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Fifty minutes later she was ready to welcome Jarod’s parents. She was wearing a dress Jarod had bought her while she had been asleep. It reminded her of one outfit her mother had once worn: Brown and very mundane with sleeves which became wider and wider. It had a little touch of the seventies, but she liked it. Of course she liked it, Jarod had bought it …

Oh, yeah, great … She was already again thinking about him in a way she shouldn’t.
When a few minutes later somebody knocked on their door, she was still trying to get pictures of a very hot Jarod in a very small towel out of her head.
In the first moment, she didn’t know what to do. Should she open the door? Should she just sit there and wait for Jarod to open it? What would his parents and his sister think about her? Would they like her?
Without intending to, she had already walked to the door where Jarod waited for her to open it.
So he did and was greeted with one hug after another.
First his Mum, then his sister and at last his Dad.
They all stepped in.
Miss Parker still didn’t know what to do, so she just stood there and wondered when she had been this shy before.
The three people looked at her and then at Jarod.
“Mum, Dad, Emily, this is Melissa, Catherine’s daughter. You might remember her.”
Maggie smiled at her and then hugged her, too.
“Of course, I do. But I don’t think she remembers me.”
She stepped back to have a better look at Miss Parker.
“You really look like your Mum when she was about your age.”
Miss Parker was still too irritated to say anything.
Had Jarod really used her first name?
She gave him a questioning look and earned a look of honesty sympathy.
Yeah, he did …
Major Charles, Maggie and Emily watched the two of them exchange glances they couldn’t read.
When Miss Parker noticed that they tried to read her thoughts she decided that it was time to move on.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to be impolite, but I’m not used to hear anyone use my name. Even my father hasn’t used it for ages.”

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