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Disclaimer see part 1!
Title: Sinner, you know you have to pretend!
By: Chris
e-mail address :
Rated: PG
Category: S / P
Spoilers: None


The escape
This violent reality
Only free in dreams

Jarod was walking around the hospital, greeting the people around him. Again he had taken the job of a doctor, he loved the feeling of helping people and seeing them getting well again, seeing their eyes.
Eyes were very important for him. He had seen large eyes, small eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes - blue eyes. He missed a pair of those blue eyes. He wanted to see Parker again. It had been a while since he'd last seen her. He had a photo of her as a child on his desk. A colleague had asked him once if she were his daughter and after some hesitation he said that she was his sister.
Parker. Oh, how he missed her. He would never admit it in front of her, but he had been used to her being around. It had been years ago when he had seen her nearly every day. Back in his teenage years when he still had been a property of the Centre. He wondered if she would be thinking of him as often as he did. He entered his office and sat down behind his desk. He stared at the picture on his desk and let the memories flow.
He was interrupted in his thoughts by his beeper. An emergency. He got up and raced out of his office to the waiting car. All thoughts about his lost love were forgotten.


She tried to move her body but in vain. She couldn't move her arms and legs not even open her eyes. It was annoying! But hadn't this been what she had wanted? Leaving this world? Not having to cope with reality and those darn people any longer? She heard people standing around her and talking.
"She's pretending to be asleep!" a female voice said.
"Sure? No, I think she's just sleeping", another voice answered.
"No, let's try to wake her. I'll try it with some cold water. If she's pretending to be asleep then she'll get up."
She heard the people moving then felt cold water being splashed into her face. She tried to stop them but she wasn't able to.
"I'm gonna get the teacher", the first voice said.
"You mean calling Miss Ryan? Don't! I don't like her."
"We have to!"
Someone left the room and shortly after two people entered.
"She's only pretending to be asleep!" Miss Ryan said. The other voices were the voices of children. Someone slapped her into the face.
"Hey young woman, get up!"
Miss Ryan took her by the shoulders and shook her again.
"Take away her blanket." Miss Ryan again.
She felt her blanket being torn away. Then someone took her by the shoulders and tried to roll her out of her bed.
"Gosh, this girl is heavy!"
She felt her feet hitting the ground while her torso was being held by Miss Ryan's strong arms.
"She's not just pretending!" a girl said.
"No, I don't think so anymore. Jane's much too sensible to do such things."
"Help me to lift her into her bed again."
Many hands grabbed her and she felt being lifted. Someone piled up blankets and pillows under her legs and she felt warm fingers caressing her cheeks.
"Anyone got an idea what happened?"
Nobody answered.
"We have to call a doctor", Miss Ryan said when someone entered the room.
"What happened?" a male voice asked.
"Dunno, but she's been unconscious for quite a while now. Can you call a doctor?"
The man left the room and she heard the others murmuring and talking about her.
"Does anyone know something about her?" the woman asked. Silence.
"Did she take any medicaments?"
"She had a headache and took one of those."
"Only one?"
"Think so."
Someone took her hand and was feeling her pulse.
"It's very fast." Miss Ryan said.
"She's not breathing", one of the girls whispered.
She felt someone's hand under her neck.
"Look, her breast is moving", the teacher said and leaned over her.
She felt the woman's hair trickling at her nose but she wasn't able to do anything against it. Instinctively she held her breath, at least one thing she could control.
"Her breath is irregular but she's breathing slowly."
Someone entered the room. People shifted their places the door fell shut and then it was silent again. She felt one of her eyelids being lifted and saw five persons standing around her bed. She saw a light being moved in front of her then her eyes closed again.
The other eye was opened and she saw the persons again. It was a woman with long blond, curly hair, Miss Ryan, three young girls and a man. She wasn't able to see him because he was holding the light right in front of her face.
"She's deeply unconscious."
So he was the Doctor.
"How could this happen? When I came in earlier she was fast asleep. It can't be that she's unconscious now!" one of the girls said.
"How long was this ago?"
"About two hours."
"Did she take any medication? Maybe she's intoxicated."
"She'd never do that!" Miss Ryan protested.
"Do you know what's been going on in her mind lately? You never know what one's thinking", the Doctor sighed.
"No, but she'd never kill herself."

"You can pretend to be happy but your mind can be in a completely different condition," the Doctor said.
"But she was so -", she stopped in the middle of the sentence.
"Gotta call an ambulance. Girls, you better get outa here. Would you help me please, ma'am?"
She nodded.
"Hold her hand and bend it down like that."
He showed her what to do and she took the girl's hand the way he had said. The girl's skin felt cold and the arm was lifeless.
"I've never seen such a lifeless body before." Miss Ryan said.
"It is just as if someone was sleeping."
"But she's unconscious."
"It's fairly the same, the only difference is that you have no reflexes."
While he had been talking, he had opened his bag and had taken out some things. Horrified she looked at his hands.
"What do you want with THAT?"
"I'll have to use it. That's why I wanted you to hold her hand like this, understand me?"
"No, what do you want to use it for? That's no ordinary needle, that's a monster of a needle."
"Anyway, I'll have to use it, whether you like it or not. I need a direct access to her bloodstream in case any medication becomes necessary. Her condition can be monitored in a more efficient way. The first step is an intravenous access. So please hold her hand as I showed you. I hope you're not sensitive."
"No, I'm quite tough."
"Good to know."
The Doctor took the needle and induced it into the skin at the girl's wrist. The woman turned a little pale but didn't say a word. She turned her eyes away from the needle and looked at the girl's face. One hand still held the wrist with the other she was caressing the girls' cheeks. The girl had the same hair colour as she had and the same dark gray-blue eyes. She could be her sister or even her daughter. She felt guilty for what had happened. She thought about last night. It's true that the girl hadn't looked very happy, in fact quite sad. And she had hissed at her to stop humming all the time. She had stopped but had looked hurt and had left the room hastily. Miss Ryan asked herself if she had been crying. She knew that the girl sometimes saw her as a role model and she had hurt her so deeply. "What have I been doing?" she asked herself. She stroked the girls' hair still staring at her pale complexions.

