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by Randi A. Drubin


Miss Parker felt the warmth from the sun as she sat on the porch looking out towards a huge playground. She heard the delighted screams of the children as they played on the slides and the monkey bars. The children seemed to be having a good time except for one little boy who played by himself on the swings. He looked to be about nine or ten. From the distance of the porch, Miss Parker couldn’t tell. He would be the same age as her son; the son she never knew. She never felt the sweet pleasure of holding her own child in her arms. Her father had seen to that, hadn’t he? She never knew what happened to her son, but she knew in her heart that her son was out there somewhere, and as soon as she was well enough to leave rehab, she would find him.

Behind Miss Parker’s dark sun glasses, the tears welled up in her eyes. She had promised herself that she would never let them get to her. The Centre was an evil place. Her mother had found out the hard way when she attempted to rescue Jarod. Too bad mother’s plan had failed. Miss Parker would have loved to have seen her father’s face as the Feds led him away in handcuffs. Oh, how she hated her father. If she could get out of this wheelchair, Miss Parker would show him a thing or two about family loyalty.

The memories of that awful night came back to her. Miss Parker remembered what Sydney had attempted to erase with his constant brainwashing and coercion. The truth had managed to resurface in spite of Sydney’s attempts to shield her from it. Soon it would be pay back time. If not for her or Jarod, but for her mother and the son she never knew. Sydney once told her on one of their “wild goose” chases that there were always consequences for your actions. Hadn’t Matthew Michaels found that out? There wasn’t much left of his manhood after Miss Parker had gotten through with him. He deserved it. The bastard slept with her to get a shot at Jarod. Miss Parker still cringed when she thought of having that horrid man touching her with his sweaty hands.

The night she woke from the coma, Jarod had been at her bedside. There were no nasty little jokes at her expense that Jarod seemed so fond of leaving. There was only Jarod and his unfailing kindness. Miss Parker touched the heart shaped ring on her finger. He had given it to her. He had proposed that night. Touching the ring made her feel close to him. One day, she and Jarod would be able to build a life together, but for now she had to be careful. There were too many prying eyes. No one was safe at the Centre. Miss Parker no longer held allusions that she was immune from the dangers of working for Mr. Raines and her father.

It pained Miss Parker to lie to Sydney. He never suspected her relationship to Jarod had changed. He never knew they had secretly married in that hospital room. In all outward appearances, Miss Parker hated Jarod. She would stop at nothing short of killing him to catch him, and bring him back to the Centre. Her position at the Centre was precarious. Raines already suspected that she had deliberately discharged her gun on one occasion which in turn aided in Jarod’s escape. Let the bastards think I’m with them. What better way to protect Jarod than to be on the inside leading the hunt? For every step Jarod took forward, Miss Parker made sure to direct the hunt two steps backwards. They had come close to catching him on a couple of occasions, but Miss Parker was careful to get there ahead of everyone. She would wink at him, and yell, “He’s heading to the roof,” when she knew damn well he was getting into a taxi cab, or disappearing into a crowd of nameless people.

Sydney inserted another diskette into the computer’s 1.44 drive. He had been copying important Centre files ever since he had gotten back from Ridge. There were so many files to copy that Sydney doubted any of it would do any good in the long run. He had already used 40 3.5 diskettes, and was still not finished. Jarod had most of the DSA’s, but without the files they were meaningless. The DSA’s could be misinterpreted, but the files, and the secrets contained in them, would put Mr. Raines and Mr. Parker away forever. Sydney wondered if Miss Parker would ever forgive him for sending her father away for life.

Sydney glanced at his watch, “Oh shit! I’m late. Miss Parker is going to be angry.”

Didn’t she once warn him that his myopic obsession with his work would get him into trouble? He could easily make the same statement of her in her obsessive pursuit of Jarod. When the disk was full, Sydney grabbed it, and hid it with the others in the wall safe behind the painting of the Empire State building that Jarod had given him for Christmas. He couldn’t take the risk of leaving anything around. You never knew who you could trust. Broots was too easily intimidated by Mr. Raines that he would practically puke up any information he could give him. For now Sydney only had himself to rely on. He was a good liar. Hadn’t he been doing it all of his life?

Miss Parker was waiting for him when he pulled up. She frowned as he climbed the porch steps.

“You’re late, but was else is new?”

Sydney shrugged, “I guess I lost track of the time.”

Miss Parker nodded, “I’ll forgive you this time. Actually, I’m sort of glad you were late. I was enjoying the view.”

Sydney turned and saw the children playing, “They seem to be having a good time.”

“They’re lucky. Some children never have that experience,” Miss Parker said sadly.

Sydney frowned, “You’re referring to Jarod.”

Miss Parker’s face hardened, “I also include myself, Syd. I grew up the day my mother died.”

Sydney sighed, “I’m sorry.”

“Forget it! I have,” Miss Parker lied.

Sydney winced as if he’d been stung, “We can never forget, can we, Moira?”

“What’s done can never be undone, Syd. Haven’t you learned that by now? Isn’t that Jarod’s legacy? He keeps trying to make up for all the wrongs the Centre has committed, but no matter what he does, the guilt is always there,” Miss Parker said in disgust.

“You’ve changed your mind about Jarod? You sympathize with him?” Sydney said smiling.

Miss Parker laughed derisively, “You must be joking! Nothing could be further from the truth.”

Sydney shook his head, “That’s too bad. I was hoping you would have changed your mind after the risk he took visiting you in the hospital.”

Miss Parker frowned, “Any leads on your prize specimen?”

Sydney glared at her, “No. There’s been no sign of him.”

“That’s odd. Has he tried to contact you?” Miss Parker asked.

Sydney shook his head, “No. It’s been two months since the Ridge episode. I’m beginning to worry that something has happened to him.”

Miss Parker saw the worry in Sydney’s face, “You seem really upset, Syd. Maybe he’s taking an extended vacation in Tahiti or something.”

“I don’t think Jarod even knows the concept of vacation. Do you think he’s giving up?” Sydney asked as he held the door open while Miss Parker wheeled herself inside.

“Relax. Jarod’s a big boy, Syd. He’s managed to avoid capture for more than three years. I bet he’s just laying low waiting to make a grand appearance.”

Sydney shook his head, “I hope so, but something just doesn’t feel right. I think something’s happened to Jarod, and that’s why he hasn’t contacted me.”

Jarod waited at the front entrance of the pet grooming shop, Le Boutique Unique. The owner, Gail Matson, would be arriving shortly. Jarod was always early, so he would have to wait with the Le Boutique customers, who were always eager to greet him with a lick on the hand. However, today Jarod was tired. He hadn’t slept, and all he wanted to do was go home. He graciously accepted the leash of a not so friendly schnauzer. Jarod listened half-heartedly as Freddy’s owner told him how she wanted Freddy groomed. Jarod smiled and nodded in all of the right places, but as soon as the woman left, he couldn’t remember for the life of him what she wanted him to do to Freddy. Freddy didn’t seem to care either way. He regarded Jarod wearily before wagging his tail. Jarod leaned up against the wall and waited for the day to start.

He woke that morning feeling out of sorts. He couldn’t seem to shake the heavy feeling that seemed to hang on him since he left Miss Parker at the hospital. At first he figured he was just tired, but the constant fatigue and his inability to sleep suggested otherwise. Secretly, he hoped that they wouldn’t be busy today. He couldn’t take another day of washing and brushing dogs.

Jarod looked down at Freddy. He felt a wave of dizziness hit. His knees would have buckled had it not been for the wall. A bead of sweat had started to form on his upper lip and brow. Freddy seemed to sense something was wrong. He sat patiently watching Jarod.

Gail pulled up at 7:45. She escorted a black mini-poodle out from one of the crates she kept in her van. She kept chattering about her daughter as Jarod made his way to the back of the store where he deposited Freddy into one of the wire cages.

Gail put the poodle on the table, and started to clip its face. She looked up as Jarod sat down heavily in one of the chairs, “Hey kid, you look awful. What? Are you coming down with something?”

Jarod forced himself to smile, “I can’t seem to wake up this morning.”

Gail stopped what she was doing. She put her hand on Jarod’s forehead, “Holy cow, kid! You’re burning up. You better go home and get right back in bed.”

Jarod shook his head, “No, really, Gail, I’ll be fine. Maybe a cup of coffee will wake me up.”

Gail looked at him and frowned, “The hell you are. I’ve been a mother for more years than I’d care to count. I know when someone’s sick, and you, dear boy, are as sick as a dog.”

“I can’t leave you here to groom all these dogs by yourself,” Jarod said as he got to his feet. He had to grab the edge of the grooming table to keep from falling.

Gail went to the front counter. The appointment book had three entries, “I don’t see a problem here. We’ve got three on the books; two miniature poodles and a schnauzer. I can handle that in my sleep. Besides, if I get busy, I’ll call you.”

Jarod knew Gail wouldn’t call him even if three Old English Sheep dogs were to suddenly show up.

“Okay, I guess I can use a nap.”

