[Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarPrinterMicrosoft Word
Summary: Jarod and Samantha work together to uncover the truth behind an agent's disappearance - and there is another, more deadly hunter on the trail, determined to apprehend Jarod and Samantha at any cost. Sixth story in the 'Samantha Series.' (IP)
Rated: PG 13
Categories: During The Series
Characters: Jarod
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 25888 Read: 38905
Published: 23/08/05 Updated: 23/08/05

1. Prologue by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (1849 words)

2. Chapter 1 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (3871 words)

3. Chapter 2 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (2874 words)

4. Chapter 3 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (4395 words)

5. Chapter 4 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (1400 words)

6. Chapter 5 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (2935 words)

7. Chapter 6 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (2637 words)

8. Chapter 7 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (2665 words)

9. Chapter 8 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] (1695 words)

10. Chapter 9 by Jaxie [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstar (1567 words)