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The Centre - Simlab


Sydney was worried. Jarod seemed to be in some sort of catatonic state. He was just sitting there, holding the figurine in his hand without blinking, staring straight through him. Once again he tried to rouse the pretender by calling his name.

He felt relief when the pretender looked up at him, his eyes confused, his demeanour bewildered.

"You had me worried. You seemed to be catatonic for about two minutes."

Sydney watched as Jarod tiredly rubbed his hand across his face. Then he saw a look that was familiar to him as daylight. The pretender knew something and it was confirmed when he met the brown eyes of Jarod and he heard the words.

"I know who has Miss Parker."

Lifting his eyebrows, he crossed his arms while he waited for his prodigy to explain his find.


Ten miles outside Blue Cove

Harry couldn’t believe the scene that met his eyes. He was a tall black man in his mid thirties and has been a paramedic for ten years. A big town car lay on its roof, nearby a very dead deer had been dragged to the side of the road. Getting out of the ambulance he went ahead to assess the situation while his partner grabbed the gear.

“There’s one alive here.”

The doors were jammed and he had to clear the glass from the side window before he could grab the first man. There was nothing to be done about this one. His neck was broken. Pulling him out the window, he allowed Steven to take the body and lay it next to the overturned car.

The next guy was the one he had been after. He had heard the moan that had escaped his lips. Cautiously, he felt the neck and back for any contusions. The old guy seemed to be breathing fine and that made him optimistic. In most cases age counted against accident victims and shock was a real killer.

Grabbing the stretcher from his partner, he carefully slipped it underneath the body. Slipping the straps across, he felt surprise when a hand gripped his arm. Looking into the eyes of the old man, he saw fear and confusion. Before he could hope to gain some information the eyes slid close again. Making sure he had a pulse, he continued with securing his patient.


The Centre

Jarod wheeled over towards where the table had been set up. Moving his notes around, he cleared a space for him to work in. Sydney had followed him and was standing slightly behind his left shoulder.

"See, the words he left on the mirror was not only for Miss Parker. He left it for me. He knew that Lyle would bring me back here and that I would be forced to do the simulation. He wanted me to feel what she felt, to experience her panic and fears."

Looking at Sydney over his shoulder he started to draw on one of the papers he had chosen.

"I follow what you're saying, Jarod, but why?"

"Because he wanted me to know that I was playing his game. His rules. Why put something as great as love next to something as devastating as destroyer. So that we focus on the whole sentence and not the words. The one thing that binds Miss Parker and me is …"

Glancing at the camera, Jarod knew that Sydney would understand his reluctance in saying the word aloud. Nodding his head in understanding he waited for Jarod to continue.

"There is one person who knew that. He taunted me once about losing the most important thing in my world."


The Centre – Parking garage, level six

The dark saloon entered the level, coasting to a standstill next to where the blond haired man stood. A door opened, revealing the Albino.

“I trust nothing else went wrong on your way here.”

“No, Mr Lyle. If not for that unfortunate accident you would have had both. I will check on the local hospitals to see if anyone did survive. From where we sat, it didn’t look very promising.”

Lyle eyed the backseat. The boy seemed to be unconscious. Raising an eyebrow, he turned towards Mr White.

“He was drawing attention so I had him silenced. He was distraught over the accident and was ignoring all other attempts to calm down.”

Motioning to the sweepers to bring the boy he grabbed the albino’s arm.

“I want the major brought back here, even if you have to steal him from the mortuary. Don’t fail me again or your payment may arrive posthumous.”

Lyle and the albino stared each other down, each warning the other silently of what they are capable of. The tension rose, becoming unbearable till one of the sweepers cleared his throat. Turning from the albino, Lyle walked away, leading the sweepers who carried the boy into the Centre.


The Centre

"Why did he send the angel?"

Sydney asked, taking a chair and sitting close to Jarod where he still could see what the pretender was drawing.

"Sydney, have you ever played Cluedo? I discovered it last year. To win you need to know who committed the deed, what instrument was used and where it was done. I know he has Miss Parker. This," placing the angel on the table next to the drawing," is where. And I believe that Angelo's reaction might just be enough to help me figure ‘where’ out."