Gail went to the refrigerator, and came back with a container of orange juice, “Here, humor an old woman, and drink this. You look like you could use it.”

Jarod gratefully took the juice, and began to drink slowly half afraid he would wind up getting sick again. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been able to hold anything down aside from water which he forced himself to drink. Jarod knew from simulated experience that the human body could endure a long time without food, but going without water for more than two days could lead to dehydration and death.

Once he was home in his rented one bedroom apartment, Jarod forced himself to eat the soup that Gail had bought for him from the deli. In the six weeks Jarod had worked for Gail Matson, Jarod had come to value her as a friend. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth about who he was. He knew Gail would understand, but involving her in his past could endanger her future. Jarod couldn’t stand to lose another friend to the Centre.

Edgar Owens had been a good friend. He had been Jarod’s neighbor while he was pretending to be an English professor at a small private college in New York. Edgar had invited Jarod to go bar hopping with him one night after a faculty party. Jarod didn’t even know what bar hopping entailed, but he caught on quickly as they caroused all of the local college hang-outs. Jarod smiled as he remembered his first taste of beer.

“People actually enjoy drinking this stuff?” Jarod had said before he belched loudly. Edgar had laughed at Jarod as he ordered every imported beer at the bar. He had finally settled on Michelob.

By then, Jarod was completely without inhibition. He hadn’t seen them enter. He heard the familiar sound of the high heeled stilettos, and watched in horror as Miss Parker and Sydney caught sight of him.

Miss Parker stared at him in disbelief, “You’re drunk!”

Edgar drunkenly wolf whistled at her, “And you’re that Bitch, Miss Parker.”

Sydney held Miss Parker back, but he couldn’t keep the clean-up crew from getting off a round of shots.

Jarod had managed to crawl out of the bar in the chaos and confusion. He learned later that Edgar didn’t make it. He had died en-route to the hospital. From then on, Jarod never drank, and never told anyone the true nature of his position. He loved Gail too much to endanger her life the way he had endangered Edgar’s.

Jarod couldn’t contain his sadness. It grew expedentially with each assignment. He didn’t have anyone he could share his dreams with. He hadn’t meant to stay so long here, but seeing Miss Parker so desperately ill, and then seeing all of those abused children at Ridge, made Jarod stop and take a serious look at what his life had become. He was tired; so damned tired of running. He was one man. How could he ever expect to right all of the wrongs he had caused? He couldn’t look at a newspaper without seeing a sea of faces begging for help. He couldn’t help them all. It was foolish to think he could. He wasn’t well enough to be out there avenging the unavenged. The stakes were too high now. He had a son to think of.

Jarod wanted so badly to search for him, but was too afraid that his search would lead the Centre right to him. He never wanted any child to go through the years of agony and mental anguish he had been forced to endure under the guise of helping some greater good. For now, he would be Jarod, the dog groomer.

The soup tasted good, but Jarod couldn’t keep it down. He found himself clutching the side of the toilet. The feel of the cold porcelain felt good on his skin. He couldn’t remember ever being this sick. At the Centre, Jarod was kept in a sterile environment, but on the outside he was open to anything floating around. It was by divine providence that Jarod managed to stay healthy this long, but now he felt like everything was attacking him at once.

Part II


Sydney woke with a start. The sick feeling in the pit of his stomach had returned. Something was wrong. He could feel it.

The phone rang. Sydney grabbed it. There was a long silence.

"Jarod?" Sydney asked.

"No," Miss Parker whispered.

Sydney frowned, "What's wrong? Are you alright, Miss Parker?"

"We have a lead on Jarod. It's hot," Miss Parker whispered.

"I'll be right there," Sydney said as he got up.

"Syd?" Miss Parker hissed, "Come alone."

"Are you sure you're up to this, Miss Parker?"

"Never mind me. Get here!" Miss Parker whispered frantically.

The line went dead. Sydney rubbed the sleep from his eyes. There was something Miss Parker wasn't telling him. Why would she want to go alone? They always brought along backup. Why all of this sudden secrecy? Had Miss Parker been holding out on him? Had she been in contact with Jarod all along? Sydney shook his head, "Nah, you're too much of a daddy's girl to do something like that, Miss Parker. You just want him all to yourself, so you can show daddy that you're a good girl." It was sad that even after all of the emotional abuse Mr. Parker heaped on his daughter, she still tried desperately to win his love.

Miss Parker got dressed quickly. The feeling of urgency that struck her earlier in the evening was still there. Jarod needed her. He was sick. She had been watching the news when she closed her eyes. She felt a darkness surround her that she had only experienced as a child. She saw him. She saw Jarod collapsed on the bathroom floor. He was lying in a pool of vomit. She heard herself say his name. She heard herself call to him--begging him to answer, "Say you're alright. Say you hear me. Don't let this be the last time for us."

He turned his head towards her beckoning to her from the darkness. He was starting to fade. Miss Parker cried, "No! Don't go."

She woke in tears. The news droned on. She didn't care. She had to get to him. She had to break the promise she had made to her mother when she was a little girl.

"You have a gift, Moira. You can see places that some people can only dream about. You have my sight, Moira. Promise me you'll never let them use it."

She was five then. Her mother had frightened her, "They'll make you do horrible things. Don't ever let them know what you are."

She hadn't understood what her mother had meant. It was only later when her mother died that Miss Parker remembered the promise, and its significance. She would not be used the way the Centre had used Jarod.

"I'm sorry, mother. My hands are tied. Jarod needs me," Miss Parker thought sadly as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to drift back into the darkness.

Someone was watching him. Jarod turned. His head was pounding as he struggled to focus on the figure standing in the doorway. She was watching him. Miss Parker was watching him. He tried to get up, but couldn't move. He tried to call out to her, but he couldn't form the words. He heard her say his name. Her face was a mass of worry. He tried to speak, but a wave of nausea took hold of him, and Jarod vomited. Ashamed, he looked back at her. He saw her crying silently, and then she was gone. He lay on the bathroom floor gasping in exhaustion- alone.

"Hurry! We don't have much time," Miss Parker whispered frantically as she met Sydney in front of the rehab center. Sydney opened the car door, "I still don't understand why all the secrecy, Miss Parker."

"Just drive, Sydney. Please, we're running out of time," Miss Parker said frantically. She searched her coat pockets. Her fingers trembled as she clasped her cigarette case.

"I thought you were trying to quit," Sydney said frowning.

Miss Parker tapped the cigarette on the case, and began searching for her lighter, "Damn it, Sydney! Just drive."

She found her lighter in the glove box and lit up. Her fingers were still trembling as she inhaled deeply letting the nicotine do its job. She opened the window and exhaled with a long sigh.

Sydney shook his head, "Would you please tell me what's going on, Miss Parker."

Miss Parker stared out the window as she smoked. The night air felt good on her face.

"Miss Parker!" Sydney repeated.

She turned to him, "I have to know Sydney. Why was my mother killed?"

Sydney sighed heavily, "Your mother knew things."

"What kinds of things, Sydney? What did my mother know?"

"She knew things she had no business knowing. She knew dangerous things that got her killed," Sydney said as he drove, "Your quest for knowledge, Miss Parker, is leading you down the same road your mother was on when she was in that elevator.

"You were a good friend to my mother. You said she was a driving force at the Centre. You comforted me when my mother died," Miss Parker began.

Sydney smiled, "I promised your mother I would always be there for you."

"You've never broken your promise. But how can I be sure what side you're on." Miss Parker said looking at Sydney as he drove.

"I'm on your side, Miss Parker. I'm your friend," Sydney said reassuringly.

Miss Parker nodded as she gazed into Sydney's eyes trying to read his thoughts, "You're Jarod's friend too."

"I only want what's best for Jarod," Sydney explained.

Miss Parker turned her attention back on the road, "Watch out!!!"

Sydney slammed on the breaks, "What! I don't see anything."

She was out of the car before Sydney had a chance to stop her. Miss Parker ran into the cover of the woods. She heard Sydney calling her name over and over again. She had seen the fear in his eyes. He may have been her friend, but he worked for her father. He didn't want to pursue Jarod anymore than she did, but he had no choice. In that brief instant when she looked into his eyes, Miss Parker saw him dead.



He must have fallen asleep. The bathroom wreaked of vomit. Jarod struggled to his feet. He gripped the door frame to keep from falling. He waited for the room to stop spinning. He looked at his watch; 3 am. He didn't remember getting to the bathroom. Everything was a blur. The clothes he had on were soaked with sweat and vomit. His hair was slick with perspiration. Jarod stumbled to the kitchen pantry and began the awesome job of cleaning the bathroom, "I can't let her see me like this. I could stand anything, but that."

It was 4:30 when he finally finished cleaning up the mess. He pealed off his filthy clothes and took a hot shower. He let the water run down his face and neck. It made him feel better to inhale the steam. The congestion in his chest began to loosen. Jarod began to cough. He gripped the sink basin until he felt the coughing fit pass. At first Jarod thought he had the flu, but the presence of the brown phlegm in his sputum suggested bronchitus. Jarod knew he should seek medical attention, but hospitals could be checked. He couldn't take the chance.

