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Out of Hell

Chapter 1

A silent, dark figure crept through the ventilation shafts of the Centre. Oddly, they were the only safe way to travel invisibly through hell’s castle and these tunnels had been used for decades. The figure’s face was obscured by dark hair, but this silent vengeful figure knew exactly where to go. The route had been mapped out a week ago and now, a Sunday, two days before Christmas Eve, was the perfect time to strike. With the dark of a moonless night to conceal this intrusion into the bowels of Hell, the lack of people and security created the perfect moment for this strike at the Centre’s future.

Reaching a grate, the figure stopped and singled for the cameras in the room beyond the grate to begin their pre-ordained loop. Once sure, of the camera’s inability to see the truth, the dark figure removed the rate and slipped gracefully into the room. Moving quickly to a high crib, the figure removed the sleeping bundle and left a surprise behind. This done, the figure returned to the vents and singled for the cameras to begin recording once again.

With the still sleeping bundle tucked into a sling across the figure’s chest, the dark figure moved quickly through the ventilation maze toward freedom.

Ten agonizingly slow minutes later the figure stood beside an old slightly banged up car. The figure grinned at the man who had helped in this night’s strike. The man had found the information that had corroborated the figure’s information, had controlled the cameras, and procured all the DSAs the dark figure would need to help the sleeping bundle and all the DSAs the figure would need to understand the painful past of the three children of the Centre.

Placing the sleeping bundle in the car seat in the backseat, the dark figure whispered a quiet “Thank you” one last time before driving off, away from the hellish prison on the Delaware coast to safety.

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