If These Walls Could Talk

Oct 14, 2013News, The Pretender Lives

If These Walls Could Talk

Imagine what secrets would be revealed.

This week the Centre Insiders will start finding out.

All CI’s will begin receiving emails with EXCLUSIVE, INSIDE INFORMATION and SECRETS that NO ONE ELSE WILL BE ABLE TO SEE.

These mysteries and riddles will lead to even more Insider information located in the Centre Universe section of www.thepretenderlives.com

In the future CI’s will be sent regular releases of information that will become the skeleton keys needed to answer some long sought questions about the past, the electronic passwords to allow insights into the present and the retinal scanners that will give glimpses into the future of all things Pretender.

It’s free to be a Centre Insider but the value you’ll get from what you learn about the enigmas of the Centre is priceless.

If you are receiving this you are already an insider – all you have to do is login.

If you know someone who you think would also like to learn these secrets forward this to them so they to can become a CI.

All they have to do is go to:


Oh, and tell them to sign up today – because the secrets begin tomorrow….