Title: Chapter 14: Chapter 14
This is evolving brilliantly. Miss Parker seems to be experiencing an unwanted self-reckoning and also a renewed battle with her inner voice/dominant parent's voice. I think Jarod's return to her life triggered the return of all of the baggage and the past, the romeo/juliet /forbidden fruit angle of her and Jarod's relationship, and it's reasonable and plausible that she'd fear even subconciously that Jarod's presence would attact any fragments of the Triumvirate, Quintumvirate or any other org to her and her children. She must also be worried about Jarod in law enforcement even if she seems displeased by him playing doctor. I'm not a mother, but I know many of them and all mothers feel inept and like they're screwing up, so that also seems in character and plausible and it adds even more realism, and makes Miss Parker even more relatable and real. That tune playing speaks for itself. She's running. I don't think that she or Jarod would ever really get away from each other. All the running only leads them running into each other. I feel lucky to have read this and that you're willing to explore deeper. It's an ancient television series and I'm glad it's been given new life by fans. You excel in every facet of writing and story telling. As a fan I particularly love the added-for-continuity paragraphs and how you move the story forward and it goes without saying the characters. I read your stories and visualize the characters, scenes, settings. It's amazing. I look forward to the next installment. Thank you.
Author's Response: Hi. I'm not going to disagree with any of your theories.
You're absolutely not wrong about Jarod's presence and choice of career and the impact all of that has on Parker. This will become more clear in the coming chapters-- if you continue to read.
Of course I'm going to refer back to what we already know about these characters and this series in my scribblings, as a fan myself, because these aren't my characters, and this isn't my series, and it's important to remember that, and to remember where the characters have already been, and it's my goofy, derpy little geeky way of saying, "Psst, hi, fam, remember when abc did xyz? So do I!" *air fist bump*
Thank you for reading and for the entirely too generous review.
Reviewer: Michael Signed
Date: 03/06/22