Jarod dried himself off. He'd have to move on soon. He knew that now. Jarod put on clean clothes and crawled back into bed. He closed his eyes and felt himself pulled into the darkness. She was running. Someone was calling her. Sydney was calling her. She kept running. Her breath came in gasps as she ran--fear. She was afraid... Afraid for him. Lights in the distance. The sound of a car horn. Indecision--a voice beckoning, "Get in." She's safe. She's safe.

Jarod woke. "She's safe," he kept telling himself, "She's safe."

Sydney massaged his temples. His head had begun to pound signaling the start of a hideous migraine. Everytime Sydney closed his eyes, he heard the voice of the child he once knew. It was always the same pleading; the same questions.

I want to know who I am Sydney. I could withstand anything just to know who I am.

Sydney opened his DSA viewer and inserted one of Jarod's simulations.

"Sydney, I'm scared...They're burning! Can't breath! The radio is broken! Help me! Help me!..." a child's voice screamed in anguish.

Sydney sobbed. His chest heaved as he remembered how much the simulations hurt. How could he call himself a man? He put science ahead of humanity, and for what? What point was he trying to make? It was true that the men of Apollo 11 died, but that was in the past. What aim had it served to relive it? What kind of emotional damage had he caused by forcing a twelve year old boy to relive it?

Jarod woke up coughing. His whole body went into spasms as he hacked continuously into the pillow. He couldn't catch his breath. He gasped as he felt the darkness try to take him under. He was drowning, and there was no one there to help him to the surface. He was going to die alone. His life had come to this; dying in a rented apartment with no one there, and no one to mourn his passing.

"Fight it! God damn it, boy! Fight it! 'Rage against the dying of the light.' You were meant for so much more; so much more," a woman's voice called out to him.

As suddenly as the coughing fit came, it left. Jarod breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that voice, but he couldn't place it. It gave him strength to believe that he had to continue on his journey. It was not his time to die.

He heard voices in the hallway. They were talking quietly.

"Look, lady, I'm not opening that door without a good reason," a man's voice said angrily.

"Then you admit you've seen this man?" A woman's voice asked calmly.

"What if I did? What's it to you, missy."

"Look! Are you going to open the door, or do I have to open it myself?" She said loudly.

"Go ahead, lady. I'm not going to stop you, but I'm certainly not going to make it easy," the man said.

Jarod heard a slap, and a howl of pain; the woman chuckled, "It's always fun until someone loses an eye."

"What are you? One of those lesbian bitches," the man said as he put the key in the lock.

The door opened. Jarod felt his mouth go dry. They found him!

"That will be all," the woman said from the doorway.

"What's this guy done, anyway?" the man asked as he started to back away.

"You name it, he's done it," she said as she slammed the door locking it behind her.

Jarod pulled himself out of bed, and stumbled out into the living area. Miss Parker stood there smoking. When she saw him, she quickly extinguished it. They stood looking at each other. Each afraid of what they would do to each other. Miss Parker held up her hand. Jarod saw she was wearing the promise ring he had given her. He smiled in relief.

"You look like hell, Jarod," Miss Parker said as she sat down on the couch.

Jarod sat down next to her. She moved closer to him, and allowed him to explore her face with his hands. He tenderly touched her hair pushing it away from her face noticing the scratches around her eyes and hairline.

"You don't look so hot yourself, Moira," Jarod responded as he put his arm around Miss Parker's shoulders.

"You try running three miles through the woods at night. Let's see how you'll look," Miss Parker joked.

Jarod chuckled, "I have. I've also fallen out of a plane, traveled across the Sahara desert on a camel, and don't forget the time I climbed Mount Everest."

Miss Parker shook her head, "Show off!"

"I'm not going back, Moira."

"Seriously, Jarod. Do you really think I'd do that after all we've been through?

"Where's Sydney?" Jarod asked.

Miss Parker laughed derisively, "He's probably scratching his head trying to figure out what to tell dear old Daddy?"

Jarod started to cough. He fell to the floor as he struggled to catch his breath.

Miss Parker helped Jarod back on the couch. She patted him on the back. When his breathing returned to normal, Miss Parker went into the kitchen. She returned with a glass filled with water and a pill.

"Take this. It will help you get rid of the cough as well as any other bug that may be hanging around."

Jarod looked at the pill. From his stint at the pharmacy, he recognized the pill as Keflex, "How did you know? I was going to call in a prescription tomorrow."

"You have bronchitus," Miss Parker said staring into Jarod's eyes.

"How did you..."

Miss Parker caressed Jarod's temple, "Remember when we were kids? They made us do that horrid little sexuality simulation. You spoke to me then. Even through the plexi-glass, you spoke to me."

"You heard me? I didn't think it was possible for you to hear me," Jarod said in awe.

"Didn't you say anything's possible?" Miss Parker asked as she played with Jarod's hair.

"How long have you been with me?" Jarod asked half afraid of what the answer would be.

Miss Parker smiled, "At first, I could only sense you. You were clever, but there were times when I was with you. Sometimes I even helped you."

Jarod looked up in disbelief, "You helped me? They could have killed you. They've killed others for lessor things."

Miss Parker looked away, "Others, like my mother?"

Jarod nodded, "Yes."

Miss Parker started to sob,"My mother made me promise that I would never let them use me. And, what have I done? I let them use me in other ways?"

"Had they known the truth, it would have been a lot worse," Jarod said as he took Miss Parker in his arms.

The phone rang. Sydney picked it up.

"Sydney," a voice rasped, "You've been neglecting your duties. Do I need to remind you what your responsibilities are?"

Sydney shook his head, "No, Mr. Raines, I am fully aware of what my responsibilities are."

"We were beginning to think you had forgotten," Mr. Raines said menacingly, "You let Miss Parker get away. That was very bad, Sydney."

"She wanted to bring the target in herself. You know how she gets..." Sydney tried to explain.

"Enough! No more lies. You can't protect her anymore," Mr. Raines said angrily.

Sydney felt his chest tighten, "What are you going to do, Mr. Raines? Are you going to have her killed just like you had her mother killed?"

"That's none of your business," Mr. Raines growled.

Sydney felt the rage building. His hands trembled as he gripped the phone, "I'm making it my business."

"Watch yourself, Sydney. You don't want to end up like Jacob. We missed the first time, but I promise you; I won't miss this time," Mr. Raines said coldly.

Sydney put the phone down. "Damn them!" They had him where they wanted him, but then again what else was new? The Centre had a way of controlling everyone; everyone, except Jarod.



Miss Parker picked up a bottle of cough syrup on her way back from doing Jarod's laundry. He didn't have much, but she would take care of that. They had planned on going to the mall provided Jarod felt better. He wasn't running a fever, and he was able to eat, but the cough still worried her. He would be fine, and then he would be on the floor hacking up both lungs.

Jarod was still asleep when Miss Parker came in. She began folding the clean clothes, and was starting to fold the linens when she felt strong arms encircle her waist.

"I hope I didn't wake you," Miss Parker said as she felt Jarod's hot breath on the back of her neck.

"No, I've been awake. Oh, God! How I missed you. I don't know how many times I wanted to visit you at the Centre just to hold you in my arms," Jarod said as he began to unbutton her blouse.

"We shouldn't be doing this. You're not well," Miss Parker said pulling away.

Jarod held her as he gently massaged her neck and shoulders, "I'm fine."

Miss Parker turned around. She kissed him hard on the mouth as Jarod probed her gently with his stong fingers.

"Oh God," Miss Parker moaned as she felt herself melt into his arms, "Oh, yes...yes," she whispered urgently. Jarod kissed her lips exploring her mouth with his tongue. She could feel him hard against her skirt. He began undressing her as he continued to caress and massage her body.

Miss Parker reached for him, but Jarod stepped back admiring the firmness of her hard taught body. She reached for him again, but he slipped just out of her grasp. She frowned coquettishly, "You like to play games, don't you?"

Jarod smiled mischievously as he started unzipping his jeans.

"You beast," Miss Parker said as she grabbed him hungrily.

Jarod took her breast in his mouth as Miss Parker moaned, "You don't know how crazy you make me."

Jarod caressed her thighs with his strong hands, "I have a good imagination."

"I bet you do, Franken boy," Miss Parker said gasping as Jarod pushed himself inside her..

He felt her nails digging into his back as she tried to pull him in deeper. He whispered in her ear as he moved faster and faster, "I missed you...I didn't know if I would ever see you don't know how I've wanted to...Oh, shit, Oh!..Fuck!"

Miss Parker felt Jarod stiffen. He tried to pull out, but she held him, "It's better this way."

"I could get you pregnant," Jarod panted trying to catch his breath. He saw the tears before Miss Parker turned away.

"They hurt you, didn't they?" Jarod gasped.

Miss Parker nodded as she sobbed, "It was after I went back to school. I didn't know I was pregnant. No one did..."

"What did they do to you?" Jarod asked knowing the truth would be far worse than anything he could imagine.

