve missed something. The tournament was the only place the kidnapper could have watched Bryce perform. The boy’s a prodigy, the ultimate trophy. | |
Sam | You may be right about that Detective | |
Detective | Uh, Jarod, this is Samantha Waters, the FBI’s top profiler. | |
Sam | I’m with the Violent Crimes Task Force here in Atlanta. | |
Jarod | Violent Crimes? But this is a kidnapping. | |
Sam | Well it may be more than that Detective, a lot more. | |
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Sam | Your kidnapper’s MO matches that of a man who abducted eight boys in Maryland and Virginia in the late 1980’s. We got a red flag related to the previous unsolved case files. The last three boys were taken within weeks of each other in 1989. Uh, Michael Taylor, Theodore Reed and Harry Dunn. | |
Jarod | Each victim was between 11 and 13 years of age. Each displayed accelerated intelligence. | |
Detective | Trace evidence destroyed at the scene with a highly flammable explosive. This sounds like our guy. | |
Jarod | Were any of these boys found? | |
Sam | Yeah, we found six of the boys, but they’d been killed. Two of them are still missing, Michael Taylor and Theodore Reed. Harry Dunn was the last boy taken. | |
Jarod | Your conclusion? Sam? | |
Sam | These children, they may not be trophies. They…. may be subjects. It’s almost as if the kidnapper’s putting them through some sort of testing procedure and weeding out the weak and rejecting them. | |
Jarod | By dumping then in the woods. | |
Sam | How’s it going on locating the Banks boy? | |
Detective | The CID was able to isolate a partial shoe print outside the blast area, size 12. | |
Jarod | By the indentation, I could guess he was about 6 foot 2, 200 pounds. | |
Sam | Well, I don’t think that this guy relies on physical size to intimidate. I think that this is all about emotional control. | |
Jarod | His screen name was Joshua. He traded e-mails with by before Bryce vanished. | |
Sam | All right, well, I’ll go over everything in detail and hopefully I’ll be able to come up with a more complete profile for you. | |
Jarod | May I ask one more thing? | |
Sam | Of course you can. | |
Jarod | The last boy that was kidnapped, the boy in the photograph. How long was he held before he was killed? | |
Sam | Seventy-two hours. Maybe less. | |
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Miss Parker | Hello? Brigitte? Brigitte? | |
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Miss Parker | The woman is a junkie. | |
Broots | What are you gonna tell your father? | |
Miss Parker | The truth, what else? | |
Sydney | It will be your word against Brigitte’s. | |
Miss Parker | I’ll get proof. | |
Broots | How’re you gonna do that? | |
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Jarod | Would you like one? | |
Sam | I haven’t seen one of these in a while. | |
Jarod | They’re very good. | |
Sam | Thank you. Invisible. | |
Jarod | Invisible? | |
Sam | That’s how Bryce refers to himself in these e-mails. He said that his father pushed him so hard, he felt as if he didn’t exist. | |
Jarod | The other victims had similar relationships with their parents, specifically their fathers. | |
Sam | So they all suffered deep psychological wounds caused by strained parental relationships. They were all emotionally cut off from them. Vulnerable. Jarod? I don’t think you ever get used to seeing things like that. A lot of cops I know grow cold to it out of necessity. | |
Jarod | I wish I could figure out how. | |
Sam | What… what is this? Some kind of shorthand or…. | |
Jarod | Oh, it’s uh… it’s nothing. It’s just something I made up as a child to uh, keep the wrong people from reading my diary. | |
Sam | I think that Bryce wanted his privacy too, but his father wouldn’t let him have it. I think that his father wanted him to be something that he never was or ever could be, a star. | |
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Philip | This is ridiculous. You’re saying the kidnapper was at the tournaments? This is pathetic. | |
Nora | Philip. | |
Philip | No! I’m not gonna stand by while the police chase dead ends. He hasn’t even made a ransom demand yet. | |
Jarod | He may not. | |
