when one is staring them right in the face."
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1611
Read Count: 11369
just love to read pretender ff...
(usually don't write them myself though )
MissP is my absolute fav!!! LOVE everything about her. And a story without or not about her just isn't any fun for me.hehe.
story interests include J&MP romance,especially series in which there're twists and turns and eventually they get together.
But am even more a fan of Thomas&MP. Would love to see more stories about them!!!
Oh an regarding my "darker side" ;-) I do find Lyle-staring-lasciviously-at-sister-dearest stories VERY ...let's say "intriguing". *g* The way he looked ather in Risque Business after she nearly strangled him while feeding him pistachioes just says eeeverything.
Oh my God!...*loooong sigh* I feel as tormented as Jarod right now. *chuckle* Why didn't they ever GET together?!!?
Like I thought: you didn't dissappoint me at all in this other story of yours. Wow! How you described J's feelings for and thoughts about MissP was just right to the point!Great job! Especially LOVED the beginning of the story when you described Jarod's image of MP and what he saw. I could just see it in front of my eyes...like a movie-scene (ok it WAS a movie scnes,but not all of it. so u know what I mean,aye?! ;-)
I could almost feel J's desire for her and how desperately he needed her. And felt his annoyance by the alarmclock ripping him out of that dream.
Very well written. Great character description. Was them 100%.
So thanks for that! :-)
I know that u've written this story quite some time ago ;-) but I just came across it and: wow! so beautifully written. Made me very sad at times and made me wonder how their (MP&J) life/relationship might develope further. Loved it that you wrote little bits about stuff we never got to see in the show (e.g. Miss Parker's trouble with coming home to a place where her beloved was murdered). Always wondered about that myself. Such a traumatizing exoerience to find your loved one shot in the head on your porch...and then having to pass that same spot eeevery day. Must've been hell for her. And so far I've never seen anyone engaging to such detail in that topic so far.
could totally see Parker in this short story of yours and enjoyed it a lot! Am going to read your other stories now. ;-)
Any chance you will ever finish"The evolution of things"??
Keep up the good work!!
Goooood,that was beautiful!!!
Adored this story! The fact that Lyle wnats to kill off Parker seems veeery plausibel to me and that Raines doesn't mind is just plain logical. But the twist with an alive and kicking Daddy-dearest who also wants his Angel's death makes it all the better. Although I would've loved to see more action,scheming and angsty drama in this story until those 2 found their happy ending(which isn't a 100%-ending if u think about it...sequel in the making maybe? ;-)) I did enjoy it a lot!
I do think the whole story with Mr Parker showing up and all 3 bad guys wanting MissP's death while J and MP team up together to find their freedom and happiness holds a huge potential!
Loved your dream sequences in the first chapters and had a hard laugh at the J-MP-incident where she was throwing a 9iron at him >He wasn't that bad last night, was he?
I know that you write this story aaaaaaages ago. I know this because I read it ages ago for the 1st time. Was still a teenie then,but now that I read it again I have to say: I still love it! The sexual tension in it,the great in-character description, very erotic and no use of porn-like words...just plain sensual and hot to read. So thanks for that!!!
Reviewer: IceAngel SignedWe all just want some ANSWERS.
"I run. You chase. What if... we didn't?"
hey there agaaain!
well that was one oh-so-sweeet chapter! usually it gets too sappy when J and MP finally get it on. But again you didn't ruin anything but kept the essence of their character alive while moving them to the next romantic-level.
Loved the fact that MissP would use the same words she used years ago when she was a girl just before they kissed. somehow it just...fits.
So pllllease keep on the good work and continue this story soon. For I'm dying out of curiosity! ;-)
Reviewer: IceAngel Signed
this was amazing!!! loved it how her smile wasn't a real smile at all,but a total MP-fashion cruel/cynical/bitter. Thought from the very beginning that the only smile he could get from her was a dark one that had nothing in common with the intentions he had or the feelings he associted with a smile. Fantastic description of MissP...could just see her before my eyes.wow! Especially the voice-red-wine-metaphor.looooved that. Always am thinking of what that voice reminds me of,and just why I love it so much. Now I have an answer. ;-)
Also got kinda scared for Broots there for a sec and thought "oh no poor Brootsie! don't talk to her like that!...she's gonna rip your techie-head off!!!" Hahaha!enjoyed that a lot! Thanks for posting this.