"Why did he send an angel without a face?"

"To show me that he can change her views; maybe even change her completely. He is busy moulding her into his image. Sydney, Miss Parker is strong but I get the feeling that we don't have a lot of time left. I don’t think he knows about Angelo yet but he is a genius and has the uncanny ability of knowing what is going on at the Centre."

With one last stroke, Sydney watched as the pretender turned the finished product to his view. It was a roman sundial, a shadow stretching towards ten. Sydney felt a little guilty. It had been so easy to fall back into routine, to prompt and await the pretender's responses. Turning the picture to face Jarod again, he pushed the guilt into a corner hoping that soon he would be able to purge it from its current residence.

"Jarod, who has Miss Parker?"

Sydney saw the tension etched into his prodigy's face.

Jarod didn't want to say the name out loud. That would make this nightmare seem more real, more bizarre than it already was. His nightmares of their previous meeting still haunted him when he closed his eyes to sleep. Words that collided, forming their own storm centres inside his mind, winds of taunts buffeting his sanity. Truth was turning subjective to what he knew of him and his family and he wondered how much of what was uttered was to do precisely that. Gradually, he let calm to sooth the wandering winds, allowing some respite.

Facing his mentor he allowed the name to flow from his lips, hoping that the taint of it wouldn't stain his lips.

"His name is Alex."


VA Medical Centre

Harry went to check on the old man he had brought in earlier. Beside him, the only other person that survived was the other big guy that had sat on the other side. He was in surgery to repair a torn spleen and muscle-tear to the abdomen.

Entering the recovery room he was glad to see that the man was more lucid and seemed to be conscious of what was going on around him. Grabbing the chart, he checked his vitals before moving to the side of the bed.

“I’m glad you’re here, man. You had me worried.”

Smiling, he watched as the patient turned towards him. Dr Ross had asked him earlier about this one. It seemed that there was a lot more bruises present that the patient could have picked up in the accident. To the doctor it had looked like he had been beaten more than once over the course of the past few days.

Seating himself gently on the side of the bed, he took the old man’s arm in his hand, checking his pulse. Although fast it was strong. Letting go, he kindly asked, “Can you tell me your name?”

Concern etched into his features when the old man shook his head. To him it didn’t look like the guy had lost his memory. It seemed more like the guy didn’t want to identify himself and he once again wondered about the circumstances that this man had been in. Dr Ross had phoned the local police station because of the abuse that seemed evident. The sergeant on duty had promised to send a detective in the morning to substantiate the doctor's views.

"Its ok if you don't want to say. I have to go and fill in my reports but I'll come back later, if you want."

With the nod of assent he left, hoping that whatever that had scared the old man wouldn't stop him from telling the detective what had happened to him.


The Centre

J felt like his head would explode. The punch that had left him unconscious had also left him with one killer headache. He didn’t want to open his eyes. He didn’t want to face what might have happened to his dad. He didn’t want to face where he was. His eyes flew open in shock when a hard hand connected with his face.

“Hello Gemini.”

He felt his anger rise. Here was the man who was responsible for bringing him back, for separating him from his dad, for everything that had happened in the past twenty four hours.

Though his wrists were still cuffed, he made a fist with both hands and lashed out. The other man stumbled back in surprise and the boy rose, feeding his anger with all the simulations that Rains had him perform on assassinations. He attacked viciously, his bouldered fist connecting with the other's body. He was still drawing his foot back for a kick to the unprotected ribs in front of him when the electric shock of a taser gun flipped him to the ground. He turned on his side, his muscles twitching sporadically. The anger still lingered and he allowed it to fester, hoping that somehow he would find a way out.


VA Medical Centre – 20:00

Harry had returned to John Doe after his shift change. He felt a sort of kinship with the older man. He reminded him of his dad, strong and stubborn. Dragging a chair closer, he handed him a packet of candy he had brought from the vending machine.

The eyes conveyed their thanks, but he still couldn’t get the old man to speak. He started a monologue on the adventures he and his dad had before a heart attack had laid claim to him last year. He had found that sometimes with older patients that had survived something traumatic, that just to hear mundane everyday life stories helped them to unwind and reveal what had happened.

