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Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me, and I’m not making any money out of this. I’m just bored with waiting for the second movie to come out, so I’m doing this to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

Part 6
By Feline

Sydney and Broots had left Miss Parker to unpack, and had decided to go out and explore while she had some time alone.

But, in the spirit of truly cheesy coincidences, just as they left they bumped into some more incoming travellers – Jarod and his entire clan to date.

Seeing the alarm on Jarod’s face, Sydney quickly moved to reassure him.

“ It’s alright Jarod, you and your family are not in any danger from us today.”

Jarod was skeptical, causing Sydney to add, “ Well, you may be if you don’t stay out of Miss Parker’s way.”

This caused the briefest of smiles to flit across Jarod’s face.

“ Where is my huntress today?” he asked.

Sydney returned the smile, and told him “ She’s in her room, unpacking.”

Jarod gave the go ahead for the Major to reserve rooms, and they moved into the inn’s spacious shared living area, which was mercifully empty.

After Jarod had made the introductions, they got down to the subject of why each party was there. Sydney was wary of telling Jarod too much, as he didn’t want to upset Parker.

Instead he told his former charge that Miss Parker’s mother had been married in the chapel, and she was here looking for some answers to her past. Not the whole truth, but not a lie either.

Jarod was similarly wary, and couldn’t shake the feeling that he had been here before, the same feeling he’d had at Raines’ cabin. He eventually divulged that he had a lead on his mother, and tried to quell the queasy feeling in his stomach.

The two parties sat tensely looking at each other, until Jarod noticed Ethan was missing. Knowing the likely place was Miss Parker’s room, he went there first, but after a frantic search of the entire inn to no avail, he rushed back to his family.

He burst through the doors and looked at his father and Sydney gravely.

“ Ethan and Miss Parker are missing.”


Miss Parker and Ethan hadn’t gone far, only to the chapel.

Ethan was fascinated by this piece of his family’s history, it made him feel very close to his mother, but he also sensed his sister’s sadness.

By virtue of the Inner Sense, he knew about his sister’s marriage, something that he had tried to convey to his brother after the subway explosion, but he got the feeling his brother had misinterpreted his meaning.

He knew he wanted to help both his siblings, but his mind was still trying to process exactly how to do that, with all the subtle twists and implications and consequences of the situation.

He was relieved when his mother’s voice began to speak to him, and he listened intently.


Just then, the chapel’s peace was shattered as Jarod, Sydney and the Major arrived.

Miss Parker felt a sharp stab upon laying eyes on Jarod, but he was too busy berating Ethan to notice.

While the storm was dying down, Sydney discreetly shepherded the Major and Ethan out of the room, to give the unhappily married couple a chance to sort things out. Something of a gamble, as he was unsure whether Parker was currently in possession of her gun.

The two just stood there in tense silence, not looking at each other. The feeling Jarod had had on arrival on the island was intensified. He had been here before, and something about this chapel made him feel something was wrong. He tried to shake it off. He’d get to the bottom of it later, when he had settled this issue with his huntress, and gotten the hell out of her firing range.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke.

“ Sydney tells me your mother was married here.” She didn’t look at him.

“ Sydney tells me you’re getting married,” she countered.

He nodded and broached the subject he had been skirting around, hoping she wouldn’t blow his head off.

“ We were planning to get married here.” She didn’t speak, so he continued, “ That’s if you don’t mind…”

Her harsh bark of laughter cut him off. She turned to him slowly, her eyes filled with pain. This time he had done it, she thought strickenly. This time he got me straight through the heart. The killing blow, she reflected crazily, the pain and the anger barely allowing her to speak.

“ Why should I mind, Jarod? After everything else, it would just be the icing on the goddamned cake.” Her voice broke with agony.

She made for the door, unsure of how long she could stay upright, and Jarod, stunned at the depth of the pain he had seen, ran after her.


Sydney, Ethan and Major Charles met Miss Parker just as Jarod had caught up with her. Sensing his sister’s distress, Ethan helped her to sit down. Sydney immediately came to her, and tried to get her to control her breathing. The Major joined his son and looked at him quizzically.

Jarod was pacing frustratedly. “ I don’t know what happened, Dad,” he said.
“ I knew she would be sensitive about the wedding because of her mother, but I never expected anything like this.”

Sydney looked up at him suddenly, and said “ Jarod, where were you twelve years ago, around the second week of September?”

Jarod looked at his mentor oddly. “ You should know, Sydney. You were there. We were doing sim X185692.”

Sydney looked troubled. “ Jarod, I was on a conference for that entire month. I never worked on that simulation with you.”

Links began to form in Jarod’s mind, and he looked down at the now unconscious woman in Ethan’s arms.

Sydney handed him the photo with the date scrawled on the back.

Jarod just stared speechlessly.

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