Very nice. I hate Zoe, but this was good. If there is more, I will read it!
Reviewer: Archange Signed [Report This]Date: 06/07/13 09:15 pm
Enjoying it so far. Nice. And I wish my French was as good as your English!
Author's Response:
I'm glad you like it and thank you for taking the time to review, and for the very sweet compliment! The next chapter will be there... soon as I find time to write it!
Reviewer: kelly Anonymous [Report This]Date: 26/05/13 02:44 am
Oh, Faith, I love you for the strength and common sense you've given Zoe. I agree: she deserved an ending, one that does justice to her and you've given us that here. Thank you for sharing your talent and please, continue writing. The grammar was perfect. The fic was perfect. A definite 10!
Author's Response:
Ah, Mirage! Always the right words to encourage me! I'm glad you liked this chapter (starting with a Zoe-centered chapter was kind of a challenge because I know she's not the most popular character!) I'll post Jarod's chapter soon and I'll try to write my multi-chapter fic (I have the general idea, some scenes are written but I'm spending a lot of time with my baby boy, so less time to write...)
And thanks for the ''definite 10'' but I'm far less talented than you are!
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 25/04/13 08:32 am
It's always nice to see Zoe leaving. :)
Hope you're going on with it!
Author's Response:
Thanks! Now that Zoe's gone, next chapter is about Jaord! I'll try to update soon.
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed [Report This]Date: 24/04/13 07:10 pm
I love that you made Zoe a strong enough person to leave Jarod. Most of the time when Zoe is portrayed in fanfics she is either clueless or a total bitch.
Great job!
Author's Response:
Glad you liked it! I always thought Zoe was carefree not clueless and it's true that in most fanfics she is the one you just LOVE to see go away!
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 21/04/13 09:01 pm