Mrs Banks | You think this man might kill our son mo matter what we do? | |
Jarod | The kidnapper may have been stalking your son at the tournament. Now can you remember anyone who paid particular attention to Bryce? Uh.. a teacher, a tutor, anybody? | |
Philip | I taught my son chess. | |
Nora | There was that journalist at the season’s first tournament. I don’t remember his name but I remember thinking he was strange. | |
Jarod | Strange how? | |
Nora | He said he was going to do a feature on Bryce. But he hadn’t even made it to the city finals yet. | |
Philip | You think he could have taken my son? | |
Detective | We’ll see what we can track down. | |
Philip | Well, somebody better start doin’ something. | |
Nora | Detectives, wait, please. About the way my husband is acting… | |
Jarod | We.. we understand, he’s under a lot of pressure. | |
Nora | That’s no excuse. My son thinks he’s invisible to his father. We need another chance to make this right. Please, please find my son. | |
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Sam | Hey, anything new? | |
Malone | Nothing so far. I’ve got George cross-referencing the Banks kid with all the missing boys. Friends, schools, the whole nine yards. Now, except for the fact that they could all be in Mensa, there’s no other connection. We’re going through it Sam, but the process is slow. | |
Sam | Yeah, I know. | |
Malone | You okay? | |
Sam | Yeah, I’m alright. I’m, uh.. I’m working with this detective. His name’s Doyle, Jarod Doyle. He’s good, it’s just ….. | |
Malone | But what? | |
Sam | I don’t know. It’s just…. I’m tired… it’s this case, these kids. | |
Malone | Be careful Sam. | |
Sam | I will, bye bye. | |
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Broots | Hello? I must be crazy. | |
Brigitte | Oh goody! There’s nobody home. You are so naughty. Mnnn! I know I shouldn’t do this but… sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do. | |
Broots | A nooner? It’s not even 11 o’clock. | |
Miss Parker | What? | |
Broots | You gotta help me. There’s some pretty freaky things going on here. | |
Miss Parker | Broots, where are you? | |
Broots | I’m. I’m. I’m stuck in your father’s bathroom. And there’s some things goin’ on here that shouldn’t be goin’ on in the workplace. If you get my drift. | |
Miss Parker | What the hell are you talking about? | |
Broots | I’m talking about Brigitte. | |
Brigitte | Oh, you’d better go clean that up before it stains your pants. | |
Broots | Oh oh, I… I gotta go. | |
Miss Parker | Broots? Broots? | |
Brigitte | Hurry up, it’s kind of hard to finish this without you. | |
Lyle | If your husband finds us in his office, we’ll both be finished. | |
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Jarod | The reporter Bryce’s mom mentioned is named Joshua Meyers. | |
Detective | So what’s the problem? | |
Jarod | The problem is the magazine he claims to write for doesn’t exist. | |
Detective | From the looks of this place, neither does his career. | |
Jarod | Meyers? Oh my God. | |
Detective | Whoever he is, this guy built a shrine to Bryce Banks. Our guy? | |
Jarod | But where’s the boy? Get down! | |
Joshua 2 | Come out! | |
Detective | I thought you said the kidnapper was a big guy. This guy couldn’t be more than 5’6″. | |
Jarod | Where’s the boy? | |
Joshua 2 | Y… You’re too late. He’s my brother now. | |
Jarod | You have pictures of Bryce Banks all over your walls. Now what have you done with him! | |
Joshua 2 | His name’s Joshua. He’s my brother now. | |
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Joshua | So, little brother, tell me your name. | |
Bryce | My name is Joshua. My name is Joshua. | |
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Sam | I’ve been going over the case files and I think there may be two kidnappers. | |
Jarod | Joshua Meyers. His real name is Theodore Reed. | |
Sam | One of the kidnapped boys that the Bureau never found. | |
Detective | How could that be possible? | |
Sam | He grew up. | |
Joshua 2 | My name is Joshua. My name is Joshua. My name is Joshua. My name is Joshua. My name is Joshua! | |
