[Reviews - 17] starstarstarstarstarPrinterMicrosoft Word



A friend in need is a friend indeed.



Rated: PG 13
Categories: Stories
Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Genres: Drama
Warnings: Warning: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 3291 Read: 63250
Published: 08/06/23 Updated: 16/01/25
Story Notes:

Super big thanks to Mirage for encouraging me, the late night emails and reading through this.. I would have never written this or posted it but she talked me through my fears in a gentle way that was similar to Sydney, Jarod and Miss Parker, and saw something that I couldn't see.

Thanks to Biodrome8 too for saying they like this when betaing me.

1. A Friend In Need by Xena [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar (1030 words)

2. The Only Lie by Xena [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (1167 words)

Enormous gratitude to Mirage. I couldn't find the correct words in a couple of places and was stuck. She gave me prompts, got me throughit and she gave me my NEW most favorite phrases ever. Spoiler alert in the End notes. Read the story first.

3. Salvation and Sweet Relief by Xena [Reviews - 1] (695 words)

4. Up In The Air by Xena [Reviews - 0] (399 words)

Thanks for the reviews.