New Look tPc

New Look tPc

Welcome to the new look PretenderCentre! Because the site is so large, have decided to update it from the old one to the new one in stages. So many areas will still be undeveloped and or empty for the moment. Am working hard on transporting all the content from the...
Gallery Back Online

Gallery Back Online

Very pleased to announce that the PretenderGallery is back online with a completely new look and organisation of art. We hope you enjoy! If you have any art you would like to see archived here, please let us know by contacting the pretendercentre here Pretender...


During Septemeber, the tPc will be offline for a little while for some long overdue maintenance and a tune up. When it returns, it will be in stages, with Missing Pieces as the top priority and the rest of the site will follow behind (hopefully not too far behind.) It...
The Vault

The Vault

Starting this week, we will be sharing with all new and old fans of the Pretender, our fondest memories of each TV episode (for those who are just arriving, the Pretender ran on NBC and later on TNT, from 1996 to 2001 and we had the time of our lives) and we will...
Media Wars

Media Wars

Who’s team will you be playing for? Good or evil? Jarod or the Centre?  Pick your side, follow Jarod or characters from the Centre, and voice your opinions on each article based on each team you’re playing for. If you are a Pretender fan and you end any...