Wow. I never know how to respond to this. I guess I don't notice his height, maybe I'm always wearing heels, or in a seated scenario. I don't know.
No, I've never been bitten by him, but I have watched The Howling IV in which the human character that he portrays sorta transitions into a werewolf character (hell of an improvement, because that Richard person character is aptly named, an absolute dick, and that's exactly how he got himself turned ino a fucking werewolf to begin with), and presumably werewolves do bite (disclaimer: I've never met a werewolf—probably because they don't exist—and cannot confirm that they do, in fact, bite) so I can understand how he'd be associated with biting. But, no, there was no wolfing out.
And no, I didn't freak out.
No, you aren't stupid. You're probably maybe a little bit nervous because he's famous. If it helps: a lot of people are famous now. Your neighbor probably has a podcast. It doesn't make anyone special. No, you aren't spineless (you wouldn't be able to type—or live—if you didn't have a spine). You're on a public website confiding your fear to me (and potentially billions of other people) which means you aren't spinless, and, wow, billions? Yeah, I know. If only. If only billions of people had good taste, yes?
I'd be glaring at the screen at Jarod while he sing-song purred some new awful thing in Parker's general direction during season twenty-nine (going on thirty) of The Pretender (instead of scribbling fanfic and assuring fans that the actors aren't werewolves) IF only.
You're not stupid.
Thank you for reading and reviewing.