Just started with this story and again:wow! oh how I love your Parker descriptions! You're able to make her come to "life" like nearly no one else does. Amazing!
Especially liked this part:"She wouldn’t be Miss Parker if she sobbed. She does not. Her shoulder are perfectly still, her body does not move..". you're dead-on she wouldn't be MP if she sobbed. The way how u describe her outfits and everything: just so much fun to read. "The black creature she is...","She smooths the raven hair back with both hands and I can see her blood-red nails disappear and appear again in its mass."...*sighs* I can see her before my eyes...Thanks for that!
Laughed out loud at the "Are u on drugs?" comment. Fact that she doesn't just knocks him out for that one is proof enough that she snapped. ;-)
And loved the part wit her car being parked squarley across Broots' front yard.had a good laugh at that,too. So Miss Parker!hahaha!
can't wait to see what this story has in store for me. (turning over to chapter2)
wow this one is really nice! love it how you describe Miss Parker's emotions regarding Daddy and the fact that Jarod then sits in his place. Very symbolic. And the last sentence is so Parker.She'd always take sympathy for pity and wouldn't find it comforting like most people.
great job with the shuffle-challenge!
Author's Response: Thanks, IceAngel!
uhh,nice dark and angsty...and saaad. I like it a lot! Paints the MissP character-picture swwwwell! ;-) Of course I would've expected nothing less from you. :-) Only thing that I (always) have trouble with is associating MissP with suicide. To me it just doesn't suit her...not even thinking about it. BUT after reading this story I wonder why I was thinking that way. You portait such a sad and indepth picture of her that it seems pretty plausible for someone in her position to pull the trigger. Really makes me re-think my view of her character a bit. Which, so far,no-one has accomplished who wrote a MP-suicide,or suicide-realted ff.
So GREAT job!!!
In 2002, the corporation known as the Centre was infiltrated by various law enforcement agencies that acted in a synchronized global effort to eradicate the organization. And then one day, Jarod's huntress ran away.
uuuhhh...so exciting! really enjoyed this chapter. Finally he captures her,but doesn't hand her over to the authorities,or puts her into jail.Am really looking forward to find out what happened in D.C and who attacked her. How they found out that Syd is her father is another one that caught my curiosity. And the renewal-wing thing...oh just loving this! and who might be the leak,and why? this ready itself like a thriller.Just oh-so-great!
Keep on the beautiful work!!!
Can't wait for the sequel. :-)
Author's Response: Hello IceAngel. The next update will explain the DC attack (at least some of it) and I will eventually be addressing the Sydney-Parker connection as well as some info about the Centre/renewal wing. The leak will be discovered a little bit later though. I'm still sorting it out and will update in a day or so. Thanks so much.
uuuhhh...excitiiiing. Want more pleaaaase. :-) Still reads like a great crime-thriller-book and I do love that! So many questions and twists.
Got a question though:
"Each day she'd spent in that cage and with Lyle had made her harder, another trial she’d survived, another brick in the wall and Jarod knew that she built that wall stronger with each passing day."
-->by "the cage" u mean her imprisonment by the Yakuza,right?! And the days with Lyle were those we still don't know much about and which apparantely happened at the Centre,right?!
Was Parker imprisonned at the Centre BEFORE Jarod infiltrated it with the FBI, or was that afterwards,when Lyle held her kinda hostage up in his office while trying to shoot Jarod?? (or can't u tell,coz then u'll give something away?) See,this is how great ur story is. I actually need to ask questions like that in order to put it all together. Feel like an agent myself,haha. This is so much fun!!!
Oh and was just shouting at my screen "No Parker don't do that!Stay with him!" Great cliff-hanger there. Do hope to see some romance in it as well though. But well,the longer the journey towards that goal, the sweeter the achievement of that goal will taste. ;-)
Oh yeah and enjoyed the slapping-Jarod part and that he actualy needed some time to recover from that hit. *chuckles* Well she IS known for knocking guys out. ;-p
Keep on the great work!!
Author's Response:
Hi IceAngel! Yes, you are correct. "The cage" was the Yakuza's doing. We don't yet know what transpired in the Centre with Lyle before Jarod rode in with the calvarly. And we don't yet know who planted the explosives that destroyed the Centre (killing Agents) druing the raid.
