2-19 Red Rock Jarod
2-19 Red Rock Jarod
Red Rock Jarod
Threats and pain that’s all you’ve ever offered us. You stole our lives, and you killed our spirit. Now you think you can threaten us with death.
Red Rock Jarod
Threats and pain that’s all you’ve ever offered us. You stole our lives, and you killed our spirit. Now you think you can threaten us with death.
Original air date: May 2, 1998
Written by: Tommy Thompson
Directed by: Fred K. Keller
Jarod receives an e-mail from Sydney instructing him to go to Arizona, but he arrives and finds Mr. Lyle instead- who has plans to redeem himself by personally returning Jarod to the Centre.
Jarod’s Discoveries: Kyle is alive, Lyle is alive
Jarod’s Occupations: None
Jarod’s Aliases: Jarod Barber
Official Synopsis
Jarod is lured to Arizona by a mysterious message that turns out to be from Mr. Lyle.
Late one night, Jarod receives e-mail from Sydney, summoning him to Dry River, Arizona. There, Jarod meets Deputy Marilyn Miller. He asks if she has seen a man matching Sydney’s description. To Jarod’s surprise, Miller arrests him. Meanwhile, Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots hit another dead end in their search for Jarod. Then a Sweeper finds an envelope addressed to Miss Parker, containing her mother’s Centre identification badge. The expiration date has been crossed out and replaced with the date her mother died.
Back in Arizona, Deputy Miller is summoned when her son, J.R., collapses. Jarod goes along and quickly diagnoses a potentially fatal heart condition. Miller says the boy is on the waiting list for a transplant, but donors with AB blood—Jarod’s type—are very rare. Later, Sheriff Delmont drives Jarod to an auto junkyard, where Jarod is surprised to see Mr. Lyle, still very much alive. Lyle hits Jarod with an iron bar, knocking him unconscious.
At the Sim Lab, Sydney receives Jarod’s reply to “his” e-mail, but tells Miss Parker he never sent a message about Arizona. Miss Parker leaves immediately. Angelo plays with some items Broots found at the dead end. He tries to pick up a bottle, but discovers he cannot do so. Sydney realizes it is because the person Angelo is “empathing” has no thumb. Sydney calls Miss Parker to tell her Lyle is still alive. Miss Parker is skeptical, but Sydney reminds her Lyle faked his own death once before.
Back at the trailer, Jarod regains consciousness. Lyle explains that the Sheriff is helping him because he has kidnapped the Sheriff’s pregnant wife and is holding her hostage in a small chamber buried in the desert. Lyle says his goal is to return Jarod to the Centre, so the Triumvirate will make Lyle the permanent head of the organization. Meanwhile, in town, Miss Parker finds the Sheriff, who denies seeing Jarod or Lyle. Miss Parker exits, but waits outside and follows the Sheriff when he leaves. A helmeted motorcycle rider follows Miss Parker.
At the trailer, Lyle gives Jarod a hypodermic injection and readies a scalpel. The Sheriff returns, and shortly thereafter, Miss Parker arrives. The Sheriff arrests her for trespassing, and drives her back to town. Lyle starts to cut Jarod, but someone hits Lyle from behind. It turns out to be Jarod’s brother, Kyle, who was also thought to be dead. Meanwhile, at the Sim Lab, Sydney receives an envelope of surveillance photos of himself, Miss Parker and Broots. Angelo senses the photos were taken by Kyle. Sydney summons the Centre helicopter for a trip to Arizona.
Kyle tells Jarod that he escaped from the van accident last year before the explosion that supposedly killed him. He has been following Miss Parker and the others for months, hoping they would lead him back to Jarod. Kyle says he has summoned Sydney and the others, and plans to have his revenge soon. But Jarod tells him it is better to save lives than take them…and right now the Sheriff’s wife, with less than an hour of oxygen left, desperately needs saving.
Back in town, Miss Parker escapes from jail by overpowering Deputy Miller when she brings dinner. Miss Parker goes back to the trailer and pistol whips Lyle for leaving the cruel reminder of her mother. But Lyle manages to gain control and grabs Miss Parker’s gun.
