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Disclaimer: I do not own the Pretender or any of the characters, they are used without permission.

The Love of the Chase
Part 5
Mr. Lyle

by Andrea

A knock sounds at the entrance to my office, and a minute later my sister walks in.

"Broots has a lead on Jarod."

"Now?" I ask impatiently.

"Well, Lyle, you don’t expect Jarod to wait on you, do you?" she asks sarcastiacally. "Be at the hangar in ten minutes, " Parker says, then leaves.

Jarod. The very word makes me mad.

Jarod made me lose my thumb to the Yakuza. I tried to cut his thumb off, for revenge…didn’t succed, though.

One day, he’ll pay.

For everything that he’s done to me.

The humiliation. The pain.

I hate him so much.

I wish I could kill him. But I can’t. Especially not when I’m supposed to bring him in. Even if I could kill him, Parker wouldn’t let me.

Sure, she talks tough, but if push came to shove, she wouldn’t kill him, even though she’s proclaimed many times that she wants to. Parker’s had a lot of chances to get Jarod, the time they were together in that bank in Dover, and when they were both at Nugenesis. But she never brought him in. That leads me to believe that she doesn’t really want Jarod back at the Centre. Even though her deal with "Daddy" depends on Jarod being recaptured.

I, for one, wish that Jarod had never escaped. I know that Syd is happy that Jarod did leave. Parker complains all the time about how his escape pulled her back into the "field." But I think she doesn’t really care.

I want to run the Centre, not run after Jarod. I was running it for a while, until Dad came back. I think I did a pretty good job, too.

I was assigned to the Jarod pursuit, to keep an eye on Parker, Syd, and Broots. That’s what I was told, anyway. Of course, that isn’t what I want to do.

So I brought Mr. Cox in. He was my "watchdog," which left me to run the Centre.

Now that Dad is back, I’m back to the "chase." And I hate it.

"Uhm, Mr. Lyle?" Broots , at my office door, asks hesitantly.


"Miss Parker’s ready to go. She sent me to get you."

"I’ll be there in a minute." Broots leaves.

After a few minutes, I get up and follow him.

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