Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Tragedy
Warnings: Warning: Character Death
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 198
Read Count: 3673
Author: I write a little bit of everything really. Some angst, some comedy, some neither. Basically what I'm in the mood for. I haven't written all that much lately, but I do have a couple of stories planned...
Beta: I also do a bit of beta work and find it thoroughly enjoyable. So if you need a beta, just give me a poke and I'll see what I can do. (Strong points: characterization, plotting, rewording etc. Weaker points: grammar and other rule bound things. )
Reviewer: I try to review everything I read, because I really do believe communication is what makes this fandom not just shrivel up and die. Feedback is especially important in a fandom as small as ours. Not only is it important to encourage the authors, and one review really makes a lot of difference. As an extra boost for all you budding reviewers here, since it is such a small fandom you have a real chance of influencing the future plot of the story by making suggestions of what you'd like see happen (or if it's an already completed story: The writer's next story).
But it is a two way street. Like a reader has a responsibility to write a review, the author has a responsibility to reply.) If you don't, how is the reviewer supposed to know someone appreciate it, or even read it?
Reader: I will read (and enjoy) pretty much everything. From angst to comedy to all that is in between. I don't care who (or what, this is the Pretender after all...) you ship, if you're a fan of happy endings or not. If it's Pretender, I would probably love to read it, if I haven't already.
And no, I'm never brief .
An empty lair sends the gang into unfamiliar territory. The hunters turn game, while Jarod fights for what he thought he'd always have; His mind.