Characters: Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing, Romance, Vignette
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 2541
Read Count: 2150
I had seen various episodes over the years. Recently got all four seasons and have been greatly enjoying watching them. Imagine my surprise when halfway through S4 I wake up one day to find a muse has taken up residence in my brain. So far its mostly Jarod and Miss P, but they are steaming up the place so much my glasses are fogging over!
Until this I have never ever written any fic or stories of any kind. I am astonished by this turn of events, and having possibly a little too much fun :)
Hope you enjoy my offererings, my muse appreciates any and all feedback!
"There should be a UN resolution or something" Fucking Brilliant!
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedLoving your work, this is brilliant :)
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedThis made me laugh out loud! Love it :)
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedLOL this is cute and clever :)
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedThis was good, enjoyed it.
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedI really enjoyed the X series, cute
Reviewer: BlueRose Signedexcellent internal voice, love it
Reviewer: BlueRose Signed:) I liked this, your descriptions are excellent.
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedLet it snow! This is FABULOUS! Really enjoyed it :) Totally bang on snark.
Reviewer: BlueRose Signedenjoyed this ,nicely written and interesting plot twists
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedHoly shit, I spend an hour reading this story! riveting, what the hell happens next?
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedIn 2002, the corporation known as the Centre was infiltrated by various law enforcement agencies that acted in a synchronized global effort to eradicate the organization. And then one day, Jarod's huntress ran away.
I liked it, would be interested in more if you ever write it
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedA bit angsty and drawn out in some of the earlier chapters but once the story got going it improved a great deal. Enjoyed this.
*Nods* Mhm, angst indeed, and that's precisely why it's (appropriately) labeled as such. *winks* Admittedly, I'm not persnickety about fanfic; I only skim for typos, etc. (things that are not a matter of opinion, unlike "drawn out", which happens often in fanfic) and then I toss the fic into a wok and stir until al dente, haha. It's fantastic that you enjoyed it.
In response to your earlier review: I've had some requests for a sequel; however, the story told itself and ended.
Ive just spent the last 2 hourse reading this from the beginning - riveting story! looking forward to the rest of it :)
Thanks for the review BlueRose and I am pleased you liked it thus far. Just saw you posted a bunch of your own I'll have to pop over and have a read myself. thanks again.
Reviewer: BlueRose SignedTwelve years after Carthis, the death of a dear friend reunites predator and prey. *If adultery bothers you, click elsewhere or prepare to be bothered.
I read this a few days ago but wanted to think about it before I commented.
Reading this story I feel angry and bitter and unhappy, and if that was your goal with your writing then congrats because it really worked a treat.
The problem I have is that because this story is so dark its difficult to read, and I won't be reading any more. For two reasons, first that its just not fun to read that much pain for me, second, I cannot see any positive way out for the characters. Due to the depths of pain and anger and the timeframes, you cannot write a HEA that would come across as believable.
Its a brave piece of writing and an interesting place to go, but not my kinda place, so I hope you appreciate the comment is meant both honestly and kindly.
Thanks, BR. It's impossible to predict the reactions of readers; I assure you, it wasn't my "goal" to upset/target you specifically- I simply relay Lady Muse's ideas. HEA (happily ever after, I presume) is a fantastical, childish concept. I couldn't write one period; however, I could sprinkle P & J and Astra with a realistic amount of happiness but that doesn't mean I will. The title is "Circles of Hell" after all.
Certain plots, pairings, etc. are unpopular, distasteful, etc., and as with every fic, the possibility exists that I will alienate readers when I cave to the muse's more unorthodox ideas; I'd much (much, much) rather lose a reader (all of them) than defy the muse.
I regret any discomfort the fic caused you but I'm positively thrilled that I wrote something that evoked feelings- even if they are negative. Lady Muse is extremely pleased.