Jarod and Kyle find the place where the Sheriff’s wife is buried, just as her oxygen generator runs out of gas. They dig and rescue the frightened woman with only moments to spare. They return her to her husband, then head back to the desert. When they get there, Lyle appears. He holds Miss Parker and aims her gun at Jarod and Kyle. Shortly thereafter, the helicopter appears. Miss Parker manages to break away from Mr. Lyle. Kyle takes aim and shoots Lyle in the shoulder. Lyle returns fire, shooting at Jarod. In an act of self-sacrifice, Kyle jumps in front of the bullet. Sydney keeps the Sweepers at bay as Jarod holds his dying brother. During the confusion, Mr. Lyle disappears. The Sweepers make an attempt at capturing Jarod, but Sheriff Delmont holds them off with a gun, allowing Jarod to escape. Jarod loads Kyle’s body into the helicopter, then flies off to a local hospital, where he donates Kyle’s heart to Deputy Miller’s son.

Season 1
- 1-01 Pilot
- 1-02 Every Picture Tells A Story
- 1-03 Flyer
- 1-04 Curious Jarod
- 1-05 The Paper Clock
- 1-06 To Protect And Serve
- 1-07 A Virus Among Us
- 1-08 Not Even a Mouse
- 1-09 Mirage
- 1-10 Better Part Of Valor
- 1-11 Bomb Squad
- 1-12 Prison Story
- 1-13 Bazooka Jarod
- 1-14 Ranger Jarod
- 1-15 Jaroldo!
- 1-16 Under The Reds
- 1-17 Keys
- 1-18 Unhappy Landings
- 1-19 Jarod’s Honor
- 1-20 Baby Love
- 1-21 Dragon House
- 1-22 Dragon House
Season 2
- 2-01 Back From the Dead Again
- 2-02 Scott Free
- 2-03 Over the Edge
- 2-04 Exposed
- 2-05 Nip and Tuck
- 2-06 Past Sim
- 2-07 Collateral Damage
- 2-08 Hazards
- 2-09 FX
- 2-10 Indy Show
- 2-11 Gigolo Jarod
- 2-12 Toy Surprise
- 2-13 A Stand Up Guy
- 2-14 Unforgotten
- 2-15 Bulletproof
- 2-16 Silence
- 2-17 Crash
- 2-18 Stolen
- 2-19 Red Rock Jarod
- 2-20 Bank
- 2-21 Bloodlines
- 2-22 Bloodlines
Season 3
- 3-01 Crazy
- 3-02 Hope & Prey
- 3-03 Once in a Blue Moon
- 3-04 Someone to Trust
- 3-05 Betrayal
- 3-06 Parole
- 3-07 Homefront
- 3-08 Flesh and Blood
- 3-09 Murder 101
- 3-10 Mr. Lee
- 3-11 The Assassin
- 3-12 Unsinkable
- 3-13 Pool
- 3-14 At The Hour Of Our Death
- 3-15 Countdown
- 3-16 P.T.B.
- 3-17 Ties That Bind
- 3-18 Wake Up
- 3-19 End Game
- 3-20 Qallupilluit
- 3-21 Donoterase
- 3-22 Donoterase
Season 4
- 4-01 The World’s Changing
- 4-02 Survival
- 4-03 Angel’s Flight
- 4-04 Risque Business
- 4-05 Road Trip
- 4-06 Extreme
- 4-07 Wild Child
- 4-08 Rules of Engagement
- 4-09 ‘Til Death Do Us Part
- 4-10 Spin Doctor
- 4-11 Cold Dick
- 4-12 Lifeline
- 4-13 Ghosts From the Past
- 4-14 The Agent of Year Zeroh
- 4-15 Junk
- 4-16 School Daze
- 4-17 Meltdown
- 4-18 Corn Man A Comin’
- 4-19 The Inner Sense
- 4-20 The Inner Sense
Red Rock Jarod Transcript
Jarod recieves an e-mail from Sydney instructing him to go to Arizona, but he arrives and finds Mr. Lyle instead- who has plans to redeem himself by personally returning Jarod to the Centre.
