Other Results: 3 Series

Summary: Broots' thoughts as he tucks his daughter in.

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Broots, Debbie
Classifications: Genres: None
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 198
Read Count: 2983
[Report This] Published: 09/10/06 Updated: 09/10/06

Summary: Are you aware?

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: The Alphabet Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 785
Read Count: 2672
[Report This] Published: 29/12/08 Updated: 29/12/08

Summary: A drabble based on "Every Picture Tells a Story."

Categories: Firsts, Season 1, Character Musing
Characters: Jarod
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 101
Read Count: 2429
[Report This] Published: 11/07/09 Updated: 11/07/09

A normal life by Haiza Tyri
Rated: PG [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Miss Parker pondering her life, thanks to Broots; a drabble during "Crash."

Categories: Confessions, Season 2, Character Musing
Characters: Broots, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 100
Read Count: 2395
[Report This] Published: 27/07/09 Updated: 27/07/09

Summary: A mother talks about her extraordinary child.

Categories: Love, Prequel, Character Musing
Characters: Telling Would Spoil
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 100
Read Count: 2522
[Report This] Published: 25/06/09 Updated: 25/06/09

Summary: Like the title says, it's a run on the beach.  What do you expect me to say?  That Miss Parker surprises him at gun point, he disarms her and they make passionate love while rolling around in the sand? 

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Jarod
Classifications: Genres: Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 392
Read Count: 2697
[Report This] Published: 14/09/08 Updated: 14/09/08

Summary: The only constant companion in her life has been that which lives deep within her heart.

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Angst
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1204
Read Count: 2874
[Report This] Published: 14/06/06 Updated: 14/06/06

A Trace Of Red by Shaznay
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Just read!

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing, Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 764
Read Count: 2950
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

After Nia by Haiza Tyri
Rated: PG 13 starstarstar [Reviews - 1]
Summary: A drabble of Jarod's thoughts about Nia during "Ranger Jarod."

Categories: Character Musing, Love, Season 1
Characters: Jarod, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Character Musing, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 100
Read Count: 2363
[Report This] Published: 15/06/09 Updated: 15/06/09

Alone by Deb Patrickphile
Rated: G starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 3]
Summary: A very short ditty dealing with Syd's feelings and thoughts after losing Michelle.

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 257
Read Count: 2118
[Report This] Published: 23/05/05 Updated: 23/05/05

Summary: Two drabbles about Sydney during "The Paper Clock."

Categories: Character Musing, Quotes, Betrayal, Season 1
Characters: Jarod, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles, Father and Son
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 207
Read Count: 5061
[Report This] Published: 25/06/09 Updated: 25/06/09

Angel Wings by Shaznay
Rated: R [Reviews - 0]
Summary: What do an angel and MP have in common? Read and find out

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Romance, Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1249
Read Count: 8407
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

Angel's Storm by Ginger
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 8]
Summary: Teeny weeny sequel to "At Times Like This," written in honor of the 10th Anniversary of our show. Thanks to the Missing Pieces team for their quick response to recent posting troubles. My apologies to those who reviewed previously. Looks like your comments are an unfortunate casualty.

Categories: Character Musing, Plot? What Plot?
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Romance
Warnings: Warning: Language

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1770
Read Count: 4657
[Report This] Published: 23/09/06 Updated: 23/09/06

Appearances by chopsticks
Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes, what is seen is not always the truth.

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Lyle
Classifications: Genres: Angst
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1719
Read Count: 2482
[Report This] Published: 23/05/05 Updated: 23/05/05

Arrogant by Haiza Tyri
Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Jarod is an arrogant twit. A drabble set during "Spin Doctor."

Categories: Confessions, Season 4, Character Musing, Seven Deadly Sins
Characters: Jarod, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 101
Read Count: 2610
[Report This] Published: 18/08/09 Updated: 18/08/09

As It Seems by Shaznay
Rated: R starhalf-star [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Jarod is not the only one having nightmares...

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1666
Read Count: 654
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

Summary: A drabble based on "Meltdown."

Categories: Anything/Miscellaneous, Season 4, Character Musing
Characters: Jarod
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 101
Read Count: 2298
[Report This] Published: 22/06/09 Updated: 22/06/09

B for Blues by Joel Gomes
Rated: PG starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

Ethan meets a girl with a past as troubled as his own.

This story will be further developed in letters W and X.

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Ethan, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Romance
Warnings: None

Series: The Alphabet Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1329
Read Count: 2410
[Report This] Published: 29/12/08 Updated: 29/12/08

Bent by Haiza Tyri
Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A drabble set during "Prison Story."

Categories: Anything/Miscellaneous, Season 1, Character Musing
Characters: Jarod
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 103
Read Count: 2076
[Report This] Published: 17/07/09 Updated: 17/07/09

Black widow by Haiza Tyri
Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Two drabbles from the murderer's point of view in "Someone to Trust."

Categories: Character Musing, Betrayal, Season 3
Characters: Jarod, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 206
Read Count: 4804
[Report This] Published: 10/08/09 Updated: 10/08/09

Blood Lust by IceAngel
Rated: R starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]
Summary: An insight into Lyle's dark and twisted mind regarding sister-dearest.

Categories: Character Musing, Indefinite Timeline, Lyle/Miss Parker
Characters: Lyle, Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Character Musing, Vignette
Warnings: Warning: Incest/Twincest, Warning: Non Consensual Sexual Content

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1323
Read Count: 900
[Report This] Published: 25/05/10 Updated: 25/05/10

Blood on my hands by Haiza Tyri
Rated: PG 13 [Reviews - 1]
Summary: An assassin's view of Jarod, a drabble set during "The Assassin."

Categories: Death, Season 3, Character Musing, Trust
Characters: Jarod, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 101
Read Count: 2168
[Report This] Published: 13/08/09 Updated: 13/08/09

Blue Moon Rising by Haiza Tyri
Rated: PG 13 [Reviews - 0]
Summary: A series of drabbles on the relationship between killer-rapist Douglas Willard and the man who caught him twice by getting inside his head.

Categories: Character Musing, Anything/Miscellaneous, Season 3
Characters: Jarod, Mr Raines, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Angst, Character Musing, Drama
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Word count: 524
Read Count: 11044
[Report This] Published: 06/08/09 Updated: 06/08/09

Breathing by Chris
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Miss Parker comes home and gets lost in her thoughts about the sense of her life.

Categories: Character Musing
Characters: Miss Parker
Classifications: Genres: Vignette
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 735
Read Count: 2796
[Report This] Published: 26/04/05 Updated: 26/04/05

Butte by Haiza Tyri
Rated: G [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Jarod ponders a missed chance. A drabble during "In the Hour of Our Death."

Categories: Second Chances, Season 3, Character Musing, Near Death Experience
Characters: Jarod, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Character Musing
Warnings: None

Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 101
Read Count: 2620
[Report This] Published: 18/08/09 Updated: 18/08/09