In 1996 a television series known as The Pretender splashed onto the scene as NBC’s highest testing series concept since Bonanza. For some 12 years since its premature cancellation, legions of worldwide fans have patiently awaited for its return.
Now, in the form of a fully original, mystery thriller novel, The Pretender - Rebirth marks the exciting return of Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney and the nefarious, clandestine activities of The Centre.
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In 1996 a television series known as The Pretender splashed onto the scene as NBC’s highest testing series concept since Bonanza. For some 12 years since its premature cancellation, legions of worldwide fans have patiently awaited for its return.
Now, in the form of a fully original, mystery thriller novel, The Pretender - Rebirth marks the exciting return of Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney and the nefarious, clandestine activities of The Centre.
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Categories: Season 1
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure,
DramaWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Table of Contents
Word count: 2947
Read Count: 10501