"It was late. I had to study for my midterms. I was at the library until it closed. There was no one to walk me back to my car. I figured what the hell; it was a short walk..." Miss Parker continued.

"They had you followed," Jarod said angrily.

"Yes. He must have been waiting for me. He grabbed my hair. I tried to fight him. He was too strong. He hit me hard across the face. The next thing I remember was waking up underneath a bridge trestle. My clothes were torn, and it felt like my insides had been ripped out," Miss Parker cried.

"He raped you! You're father paid someone to rape you!" Jarod growled.

"It wasn't my father. It was Raines. When Daddy found out what he did, he went on a rampage. The man who raped me never had a chance. Daddy tore him apart with his bare hands. He was going to kill Raines too, but Raines talked him out of it. He said he had big plans for the Centre. I didn't know the plans included me."

"They found out you were carrying my child," Jarod said softly.

Miss Parker nodded, "They told me the rape had caused complications. They told me my baby was stillborn. But I heard it cry. I heard him cry."

"They lied to you about the baby," Jarod said gently.

"I believed them, Jarod. I didn't want to, but Sydney made me. He said it would be easier."

"Easier for whom? For them? Was that what they told my mother?"

Miss Parker sobbed, "I should have walked away. I should have stood up to my father. I should have left, and never looked back."

"You were afraid..." Jarod said as he pulled her towards him. She stiffened, "There's more, isn't there?" Jarod asked gently.

She nodded slowly. Her voice was heavy as she tried to talk, "I can't have children. After I had the baby, I started having problems. I would cramp for no reason, and then one morning I was on my way to class, when I started hemorrhaging. They told me it was brought on by the stillbirth and the rape. They told me I would never be able to have children. The damage was too severe."

"They could have been lying about that too. Did you get a second opinion?"

Miss Parker shook her head, "The day the doctor at the Centre told me I could never have children, I became wood. I didn't care what happened anymore. I just wanted the hurt to go away."

Jarod cried silently. The tears welled up in his eyes as he fought to contain his outrage, "The hurt never went away, did it?"

"No," she gasped, "I went out every night clubbing. I slept with any man who would give me the time of day, or get me drunk enough so I could forget who I was for awhile. But it never lasted. I always woke up, and the pain was always there waiting for me. I became more daring. I started mixing alcohol and cocaine. I had an image to uphold. I had to be Daddy's little girl. I would pretend to be sober, but who was I kidding? It was starting to become a joke around the office, 'Hey, did you hear what Miss P. does? She cokes up in her office when she thinks no one's looking.'"

Jarod frowned, "What made you stop?"

"Sydney. He showed me a video tape of myself. You never know what you look like until you see yourself through someone else's eyes. He was terrified. I was terrified. Although, I would never admit that to him. I flipped out. Out of all the things I regret, one of the things I regret most is the way I treated him."

"Sydney's probably forgotten it by now," Jarod said bitterly.

"He changed a lot since you've left. It's his job to find you, but he'd rather see you free," Miss Parker said as she stroked Jarod's hands, "He's riddled with guilt. He has been for a long time."

"Not long enough," Jarod said struggling to keep his voice even, but the memories of the pain, the constant wondering, and the nightmarish dreams that plagued him as a child made him gasp in anguish, "I don't even know who I am. I don't know if my parents are even alive. I would give anything just to know who I am."

Miss Parker turned over into Jarod's arms and held him as he cried, "I know who you are. I don't need to know your last name, or who your parents are to know I love you. I only regret that I will never be able to give you the happiness and joy of seeing your own children..."

Now it was his turn to comfort. Her tears tore through him breaking him apart, "I want you to get checked out by a real doctor. I'm going to get you a specialist, you'll see. You'll see they lied," he repeated vehemently.

"And what if they were telling the truth? What if I can never give you children? Will you still love me?"

Jarod traced the outline of Miss Parker's face. Silently he cursed the Centre. They had taken his past, turned him into an exile, and robbed the woman he loved of her dreams, "I will never stop loving you."

Miss Parker looked into Jarod's eyes, "How can you love me? How can you love a woman who has done the things that I've done? I've hurt so many people. I've hurt you. You had the secrets to your past, and I took them away. How can you love someone like that?"

Jarod's voice grew thick with emotion, "How could anyone love someone like me? How many people had to die because of me, Moira? How many people have I killed under the greater good of humanity. I'm nothing short of a hired assassin. Just have Jarod run a simulation. He'll give you the stats. He'll run every scenario..."

"You didn't kill those people, Jarod. You were four years old. How could you have known?"

"I should have known! I should have done something."

"You did do something! You left! You had the strength to stand up for what you felt was right."

"It's never enough, is it, Moira? I can't stop being what I am. I can't right all the wrongs. I used to think I could. I used to think pretending was so easy, but it hurts, Moira. Oh God, it hurts. Maybe Sydney was right. I wasn't meant for the outside world."

Miss Parker stared into Jarod's face. For a brief instant, she saw herself dressed in black standing over an open grave, "No! No! You will not do this to me! Not now! Not ever! Never give up. Never surrender. You remember that..."

Jarod took her hand and held it to his temple. He saw himself through her eyes. He saw the open grave, and understood, "I'll never give up, Moira. I'll never give up looking for who I am. I can't begin a new life without knowing the truth."

"Even if it kills you?"

"Yes, I have to know," Jarod said looking into Miss Parker's eyes, "I thought you of all people would have understood."

"I do understand. I just don't want to lose you again," Miss Parker said as she snuggled in closer kissing him lightly on the chin.

The door to Sydney's office flew open. Sydney looked up from his work.

Mr. Parker stood in the shadow of the doorway, "Where is my daughter?"

Sydney removed his glasses as he rubbed his eyes. The headache was back again, "Mr. Parker, it's so nice to see you."

"Skip the fucking pleasantries, Sydney. Where is my daughter?!"

Sydney shook his head, "I don't know. She's probably out searching for Jarod."

"Raines told me you let her escape. Is that true, Sydney? Did you let her escape?"

"Escape? You make it sound like your daughter is a prisoner. Is she a prisoner to you, Mr. Parker?"

"Don't you dare try to psycho-analyze me, Green. You know how important my daughter is to me," Mr. Parker growled.

"Yes, Mr. Parker, I know how important she is to you, or should I say to the Centre?"

"You can say what you want. I love my daughter, Sydney. Right now, she's out of control, so you better get out there and find her before she gets hurt," Mr. Parker said slamming the door behind him as he left.

Sydney massaged his temples. The dull throbbing in his head continued as he logged onto the internet server. He had been posting messages for Jarod in an attempt to locate Miss Parker. If anybody knew where she was, it would be Jarod. Sydney wished he could understand what the hell was going on between them. She loves him, she loves him not, she loves him, she loves him not. Which was it now? Sydney guessed it was she loves him, but he had been wrong before.


Please respond immediately to this post. The pigeon is in serious trouble. Her fly from the coop has ruffled quite a few feathers. Big Bird is squawking the loudest. There could be some major housekeeping done around here if she doesn't fly home soon.


Sydney hit the send key and waited. The message would automatically delete as soon as it was sent. He waited for a response. When it became clear that Jarod wouldn't respond, Sydney turned off his computer. Perhaps, Jarod had quit afterall, and there would be no response. Sydney hoped that Miss Parker would come back soon. The longer she stayed away, the worse it would be for her when she finally did return if she returned at all. Sydney had his doubts.


Miss Parker woke feeling a sense of peace. Never before had she ever felt so safe, so loved. Feeling Jarod's arms wrapped around her, feeling the warmth of his body against hers filled her with joy. She watched his handsome face as he slept memorizing him hoping this moment of uncontrolled happiness would never end.

Gently, Miss Parker kissed his firm lips tasting the salt from his tears. He stirred as she probed the insides of his mouth. He opened his mouth around hers- gently exploring her the way she was exploring him.

Miss Parker moaned softly as she felt Jarod move against her-teasing her with his hardness before finally thrusting himself inside her. He moved slowly savioring her tight warm body.

She arched her back allowing him in deeper; holding him against her as they moved. They were one now. One mind...One Body...One being made whole as they danced soundlessly to music only they could hear.

She waited until he was asleep before she rose. She watched him sleep-missing him even before she was too leave. Would it always be like this? A stolen moment here and there. Would they ever be together? Miss Parker couldn't answer.

On the bus to Delaware, Miss Parker stared blankly at the passing towns. She couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to live in a real home with a husband, children, and a dog. Didn't they both deserve that? Didn't they deserve to be happy instead of living this misery? Miss Parker felt herself pull away from thoughts of living happily ever after. Life was not a fairy tale where the mean wicked people were punished for their misdeeds while the heroes and heroines were rewarded with happiness beyond their wildest dreams. Instead, she only had her memories to go by, and even those she had to safeguard. There were others at the Centre who were just as gifted at reading thoughts as she was. She would never allow them inside her head. She had learned by example the importance of building a wall. Her mother had taught her well. "Not everyone out there is nice Moira. They'll hurt you if you let them in. Become wood, Moira. Become wood, and no one can touch you."

