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part 3
by Ticon

„What do you mean – you’ve just found a rat?"

„Just what I said...I’ve found a rat. A lab-rat to be precise."

„And where have you found it, or should I say him – because I presume that you mean Jarod"

„Brilliant Sherlock"

Miss Parker drew her gun and held it in front of her – ready to shoot everything that moved. Especially if it was a rat....

„You can stop searching because he’s not here."

„Surprise, surprise. You’re trying to protect him, and I’m not believing you"

She continued to move towards the couch.

„Jarod. I’m going to count to five and within that time you will come out of that ridiculous little hiding place of yours, or I’ll set a bullet through it which will probably go through you as well."



„Miss Parker, don’t be ridiculous. You’ll only ruin my couch."

„You can buy a new one.......3"

„You can’t do this"

„Watch me"


„Stop it Parker"


Miss Parker took a final aim, but just as she were about to pull the trigger did Sydney stretch out a hand and grab her gun – pointing it upwards, against the ceiling.

„Well, well. Look who just got caught lying. Can’t believe you fell for that!„

„Fell for what?"

„I had no idea where he was. I came here to tell you that we’d called off the search. You had your door locked, and if that weren’t reason enough for me to get suspicious – you came up with that lame excuse about sleeping."

Miss Parker lit a cigarette and blew the smoke in Sydney’s face.

„I didn’t know if her were under the couch or not, and even if I knew I would never have pulled the trigger. Have you got any idea on what the Centre would do to me if I killed their prodigy? See for yourself – the safety is on."

Sydney angrily took the gun from ms. Parker and looked at it. – she was telling the truth. He then put the gun on his desk while Ms. Parker bend down to get Jarod – drag out him by his hair if necessary. But he wasn’t there.

„Where is he?!"

„What do you mean?"

Sydney again feigned innocence.

„Cut the crap Syd, it’s getting really old, really fast! Either you tell me where he is, or I’ll tell my father that you tried to hide him. What do you think will happen to you then??"

„Honestly Parker. He was here, but when I turned around after focusing a little on the door you were banging on he had disappeared."

„Again, I don’t believe you."
She turned away from Sydney.
„Jarod!! Wherever you are; come forth or Syd here will get it pretty bad the next years....."

Suddenly a finger tapped her on the shoulder and she quickly turned around while speaking.

„Sydney, I told....."

She abruptly shut up when she saw who it was. Jarod! Sydney had a mix of a shocked and sad expression on his face. This was exactly what he had feared would happen if Jarod ever got such an idea into his head. Thinking of him as a father! He was in that case the lousiest father ever to walk on this earth!
His train of thoughts were interrupted by a gloating miss Parker.

„Well, well, what have we here"

Ms. Parker was really enjoying this. Putting her hands on her hips also helped increase the confidence she already was showing.

„The long lost son has finally come home..."


„It’s kind of an expression.....didn’t really expect you to figure that out."

Jarod released his breath quietly without knowing that he was holding it. So she didn’t know – that was good. There was no way that he would be placed under Sydney’s care if they knew....
Speaking of which. What was up with him? His face clearly showed annoyance. Jarod though for sure that his mentor would be happy if he came back....
Miss Parker had already phoned Sam and Willie. They were right around the corner. Sydney couldn’t really comprehend all this. Jarod was back. The sweepers were right around the corner. Jarod was back. When did Parker call the sweepers? Jarod was back! Sydney had to sit down.

„What’s wrong – Syd. Not happy with getting your test subject back? Now we can finally go back to our normal lives. That would mean you brainwashing some poor child, me up with the high bosses and Broots, well, I don’t know what Broots normally do."

Miss Parker seemed so pleased with herself. Could she really be so happy over not having to work with him and Broots anymore? Sydney refused to believe that she was. There had to be something else under this obvious charade. He just didn’t know what. But there had to be!

The two Sweepers suddenly came running into the room, grabbing Jarod and putting handcuffs on him.
Sydney winced at the pain his charge obviously was in. He decided to try and reason with miss Parker.

„Is that really necessary Parker? I mean, he gave himself up; no real danger that he’ll run away"

„You can bet your life on that it’s necessary. He ran away the last time we had him here in the centre, remember?!"

She brought the conversation to an end by turning away from Sydney and walking out the door, waving her hand a little so that the Sweepers would follow with Jarod. Sydney sighed and started to follow. Determined to find out where they were taking him. He was met with Miss Parkers hand.

„You’re not coming. I’m not going to risk loosing him again."

„You can’t deny me from coming along. He’s still my assignment and I have the right to see where he’s being taken"

„I’ll tell you when he’s safely secured. Don’t worry – I wouldn’t dream of taking your little experiment from you..."

He opened his mouth to speak again, but after noticing miss Parker’s glare did he change him mind and shut it again.

„Wise choice... I’ll be in touch." She let out a little laugh, still hadn’t fully understood that she had finally captured Jarod. Her father would be so proud! She was practically glowing with pride as she walked away to catch up with Willie, Sam and Jarod.

Sydney watched them walk away and around a corner, before he sighed yet again and walked into his office – closing the door behind him. He had some serious thinking to do!

Feedback: Yes, please! It's my first Pretender fic, so I really wanted to know if I did alright or if I should never get near a pen again!

Note: Still looking for a beta! If there’s anyone out there, feel free to reach up a hand and I’ll come running towards you before you can change your mind ; )

Another Note: I want to thank all the people that sent me such great feedback! (you know who you are : ).

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