And yes, Parker was imprisoned by Lyle a year (or thereabouts) before Jarod organized the international take-down. It was during the raid that Lyle attempted to kill Jarod/ Lyle and Parker struggled for the weapon.
After the raid on the Centre (and the explosion) she was caputred by the Yakuza and caged.
I apologize that I was not more clear with my writing and believe me, you are not alone, I have to ask myself at times just what it is I'm doing. ;-) If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Thank you for reading and the lovely review. I do hope to read more from you soon Ice Angel. :-)
Reviewer: IceAngel Signed
Nice one! (as usual ;-)) Still very intriguing and exciting to read. Loved the verbal battles between J and MP,especially the ones where he gets into a teasing-dark-humour kinda mood like with the ropes. *chuckles* Do hope though that MP will soon come a bit to her senses,coz although she saved J's life, she's getting a bit irritating with all that hardcore suspicion (yeah,I know she's got huuuge trusting-issues,but still. ;-))
LOVED the small bit about Thomas u brought in (duh!haha). You're right: and yet J and MP always end up together in your stories. Hehe. Too bad the 2 (MP&Thomas) can't be together in this one. *sad sigh*
Keep on the great work!!
Hi IceAngel, I love the verbal battles too, yeah, I'm naughty with the dark humor but it was fun to write. She does trust him on some level, she wouldn't have saved his life otherwise but she's secretive for a reason and eventually, things will turn around. - ;) I'm working on it.
Had to throw in some Tommy, love him, glad you liked it.
Thanks again!
Reviewer: IceAngel Signedhahaa! this was fun. ;-) although I just don't wanna picture Parker in such a shabby place liket hat strip/swinger/pervert club, I still kinda enjoyed that tempest-parker-scene,and especially lil' innocent Jarod's reaction to it.
Kinda got confused,however...why did they go to that place,and who was that "jeaneane" that got her arm dislocated? It's getting all a bit confusing for me. But I still do love it and can't wait to read more!
Still am so eager to find out what happened to Lyle and what during that time when Parker was Lyle's prisoner....and why the hell she has such hardcore trust issues regarding Jarod (although her 'father' Syd calls him thewhite knight. ;-) )
Oh and thanks for that Parker emerging out of a bathroom amid hot steam scene. ;-)
I didn't want her to be there either but investigations sometimes lead to unattractive places. Oh yes, I had to do something to cause a reaction in J - enter Tempest and Parker, don't know why I did it, but it's done now.
They went to the strip club because J received emails from his contact informing him that Janeane
(A.K.A. Agent Janeane Burke A.K.A. goth girl A.K.A. Wednesday -Wednesday of adam's family fame for those who aren't familiar and probably don't get it, A.K.A. rookie)
was spotted first outside Parker's old lair where agents were killed and was later seen at the club. Jarod feared that she was a part of the corruption and wanted to track her down and question her.
The Parker/Lyle imprisonment history is coming up in the next several chapters. As for the trust issues, well, they've always existed, the guy couldn't even walk into the room without her pulling that gun- and that can't be resolved overnight but in addition to the existing distrust that the creators of the show cursed her with, she was given another reason to distrust him in this fic- will address that as well in the coming chapters but the latest update brought a breakthrough. She trusts him and he's aware of it.
Ah, you are very welcome for the steam scene. Thanks for reading and reviewing, as always.
Reviewer: IceAngel Signeduuhhhh! excitiiing! *fidgetting on chair* Can't wait to read the next one.
Sooo wanna know what the hell happened between Lyle and Parker. Did he touch/torture her or not..sure would fit his profile. And what was that nightmare in the beginning all about? can't wait to find it out! :-) Maybe Lyle isn't dead afterall...*psycho music playing*
Still feel like the cop trying to solve this crime scene puzzle! Great storry! Am looking forward to what other bread crumbs you'll be giving us about the truth of what really happened when the Centre came to an end.
oh-my-God! If this person really is Jarod I'm soooo curious about how you're gonna make Parker react. hahaaa! Always imagined that one had to feel sorry for the person Miss Parker would walk in on. *chuckles* But actually I just imagine her screaming "MY EYES, MY EYEEEES!!!" and running out of the room. ;-) Boy this is really something that makes me sick in my stomach. But not due to your writing!! Just the idea of Parker walking in on J having sex. *shivers*Very well written piece,as always. Like the less fast-action level you managed to create here. And the whole nightmare scene,almost kiss scene,Parker meeting her family thing...it's just a bliss to see those characters get some rest. (and then to let it end with such a BANG). Can't wait for more,as always.
