Penname: Ruth Piwonka

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Member Since: 28/08/05

Membership status: Member

Bio: This writer has been lost in pursuit from the Centre. Any information on their whereabouts will help them find refuge.
We have not been able to contact this writer, their stories are as they appeared on (The Pretender Fan Fiction Archive), if you are the author and have objections please immediately let us know and we will remove your stories promptly.

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Beta-reader: No

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Stories by Ruth Piwonka
Summary: This IS a continuation of "Judge Jarod"; I just didn't want to call it that. Jarod is still pretending to be a lawyer in Chicago, but his case is a little bit harder to solve than he thought. And also, there are more Centre surprises just waiting to be read by everyone. I cannot say much more; I'd give it away

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Original Character, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None

Series: You're Unpredictable Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 12765
Read Count: 9673
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

Judge Jarod by Ruth Piwonka
Rated: PG 13 starstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Jarod Calendar pretends to be a District Attorney in Chicago, IL and discovers more and more evil things that the Centre does from a high school tragedy in his case. Meanwhile, Lt. Hofner and the other sweepers continue to search for Ethan and Emily, but Lt. Hofner becomes distracted by Mr. Lyle. Mr. Lyle asks him to do him a special service. Miss Parker searches for more truth (like usual) but this time, the search backfires on her. She also finally sits down with Sydney for a dream analysis about her romantic dreams with Jarod.

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Original Character, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None

Series: You're Unpredictable Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 12905
Read Count: 9933
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

Summary: Jarod once again surprises the staff of the Centre with a disappearance. He becomes a Navy SEAL trainee and travels to the frigid desolate Aleutian islands for Hellweek. The much anticipated evaluator from the Centre in Berlin arrives and he is very anxious to see the captured Pretender. Mr. Lyle has some new plans for the three members of the Jarod pursuit team; but will the Triumvirate approve of them?

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Sydney
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 13674
Read Count: 1910
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

Summary: Crossover with profiler A new employee of the Centre's is hellbent to destroy Jarod and all of the things he holds dear in life. And it's not Mr. Lyle. He's determined to do anything that it takes, whether it is taking out his own people or seducing his coworkers.

Categories: Crossovers
Characters: Broots, Jarod, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Other Non-Centre Related Character
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 30162
Read Count: 21375
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

Summary: Jarod pretends to be a lighting technician on Broadway. Miss Parker has a reoccuring dream; is it fantasy or reality? Mr. Lyle continues his hidden torture on Major Charles and Zoe. Ethan goes back to a fully functioning Emily and they begin a long trek to Orlando, FL, but not unaccompanied.

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Sydney, Zoe
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None

Series: You're Unpredictable Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 13391
Read Count: 9153
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05

Summary: Miss Parker and Jarod become allies in order to help Ethan; Mr. Cox captures Zoe and Major Charles on their way to see a slowly improving Emily. Mr. Lyle and Mr. Parker have new job prospects coming their way

Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Sydney, Zoe
Classifications: Genres: Action/Adventure, General
Warnings: None

Series: You're Unpredictable Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 13828
Read Count: 3322
[Report This] Published: 28/08/05 Updated: 28/08/05