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Flashback to A Stand Up Guy/Dream | ||
Mr Lyle | How strong are you? | |
Miss Parker | Test me. | |
[Electronic Voice] | You have mail. | |
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Jarod | Morning. I’m new in town, and I was supposed to meet a friend. I was wondering if you gentleman had seen him. Look, I don’t mean to interrupt your game but it would be nice if you at least looked at me. | |
Deputy Miller | They can’t hear you. | |
Jarod | Excuse me? | |
Deputy Miller | Those are the Mitchell brothers. They’re deaf as posts. They said “Looks like-“ | |
Jarod | “Looks like it’s gonna be another hot day.” | |
Deputy Miller | You speak sign language. Deputy Miller. | |
Jarod | Jarod- Barber. | |
Deputy Miller | We don’t get many visitors to Dry River, Mr. Barber. What brings you to town? | |
Jarod | Well, actually, I’m here to meet a friend. Maybe you’ve seen him. He’s 50-something, distinguished-looking. | |
Deputy Miller | Distinguished. | |
Jarod | Mm-hmm. | |
Deputy Miller | I’d remember him, wouldn’t I? | |
Jarod | I think I’ve probably taken up enough of your time, Depute. Have a nice day. | |
Deputy Miller | I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you to stick around for a little while longer. | |
Jarod | Excuse me? | |
Deputy Miller | You’re gonna have to come with me, sir. | |
Jarod | And why would I want to do that? | |
Deputy Miller | Because if you don’t, I’m going to have to kill you. | |
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[Opening credits] |
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Miss Parker | So much for anonymous tips about Jarod. | |
Broots | Well, the- the guy said we’d find what we wanted right here. | |
Miss Parker | If we were looking for urban blight and the overwhelming stench of urine he was right on the money. | |
Sydney | Think we’re being led astray? | |
Miss Parker | Thank you, Sherlock. Pink. | |
Broots | Oh. I let Debbie do the laundry. She… kinda got the colors mixed with the whites. And I don’t want to hurt her feelings. | |
Miss Parker | Don’t let her cut the grass. I want our team to sweep the area. I want everything within a 50-foot radius brought back to the Centre. | |
Sam | Miss Parker. There’s something here you should see. | |
Sydney | Parker, are you all right? Your mother’s identification card. And the expiration date has been changed. | |
Parker | It seems Jarod has cultivated dark sense of humor since we last spoke. | |
Broots | Did I miss something? | |
Sydney | The new expiration date- it’s the same day her mother was killed. | |
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Jarod | Everyone who’s arrested has the privilege of making one phone call. | |
Deputy Miller | You’re not under arrest. You’re being detained for questioning. | |
Jarod | About what? | |
Deputy Miller | Sheriff Delmont will explain it all to you when he gets back. | |
Jarod | This is crazy. | |
Deputy Miller | Just go with the flow and nobody’ll get hurt. | |
Boy | Ms. Miller come quick. It’s J.R. | |
Deputy Miller | J.R? What happened? | |
Boy | We were tossing around the football by the church, and he just passed out. | |
Deputy Miller | Go get Dr. Craner. | |
Boy | He’s gone to Tucson for the day. We’ve got J.R. inside the church but he’s out cold. | |
Jarod | I have some medical training. | |
Deputy Miller | This is my son we’re talking about. | |
Jarod | I can help. | |
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Deputy Miller | J.R.? You kids get back. Get back. J.R., honey? Sweetie, can you hear me? J.R.? | |
Jarod | He’s in shock. He’s still breathing. | |
Deputy Miller | Oh, he’s hypoglycemic. | |
Jarod | When was the last time he ate? | |
Deputy Miller | Um, he had, uh, cereal for breakfast, three, four hours ago. | |
Boy | Only water since he was here. | |
Deputy Miller | Wake up! | |
Girl | Is he gonna be okay? | |
Deputy Miller | J.R.? come on, honey. What do you think you’re doing? | |
Jarod | I need to stabilize his blood sugar. I’m gonna stick this in your mouth. I want you to let it dissolve, okay? Good boy. | |
J.R. | Mom? | |
Deputy Miller | Oh! [laughs] it’s okay, honey. It’s okay. Everything’s gonna be okay. | |
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Jarod | How is he feeling? | |
Deputy Miller | Better. | |
