July 25 Interview

July 25 Interview

July 25 Interview CVS and SLM answer our questions in another interview. Discussions on this interview can be found here, you are welcome to join in! Question: Will the actors from the original series return? Steven Long Mitchell: We couldn’t imagine The Pretender...


Daphne Sneak a look at various speed dials around The Centre offices and you’ll find her listed as Go-to Daph. Vanillarella. Naïve Nancy. Pushover. Nerdette. The Good Girl. But looks can be deceiving. Those Wicked Wendy Cat Eye Glasses of hers are but an illusion. Day...
The PretenderLives Website

The PretenderLives Website

The PretenderLives Website New website by the creators, Steven Long Mitchell and Craig Van Sickle, currently under construction can be found here. Everyone should check it out and throw our support behind it. We will also be posting all the news and developments here...


Dara The sickly five-year-old girl is named Dara, in the official database she’s known as #003478, but in the working corridors of The Centre people refer to her as the tricycle girl. With her straight black hair and hollow eyes the crueler observers comment that she...
Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Mission Statement The mission statement released by SLM and CVS Our Pretender Mission Statement In the tale of The Pretender, Young Jarod was taken against his will and held away from the world by forces larger then he was. Yet during his captivity he never gave up...