Penname: parkergirl101 [Contact]

Real name: Parker Jameson

Member Since: 06/04/12

Membership status: Member


Greetings to whomever takes the time to read these things... I, parkergirl101, salute you!

Ok, so, the three year mark {has it really been that long?!} of me becoming a very proud member of Missing Pieces is upon us, and I thought a profile revamp was in order...

So, about me, I'm a proud XX team member, who loves to write {duh!... why else would I be lurking around here?!}, read - pretty much everything and anything I can get my hands on - which can sometimes be a really bad idea {but I am sure not to let it stop me... ever...} and watch my favorite shows {so many times that I end-up knowing them by heart... and throughout enjoying each and every minute of it...}

And that's exactly how it happened with The Pretender... one day as I was surfing aimlessly through channels hoping to find something good to watch {back in the day hundreds of channels were nothing but a distant dream...}, when I came across what would become my everlasting obssession {and, that, ladies and gentlemen, is a badge I wear proudly!} A show that I would watch over and over and over and over and over again for years to come... {still do, actually... nothing better than a good, ol' tP marathon to brigthen your day, right?!}

And that's how when I came across it a few years back, I knew I had to be apart of this *amazing* site that is Missing Pieces, with all  its awsome stories and authors; I wanted to be a part of this fanmily that kept the fandom alive when seemed to be no hope for the flame to ever be rekindled again...

But it has been... and I have to say, I'm loving every second of it!!

Now, for those among you who made it this far, I bid you goodbye... for now...

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