Penname: missparker87 [Contact]

Real name: Rossella

Member Since: 21/10/12

Membership status: Member


This is Miss Roxy.

My real name is Rossella and I live in Italy. I'm 35 years old. I’m a wife and the proud mother of Andie and Ricky.

My former nickname was missparker87. I've loved The Pretender since I was 11 years old and since IOTH I've been really upset by its premature end.

Miss Parker and Jarod will always be my first OTP, that is why I write about them all the time.

You can find my tumblr blog at Isle of Carthis (all The Pretender related).

Here are my two youtube channels: yourunichase and isleofcarthis.

If you want to follow me on twitter I'm @beerok23.

Beta-reader: No
Affiliation: Pretender

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Stories by missparker87

Thomas Gates and Jarod’s friendship hidden story. Everything you ever wanted to know.
How did Thomas find out about Miss Parker? How did he manage to win her heart? And how did Jarod help Tommy to make her fall in love with him? UPDATED IN 2023 FOR LANGUAGE CORRECTION

Categories: Season 3
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker, Thomas
Classifications: Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: Warning: Character Death

Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Word count: 10284
Read Count: 9422
[Report This] Published: 15/04/13 Updated: 10/03/23

Mind Rain by missparker87
Rated: PG starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 19]

UPDATED in 2023 for language correction and chapters distribution. Jarod asks Miss Parker to meet to finally get things straight between them. When they confess their love, they realize time has also come to destroy The Centre. It's the beginning of a journey that lead them to discover pieces of lost memories in a spiral mind rainSet after IOTH. Recommended for: MPJ Shippers - People fond of flashbacks. This is a story that begins where we left Miss Parker and Jarod. It's about memories and past, but also present, and future. I hope you enjoy it!

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: MP/J - Catherine

Series: None
Chapters: 27 Table of Contents
Word count: 122590
Read Count: 628141
[Report This] Published: 30/10/12 Updated: 24/01/23


Jarod summons Miss Parker and Sydney to Debbie’s school Christmas show.

Categories: Christmas Challenge, Post IOTH
Characters: Broots, Debbie, Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Comedy, Romance
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 999
Read Count: 3219
[Report This] Published: 12/12/13 Updated: 12/12/13

Pistachios by missparker87
Rated: PG starstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 5]

Everything you ever wanted to know about Jarod's allergy to pistachios. When he found out and how. And why Miss Parker is aware of it.

Categories: Season 4
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 3521
Read Count: 2486
[Report This] Published: 07/08/13 Updated: 07/08/13

The Eighth by missparker87
Rated: PG starstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 63]

Ten years after Carthis, MP & J live in hiding with their family. The Centre still exists, but Lyle is no longer threatening their freedom. But one day a silent enemy coming from their past suddenly appears. Parker and Jarod are forced to remember what happened ten years before, when everything changed…
Last update: January '23 - Chapter 34

Categories: Post IOTH
Characters: All the characters
Classifications: Genres: Drama, Romance, Suspence/Mystery
Warnings: Warning: Character Death

Series: None
Chapters: 34 Table of Contents
Word count: 69295
Read Count: 173741
[Report This] Published: 29/01/14 Updated: 28/01/23