Jarod | He has a heart condition. I noticed the bluish tint to his fingertips and his lips. I’d say by the looks of it, it’s congenital. You have a very sick boy. | |
Deputy Miller | Are you a doctor? | |
Jarod | Not at the moment. | |
Deputy Miller | [sighs] | |
Jarod | Why hasn’t he had a heart transplant? | |
Deputy Miller | Because he’s on a waiting list. Because he has AB-negative blood, which is very rare. It only happens in certain families. | |
Jarod | One in 300,000. I know. I have it too. | |
Sherif Delmont | This is the guy? | |
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Sydney | I may have found Jarod. I received this e-mail from him today. Hmm. | |
Miss Parker | And you say you didn’t send this refuge message to Jarod? | |
Sydney | If I had, would I be showing it to you? | |
Broots | That’s a good point. | |
Miss Parker | What is this Dry River place anyway? | |
Sydney | According to the computer, there’s a Dry River in southwest Arizona. | |
Miss Parker | [Auto-dialing] This is Parker. Have the jet prepared. Well, get it out of the hanger. Forget it! Just book me a seat on the next commercial flight to–[snapping fingers] | |
Sydney | Phoenix. | |
Miss Parker | Phoenix. And I’ll pick up the ticket at the gate. | |
Broots | Uh, well, you’re going alone? | |
Miss Parker | I’m a big girl, Broots. Have this stuff analyzed by Cousin It. | |
Sydney | Angelo? | |
Miss Parker | I don’t like dead ends, Sydney. Especially when they concern my mother. | |
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Sheriff Delmont | Hold this. | |
Deputy Miller | Then he helped J.R. back to the squad car and we brought him back here. | |
Sheriff Delmont | A touching story. | |
Deputy Miller | Sheriff, he had every opportunity to escape. But he didn’t even think about running. | |
Sheriff Delmont | What’s your point? | |
Deputy Miller | He helped save my son. Surely, there’s another way we can handle this. | |
Sheriff Delmont | There’s not. You did a decent thing for the boy, and I’m grateful. But if you give me one second of trouble I’m gonna shoot you dead. You understand me? | |
Jarod | Completely. | |
Sheriff Delmont | All right, let’s go. | |
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Jarod | It’s a lucky thing I showed up here today. Your deputy has a pretty sick boy on her hands. He could’ve died. It must be difficult watching someone you love suffer like that. What about you, Sheriff? Do you have any family? | |
Sheriff Delmont | I think it’s gonna be a whole lot easier if you and I don’t get to know each other. Get out. Let’s go. Go straight. Move! Go right over there. Stay there. Let’s go. Go on. | |
Jarod | Somebody cut themselves? | |
Sheriff Delmont | Sit down over there. | |
Jarod | Look, it’s pretty obvious by the way I’ve been treat that something terrible has happened. Why don’t you tell me what it is? | |
Sheriff Delmont | I can’t. | |
Jarod | Why not? | |
Lyle | Because I won’t let him. | |
Jarod | Lyle. | |
Lyle | Gone but not forgotten. And… so it begins. | |
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Broots | This is all the stuff brought in from the dead-end street. Y-You think he’ll be able to help? | |
Sydney | Empaths possess such finely tuned instincts, Broots they can’t be hurried or discouraged. | |
Broots | Or grossed out apparently. | |
Sydney | I think Jarod believes the initial refuge signal to be authentic. Add to that the, uh, phony tip on his recent whereabouts and it becomes clear that someone has lured him to Arizona. | |
Broots | Jarod could be in serious trouble. | |
Sydney | I believe he is. The question is from whom? | |
Broots | Angelo, could you give it a rest already? | |
Sydney | Wait. He can’t pick it up. | |
Broots | Hmm. Why? | |
Sydney | The person Angelo is empathing doesn’t have a thumb. | |
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Jarod | How long have I been out? | |
Lyle | A couple of hours. Ooh, that’ll be a good one. | |
Jarod | You sent the message. | |
Lyle | You really are a genius. | |
Jarod | How did you find out about refuge? | |
Lyle | You forget. Before I found myself thumbless in the desert I was head rat at the cheese factory. You may have taken off with the D.S.A.’s but I had access to surveillance videos of every conversation you and Sydney ever had. I wish you could’ve seen your face when you first saw me. [laughs] It was priceless! | |
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Jarod | Your thumb looks pretty bad. If you don’t take care of it, you could lose the whole hand. | |
