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Fourth in the DMV series. Standard disclaimers, and all that rot.

Sydney at the DMV

by Sarah

Sydney patiently waited in line as he had for the past hour and a half at the DMV. He really wasn't in that much of a hurry, but
nobody likes standing in lines. The psychologist within gave Syd a different view of the people in line. There was the man three
persons back from the front of the line, glancing at his watch like he was in a hurry. This man probably has a wife waiting for him at home, Syd thought to himself. This was really his favorite time of the year, because he was able to indulge the fantasies not possible at the Centre. At the Centre he had all the psych profiles of the workers so he didn't have to invent things about them. Here, though, he didn't know anything about anybody.

The man four persons away from Sydney suddenly stalked to the front of the line. Syd was suprised to see it was Broots. Well, though Syd, this is a departure from the normal meek Broots. I wonder what he's going to do? Broots slammed his fist down on the counter and jerked his hand back, shaking it. Sydney chuckled silently. Aparently Broots had been listening to Miss Parker about how to handle situations. Broots was waving his arms around and yelling, trying to get his driver's license taken care of. He finally walked meekly back to the line where he was and stood for the next half hour. Sydney could see Broots was getting ticked again, and he waited with a smile on his face to see what Broots did next. Broots pushed the woman in front of him out of the way, and she grabbed his arm and flipped him over her head in a perfect Judo move. It was all Sydney could do to keep from laughing out loud. Broots staggered to his feet and walked to the very end of the line, not seeing Sydney as he passed.

Sydney only had to wait another three quarters of an hour to get his drivers license renewed, and he watched Broots mumble
and moan at the end of the line. Everyone's tempers were wearing thin by the time Syd got to the front, but this was Sydney's

The acne faced kid behind the desk was probably going to school part time and working here the other part. As Sydney left the DMV he made sure Broots didn't see him. Syd made a mental note to schedule a few extra therapy sessions for Broots when he got back to the Centre. Then he walked out, whistling.


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