Suddenly her eyes were opened and they were blinding her with a torch. She was able to see Ms Ryan's face. She looked as if she was going to cry any second. The man took away his hands but her eyes remained open.
"Her eyes are open", Ms Ryan whispered and a single tear trickled down her cheek.
"They are, but that doesn't mean a thing. Could be that she's waking up slowly and that her reflexes are coming back. She doesn't see you."
"But she's looking at me."
"Are you sure?"
The doctor came back and looked at her. Something in his eyes reminded the girl of her long lost brother. He had brown hair and his eyes were of an incredibly dark brown like those of a teddy. He waved his hands in front of her eyes.
"Can you see me?"

"Well, she's not reacting but maybe she's really waking up. Nevertheless we're gonna take her to hospital for further examinations. You can come with us, Miss --"
"Ryan, Sue Ryan, I'm her teacher."
"OK, Miss Ryan, the ambulance will be here soon."
"What's your name, by the way?"
"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name's Dr. Jarod Blake."
Two paramedics entered the room with a stretcher. They lifted the girl onto it and took her out of the room. Ms Ryan and Jarod followed them.
"Do you have any idea, what happened to her?"
"I'm not sure. I have to trust you when you say that she didn't take any medicine. Are you really certain?"
"I haven't been with her, I don't know, but I don't think that she tried to kill herself."
"Ms Ryan, how good do you know her?"
"Not very good. She's one of my students. I only know her name and some things she's doing in her free time, but nothing more."
While they were talking they walked down the stairs and got into the waiting ambulance.
"Please tell me everything you know about her", Jarod asked.
"Well, her name's Jane Parrol, she's 21, I think."
"You don't know for sure?"
Ms Ryan shook her head. "I'd have to look in the school papers or her ID if I can find it in her clothes back in the room. Do you need it?"
"No, that's not too important right now. What do you know about her free time? Is she doing some kind of sports?"
"She's playing the piano. I think she's doing gymnastics and some kind of martial arts. Why are you asking such things? Are they important?"
"No, just curious. Somehow I feel as if I knew her."
Ryan shook her head and turned to look at Jane again.
"Her eyes are still open!"
Jarod went to sit down on the other side of the stretcher. He looked at the young women intently and somehow he felt as if he could read her mind. He could see a picture forming before his inner mind. A young girl, standing somewhere at an abyss -- and then it was gone.
"Dr. Blake? Are you alright?"
Startled he looked up.
"Are you alright?" Ms Ryan asked again.
Jarod simply nodded and turned back to the girl in front of him. Her eyes were open and she was staring at the ceiling. She wasn't reacting to anything, not to light, not to his voice or physical contact. Ms Ryan was sitting in her corner, her eyes widened with fear. She heard the beeping of the instruments and the only thing she saw was the moving green line on the monitor that grew weaker with every minute.
"Dr. Blake, she's dying, why aren't you doing anything?"
"I can't! I don't know what's causing this!"
He turned towards the paramedic who was sitting in the front of the car.
"You have to call the hospital. I suspect that she has taken pills. They have to prepare the machines to pump out her stomach as soon as we arrive at the hospital.”
Jarod seemed desperate and stared at the girl again. The picture began to form again. The abyss was nearer now and the person - the young girl - prepared herself to jump.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" he yelled and tried to grab the girl in his imagination. And somehow it seemed to work. She seemed to step back and her heartbeat stabilized.
Miss Ryan stared at him, her eyes wide open. She had no idea what had happened. Jarod had screamed out loud after he had closed his eyes. He had looked at the girl for a while and then had taken her hand. Somehow they had seemed to melt. She couldn't make out what they had done.
"What did you do?"
"I can't tell you, I can't explain it myself."
"Will she be alright?"
"Yes, after we have eliminated all the medicaments she has presumably taken from her circulatory system, what means that we have to pump out her stomach and wait until the medication dissipates."
"How do you know that she has tried to kill herself? Her eyes are still open, do you think she can see me now?"
"Try it, I don't know."
He leaned back because he felt as if he was drained from all energy. He had no idea what had happened but he was glad the girl was obviously getting better. They arrived at the hospital and the backdoors were opened from the outside. Slowly Ms Ryan got outside and looked after the girl who was carried away on the stretcher. Jarod got out behind her and leaned against the car.
"Everything alright?" she asked.
"Just a little tired," he answered, "You can wait at the entrance until everything is done."
"I want to be near her, can't I go with you?"
He shook his head.
"I'm afraid not. The section is restricted to personnel only. You'll have to wait downstairs.”


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