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Sydney sat at his desk in his dimly lit office, going over the files that were sent from the Triumvirate on a new project that he would be taking over for a time. He thought it odd that the Triumvirate was sending a project to the Centre; it was generally the other way around. Usually, the only thing that came from Africa was heat directed at the upper echelons, and of course watchdogs. Who could forget Mr Cox? The man was breaking records alienating the Centre's staff. Jarod's warning, dubbing him as being the Grim Reaper helped too.

Kainda. It would seem the Triumvirate were conducting their own Pretender-orientated projects. From what Sydney could read in the file he was sent, a file that was clearly vetted and had many, many pages omitted, Kainda was equipped with intelligence and skill that would have had her included in the Pretender Project at the Centre. She was as much as a Pretender as she was an Empath. Unlike Angelo who could only use his Empathic abilities due to the destruction of his mind Raines' 'training' had caused, Kainda was able successfully complete the simulations given to her.

Sydney would be interested in the outcome of introducing Angelo to the young Empath. Having that meeting actually take place would all rest on how much leniency he would be granted from Kainda's African handler.

Sydney wasn't expecting this to be an easy thing, taking over the control of an African project, especially when there had clearly been so much effort taken to censor the girl's file. He only had the cold hard facts, he knew only what he needed to know to take control for an unknown length of time. Physical description, including her age, a brief psychological profile, and of course her 'Project Classification', which was summed up in two words: Pretender. Empath.

In the file Sydney had, there was no record of what simulations Kainda had completed for the Triumvirate. They were classified. There was no record of how long she had been in the Triumvirate's care. That was classified. There was no record of what she was working on before she was transferred to his care. That too, was classified.

With how sterile the file was, Sydney had to wonder what it was the Triumvirate were going to so much trouble to hide about Kainda. Had they stolen Kainda? Or was she created? He doubted very much if he would ever know the answers to those questions. Those details were 'need to know,' and Sydney didn't need to know. He also didn't know how he could be expected to work with her when he, for all practical purposes, knew nothing more than her name. Her psychological profile was ambiguous, too many details and variables were omitted.

Sydney was going to find the task of taking on this new project to be equally frustrating and rewarding. He expected there to be more frustration than rewards, it all depended on how difficult things were made for him by the handler, and the Triumvirate themselves. How much about Kainda was on the need to know basis, and Sydney's name not on the list?

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