He was just getting to the part where his dad had helped him out of the pond he had fallen in when he noticed a change in the older man. He was staring past him to the corridor. Turning, he noticed a man standing and speaking to Dr Ross. There was something funny about the man and it took him a moment or two to realise that the man was an albino. His attention was drawn back to John when his arm was held in a strong hold.

“Get me out of here.”

Looking back at the albino, he found the other man staring intently at him. He felt a shiver run down his spine. John’s pleading gaze was still on him, another whisper followed, “Please.”

“Ok, just hold on. Walking towards the door, Harry saw Dr Ross and the albino walk towards the nurse’s station. Returning to the major, he quickly helped him put on the dressing gown the hospital provided. Removing the IV drip, he put one arm around the older man’s middle and helped him stand. Together they moved down the corridor as fast as they could.


Undisclosed vicinity

Miss Parker was seated on what she had come to accept as her bed, the pillow cushioned behind her. Her head was leaning tiredly against the softness, her right hand fingering the notebook. She had eaten a tin of baked beans earlier when she had woken from her grief exhausted sleep. Her left hand rose and she took another sip from the bottle.

She had kicked of the slippers; they lay messily next to mattress. It is funny how many things taken for granted are the first things you miss when you're denied it. At this stage she wished she had a blanket to wrap around her. Even if it was old and had holes. That and a good meal with Sydney and yes, even Broots.

Sighing, she put the bottle down next to the bed. Picking up the book, she mentally braced her emotions, steeling them to accept the inevitable. Turning to the first page, she gently traced the letters on the first clipping.

Carpenter found shot at lover's home

She remembered his face, the way his body had felt beneath her hands. His calloused hands that traced her skin. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled that special smile just for her. She remembered the warmth of his embrace and the way it made her feel safe, feel special and loved. And she remembered that day. When her whole world had fallen inward to break into shards that had not stopped hurting. They still cut and penetrated her defences. Even now, three years later.

That reminded her unpleasantly of her present situation. She had no idea how long she had been in this hell-hole. Whether it was day or night outside; was it raining, cloudy or clear. Closing her eyes, she almost hoped to feel the rays of the sun on her face. Opening them again they were greeted by the same glaring light bulb that shone without end. She had put the light out once to get some sleep and had woken in panic when pitch black darkness surrounded her. Since then, she had kept the light bulb shining.

Without provocation, her fingers moved over to the next page, as if reading her mind and knowing her memories was changing, evolving to what stood next to her saddest day. Tracing the letters, they trembled slightly. She didn't want to believe it. If she did, she would go mad. It would mean her one constant will have disappeared. The anchor that had held her steady, kept her sane in the asylum called the Centre. That had provided guidance in dealing with her mother's supposed suicide, her death. That had helped her deal with her grief for Tommy. That had always given her unconditional love and acceptance. The one that knew who she really was. Her eyes travelled over each letter, willing them to fade in her glare. To change into something that pronounced miracles and not death. Ignoring her ice cold gaze, they glared back announcing to all who could understand. They seemed to jump from the page and march in front of her, mocking her weakness. Closing her eyes they shouted with glee to echo in her mind.

Unknown benefactor found shot in park
A man known only as Jarod was identified…

Maybe, just maybe she was the destroyer of love.


Parking lot, VA Medical Centre

Harry helped the major into the front seat of his old Ford sedan. He was worried about the condition of the old man. He was breathing shallow, his features pasty and glistening with sweat. Closing the creaking door, he hurried to the other side. Getting in, he started the car with a bang. Moving into the slow moving traffic towards the exit, he kept an eye on his rear-view window for any sight of the albino. Breathing a sigh of relief when he finally exited without any shouts of recognition, he turned right into St James' Avenue.

"Don't go home. He probable knows your life history by now," came the tired voice.

Glancing at the major, he was met by clear eyes that kept his attention. Turning into a broken-down garage, he parked the car next to some rusting bins. Turning to face the major he dreaded the answer but asked it anyways.

"How would he know where I live? That information is confidential."

Ignoring the question, Major Charles tried to get in a more comfortable position. Closing his eyes briefly he instead answered with another question.