But they had touched her, hadn't they? They had done things to her that were unspeakable. She couldn't bring herself to tell Jarod the whole truth. She couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth behind her cramping. She had gotten a second opinion when she was in New York. She remembered the doctor's diagnosis, "I'm very sorry, Miss Parker, but the possibility of you ever being able to conceive is minimal at best." That hadn't been the worst part. The doctor went on to question her as to why on earth she would allow some butcher to harvest her eggs, "You did realize, Miss Parker, that there are inherent risks involved in the harvesting of eggs." Miss Parker didn't believe her. She wanted proof. She wanted to see the scar tissue herself before she would be convinced. The doctor showed her the pictures of her scarred uterus complete with ovaries that were ravaged by a surgeon with the skills of a first year medical student. This was the first time Miss Parker disappeared into the darkness; the darkness she now referred to as mom's closet.

She had rented a room at the Waldorf, ordered a bottle of their finest champagne, and hung a do not disturb sign on the door. Thinking about it now as she sat on the bus still gave Miss Parker the chills. She drank the champagne right out of the bottle, but that was just the appetizer. The main course had been scored the night before at one of Manhattan's finest establishments known for a quick fix in exchange for cash under the table.

Miss Parker trembled when she remembered how close she came to dying. The coke hadn't been cut properly making it much stronger than she was accustomed too. She did the first two lines quickly savioring the incredible feeling of euphoria, but something went horribly wrong. She dimly remembered seeing herself in the full length mirror going into convulsions drowning in the darkness while somewhere out beyond the chaos someone was screaming her name-pounding on the door, and the quiet desperation as the paramedics worked frantically to revive her shattered heart. Didn't they know that she had intended for it to end this way? Didn't they know that was what she wanted?

When her father wanted to pull the plug, Sydney had been there to defend her. He knew what she had done. He knew it was no accident that she had found herself in such a position. If he only knew the whole truth behind her decision, he would have understood. He would have allowed her to leave on her terms. The Centre had taken from her the only thing she held sacred. They had turned her into wood; hard, polished, unyielding wood.

The bus pulled into the station. Miss Parker collected her meager belongings and exited the bus. She had become wood. The transformation was complete as she reached into her purse retrieving her cigarette case. She lit up as she walked towards the Blue Cove Cafe.

Sydney had been waiting for her. He watched her as she walked smoking- mad at the world. He fell in step behind her. If she knew he was there, she didn't give him any indication. She reminded him of one of those porcelain dolls with the wide, innocent blue eyes that closed when you put it down.

Miss Parker sensed she was being followed. She wouldn't allow them to see her fear. Did they know? Did they follow her to Smithtown, NY? She prayed silently that they did not. She would never forgive herself if she had lead them to Jarod? He would think that she had betrayed him afterall. When she got to the cafe, Miss Parker breathed a sigh of relief. She saw Sydney's reflection in the store window. She smiled as she read his thoughts. He had compared her to a porcelain doll which she thought was a scream, but let them have their allusions.

Miss Parker waved to Fitch Masterson, the cafe owner, as she made her way to one of the private boothes in the back. Sydney sat down across from her. He motioned to the waitress to bring them a pot of coffee and some cheese danishes. When the danishes and coffee arrived, Sydney poured himself some coffee. He offered Miss Parker a danish. She shook her head as she lit up another cigarette. He watched her as she smoked.

Miss Parker looked down at her coffee. It was as black as her mood, "He left before I got there."

Sydney frowned, "People are beginning to question your loyalty to the Centre, Miss Parker."

"Let them! I quit caring a long time ago, Syd."

"I can't protect you anymore," Sydney sighed.

Miss Parker inhaled deeply as she stared woodenly at Sydney, "I don't need protection. I need the truth, Sydney."

Sydney shook his head, "The truth about your mother?"

Miss Parker looked away as her eyes started to well up with tears, "I want to know the truth about my baby. I know he's not dead."

Sydney looked at Miss Parker in surprise, "Your baby was stillborn."

"Stillborn babies don't cry, Syd."

"Miss Parker we've been through this before. Your baby was stillborn. You were so heavily sedated, you didn't even know your own name."

"I know what I heard. I know my baby is alive," Miss Parker said as she stirred her coffee.

"For heaven's sake, Moira! What is it going to take to convince you that your child is dead? Do you want me to show you his death certificate?"

Miss Parker took another drag of her cigarette and exhaled in a long sigh, "Death certificates can be forged."

Sydney reached across the table, and took hold of Miss Parker's hand, "This thing is going to kill you. You do know that, don't you?"

Her tears fell into her coffee as Miss Parker started to cry, "It's the not knowing that's going to kill me, Sydney. Isn't it enough to break up one family? They took Jarod away from his, and now they're working on mine."

Sydney looked away. He couldn't bear seeing Miss Parker cry. All these years he had gotten used to Miss Parker as the "ice queen," but her tears made him see her as she really was; a beautiful woman tormented by sorrow. He had been the cause of that sorrow. He had seen them take the baby away. He had lied to her telling her that the baby was stillborn. They told him it would be easier that way. No hassles, no strings attached. He never knew where they took the child. He had tried to find out, but no one knew, and those that did were silenced. He made Miss Parker forget because it had saved her the anguish of knowing that her child was out there somewhere. They would have killed her if she knew. Raines had threatened to kill her if she ever found out, so Sydney lied. He was ashamed, but she was alive, wasn't she?

"Oh my God!!! You knew he was alive the whole time. You made me believe he was dead. How could you do that to me, Sydney?"

Sydney looked at Miss Parker in shock, "So, you do have your mother's talents. What other talents do you have?"

"Don't change the subject, Syd. I want to know what happened to my son. Don't you think as his mother I deserve to know what happened to my own child?"

"Miss Parker, please! Stop torturing yourself."

"Remember what you said when we were trapped in that condemned building in Brooklyn? You told me Jarod could have led a normal normal life. You felt guilty for your part in covering up Jarod's past. Here's your chance to make amends. Tell me what happened to my son. Please don't do this to me. Don't do the same thing you did to Jarod's mother."

"I wish I knew where they took him. I wish I could give you the answers, but I can't. You have to believe me. I only want what's best for you," Sydney sighed. His voice began to break.

"Who does know the truth, Syd? My father? Mr. Raines? Who do I have to talk to get some answers?"

Sydney frowned, "Mr. Raines. He knows the truth. He knows what happened to your son."

"It always leads back to Raines, doesn't it? He's the one who's really running the Centre, isn't he?"

"Your father's not exactly blameless."

"My father is just as much a victim as we are. My only question is what does Raines have over my father?"

"Your father is more powerful than you give him credit for, Miss Parker. He's the one with the money."

"How much are you willing to bet if Mr. Raines were to meet with a sudden accident, my father would be easier to control?"

"You're playing a dangerous game here, Moira," Sydney whispered in alarm.

"Tell me you haven't fantasized about killing the son of a bitch yourself, Syd?"

"Miss Parker, I'm not a killer. I'm a doctor. I've taken the socratic oath."

"Oh, come off it, Syd. You would love to see the old man dead."

"I would love nothing of the sort," Sydney said angrily.

"He ran your brother off the road. He put the hit out on my mother, and you dare sit there telling me it's okay. Damn it! Syd! Get angry! Lose control! Act human for Christ's sake!"

"Lower your voice, Miss Parker! Have you forgotten where you are? They could kill you for talking like this," Sydney whispered frantically.

"Let them! I'm already dead. They killed me the day they took away my son. They killed me the day they scraped out my insides making it almost impossible for me to have children..."

Sydney covered his face with his hands. He was beginning to tremble.

"You didn't know about that, did you? Did you also know that they harvested my eggs?"

"Oh, nooo! No! No! Oh dear God!" Sydney said remembering the project the geneticists had been working on, "Oh sweet mother of God! It never dawned on me why they would need Jarod's sperm. They told me they wanted to check for abnormalities."

"I think I'm going to be sick. Oh, sweet Jesus, Syd," Miss Parker said as she gripped her stomach, "Don't you realize what they're doing? They're trying to make their own batch of pretenders. We have to get those embryos before they implant them."

"It's too late. They've already implanted three, and that was four years ago."

"Oh, sweet Jesus," Miss Parker gasped, "Oh, sweet Jesus."

Sydney reached across the table and took hold of Miss Parker's hand. She was trembling as she sobbed. She was unravelling before his eyes, and there was nothing he could say or do to comfort her. It was the same way with Catherine. He had tried to comfort her too. In the end, his kind words meant nothing as he watched her get on the elevator. Minutes later he heard the shots. She had died trying to protect her daughter who had been the real target. Raines wanted Catherine's half of the Centre's stock. He had ordered Miss Parker's death as a means of pursuading her to sell, but the gunman missed hitting Catherine instead.

Sydney heard a long wail that resembled the cry of a wounded animal. He, then, realized in horror that he had brought Miss Parker with him as he remembered Catherine's death.

Miss Parker's eyes grew wide, "They were going to kill me. Those bullets were meant for me. I should have been the one who died. Oh, God! It's all my fault. My mother died protecting me."

