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NNL 1000 hrs February 8

Jarod felt the suspicious, downright malignant stares directed at him every time Frank could pull his eyes away from the Sphere's controls. Donovan chided him at every turn. Dr. Ballard watched with glee at the sparks flying from Frank's narrowed eyes. Olga avoided the chrononaut when possible. As long as Jarod was on base the chrononaut would be petulant and childish.

“I see you've found yourself in a triangle, Dr. Seaborg.” Dr. Mentnor commented as he came to help calibrate the Sphere's electronic systems.

“Ah, yes.” Jarod smiled, uneasy with the situation brewing between him, Frank and Olga.

“Being in a love triangle is akin to being lost in the Bermuda Triangle.” The old doctor laughed for a moment before he realized Jarod hadn't gotten the simile. Mentnor started to explain, his mouth half open when Director Talmadge's voice interrupted all work in the hangar.

“Will the Backstep Team and Dr. Seaborg report to the conference room immediately.” Like ants to a hive, they pulled themselves together and marched to the conference room. Jarod saw apprehension on every member's face as they clustered. Nathan Ramsey stood in front of a large, plasma screen TV watching the United States president on ZNN.

“Moments ago, a group called Dark Moon, infiltrated every military base in every country in north and south America with a list of demands for each government.” The grim faced official went on to give a reassuring speech while saying very little of real relevance or giving information. Talmadge muted the television. Frown lines around the aging director's eyes deepened as he sat down at the head of the large table. It was easy to see the weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders.

“What's the real scoop on this one, Sir?” Ramsey paced, his hands on his hips and blood in his eye. With a silencing look from Talmadge, the true blue patriot sat down.

“The NSA and FBI have sent over all the information they have on this group, which isn't a whole hell of a lot.” He handed two files to Ramsey and gave a brief summary of their contents to the team.

“Now, what the Panel has isn't enough to authorize a Backstep, but they foresee one soon if these demands aren't met, which they won't be.” Ramsey barely kept himself from letting out a war hoop. Jarod watched, his mind examining every scenario.

“Dr. Seaborg, how many more days does your modifications afford us?” Olga asked the next, most obvious question.

“By my calculations, the modifications should bring an additional seventy-two hours.” Everyone around the table looked at the quiet genius. From seven to ten days in one sentence.

“Wonderful, I'll inform the NSA panel, until we are cleared for a Backstep, double check all systems.” Talmadge dismissed the team, remaining behind to discuss the prisoners with Ramsey.

“Sir, I have three detainees caught this morning.” Ramsey explained as Jarod moved slowly from the conference room. He left with a wide, self-satisfied grin on his face.

Scene Break

NNL Holding Cell 1200 hrs February 8

Miss Parker shook the bars of the holding cell she had to herself. She'd been pacing for the last hour and a half like a caged cat. Sydney sat placidly on the bottom bunk bed while Broots lay comfortably on the top bunk.

“If they aren't going to LET US GO, then they can at least FEED US!” Parker shouted down the long row of empty cells. Canned air and battleship gray walls were wearing on her nearly non-existent nerves.

“Calm down, Miss Parker, yelling won't make them respond any faster.” Sydney's calm demeanor made the wound up, young woman want to fly apart at the seams. An ominous thud at the end of the cement cell block drew all three detainees' attention at once. Two guards and a shorter, older, more average looking fellow appeared. Full of confidence and bravado, the one in the suit and tie swaggered up to Miss Parker's cell.

“I'm Nathan Ramsey, head of security, my MP's tell me you tried to pass yourselves off as the three officials from Delaware we've been expecting.” Ramsey's narrow, beady eyes looked the unlikely trio up and down. An air of pompous superiority oozed from the man. An untamed spark lit Miss Parker's ice blue eyes as she pulled herself to her full height; a full three inches taller than Ramsey in her bare feet.

“We are the three officials from Delaware you've been expecting, Mr. Ramsey.” Broots and Sydney sat on the edge of their bunks watching. Miss Parker's voice purred like a black panther before it pounced gracefully yet powerfully onto helpless prey. Ramsey tried to straighten his back and measure up as he watched the every movement of the seductive woman on the other side of the battleship gray bars. “I'm sure by now you've run our fingerprints and faces through the FBI database, out ID's and drivers licenses through the DMV as well as our flight plan.” Her voice dropped to a barely audible tone the longer she spoke. Ramsey didn't even know he'd moved to within arm's length of the bars. All he saw was a pair of iceberg blue eyes in a porcelain doll face.

“Yes, all that's been done, but we still can't tell if you are who you say your are or if you're part of the Dark Moon Group.” The slight southern drawl in Ramsey's voice made him wince. Miss Parker's fist grabbed the man's tie in a lightning fast snatch.

“I am not part of some radical, anti-government group, you MORON, I will have you ass in a sling with one phone call.” Parker pulled Ramsey against the bars, rattling them. Her shouting voice echoed in his ears as he tried to peel himself out of her clutches. Ramsey began shouting for the guards. After a moment, two burly, camo clad soldiers marched to his rescue. Miss Parker turned loose of the squirming head of security before the guards arrived.

“What in the hell is wrong with you, lady? Are you completely nuts or something? I went from having one psychopath Parker on this base to having two, just my luck.” Ramsey spouted from the other side of the hall between holding cells. Miss Parker sat on the lower bunk bed with a shifty expression on her face.

“I thought there were only Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle, do you think they have another brother?” Broots whispered to Sydney.

“Who's to say, Broots, especially in the Centre.” Sydney answered enigmatically. The tech whiz shook his head in agreement.

Scene Break

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