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Story Notes:
I hope you will like it.

Author's Chapter Notes:

this is a missing scene I wrote for the drabble game.

1)What episode was it?
2)Who is thinking this? 3)Can you name characters who are coming?

Life here at The Centre is so boring.
I know I'm dying and I don't believe in their new drugs. I don't want to be just a body for their experiments. My bed looks like a coffin and they give something to eat and some pills regularly but they don't give me any emotions, they don't treat me as a human.
Wait, I can hear some voices. It's not neither the voice of the doctor with cold eyes nor the nurse's tired voice. I see silhouettes of three people - in fact three children. I closed my eyes and I'm pretending to sleep. They're two boys - one older and one very young and a girl about my age.
Wow it looks I'll have friends! I hope we'll be great friends and not even death will part us.

Chapter End Notes:
1) In the hour of our death
2) Faith Parker
3)young miss Parker, Jarod and Angelo

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