Lyle | It’ll be fine. | |
Jarod | You seem to have captured loyal support from the locals. | |
Lyle | Sheriff Delmont? Afraid his involvement has less to do with loyalty then I does survival. | |
Jarod | I don’t follow. | |
Lyle | My first acquisition after arriving in this little oasis was securing some leverage in the form of Mrs. Delmont. | |
Jarod | You kidnapped his wife. | |
Lyle | And buried her in the desert. She’s currently being fed oxygen supplied by a five-horsepower gas generator which with an adapted fuel capacity of 15 gallons should run for about- | |
Jarod | Sixteen hours. | |
Lyle | Sixteen- Give or take a few minutes. As I check my watch, she should have life support remaining in the area of seven hours and 20 minutes. Oh! You’ll appreciate this. She’s pregnant. Guess about… six months. So, you see, our good sheriff is in no position to be anything but cooperative. | |
Jarod | You’re insane. | |
Lyle | Psychological diagnosis can be really subjective. | |
Jarod | What do you want? | |
Lyle | Isn’t it obvious? I want everything. | |
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[Woman on P.A] | If you are returning a vehicle please park your car in the blue zone. | |
Miss Parker | What? | |
Sydney | Lyle is alive. | |
Miss Parker | What did you say? | |
Sydney | Angelo had a severe reaction to one of the objects brought in from the dead-end street. I am certain Lyle is behind all of this. | |
Miss Parker | We’ve been over this, Sydney. Lyle is dead. I shot him point-blank in the chest. | |
Sydney | Think about it. | |
Miss Parker | Sydney, y-you were there. Do you remember when they pulled his body from the river? | |
Sydney | It was never positively identified, Parker. Lyle faked his death as a teenager. He just did it again. Parker? Parker? | |
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Jarod | Look, you got what you wanted. Let the woman go. | |
Lyle | Not until I finalize negotiations. | |
Jarod | Negotiations? | |
Lyle | The Triumvirate is preparing to meet to choose my permanent replacement. I intend to make that vote unnecessary. | |
Jarod | Now, where’s a clip-on tie when you need one? You really think that the Centre’s gonna let you just walk right in there like nothing’s happened? | |
Lyle | I bring back their golden boy, and it’s business as usual. First there’ll have to be changes made, obstacles removed. | |
Jarod | Like Sydney and Miss Parker? | |
Lyle | Among others. | |
Jarod | How long do you think it’s going to be before someone decides to remove you? | |
Lyle | Nothing’s forever. However, there is a way that we can assure our powerbase. | |
Jarod | We? | |
Lyle | With your brains and my leaderships skills there isn’t anything we couldn’t accomplish. I could be your friend, Jarod. | |
Jarod | Like you were my friend when you tried to stop my heart? | |
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Jarod | Why did you try to kill me? | |
Sheriff Delmont | Hey. I just got a call from my deputy. She says there’s a tall, dark brunette woman asking questions about someone named Jarod and a man with a missing thumb. | |
Lyle | Parker. And this was going so well. | |
Jarod | Nothing’s forever. | |
Lyle | If you ever want to see that wife of yours again, get rid of her. Now. | |
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Miss Parker | I believe there are two very dangerous men here in Dry River. | |
Sheriff Delmont | You a cop? | |
Miss Parker | I work for a private corporation. And we’ve been tracking these men for some time. Have you seen them? | |
Sheriff Delmont | Those people dead? | |
Miss Parker | Murdered, execution style. | |
Sheriff Delmont | And that one? | |
Miss Parker | Jarod. He has a history of mental illness. I’ve been instructed by his family to bring him home. | |
Sheriff Delmont | I haven’t seen him. | |
Miss Parker | Sheriff, my information is certain. | |
Sheriff Delmont | Dry River’s a small town, ma’am. I’m sorry, but I can’t help you. | |
J.R. | Is everything all right? | |
Deputy Miller | Oh, everything’s fine, J.R. | |
J.R. | Hello. | |
Miss Parker | Hello. | |
Sheriff Delmont | How you doing, buddy? | |
J.R. | A little tired. | |
Deputy Miller | That’s why you need to rest. Come on I’ll make you something to eat. | |
Miss Parker | Nice kid. What’s the matter with him anyway? | |
Sheriff Delmont | He’s dying. | |
