Pretender Dictionary - I

For Centre Use Only

Pretender Dictionary - I

The Pretender dictionary for all things Pretender

It says so right here in the book. Hilighted in yellow.


Use the letter links to navigate through the dictionary.

Use the contact form if you have any additions or edits to suggest

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The Pretender dictionary for all things Pretender

It says so right here in the book. Hilighted in yellow.


Use the letter links to navigate through the dictionary.

Use the contact form if you have any additions or edits to suggest

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Ian Tottenham   Director on the Beer Blaster commercial shoot. FX
Igor   Character in ‘Son of Frankenstein’ and the name of the monster Jarod placed in Miss Parker’s bed, holding the key to some secrets to the
past about a boy called Timmy. FX
Inception Room   Room on SL 27 where both Miss Parker and Mr Lyle were born. Bloodlines
Interstate Road 40   Iversonville, North Carolina. Place where the exchange for Mr Parker and Major Charles took place. Donoterase
Isabella   Beautiful woman Jarod was ‘escorting’. Gigolo Jarod
Ivy   Drinks waitress at the Marquis Casino where the showgirl had been murdered by the Chief of Security. Curious Jarod
For Centre Use Only