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Broots | Well…. I’ve got good news, and I’ve got bad news. The good news is Brigitte is a lot happier. And the bad news is it’s Mr Lyle who’s making her that way. | |
Miss Parker | What are you talking about? | |
Broots | I’m talking about the horizontal bop. | |
Miss Parker | Brigitte and my brother? | |
Sydney | Broots, are you 100 percent sure? | |
Broots | Oh, well… more like 80, 82. | |
Miss Parker | What? Drugs and Lyle? Unbelievable. This is gonna break my father’s heart. | |
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Jarod | They’ve been gone for over a decade and now they kidnap other children. | |
Sam | A human pyramid scheme. So the second kidnapper may be the other missing boy from 10 years ago. | |
Detective | Mike Taylor. | |
Sam | You… you said that he was a large man. | |
Jarod | He is. He also calls himself Joshua. | |
Sam | And Bryce will also be named Joshua. | |
Jarod | A new name from a new parent. | |
Sam | A father figure. | |
Jarod | And there’s our connection. | |
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Joshua 2 | They are my brothers. They are Joshua, like me. | |
Jarod | Where have you taken the boy? You’ve told me everything else. Why not tell me where he was taken? | |
Sam | He can’t say. | |
Joshua 2 | Joshua can’t say. He will take Joshua into the woods. Joshua doesn’t wanna go into the woods. | |
Sam | Ask him about the woods. | |
Jarod | What’s in the woods? | |
Detective | You two are scary. | |
Joshua 2 | Joshua can’t say. | |
Jarod | Why can’t you say? | |
Joshua 2 | Father. | |
Jarod | Who is Father? Is this you? Your name isn’t Joshua. It’s Theodore. Theodore Reed. | |
Joshua 2 | My name is Joshua. My name is Joshua. My name is Joshua. Joshua doesn’t wanna go into the woods. | |
Jarod | Because of Father? | |
Joshua 2 | Anything for Father. Everything for Father. Anything for Father. | |
Jarod | Where is the boy? | |
Joshua 2 | Everything for Father. | |
Jarod | Where is the boy? | |
Joshua 2 | Anything for Father. | |
Jarod | Where is the boy? | |
Joshua 2 | Everything for Father. Anything for Father. Everything for Father. Anything for Father. | |
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Sam | This isn’t someone who is lying. It’s not that he won’t tell us. He can’t. | |
Jarod | The way he shuts down when I ask him difficult questions, classic signs of psychological patterning. | |
Sam | Yes, brainwashing. | |
Detective | As much as we’d like to think some CIA spook perfected it during the Cold War these men aren’t a product of that. | |
Sam | Well, they weren’t men when they were kidnapped. When a child is taken from his home he eventually loses all sense of what is real and unreal. Without that connection to the people that he loves, without that nurturing, his mind can easily be moulded. | |
Jarod | And his loyalty is changed, his intellect honed. His very identity so altered, he doesn’t even know who he is anymore. | |
Sam | How do you know all of this? They’re going to do to Bryce what was done to them. | |
Detective | Brainwash him? | |
Jarod | If the boy measures up. | |
Detective | And if he doesn’t? | |
Jarod | In 26 hours…. Bryce Banks could be gone forever. | |
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Malone | You’re running out of time. | |
Sam | Yeah, I know. Look we need to try another tack in finding the connection between Bryce Banks and the other kidnapped boys. Father figures. | |
Malone | We’re talking pastors, coaches, scout leaders. That kind of thing. | |
Sam | Anyone they could look up to in place of their real father. | |
Malone | We’re on it Sam. So how’s Detective Doyle? | |
Sam | That’s one I haven’t figured out yet. | |
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Raines | You did it Jarod, you won. | |
Jarod | Does that mean I can see my mom and dad? | |
Raines | We’ve already explained that to you. We’re your family now. Look how proud you’ve made us here today. I almost feel like your father. | |
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Jarod | Sam. | |
Sam | Oh, hi, I hope I’m not disturbing you. | |
Jarod | Uh, how did you find out where I was? | |
Sam | Uh, Logan told me. | |
Jarod | Oh. | |
Sam | May I? | |
Jarod | Oh, sure, come in. I’m sorry. | |
