Who is the woman at the train station?

Who is the woman at the train station?

Who is the woman at the train station? A bullet whizzed by Jarod’s ear shattering the front leg of the stallion. Horse and rider cartwheeled, coming to rest with the broken stallion atop her leg. Jarod pulled up. She struggled, to no avail. She knew she was trapped...
Any idea how this got out?

Any idea how this got out?

To: Steve Mitchell From: Craig Van Sickle Re: The Saving Luke Poster   Any idea how this got out?   To: Craig Van Sickle From: Steve Mitchell Re: The Saving Luke Poster   No! And hopefully this is just a one shot. If we start seeing this in other spots...
Dara is back…

Dara is back…

Dara is back… And in Saving Luke she sees things that will blow your mind… Are you ready? for more information visit www.thepretenderlives.com ← Prev Next →...
Saving Luke Cover Poll

Saving Luke Cover Poll

Saving Luke Cover Poll It’s that time again… With the release of Saving Luke fast approaching, we are in need of some input from you, the fans, to decide how the cover is going to look! There are five cover design choices for you to pick from. Please head...
Face Lift? It wasn’t a Face Lift?

Face Lift? It wasn’t a Face Lift?

Face Lift? It wasn’t a Face Lift?   Face Lift? It wasn’t a Face Lift? It was just a little Nip Tuck. ThePretenderLives.com is up and running again. Check out the ‘work’ and let us know what you think…   for more information...
Want to be in the next Pretender novel?

Want to be in the next Pretender novel?

Want to be in the next Pretender novel? ReLike to be included in the next Pretender novel? We’re looking for a few fans to read SAVING LUKE before anyone else and write a review that will be published IN THE NOVEL. We’ve tasked @thepretenderdaughter to choose a...