"Do you have any family at home? If you do, you need to phone them and tell them to go someplace safe only you and they would know about."

Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. His safe world was turning into a nightmare. Distracted by the clank of cooling iron he answered vaguely.

"Ah, no, no one else. Since my father died last year I have been living alone. My work, well, the hours ….you know."

He couldn't believe this was happening. He felt completely out of his comfort zone and he had always thought that because of the kind of work he did he would be able to handle any crisis. Now he felt lost.

"I have a safe-house we can go to. It's not far from here. We can work on a rescue plan from there."

Harry decided to listen to what the old man had to say. At least it gave him a starting point of where to drop him off and leave him if he thought things were getting too much out of hand. Starting the car he followed the directions from the tired Major towards a possible safe place.


The Centre – SL 27, A1

J sat stonily on the edge of the bed, his hands cuffed painfully behind his back. He watched Lyle dab his lip again, scowling when his hands still came back with blood. Taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, he held it to his lip. J knew that Lyle will make him pay for the blows that he had managed to land. He was slowly retreating to the safe place he had created whenever Raines had punished him for not performing to his specifications. Keeping his eyes locked on the blue ones of Lyle he was grateful when a phone interrupted their silent battle. He watched the chairman's son turn away from him, exiting the room before answering his phone.

"This better be good."

Gripping the phone tightly, Lyle dropped the bloodied handkerchief into his pocket.

"I lost the major. He escaped with the help from one of the locals. We've been to his residence and they are not there. We are trying to determine whether the Major has a place somewhere close by."

"Be careful, Mr White. Failure to find the major will lead to the termination of our contract. You have twenty four hours. If I don’t hear from you within that time period I will assume our contract to be null and void. Understand?"

Silence greeted him before the phone disconnected. Throwing his phone against the wall, Lyle felt his anger rise. Everything was working so well and now this. His timetable will now have to be extended another day. Looking through the one way mirror, he watched the boy shift on the bed. Motioning to Sam, he gave instructions regarding the treatment of the clone. He wanted to stay and watch but he had other priorities that required his immediate attention. He watched Sam close the door behind him before he reluctantly turned and left.


Simlab – 22:00

Sydney watched with concern as Jarod's head jerked up again. Since his revelation they had been sitting here with Broots trying to find possible locations where Alex could be keeping Parker captive. Jarod was sitting slightly left of Broots, who was typing in commands that he gave. Another tech Sydney didn’t know, sat opposite following the path ways and making sure the pretender was not sub programming commands for a possible escape. Jarod was falling asleep, his exhausted body still recovering from the ordeal that Lyle had put him through.

"Jarod, I think that's enough for today."

Bleary, bloodshot eyes looked at Sydney. The pretender shook his head and pointed to another flaw in his directions before pounding his fist in frustration on the arm rest.

"No, you need to declare that before widening the search pattern."

"S…sorry." Broots stammered as his fingers flew over the keyboard, trying to correct the basic mistake he had made. He wiped his eyes; the screen seemed to waver for a second or two before it settled back into normality.

To Sydney it seemed that Jarod moved slightly forward, as if to take over from the tiring tech. A warning word from Willie made him glance at the dark man before focusing on the screen again. Another frustrated sentence followed, while Broots tried to keep up with the pretender's directions.

"Jarod, please. You'll only make yourself sick. You need rest, sleep. How do you think you'll help Parker if you can't function properly because you ignored your body's messages?"

Jarod still stared at the screen, trying to follow the code. They seemed to dance in his mind and he only barely heard what his mentor said.

"No, I'll be fine. We need to find Miss Parker and…"

"and Willie will take you to your room."

Jarod led out a growl of frustration and he tried to push Willie's hand from his brakes he had set when he parked the wheelchair. When the dark man effortlessly pushed him forward to cuff his hands, he surrendered in defeat. His angry gaze met Lyle's.

"I am close, please. Sydney, don't let him do this. You can't …"

Sydney turned to Lyle, interrupting Jarod's pleading with a statement of his own.

"What do you plan on doing with him?"

Lyle put his best innocent face forward; a slight smile in his voice.

