Pretender Dictionary - K

For Centre Use Only

Pretender Dictionary - K

The Pretender dictionary for all things Pretender

It says so right here in the book. Hilighted in yellow.


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The Pretender dictionary for all things Pretender

It says so right here in the book. Hilighted in yellow.


Use the letter links to navigate through the dictionary.

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Karen Sweet The ‘other woman’ Alden Clark was supposed to be running off with. Murder 101
Kaley Issac Daughter of the bank manager, taken hostage. Bank
Ken Doll Reference to Mr Lyle. Crazy
Kenny An intellectually challenge cleaner Jarod befriended at the Centre. Kenny was shot by Damon to teach Jarod a lesson in the consequences of refusing the Centre. Jarod escaped three weeks after this and it is believed that this was the precipitating factor in the final decision Jarod made to leave. Betrayal
Kevin Kid who introduces Jarod to the Magic 8 Ball. Past Sim
Kevin Bailey Young boy crippled by an aclcoholic surgeon during surgery after an accident. Pilot
Kim Peace Bounty hunter after Mike Bodie who ends up helping Jarod. Hope And Prey
Kimberly Green Model who was being stalked and supposedly died. She went into hiding and then came out to help Jarod catch the stalker. Exposed
Kitty Morgan Wife of Peter Morgan. Abused by her husband, she finally overcomes her fear and helps Jarod exposed Peter for the murder of a showgirl. Curious Jarod
Kreskin Reference to Jarod in Once In A Blue Moon Kreskin is the world’s foremost mentalist
Kristi Kincade Wife of Harold, she seduces Jarod and then sets him up for her husband’s murder. Someone To Trust
Kyle Jarod’s brother, believed killed in an explosion (The Dragon House) only to be actually killed by Mr Lyle (Red Rock Jarod). Kyle was also a pretender, a created psychopath under the care of Raines.
For Centre Use Only