Characters: Broots, Ethan, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Original Character
Classifications: Genres: Drama, General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Word count: 33428
Read Count: 58100
Ok so what has MP done now?? lol I hope she's not suicidal.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedOh honey your muse is doing just fine and so are you. I like this. Very dark and Miss Parker seems to be in trouble but I definitely am enjoying this.
Reviewer: Leslie Signedooooh uuuh. I'm hoping someone will start looking for her. Lot of unspoken words between Broots and Sydney and between Ethan and Jarod. I know Ethan will help...ummm I hope. Great writing.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedI hope Jarod will give Paul the "help" he wants lol. Good job. I'm seriously loving this.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedOhhhH finally Ethan. Oh goddd. That Paul douche is nuts. Good job.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedReallly worried about Miss Parker but yea the Paul douche was abused as a child. It's not his fault.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedI wonder if Mr Parker is behind this. Or Lyle. Argghhh.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedGet 'im Miss Parker. That's the spirit. I'm glad she's not broken.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedWhat might happen indeed. Oooh really good.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedPaul is definitely afflicted. I hope Jarod will "cure" him lol.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedShe HAS to survive. Jarod has to save her and kill Paul.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedCrazy stuff.....but you write it well.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedThought Ethan was about to punch Jarod...wouldn't want that.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedPositive thinking. Hoping Miss Parker is right.
Reviewer: Leslie SignedVerry good. I'm so glad Miss Parker is ok. Beautiful job!
Reviewer: Leslie SignedOh boy. That last line. I love that she was going to buy him a drink first.
Reviewer: Leslie Signedoh lord. Fortunately Jarod is handling all this well.
Reviewer: Leslie Signed