Deputy Miller | We have to call somebody. | |
Sheriff Delmont | Who? | |
Deputy Miller | The F.B.I, the state police- | |
Sheriff Delmont | And accomplish what? Have you seen this picture? The man is a cold-blooded killer. He’s got my wife buried in the desert. | |
Deputy Miller | But we can’t just stand- | |
Sheriff Delmont | If this psycho even thinks that I’m crossing him, Linda and the baby are dead. | |
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Jarod | This really doesn’t surprise me. | |
Lyle | What’s that? | |
Jarod | This “rising from the dead” game you keep playing. You pulled the same scam in high school. Only back then, you got really creative. You murdered your best friend. Then you set your own father up to take the fall. | |
Lyle | What do you know about my father? | |
Jarod | I know that he’s rotting in a jail cell serving a life sentence for a crime you committed. | |
Lyle | He got what he deserved. | |
Jarod | What about your mom? Did she deserved what she got? Did I tell you I went to visit her? Very nice lady. Only she seems a touched confused. Seems she was, uh, trying to feed a couple of dogs that didn’t really exist. | |
Lyle | You should not have gone there. | |
Jarod | She kept your bedroom just the way you left it. It’s all very cozy. | |
Lyle | One more word and you die. | |
Jarod | You kill me and you have nothing to bargain with. [Coughs] | |
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Lyle | Which brings us to step two of the process. | |
Jarod | Look, I hate to throw a wrench in your plans but it’s against the law to impersonate a doctor. | |
Lyle | [Laughs] Now that’s funny. You see, I’m going to need something more substantial than photographs to demonstrate my resolve to the Triumvirate. An offering, if you will. | |
Jarod | An offering? | |
Lyle | You should consider yourself fortunate. You’ll be asleep when I cut off your thumb. | |
Jarod | No. | |
Lyle | Miss Parker? | |
Sheriff Delmont | She’s gone. She showed me a picture of you with a bunch of murdered people. | |
Lyle | Causalities of war. Is there something else? | |
Sheriff Delmont | I want my wife back! You said when you had what you wanted, you’d let her go. | |
Lyle | You ever seen a human being suffocate? It’s not an easy way to die. Now, your family has slightly less than three hours of life remaining. Unless, of course, you want to arrest me. It’s Parker. | |
Sheriff Delmont | She followed me. | |
Lyle | Get rid of her. Now. | |
Sheriff Delmont | This is private prop-Whoa! | |
Miss Parker | [exhales] Sheriff. I know they’re here. | |
Sheriff Delmont | Like I said, Miss Parker, I don’t know what you’re talking about. | |
Miss Parker | Then how did you know my name? I never mentioned it. I don’t know what he’s holding over your head, Sheriff but trust me, it will not end well for anyone. I can help you if you just let me. | |
Sheriff Delmont | I wish I could do that. You’re under arrest for trespassing. Hand over the weapon. | |
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Jarod | Please don’t do this. | |
Lyle | Don’t fight the medication. There’s nothing you can do to stop it now. | |
Jarod | Please. No. | |
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Flashback to Dragon House | ||
Kyle | Raines said you were dead. | |
Jarod | Not hardly. | |
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Jarod | They said… you were dead. | |
Kyle | Not hardly, big brother. | |
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Broots | Sydney, this was just delivered for you. | |
Sydney | Who’s it from? | |
Broots | Receiving. What is it? | |
Sydney | Jesus. | |
Broots | Who could’ve taken these? | |
Angelo | I decide who lives or dies. I decide who lives or dies. I decide who lives or dies. I decide who lives or dies. I decide who lives or dies. I decide who lives or dies. | |
Sydney | Kyle. | |
Angelo | I decide who lives or dies. | |
Broots | Jarod’s brother’s alive too? | |
Angelo | I decide who lives or dies. | |
Broots | Man, this is turning into Night of the Living Dead. | |
Sydney | Hi, this is Sydney. I need seats on the next flight out to Arizona. And get the, uh, Centre helicopter ready to for immediate takeoff in Phoenix. | |
Angelo | I decide who lives or dies! I decide who lives or dies. | |
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Kyle | I thought you’d never wake up. | |
Jarod | Kyle? I thought you were dead. | |