Sydney began to choke on his words. He fought to keep his voice steady, "No, Moira! You were just a child. You were all that was good in Catherine. She loved you. I love you. You are like a daughter to me, and I won't sit here and allow you to torture yourself this way. You are an innocent. There is nothing that will ever change that."

"I have to know the truth, Syd. Were these implants successfull? Do Jarod and I have more children out there?"

Sydney nodded, "There are two. The third died in utero."

Miss Parker started to tremble, "I have three children..."

Sydney looked at her sadly. Should he tell her? Could she handle more heartache?

"There's something wrong with the younger ones, isn't there?" Miss Parker said looking directly into Sydney's eyes.

Sydney nodded, "The boy is severely autistic. He has no discernable language skills. The girl watches after him. She won't let anyone near him. She's already hurt three people, one being Raines."

Miss Parker smiled, "Good for her."

"You don't understand, Miss Parker. She's dangerous. She can do things to people; horrible, unspeakable things. I was supposed to work with her. I was supposed to help her hone her skills, but I was taken off the case."

"They think you let Jarod escape. They don't trust you," Miss Parker said softly.

Sydney nodded.

"Where are they? I want to see them. I won't believe they're real until I see them."

"They're being kept in the Tower."

"Where? What level?" Miss Parker asked barely able to contain her excitement, "I can't wait to tell Jarod that we have two more children."

As soon as she said Jarod's name, Miss Parker realized her mistake.

"So, it's true then? You have been helping Jarod escape all along. We always seem to be too late. How have you managed to warn him of our arrival?"

"Think about it, Syd. He's a pretender, and I'm a psychic imager. You figure it out."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sydney asked.

"Why? So they could use me to capture him? I made a promise to my mother, and that didn't include using my sight to rat out a friend," Miss Parker said angrily.

"I'm glad you two are together, " Sydney smiled as he signaled to the waitress for the check.

Miss Parker smiled, "I think I know where my son is, Sydney. If they have the others at the Centre, than they would have him there as well."

Sydney thought for a moment, "I hope he's safe if they do have him."

Miss Parker nodded as she got up to leave. Sydney handed the waitress a twenty and told her to keep the change. Fitch waved to them as they left the cafe.

The Sun felt good on her face as Miss Parker walked along the sidewalk. She didn't think it was out of the ordinary that the street was derserted. She was too busy thinking about her new family. She allowed herself to smile as she looked in the toy store window. As soon as she was able to see the children, they would visit the toy store and each would pick out anything they wanted.

Sydney walked quietly beside her. He never saw her so happy. Her face had changed. She wasn't the porcelain doll, but a beautiful young woman with her whole life ahead of her. Maybe, when this was all over, she and Jarod and the children could settle down. They would be happy. Sydney felt himself believe that there was hope still left in the world.

Neither one of them saw the black sedan until it was too late. Matthew Michaels climbed out as did Sam and Pete from Sweeper Crew 1.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Ice Queen herself," Michaels sneered as he grabbed Miss Parker by the arm.

She spun around quickly holding her free arm in front of her face, "What the hell do you want, pencil-dick?"

Michaels slammed her up against the car hard, "I'm supposed to deliver you to Mr. Raines personally, but he didn't say in one piece."

Miss Parker felt her legs begin to tingle from the impact. Had it not been for the car holding her up, she would have fallen to the pavement

Sydney tried to step in between them, but Sam held him back, "Relax, old man, we're not going to hurt your precious Ice Queen. We're just going to have us a little fun."

"Don't do this, Sam. Mr. Parker will kill you," Sydney said trying to push past him to see to Miss Parker.

"Sydney, get help!" Miss Parker screamed.

He didn't feel the butt of the gun as it slammed into the back of his head, and then there was darkness.

In the car, Michaels pushed Miss Parker up against the door. He gripped her arm and twisted it cruelly behind her back until he heard the snap as it broke.

She yelped in pain, but it was nothing compared to what Michaels did next. He grabbed her other arm pinioning her with his weight as he climbed on top of her.

"Don't, please!" Miss Parker cried, but her cries of pain were cut short as Michaels slugged her hard bruising her voice box. She opened her mouth to scream out, but all that came out was a hoarse whisper.

Michaels undid his pants with one hand as he tore at Miss Parker's panties ripping them in the process. She tried to close her legs, but Michaels pushed them open with his knee.

She bit her her lip as Michaels jabbed into her. She saw the look of rage in his eyes as he moved frantically inside her. She cried out hoarsely as he rammed her harder and harder.

"Let's see who's faking it now, bitch! Huh! You like it rough, don't you?" Michaels cursed as he put his strong hands around Miss Parker's throat strangling her as he continued to thrust into her savagely revelling in the the pain he was causing her.

Sam had to pull him off of her. He looked down at the cringing woman. The bruises had already started to form under her eye, and Sam could see the red indentations on her throat where Michaels' hands had been.

Her eyes pleaded with him begging him not to do this, "You could still walk away."

He leaned in close to her and whispered, "I'll try not to hurt you."

She tried to push him away, but he held her pushing himself inside her gently. He tried to move slowly to minimize her pain, but with each thrust she cried out. She stared into his eyes and tried to focus her mind away from the agony. He hadn't known they were going to do this. He was new. This was his initiation. If he refused, he would be killed. She felt sorry for him, but at the same time, she hated him for hurting her.

Pete pulled Sam away from her. He was panting heavily as he climbed into the backseat. Miss Parker realized in horror that she knew this man. He was the driver who she had fired for having the bladder the size of a squirrel. She could feel his hatred as he stabbed into her. He was going to hurt her.

"You like being fucked, don't you, Ice Queen?" Pete said as he pumped harder enjoying the pained look on her face.

When he was done, she lay on the seat sobbing softly. She felt the blood trickle down her thighs staining the leather seats and floor. She couldn't remember ever feeling this much pain. Even when she was clubbing, and had a new lover every night, she had never been in this much agony.

She cried in pain as Sam lifted her from the seat. She felt herself sink in his arms as she lost consciousness. She was a rag doll dangling in Sam's arms as he carried her into the Centre.

Broots looked up from his work station as Sam carried her in. He was crying frantically for someone to help him get to the infirmary. Broots ran after him trying to direct Sam to the express elevator that led directly to the infirmary entrance. As Sam tried to reposition Miss Parker, she moaned weakly.

Broots glared at Sam, "Don't move her!"

Miss Parker looked over at Broots. She tried to speak, but she couldn't form the words.

"It's okay, Miss P. I'm not going to let them hurt you. You're safe," Broots said softly as he smoothed away her tears, "I won't let them hurt you anymore."

Broots watched sadly from the doorway of the infirmary. The Centre doctors worked frantically as they tried to get her stabalized. Miss Parker probably wouldn't thank him, but it didn't matter. She had thanked him in other ways. Debbie had a new piano to practice on and he had a new computer. He had tried several times to thank her, but she wouldn't hear of it. She would just smile wickedly and tell him to get out. That was Miss Parker. He used to be terrified of her, but now he had grown to respect her, especially after he found the batch of e-mail letters that she had sent Jarod.

The letters, at first, were hateful barbs full of recriminations. The more recent ones were different. They were love letters full of hope for the future. He had found them while he was cleaning out her desk. Sydney wanted all traces of communication with Jarod erased or thrown away. He hadn't known about the letters. Broots had secured them in his wall safe at home. He had read them one by one. At first he meant to use them as ammo against her, but she never gave him the chance. Her hurtful barbs became good-natured banter, and her scowls became smiles. They were friends now, and Broots felt ashamed for even thinking of using her letters. He still had them tucked away from prying eyes.

One of the doctors saw him waiting. He walked over and introduced himself as Dr. Swinch.

"She's going to be out for awhile," he said as he looked at Miss Parker's chart.

"How bad is she?" Broots asked anxiously.

"She's lost a lot of blood. She's going to need surgery to repair the damage caused by those animals, and her arm is broken. Also, one the animals tried to strangle her, and that's just for starters. Her voice box is severely bruised and she has a broken back," Dr. Swinch said angrily.

Broots felt like he was kicked in the stomach, "Is she going to be okay, Doc?"

"I don't know. We've taken some X-rays. Luckily, the bruises on her face are just bruises, but we won't know what the damage will be emotionally. I've called the rape crisis center in Dover. They're sending someone."

"Does Mr. Parker know you called someone?" Broots asked in terror. Raines seldom allowed outside interference.

Dr. Swinch nodded, "Mr. Parker ordered me to call the Crisis Center. He couldn't locate Dr. Green. He wanted her to talk to someone as soon as possible. If Raines had his way, Miss Parker would have been dead already. Lucky thing Sam brought her in when he did."

Broots scowled, "He's one of the animals that raped her."

"He admits his role in this, but he's no killer. Mr. Parker is talking to him right now trying to get the details. I hope for Michaels and Pete that the police find them first."

"Raines will never allow that to happen. He'll hide them until everything blows over," Broots said angrily.

"The times are changing, my friend. Raines' days at the Centre are numbered."