"Nothing." Seeing the unbelieving look on the psychiatrist's face he continued, "Really, Sydney. You said so yourself, wonder boy here needs his rest if he is to perform optimally. That is what you want, isn't it?"

Sydney didn't trust Lyle especially when he had that supposed innocent look. Stepping to the pretender's side, he put his left hand on Jarod's shoulder, his right asking for the key to the cuffs. Willie glanced at Lyle before the dark man closed his hand around the key and slipped it into his pocket.

"Lyle, I won't allow you to take Jarod. I'm supposed to look after his needs."

"Well, Sydney. It seems that Jarod was ignoring your directives and his own needs. That is grounds enough for me to intercede for Jarod's best interest."

Sydney gave a short laugh, his hand resting calmly on the pretender. His answer came in a dangerous tone, his stance determined.

"You never had anyone's best interest at heart but yourself, Lyle. Please don't insult my intelligence with your supposed concern over Jarod's wellbeing. I will not let you take him."

The wheezing voice of Raines interrupted Lyle's angry retort he was about to start.


Both turned towards the Chairman, both assuming firm stances, both laying claim for Jarod's soul.

"Sydney, Lyle will…take…Jarod…to get…some rest. We will…discuss…this…in my…office."

Sydney held his tongue when the sweeper that had entered with Raines silently came and stood at his right shoulder. Giving the pretender a squeeze of empathy, he silently said good night before allowing the sweeper to guide him after the disappearing ghoul, leaving Jarod in the hands of Lyle.


The Centre

Jarod was slightly surprised when Willie pushed him into his cell. With his hands still cuffed behind his back, he leaned forward in the hope that Willie would take them of. Instead the dark man grabbed one bicep and dragged him onto his bed. He could here Lyle’s clothes rustling as his captor took something from a pocket. His view was blocked by Willie and he tried to twist his body to see what his captor had in store for him. With a command from Lyle, he was pushed onto his stomach, the dark man’s body pushing down on his, keeping him still while he gripped the elastic of his pants. Jarod felt panic engulf him as he struggled beneath the weight of the other. With his view clear he could see what Lyle had in his hands.

“No, please. Lyle, no.”

He felt his pants pushed down, leaving him naked and vulnerable.

“You need your rest, Jarod. This will ensure you’re cooperation.”

“Please, I promise I’ll sleep.” Jarod watched anxiously as the blond man stepped closed. Slowly, aware of Jarod’s eyes on him, he uncapped the syringe. Jarod bucked, trying to dislodge Willie from him, his heart rate increasing, his breathing audible and frightened.

“Please. I…please, no”

Jarod felt Willie shift, pushing him further into the mattress, making sure the pretender was under control. He watched the spurt as Lyle released the air bubbles, his smile evil.


Jarod pushed his face into the bedding, his screams of frustration and anger muffled by the sheets as the sharp point of the needle punctured his skin. He felt the coolness as the liquid entered his gluteus muscle. He swore he could feel it burning upwards; enveloping his body till every part seemed to be on fire. He felt Willie get off, pulling his pants back up. Tears of frustration filled his eyes, his hands forming fists, his arm muscles rippling as he tried to free them. All he managed was to open the cuts he got this morning and create new deeper grooves, the blood smearing his wrists red. He felt his bed dip as another body seated himself on it. Turning his head sideways away from him, he faced the wall, counting the stains to try and get some calmness to settle over him. He flinched when Lyle’s hand slowly began a soothing backrub before manipulating his shoulders in a firm massage.

“Just let the medication do its work. There’s nothing you can do to change it, Jarod.”

Jarod could feel the sedative relaxing his muscles. He tried to deny its effect but he could feel his eyes closing. Forcing them open, he wanted nothing more than to…

Lyle watched with satisfaction as the pretenders eyes closed, his breathing slower and deep. Pulling Jarod’s hair from his face he made a note to get Sam to cut the pretender’s hair. Getting up, he waited as Willie released the bindings from Jarod’s wrists. The dark man turned the prodigy to a more comfortable position on his back, making sure there was nothing that would smother the drugged man. They left him to a dreamless drug induced sleep.


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