Hahaha, love that. "My eyes, my eyes!!" Sorry that I made you feel sick, but maybe it's all better now.
Thanks for the review, Ice Angel.
Reviewer: IceAngel SignedUhh..ouch! Leaving MissP hanging high like that sure screams for trouble. ;-)
Can't believe you FINALLY let the lips of those two get to know each other. ;-)
Again very exciting chapter.
Love it how you bring all different sorts of characters from the show together. Every one adding a little secret to the whole piece. Makes it very X-files-conspiracy-like...and I'm addicted to those kinds of conspiracies. :-)
Am sure curious what that whole Michael Patrick deal was, Jarod was referring to. Hope I didn't miss anything there. ;-)
Verymuch enjoyed that stammering Jarod moment "You were somewhat pixelated..uh, in places, and some areas were entirely blacked out." *chuckles* Had immediately a picture of "The Sims" (PC game) in my head. Embarassed Jaord is cute and fun to play with. ;)
Am intrigued,as always, as to what is gonna happen next.
Hopefully boy wonder will survive MissP's hurt pride. hehe.
Oh my God!...I just frickin' loved that!(..did I just write"frickin"??)
This is deffinitely a 10! You managed to capture Lyle's insane side perfectly! Just how I always imagined him to be when he has Parker in his hands. He's such a wacko.. lmao. I honestly had to laugh out loud at his lunacy. Jumping from cold blooded tormentor to twisted horny ass to caring lover/brother "I'll show u my love". HAHA! How fucked up can one person be,eh!? And how weird am I for laughing about it? ;-p
It truly showed his insanity and twisted desire for his sister. The perfect way to describe it"he was excited by the prospect of breaking her, taking such a magnificent thing and bringing it crumpling helplessly to its knees". 100% to the point!
Also really liked J's reaction to the video. Hell I even had a headache from that Michael Patrick smashing MissP's head into the ground moment. (pour thing)
And then I just have to love you for making me admire MissP even more...if that is possible. ;-) She's so incredibly strong. Wow.But not to an impossible degree which would make her appear unhuman. You managed to make her bend by Lyle's will. Being slightly submissive where she had to be. Clearly she had no choice. But yet she isn't broken (at least not mentally ;-) and still has defiance in her. Even when she's pleading and sobbing. Dunno how u did that,but u made it happen. Incredible.
Hope to read more of those lyle-parker-scenes. And am really curious as to why Parker won't talk about Michael P's whereabouts.
Keep on the great work!! :-)
Hi, Ice Angel. Frickin'? haha, I was laughing out loud at your review. You know, Ice Angel, most SANE people would take your words as an insult but I'm pleased that you think I captured Lyle perfectly. What a compliment! I'm just recovering from flu right now and these reviews made my day. Yes, you're weird for laughing. SO I AM. Weird is a requirement for TP Fans.
Yep, poor J, he's got a few more headaches before this ends, haha. Poor guy.
Oh, now Miss Parker was slightly mroe difficult. She's never been in this position and trying to figure out how she'd react isn't easy because underneath the concrete and steel, she's not always so tough. I'm glad you liked it, really. Wow. These long stories are so easy to abandon, I just want to give up.
There may not be too many more lyle-parker scenes, just posted one and I'll see what else comes to mind. And I promised, Parker's behavior concerning Michael Patrick will be explained in the very next chapter. Thanks so much for the r &r.
Reviewer: IceAngel Signedwell...although I think that MP would never curse like that (doesn't fit her upbringing or character),I'm still intrigued as to where this might lead. so please do write on. ;-)
Author's Response: Well...personally I find the circumstances of the whole scene fitting. Hopefully the next chapter will be more to character...but then again...I love playing with these characters so...no promises!
wohooooo! Atlantian Dream...u are such a naughty one...seriously! hahaha! I guess I kinda felt like MP while reading that chapter. The whole time I wsa like "nononooooo!!!"*hand over my eyes* but then I kinda liked it as well.tehehehe! Well for me it's weird...this whole possessive,she wants to be dominated thing. But u gave a good an intriguing explanation for that by 'Kate'. And I loved the end with "I'm gonna kill u!" and J just answering"Oh I know u will." hahaa!great one.