Broots nodded as he left the infirmary. He got into the elevator and keyed in his access code. On his way back to his office, he saw Sam. He still wore the same clothes he had been wearing when he brought Miss Parker in. They were soiled and bloodied. Sam looked up at him. Broots had to struggle to contain his rage, "You speak to Mr. Parker yet?"

Sam nodded. His face was a mass of bruises, "He beat me up. He was going to kill me, but when I told him I was the one who brought her in, he stopped. I've never seen Mr. Parker so enraged. Shit is going down, and it's gathering momentum. I just hope nobody innocent gets hurt or killed in the process."

"What's Mr. Parker going to do?" Broots asked.

Sam shook his head, "He's out of his mind. I think he's going to kill Michaels and Pete."

Broots frowned, "Where are they?"

"I don't know. I didn't see where they went, but if they're smart, they won't come back," Sam responded.

"I hope they come back. I hope Mr. Parker finds them. I hope he kills them. I only wish I could do it myself," Broots sneered as he walked into his office.

Broots logged onto his computer. He downloaded his e-mail from the old mail servor. He began to delete all of the junk messages when he came accross one adressed to him from Jarod had sent him something. Jarod never sent him anything before. Broots nervously opened the file half afraid that he would be downloading some ultimate computer virus that Jarod took great delight in making.


Why isn't Miss Parker responding to my e-mail? Where is Sydney? Has something happened? Please tell me if they're alright. -Jarod Broots agonized over what he should say. How do you tell somone that his girlfriend was brutally gang raped? How could he soften the blow? He was about to hit the reply key when the office door opened.


Sydney stumbled in, "Where's Miss Parker? Where did those animals take her?"

Broots gasped. He had never seen Sydney so upset, "Sam brought her in. She's in the infirmary.

"I'll kill them. I'll fucking kill those animals! Where are they, Broots? Is Raines protecting them?"

Broots flinched. Sydney was enraged. He looked like he was going to explode, "I don't know. Sam said they left."

Sydney collapsed onto the couch. He gripped his head. He could feel the lump forming on the back of his head from where Sam had hit him, "Bastards! Bastards! I think they raped her. I tried to stop them, but they hit me."

Broots looked away from Sydney, "Miss Parker needs surgery. Her back is broken. If you saw her..." Broots cried.

"I have to see her. She can't be alone," Sydney said getting up.

"What do I tell Jarod? He's worried."

Sydney looked panicked, "Oh dear God! They planned this. Oh God! They're going to use this to capture Jarod. I don't care what you tell him. Tell him everything's fine. Tell him Miss Parker's visiting some old college friends. Tell him anything, but don't tell him the truth. They've layed a trap, and they're using Miss Parker as bait."

Broots breathed a sigh of relief. He thanked God that he hadn't written the response to Jarod's e-mail yet. Jarod would come back to the Centre if he knew that Miss Parker was in danger or hurt.

Miss Parker lay quietly. The incessant throbbing that seemed to come from everywhere was getting sharper. She tried to cry out for the nurse, but her voice was nothing but a hoarse whisper. She watched the door hoping somone would walk by.

The door to the room opened. In the shadow of the doorway loomed a hulking figure. The light from the hallway dimly illuminated his face. The man was crying. His chest was heaving as he sobbed.

Miss Parker tried to sit up, but she couldn't move. She was encased in a metal stryker frame, "Daddy? Is that you?"

He came to her sobbing awkwardly. His voice was choked as he tried to speak, "Princess...Look what they did to my little Princess."

Miss Parker felt his tears as he leaned over her. She had only seen him cry once before when they had buried her mother, "Daddy? Daddy? I hurt so much...hurts so much."

Mr. Parker sobbed. His voice broke, "My fault. I caused this. I caused this."

"No! Not responsible for pain. Didn't know. Please, get nurse," Miss Parker said gasping.

Mr. Parker kissed her gently on the forehead, "I'll take it all away. You'll see. Daddy will make it all better, Princess."

From the corner of her eye, Miss Parker watched her father leave. She knew this would be the last time she would ever see him. In his eyes, she saw him standing by the sink in the executive washroom. She saw him put the gun into his mouth, and then the room exploded in angry splashes of red splattering against the walls and ceiling, "No! Daddy! Wait!"

The door to her room opened again revealing a young man dressed in white. He inserted a syringe into her IV. In minutes, Miss Parker drifted into the darkness feeling as helpless and lost as she did when she was a child.

She was playing when Miss Parker entered her mother's bedroom. The little girl was playing with her mother's high heels. The same high heels she had played with when she was a child.

The little girl turned around modeling her new clothers. She was wearing Catherine Parker's wide brimmed hat, the hat she had gotten at Aunt Dorothy's.

"I don't think you should be messing around in other people's closets," Miss Parker said smiling.

The little girl smiled, "Why?"

"Those are my mother's things. I don't think she'd like it if she saw you playing in her good clothes."

The little girl took a mincing step towards Miss Parker, "She doesn't mind, but you do, don't you, mommy?"

"Oh my God! You're her. You're the little girl everyone's so afraid of. Why is everyone so afraid of you?"

"You're not, are you, mommy?" the little girl said as she looked directly into her mother's eyes.

The child's eyes were the color of blue fire. Miss Parker trembled as she watched the horrid helter skelter images of the fire of hatred that burned in the child's mind.

"What have they done to you, little one. Tell Mommy how they hurt you, and I'll make it all go away," Miss Parker said opening her arms.

The little girl backed away, "Don't come near me! Don't touch me!"

Miss Parker sobbed as she tried to hold onto her daughter, but she fought her at every turn, "Why won't you let me love you? All I want to do is love you? Why won't you let me?"

The little girl put her hands over her ears, "I don't hear you. I don't hear you."

A voice from the darkeness called out angrily, "Catherine, stop that at once."

Miss Parker knew that voice, "Mother? Mother, is that you?"

As suddenly as she had entered her "mom's closet," Miss Parker found herself back in her hospital bed. She cried gently remembering the look on little Catherine's face as she struggled to get away from her. It was the one she saw while she was wood.

Little Catherine sat under her mother's bed waiting for the sobbing to stop. While she waited, she played with the lighter from her mother's purse. She couldn't wait to show Mr. Raines her new toy. She imagined the look of terror in the old man's face as he struggled to get away from her, but he couldn't. The oxygen tank that trailed him everywhere keeping him alive would aid in the instrument of his death.

"See how it sparkles real pretty. See how blue the flames are, Mr. Raines. Too bad it will be the last thing you see, bastard. Too bad we couldn't have more fun like we did the last time. Too bad it has to end so quickly."

When she heard that her mother had fallen asleep, Little Catherine got out from under the bed and disappeared into the hallway. She quickly got on the elevator and keyed in Raines' access codes. She smiled as she let herself into his office. She laughed happily as she ran all of the scenarios in her mind before finally choosing one she liked.

Sydney was on his way to Miss Parker's room when a guard rushed by him in panic. The sirens were wailing.

"The Parker girl has escaped. Barricade the doors. Notify the perrimeter guards."

"What's going on, man? Who has escaped? Miss Parker is in her room." Sydney asked struggling to keep up with him.

The guard looked at him in terror, "Not Miss Parker! The girl! The little girl!"

Sydney felt his knees buckle, "Oh, Jesus! What have we done?" The PA system came on: Evacuate the building. Get all personnel out immediately. Level 1 Emergency.

There was some static, and then there was nothing. Sydney turned just as he saw Dr. Swinch wheeling Miss Parker towards the emergency exit. "Get the kids from the playroom, Dr. Green. We've got ourselves a mess."

Sydney ran down the hallway towards the children's wing. Then the lights went out. He stood in the darkness waiting for the emergency generators to kick in. They did, and he made it to the playroom. They were there standing at the entrance. The older boy held the younger boy's hand. Sydney called out to them to follow him. He led them out the exit just as the building exploded.

Broots ran to him, "Raines is dead. The little girl was hiding in his office. When Raines came back from the conference room, she killed him."

Sydney stared at Broots in disbelief, "How does a four year old child kill a grown man?"

"They found a lighter. It was still in her hands," A fireman said as he ran by carrying a hose.

Sydney grabbed at the fireman, "Where is she now? Is she...?"

The fireman frowned, "I'm sorry, Sir. She must have been close to the oxygen tank when it exploded."

"Oh sweet Jesus," Sydney said as he held onto Broots for support, "Oh, God! What have we done?"

Broots stared at the children. Both had blank looks on their faces, "Sydney, what's wrong with these kids?"

Sydney kneeled down to the older boy's level, "Hi there little fellow."

There was no response. The two boys kept staring at the burning building.

"Sydeny, look! Isn't that Mr. Parker?


Broots pointed to the building, "He's in the executive restroom. What the hell is doing there? Doesn't he know there's a fire in the tower?" When Broots turned to see if Sydney saw him, he realized in horror Sydney was gone. Then it dawned on him. He had never seen Jarod, except in the picture Miss Parker carried with her. He looked at the two boys. The resemblence to Jarod was uncanny.

