[Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarPrinterMicrosoft Word

Instead of escaping the Centre, Jarod decides to use it for his own purposes. AU Scary Jarod.

Rated: PG 13
Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Debbie, Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Other Centre Character, Other Non-Centre Related Character, Sam, Sydney, Willie
Genres: Angst, Drama, Tragedy
Warnings: Warning: Character Death
Series: Father and Son, Sydney and Miss Parker
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 3746 Read: 39369
Published: 23/06/09 Updated: 23/06/09
Story Notes:

This is a rather perverse little story that started out as a single drabble. Then a couple more drabbles occurred, and then suddenly the end wrote itself, rather longer than a drabble. After the end, I thought of a completely different direction the story could take itself, so I wrote an alternate ending.

It's disjointed and peculiar, but I do plan to write it out completely into a full, multi-chapter story...sometime. Don't miss the two alternate endings.

1. Use them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (110 words)
The original drabble.

2. Threaten them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (105 words)

3. Kill them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (150 words)

4. Chase them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (136 words)

5. Trap them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (384 words)
Here's where it actually starts turning into a story instead of a series of drabbles.

6. Pretend them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (723 words)
Alternate ending #1, Part 1

7. Mourn them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (283 words)
Alternate Ending #1, Part 2

8. Manipulate them by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (276 words)
Alternate Ending #2, Part 1

9. Wipe the slate clean by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 0] (1376 words)
Alternate Ending #2, Part 2

10. Begin the world again by Haiza Tyri [Reviews - 1] starstarstarhalf-star (203 words)
Alternate Ending #2, Part 3