Author's Response: The naughtiness s just beginning! The next few chapters are just the warm up! Just wait and see!
muahahahaa! evil one Ivyleaf. ;-) nice drabble,nice idea. like the "but u didn't eat that much" part. oh-oh...foreboding!
Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. The idea cam ewhen my friend told me "it won't kill you" :-) Then I thought up the rest.
Thanks for review IceAngel!
A call boy pays Miss Parker a visit. Not what you think. :-)
Indeed not what I thought!Hahaha! Liked it a lot. Very intriguing,for I had no idea what her purpose was for calling a call boy if it wasn't for sex.
I wonder which tP-timeline this one might fit in. *pondering*
Made me feel pretty sad and kinda turned my stomach (emotinally,hence the sadness), because how lonely do you have to be in order to PAY someone for holding you through the night on your b-day?!? made me realize how extremely lonely MissP is and that turned my guts I guess. That she cannot allow someone to be that close to her,so she has to pay a stranger for it. Good...paying for sex sounds less "pathetic" (although I don't think she's pathetic at all in this story! just very lonely and in need for human closeness).
Enjoyed this a lot! nice touch to write from the boy's pov.
Although I know that u ususally don't have time to answer ur reviews: Where did that idea actually come from?
Author's Response:
Thanks for the great reviews everyone! I am glad you enjoyed the story!
The idea actually came when I watched an episode of "Damages". One of the main characters this season - which we are supposed to not like because he is working for the villains - is also a very lonely person. So snippets of his personal life and background appear in the episodes. One time, he was with a prostitute and asked her to be allowed to put his head in her lap and for her just to stroke his hair. I found that so endearing that when I watched the show again I had to think about how lonely and in need of human contact he must be. Well, and then the idea for a Pretender fic was immediately in my head. With the point with Miss Parker being that the person to hold her *must* be a total stranger because she doesn't want anyone she knows to get that close and see her weakness.
Reviewer: IceAngel Signed
uhhhh....very intriguing! Guess this approach hasn't been taken so far. Loved the way how you described her change and filled the 15year-gap. Seems to make a lotta sense and doesn't feel weird at allto see how she behaves and all. As always a superb description of MissParker (outward appearance plus character)!
Since it's her arrival at the Centre and 1year later she (apparently)ends up dead I'm curious about to where this story might lead. Reads kinda thriller-crime-scene like. Lovin' it!
Top-notch work as always Miss_Shanon! Can't wait to read more.
Reviewer: IceAngel SignedIf you have a minute to spare, go for it.
Ohh,something different .
HAHAAHAA! that was funny!tehehe. We adults are a dirty sort,aren't we?! A child would've never gotten the ambiguidty. Am glad I knew from the beginning that this wasn't with a sexual content (hence the rating), otherwise I'd have vomitted I guess. lmao
Thanks for the little entertainment! :-)
Miss Parker. Jarod. A kiss. Death.
OMG...this was F*** awesome!!!
didn't quite get why J was so rough with her though...(maybe he already felt that she had poisened him?) . but toally loved the idea behind it!...that this never entered my mind before is beyond me. haha. dark and twisted..oh God,please write more of this stuff Mirage!hehe
Yes, he knew and even though she could kill him, he still couldn't hurt her.
Or maybe he didn't know. Perhaps he was angry that she could frighten him and for once, he wanted to frighten her. It depends on the reader, I guess. Glad you like.
Oh, also, I sort of wanted to leave the question of "who would die?" for the very end...but yeah, I admit, I have a tendency to write Jarod darker because that's how I see him- and that can't be helped.
Reviewer: IceAngel Signed
Oh my God!...I felt my stomach tighten with a dark foreboding in the end. Like it a lot! do like the idea of the bits of conversations between Thomy&Parker written in italic.A little glimpse we get into what might have been topics of discusison in their relationship. (always wondered how Parker explained her nightmares to Thomy as well)
keep up with writing more things like that. :-)Thank you very much for a nice review, Ice Angel.
I also enjoyed writing this so I'm thinking about a serie of drabbles from IotH. It should be something like characters feelings which we couldn't see.
Or maybe it will be something completely different :-)
Thanks! Reviewer: IceAngel Signed