Kyle | Yeah, that was the idea. | |
Jarod | [groans] I saw you in the van. I- I saw it explode. | |
Flashback to Dragon House | ||
Jarod | No! | |
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Kyle | You saw the van explode, but I wasn’t inside it. When you escaped, I was able to crawl out and fire a shot into the fuel tank. My leg was injured, so I made my way up to the highway and caught a ride out. | |
Jarod | How did you find me? | |
Kyle | I’ve been following Parker and the others for months hoping they’d lead me back to you. | |
Jarod | My thumb and rest of me is so glad you did. | |
Kyle | Jarod, have you learned anything else about our parents? | |
Jarod | Um-Sydney gave me this. His brother gave it to him before he died. | |
Kyle | Our father’s name? | |
Jarod | I don’t know. I can’t believe-Where have you been? | |
Kyle | In the shadows, waiting, watching. Now that we’re together again, I can finish this. | |
Jarod | Finish what? | |
Kyle | I sent a package of photographs that’ll bring the others here soon. It’s almost over, brother. We’ll start with Lyle. | |
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Jarod | Kyle, what happened to him? | |
Kyle | He tripped and hit his head. | |
Jarod | We’ve less than an hour. | |
Kyle | What are you talking about? | |
Jarod | Lyle kidnapped a woman and buried her alive somewhere out in the desert. We have less than an hour before her air supply runs out. | |
Kyle | Jarod, we can’t leave now. This is our chance to end this once and for all. And we’ll start with him. | |
Jarod | Did you hear what I said? There is a woman and her unborn baby buried alive somewhere out in the desert. And if we work together we can save their lives. | |
Kyle | Lyle and the others deserve to die. | |
Jarod | And if they do, what chance do we ever have of finding our parents? Look, I know you’re angry but there’s more important things in life than vengeance. Let me show you how good it feels to save a life instead of trying to destroy one. Kyle. | |
Kyle | We’ll need to know where he buried her, right? Relax, brother. This is what I do. | |
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Deputy Miller | I hope you like meat loaf. | |
Miss Parker | I live for it. The sheriff said your son is sick. | |
Deputy Miller | He has a heart condition, yeah. | |
Miss Parker | I’m sorry. He seemed like a really nice young man. | |
Deputy Miller | Yes, he is. | |
Miss Parker | You have to let me out. | |
Deputy Miller | I told you I can’t do that. | |
Miss Parker | You know, my mother died when I was almost your son’s age. And I know how hard it is to lose someone that you care about. That’s why I promise you that the sheriff and anyone else Lyle has involved in this mess will die unless I walk out of here. | |
Deputy Miller | You don’t understand. | |
Miss Parker | I understand perfectly, Deputy. I think you need to get out there and take another good look at those pictures because that is exactly what will happen unless I prevent it. | |
Deputy Miller | You don’t know what he- | |
Miss Parker | What? What? | |
Deputy Miller | He’s gotten the sheriff’s wide buried alive out in the desert. | |
Miss Parker | Then we don’t have much time, do we? | |
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Jarod | We must be close to the place. | |
Kyle | Kill the motors. | |
Jarod | There’s a generator. It’s coming from just over that rise. Come on. | |
Kyle | Down there. There it is. | |
Jarod | It’s out of fuel. Hurry. Find the feeding tube. | |
Kyle | Got it. | |
Jarod | Dig. It’s sealed tight. | |
Kyle | Watch it. | |
Jarod | Hurry. There can’t be much air left in there. | |
Kyle | Easy. | |
Jarod | Okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. | |
Kyle | Okay. Okay. | |
Linda Delmont | Oh, God! Thank you. [sobbing] | |
Kyle | It’s okay. Y-You’re safe now. You’re safe now. | |
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Miss Parker | Going somewhere, slick? | |
Lyle | Miss Parker, how nice to see you again? | |
Miss Parker | I wish I could say the same. What happened to you? | |
Lyle | Jarod’s little brother wanted some information. | |
Miss Parker | Kyle is here? | |
Lyle | We negotiated. I lost. | |
Miss Parker | Doesn’t anybody ever really die anymore? You left that envelope on that sign. | |
Lyle | What gave me away? | |
Miss Parker | Jarod’s a pain in the ass, but he’s not heartless. That’s for my mother, and this is for me. You- [groans] | |