Sam | Thanks, no. Well, this isn’t exactly where I had imagined a talented law enforcement officer would live. | |
Jarod | I’m, uh, sort of in between places right now. | |
Sam | Yes. | |
Jarod | Sorry about the mess. | |
Sam | No, none of my business, really. | |
Jarod | Its.. its a long story. | |
Sam | Oh. | |
Jarod | So, uh, what can I do for you? | |
Sam | Well, I was just, uh, curious about one thing. | |
Jarod | What’s that? | |
Sam | Why are you lying? I felt there was something bothering you about this case and when I looked at the video of you questioning Joshua, I knew it. | |
Jarod | I don’t understand. | |
Sam | A child. A child trapped by his past. Lost, alone, afraid. | |
Jarod | With all due respect, I don’t think that I’m the one that you should be profiling. | |
Sam | Well, I’m sorry, its a bad habit of mine. Who are you Jarod? | |
Jarod | What do you mean? | |
Sam | Come on. You eat candy out of a toy dispenser. You have your whole life laid out around you. | |
Jarod | Classic textbook misplaced childhood I guess. | |
Sam | No, I don’t think there’s anything textbook about you. | |
Jarod | My life has no bearing on this case. | |
Sam | Well, I think that it does. That interrogation… | |
Jarod | That interrogation went nowhere because Joshua Meyers was programmed to shut down. End of story. | |
Sam | You know, my mother died when I was a little girl. And… my father…. My father just wasn’t really around. I was sort of raised by my best friend’s family. You had foster parents didn’t you? | |
Jarod | Foster parents? I guess you could call them that. | |
Sam | Why is this case so personal to you? | |
Jarod | Let’s just say that I’m… dedicated. | |
Sam | Or maybe you’re more like Joshua that you want to admit. | |
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Joshua | I’ve done everything as you instructed. I understand. Yes sir. Your new son is almost ready. | |
Bryce | My name is Joshua. | |
Joshua | Father is gonna be so proud of you. No Joshua no! No! You disappoint me Joshua. Do you know what happens when Father rejects you? You go out into the woods and you don’t come out, ever! Ever. | |
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Joshua 2 | Ask all you want. I won’t tell you where the boy is. | |
Jarod | Whatever you say Joshua. A son should be called by his given name, especially if that name was given to him by Father. Give you a new name, a whole new life. He loved you when your own father wouldn’t. But part of his love was doing his will and his will was to kidnap innocent children and take them from their homes. | |
Joshua 2 | No, Bryce was unhappy. His father didn’t love him. His new father will, my father. | |
Jarod | Before you were ripped away from your real family, were you unhappy? | |
Joshua 2 | I wasn’t taken. I was set free. Father doesn’t make us do anything. We do things for Father. | |
Jarod | Of course, after all, he’s Father. You have to do whatever he says, obey his will. | |
Joshua 2 | Yes. | |
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Jarod | Even if he asked you to go into the woods? Why are you so afraid of the woods Joshua? Is it because your brothers are out there? | |
Joshua 2 | Brothers? | |
Jarod | Eight of you were taken but only two of you became Joshua. The rest died in the woods. | |
Joshua 2 | Stop… stop talking to me. | |
Jarod | What does your father make you do in the woods Joshua? | |
Joshua 2 | Joshua… Joshua can’t say. | |
Jarod | Well, maybe these pictures will help you remember. | |
Joshua 2 | I don’t want to look. | |
Jarod | What happened to this Joshua? | |
Joshua 2 | I don’t want to look. No, I don’t want… I don’t want to look. | |
Jarod | Father didn’t think he cut it so he asked you to go out in the woods and do this to him. He asked you to kill this boy, didn’t he? Look at the pictures damn it! | |
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Joshua 2 | I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. | |
Jarod | Theodore… | |
Joshua 2 | I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. | |
Jarod | Theodore, help me. Help me save Bryce. | |
Joshua 2 | I’m sorry. | |
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Mr Parker | Ah, Angel. Ah, perfect timing. | |