"You're Miss Parker's boys, aren't you?" Broots said in awe.

The older boy nodded as they both continued to watch Mr. Parker.

Sydney ran into the washroom just has heard the gunshot. He was too late. Mr. Parker lay crumpled on the bathroom floor. The gun was still clutched in his right hand. Sydney turned away. There was nothing he could do here.

When he exited the building, he heard the sound of a helicopter. A voice yelled to him, "Get in! In a couple of minutes this place is going to be swarming with FBI, CIA, and every other watch dog agency known to man."

He knew that voice, "Jarod?"

"Come on! We'll catch up later. We gotta go." Jarod yelled over the noise of the engine.

Sydney gratefully climbed in, "Where's Miss Parker? Broots? and the boys?"

"They're on their way to safety," Jarod said.

"Where are they, Jarod?" Sydney asked.

"They're among friends, Syd, and that's all you need to know," Jarod said quietly avoiding the hurt look on the older man's face.

"Where are you taking me, Jarod?"

Jarod clenched his teeth tightly attempting to quell the rage that threatened to surface, "I told I would never stop trying. I will never give up. You know what happened to my parents, and I have some friends who know ways of getting the anwers I'm looking for."

Sydney didn't like the looks of this, "Mr. Parker's dead. So is Raines! The truth died with them, Jarod."

"Did it, Syd? Does the truth ever die?"

"This truth did," Sydney said frowning.

"You're hiding something from me, Sydney. Admit it! You know the truth. You know what happened to my parents. You don't have to protect me anymore. I'm not a little boy anymore. I'm a grown man. I think I can handle the truth."

Sydney shook his head, "Can you?"

"Yes," Jarod responded.

Sydney frowned, "Then we need to turn around. There's a place in New Orleans we need to visit."

Jarod landed the chopper in an open field. Sydney led him into an old cemetary, "You want to know who you are, Jarod? Do you still want me to show you who you are?"

Jarod nodded, "Didn't I tell you I could withstand anything just to know?"

Sydney stopped at a headstone. It was newer than the others. It was decorated simply, "I'm sorry, Jarod. I'm so sorry, Jarod. These are your parents. They didn't die in a plane crash. They were brutally murdered. I had them buried together..."

Jarod gasped. He voice broke into strangled sobs, "Murdered? Who? Raines? Mr. Parker?"

Sydney shook his head, "Raines. He had all of the parents murdered. He claimed it was easier."

"Did you know my parents?" Jarod gasped.

"They were kind people. They lived simply. They had money, but they never used it. They could have afforded so much more than this, but they chose instead to raise their sons to be kind and generous."

"Sons? I have a brother? They didn't kill him too, did they?"

Sydney shook his head, "No, they never knew there were two. You see, Jarod, Pretenders only come in sets of two."

Jarod looked up in surprise. He heard footsteps. A firm hand gripped his shoulder. Jarod turned and stared in awe at the young man. It was like staring at his own reflection.

Sydney smiled, "This is Jack. He's been looking forward to meeting you."

Jack smiled as he handed Jarod a card stating he was deaf.

Jarod smiled as he signed, "I'm pleased to meet you, Jack."

"Likewise," Jack signed back.

While the two brothers talked, Sydney took a tour of the grounds giving the men space. Jake had kept up the cemetary. He pulled weeds, mowed the lawn, and planted blue roses, his mother's favorite. As he walked, Sydney thought of his brother, Jacob. Would he ever recover? He watched Jarod and Jake as they rough housed playfully. He had once rough housed with Jacob the same way. It was a joy being a twin. There was so much they had shared as they grew up. Sydney felt the tears come. He had never seen Jarod so happy, so complete.

The laughter and merriment seemed to die down. It was replaced with an agonized cry of utter anguish. Sydney turned to comfort the sobbing man, but Jack held him back.

He signed, "He has to grieve. I've had my whole life. Jarod's only had ten minutes. He has a lot to make up for." Jarod touched the writing on his parents' head-stone. His mother had been Julia Louise Beaudette. His father had been John Phillip Beaudette. The inscription on the head-stone made Jarod gasp even louder.

In Loving Memory of Julia and John They lived simply; Loved Fully And will always Be Remembered by Those of us who loved them.

Below the inscription, someone had expertly chiseled later "We'll never give up. We know you're out there. You're always in our prayers."

The full extent of his grief hit Jarod like a heavy slab of cement. He lay on his parents' grave curled up in a fetal position sobbing and gasping. How long he had been there, he didn't know, but he felt Jack's strong arms help him to his feet.

"I'm sorry, Jarod. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner," Sydney said gently.

Jarod saw Sydney's grief. Even in his own pain, he couldn't bear to see someone else hurt. He hugged Sydney tightly as they sobbed together at what they had both lost.

Jake took the keys to the chopper out of Jarod's back pocket, "Who ride shotgun?"

Jarod looked up in surprise, "Hey, those are mine."

Jack smiled signing, "I can't hear you."

Sydney laughed at Jack's high jinx, "Come on, Jarod, let him have his fun."

Jack looked at home in the cockpit of the chopper. He flipped all the right switches in the right sequences, and soon they were flying expertly around New Orleans.

Jarod signed, "Have you ever flown a chopper before, bro?"

Jack signed back smiling, "No, this will be my first time."

Jarod looked at Sydney in amazement, "He's a Pretender too?"

Sydney nodded, "I did say they come in pairs, didn't I?"

St. Johns Hospital Smithtown, NY

Jarod stood in the doorway to Miss Parker's room. It had been six weeks since they had made their escape from the Centre. Dr. Gallaway had performed a miracle. He was able to salvage Miss Parker's right ovary. It already showed signs of being viable. The left ovary had to be removed. It seems the ulcer had turned out to be the infected ovary. The pain had been caused by the bacteria that was rapidly spreading through her body. If she wasn't raped, she would have died a month later. The doctors were surprised that she able to walk around for as long as she did without symptons. Jarod wasn't. She didn't get her nickname, the "Ice Queen," for nothing.

He couldn't wait for her to get healthy enough to come home. The boys, Jamie and John Phillip, couldn't wait to show her their new toys. If he didn't watch it Sydney was going to spoil them. Jarod chuckled. He didn't know who had more fun with the boys; Sydney or Jack. It had been Jack's idea to name the younger boy after their father. It seemed only fitting. Miss Parker liked the name John-John, but she agreed to sign the birth certificates saying it was time to move forward. They had their whole lives ahead of them.

Jarod liked the sound of both names. They had a certain resonance to them. Jamie already had a first name, but Jarod had written in Parker as a middle name, so his name was now James Parker Beaudette.

Now, the happiness would be complete. Miss Moira Parker would be officially taking Mr. Jarod Phillip Beaudette's hand in marriage as soon as she well enough to come home. She still had to go to physical therapy for her back. The promise ring had become an engagement ring. While Miss Parker was in surgery, Jarod had taken her ring to a Jeweler. He was very specific, "I want a diamond to be set in the middle of the interlocking hearts. It has to big, but not flashy. And, it has to reflect light when you turn it. My wife loves prisms." The jeweler had smiled, "Of course, Mr. Beaudette, anything you want."

He had money. He wasn't afraid to admit it. His parents lived frugally slowly amassing a small fortune in stocks and bonds. His father had bought stocks in companies that were struggling, and now Jarod and Jack never had to work, but they did anyway. It was either that or listen to Sydney's corney stories about his childhood growing up in a little village in Finland. It was charming the first time, but after you've heard it again and again, it loses its charm.

On his way home from the hospital, Jarod stopped in to the Le Boutique Unique. Gail was just finishing up when he walked in.

"Long time no see, Jarod."

"How are things, Gail?"

"Aggie's puppies are ready to go. Have you decided what your going to call him?"

Jarod looked at the red toy poodle puppy. He had wanted a dalmation, but Miss Parker had developed intrinsic asthma, so he had to stick with something that didn't shed.

The puppy licked his nose as Jarod picked it up, "I think I'll call him Dante`. My wife's favorite poem is The Divine Comedia, especially, The Inferno."

Gail laughed, "I always knew you weren't just a dog groomer. I've never seen someone catch on so fast. You just sat and watched me, and then you just started clipping. I'm ashamed to admit, you groom better than I do." The boys were waiting for him when he walked through the door. They clamored to pet the puppy. Jarod placed the puppy on the floor and watched in fascination as it ran towards Sydney.

"I think you've made a friend, Sydney."

Sydney laughed as he scooped up the puppy in his arms. He stared into the little dog's face and saw intelligence. It was the same intelligence he had seen in Jarod when he first came to the Centre, "Jarod, where did you say you got this puppy from?"

"It's one of the puppies from Aggie, Gail's dog," Jarod answered.

"Wasn't that the dog you rescued from the Centre?"

Jarod looked up from the computer, "I think so. Why?"

Sydney smiled, "I'll be. This little guy carries the smart gene. Aggie was genetically altered. I often wondered if she would pass on her mutation to her offspring."

"Well, I guess you have your answer," Jarod said smiling.


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