Lyle | God, you’re beautiful when you’re angry. | |
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Deputy Miller | Oh! [laughs] | |
Sheriff Delmont | Oh, my God! | |
Linda Delmont | Oh, God! | |
Sheriff Delmont | Oh! Oh, my God! Are you all right? I was so scared. Where is he? | |
Jarod | We left him chained up at the compound. | |
Sheriff Delmont | I’m gonna sit you down, okay? You’re gonna be all right now, okay? | |
Deputy Miller | What are you gonna do? | |
Sheriff Delmont | What do you think? | |
Jarod | Sheriff, wait. Let us handle it. | |
Sheriff Delmont | The man almost killed my family. | |
Jarod | Which is exactly why you need to get your wife and baby to a hospital and make sure they’re okay. No. | |
Sheriff Delmont | Now, you boys be careful. | |
Kyle | Don’t worry, Sheriff. I’m no hero. | |
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[Sydney on Radio] | The sheriff said the foundry is on the edge of town. | |
Jarod | He’s not in the trailer. | |
Kyle | And not anywhere in the building. | |
Jarod | [sighs] He’s gone. Which means he’s out there. Somewhere. Let’s head back to the hospital. I want to see how the sheriff’s wife is doing. | |
Kyle | You were right, you know? | |
Jarod | About what? | |
Kyle | About how it feels to help someone. When that woman grabbed me after I saved her life and thanked me- [exhales] It was like nothing I had ever felt before. I’ve been angry for so long, so full of rage and revenge, I’d forgotten what it was like to care about someone. | |
Jarod | That’s all going to change now that we’re together. I promise. Come on. Let’s go. | |
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Lyle | Oh, this is beautiful! It’s just one big, happy family, isn’t it? | |
Jarod | It’s the end of the line, Lyle. There’s no place left for you to run. | |
Lyle | I’m disappointed in you, Jarod. You know me better than that. if there’s one thing I don’t do easy, it’s die. Drop the cannon, kid. | |
Miss Parker | Shoot him, you moron! | |
Lyle | Shut up! | |
Kyle | Stay back, or I put a very large hole in big brother. | |
Jarod | Kyle. | |
Kyle | Threats and pain that’s all you’ve ever offered us. You stole our lives, and you killed our spirit. Now you think you can threaten us with death. It doesn’t matter, Lyle, because we never made a difference anyway. | |
Lyle | I’ll kill him. I swear I will. | |
Kyle | And then I’ll kill you. | |
Jarod | Don’t do this, Kyle. | |
Kyle | By the way, Lyle… how’s that knife wound? [groans] |
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Jarod | You stay with me, little brother. I’m gonna get you to a hospital. | |
Kyle | It’s too late, Jarod. | |
Jarod | Don’t you say that. Look at me. Come on. Just- just think about all the good times we’re gonna have together. | |
Kyle | I’m sorry, Jarod. | |
Jarod | For what? | |
Kyle | For everything. | |
Jarod | No. | |
Miss Parker | It’s time to come home now, Jarod. | |
Jarod | Where’s Lyle? | |
Miss Parker | We’ll find him. | |
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Sheriff Delmont | All right, nobody move! Mister, I- I don’t know who you are but I figured I owe you at least one “get out of jail free†card. | |
Miss Parker | There are two of us, Sheriff. What’s to say we won’t shoot you right now? | |
Sheriff Delmont | Well, mostly because this is a 10-guage pump action shotgun that will pretty much cut anything in half that it’s aimed at. And right now, it’s aimed at you, lady. | |
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Broots | Jarod- I’m sorry. | |
Sydney | Where will you be taking him? | |
Jarod | Someplace where he can make a difference. | |
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[Woman over PA] | Trauma team to I.C.U. on Six West. Trauma team to I.C.U. on Six West. | |
Deputy Miller | How is he, Doctor? How’s my son? | |
Doctor | Just fine. The new heart is functioning on its own. And barring complications, you boy should live a long and happy life. | |
Deputy Miller | Oh, thank you. | |
Doctor | It was a stroke of luck we were able to find a donor to match your son’s blood type. Whoever that donor was, he’s a godsend. | |
Sheriff Delmont | I don’t know about that, Doc, but he was a hero. | |
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Jarod | Good for you, little brother. Good for you. | |
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