Miss Parker | Daddy, I need to speak with you, alone. | |
Mr Parker | Well, this is your family. We, uh, we have no secrets. | |
Miss Parker | Daddy, I’ve recently learned…. | |
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Broots | Miss Parker? Oh, excuse me. May we have a word with you outside? | |
Miss Parker | Later. | |
Sydney | It’s important. | |
Miss Parker | Excuse me one minute. What? | |
Broots | I checked the contents of that s… I checked the contents of the syringe. It was Pergonal. | |
Miss Parker | What the hell is that? | |
Sydney | Its a drug. But a fertility drug. | |
Miss Parker | Fertility? Are you sure? | |
Broots | Brigitte wasn’t trying to get high, she was trying to get pregnant. | |
Miss Parker | Oh, but with whose baby? | |
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Brigitte | So Lyle and I came in here to celebrate. I know I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help it. I was so excited. | |
Lyle | Too excited. She spilled champagne all over my pants. I had to go into the bathroom and clean myself up. | |
Mr Parker | Angel. You wanted to tell me something? | |
Miss Parker | It’s nothing Daddy. I’m gonna get going. | |
Mr Parker | No, wait, wait, wait a minute. We have something to tell you. Brigitte and I are going to have, uh, a little Parker. | |
Brigitte | Congratulations Miss P. You’re gonna have a baby brother or sister. | |
Lyle | Oh, this is fantastic! | |
Mr Parker | It turns out the erratic behaviour and mood swings had to do with fertility drugs. You know, the hormones and what. | |
Miss Parker | This is a surprise. | |
Mr Parker | Yeah, well, it’s a happy day for the family. | |
Brigitte | Oh, come on, don’t be a poop. | |
Miss Parker | Happy days indeed. | |
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Police | Go, go, go! Go! | |
Jarod | The woods, the woods. | |
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Bryce | Where are we going? | |
Joshua | We’re going for a walk in the woods. | |
Father | Hello Joshua. | |
Bryce | Who are you? | |
Father | I’m the Father. I’m your father. Don’t be afraid. I’ve come to set you free. | |
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Detective | Drop the knife. Drop the knife. | |
Father | No, no, no, you don’t understand. | |
Detective | No, you don’t understand. | |
Father | I am the Father. He is my son. I am Abraham. He is Isaac. | |
Detective | Come on don’t do this. | |
Father | I’m going to set …. | |
Joshua | No, no. | |
Jarod | No more… | |
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Raines | Father. | |
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Jarod | Killing! | |
Detective | All right Jarod, we got him. | |
Jarod | No more no more! Calm down, all right Jarod? | |
Joshua | No, no, everything for Father. | |
Jarod | It’s okay. It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s okay now. It’s okay. It’s okay, it’s okay. | |
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Nora | Detective. We can’t thank you enough for giving us a second chance with our son. | |
Jarod | How’s your husband? | |
Nora | I don’t think he realises the way he is. But I do know that I’m gonna do everything I can to show our son that there’s more to life than winning chess matches. | |
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Sam | His name is Dr Samson Dane. He was a child psychologist. He treated Meyers, Taylor and the other missing boys. He used his influence to lure them away from their families. Dane’s own son died of a genetic disorder. | |
Jarod | My guess is his name was Joshua. | |
Sam | All these years he was trying to recreate a family. They’re being admitted to a psychiatric facility. With any luck they’ll be deprogrammed. | |
Jarod | What about their parents? | |
Sam | They’re seeing them today. Ten years is a long time. | |
Jarod | A child never forgets the people who love him. | |
Sam | Well, I… | |
Jarod | Oh, wait, I almost forgot. I got you this. | |
Sam | For me? Thank you… uh.. | |
Jarod | For the kid in you. | |
Sam | Good luck Jarod. | |
Jarod | Thank you. | |
Sam | I’ll see you. | |
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