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Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me, and I’m not making any money out of this. I’m just bored with waiting for the second movie to come out, so I’m doing this to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

Part 1
By Feline

Miss Parker’s high-heeled shoes clicked rhythmically over the blare of the DSA player as she entered Sydney’s office. Even during the day it was dark, but it possessed a comforting atmosphere of familiarity, like Sydney himself.

Miss Parker sighed inwardly, and moved around the desk to see what memory Sydney was reliving today. To her surprise, it was the sexuality simulation, the one where she had first laid eyes on Jarod. She stood in silence, just watching as the familiar scene played out.

Sydney reached over suddenly and shut the DSA off. She didn’t comment, she felt strangely detached from the situation, like she was floating above the scene, unable to speak. Apparently, Sydney didn’t feel the same.

“ I’ve always wondered, Parker, what it was that changed your friendship with Jarod.”
He turned to her and fixed her with his standard-issue shrink’s stare.

“ What enabled you to see him as an object, rather than a person.” More of a statement than a question.

Her silence continued. She tried to form an answer that would shut him up, dissuade him from pursuing this. He’d never asked this of her before. Just as she began to move her lips to form an answer, Broots stumbled through the door. He righted himself then blurted out “ I got a lead, in Oregon, you know, that place Jarod was staying a few years ago, with that girl.” He paused for breath before adding, “ The jet’s ready to go, we leave in twenty minutes.”

Saved by the Broots, Miss Parker reflected. Feeling more like her usual self, she turned to Sydney.

“ Well, Freud, let’s put the rat back in the lab” she drawled, and headed for the door, raising a beckoning eyebrow towards Sydney as she left.


The cabin was the same as she remembered it. The girl too. Nia was her name, and it appeared she knew a lot more about who they were than most of Jarod’s acquaintances. Pillow talk, she thought derisively. She knew that Jarod had spent the night with this woman.

Sydney was questioning Nia. Of course, the woman denied seeing Jarod since the first time, four years ago. Miss Parker had taken a backseat, overcome by the same feeling that she had had in Sydney’s office earlier. Suddenly, some snippet of the conversation drifted into her consciousness.

“ He told you that it was his first time?” she questioned. Surprised at her outburst, all eyes turned toward her. Nia looked at her, and Miss Parker knew that the other woman knew what she had felt that day four years ago.

“ Yes, when I touched him, he told me that he had never done anything like this before.” She seemed unconcerned at discussing what had happened between them.
Flaunting it, Miss Parker thought.

Nia turned back to her conversation with Sydney, but Miss Parker could feel the psychiatrist’s eyes burning a hole in her. She studiously avoided his gaze, and he eventually turned back, leaving Parker alone to digest this new item of information.

It was time to go. They would get nothing here. Nothing that would lead them to Jarod anyway.

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