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DISCLAIMER: The characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. “The Pretender” is a protected trademark of MTM and NBC television, and the characters of that series are used here with no mean intent or desire for remuneration. This is a fan tribute to exceptional television. The characters of Kathleen, Tasia, Sabastian, Darius, Donella, Garland and Garrett are my own creations. “Hell’s Gate” is a poem I wrote for this story

Rating: NC-17 (male/female sexual situations, violence, non-consensual)

Copyright: 1997

To Dance with Darkness
Part One of Two

Awareness began to creep into his mind and body. Blurred images, fuzzy thoughts, intense feelings. His head throbbed. His body ached. An attempt to open his eyes was unwise, as the jolt of the light caused him to quickly close them again. He was hungry. Confused. Cold. Trying to force his mind to think clearly made his head spin. Images came exploding into his consciousness. People in costumes ---no--- another place. Another time. Memories---but not HIS memories. Hunger. Desire. The feelings were intensifying by the minute. Feeling an erection, he started to reach for his penis, but a stabbing pain at movement---any movement---stopped him.

/Where am I? What has happened?/ The images and faux memories came swirling into his brain again. And the hunger---he's never felt anything like it. The desire---lust--- was so intense he could taste it. Never before had Jarod been so confused, so sacred. So unsure of what to do. He anchored his mind to one coherent thought, one refuge above the confusion. With every ounce of strength he had left he sat up and yelled, "Sydney!"

* * * *

Sydney sat bolt upright in bed, his heart pounding in his ears.


No. He had been dreaming, but it hadn't been a nightmare and it wasn't about Jarod.

Clearing his thoughts, he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

What had woken him? A call---and anguished mental cry--from Jarod!

Sydney know beyond the shadow of doubt that Jarod was in trouble---serious trouble--and needed him.

He assumed a lotus position and tried to reach out to Jarod's mind /Where are you?/.

He tried to clear his mind to receive any further messages , but the link had been broken.

Jarod needed him and he was completely powerless to do anything about it.

Sydney did something he hadn't done in many years. He dropped to his knees and prayed. Then he did something else he hadn't done for years---he cried like a baby.

* * * *

Two people were now holding onto Jarod. They eased him back onto the bed.

"Tell her he's awake" one ordered the other.

"I already know, Garland. You both may leave." said a woman who had just entered the room.

The two left and closed the door behind themselves.

"Jarod, my name is Kathleen. I'm going to help you understand what has happened, but first you must have nourishment."

She took a fingernail and cut her own wrist. She put the bleeding arm to his lips.

"Drink, Jarod."

The winds of hell
began to blow
The darkness there
He does not know

At first, Jarod was repulsed, but the smell of the blood seemed to intensify the hunger that was almost overwhelming him. He let one drop trickle into his mouth, then he grabbed the wrist and started suckling greedily.

"Easy. Not too much at first."

After a few minutes she withdrew her offering.

Jarod stared to grab for more, then realized the hunger had been sated.

Now, the lust was all that remained.

He grabbed for her, and she didn't resist. She slipped off the robe she was wearing, revealing her nude body.

He pulled her down onto the bed and climbed on top of her. Without a word, he plunged into her. He began thrusting quick and hard. He held onto her arms tightly to steady himself. Something in the back of him mind told him this was wrong. He knew he was hurting her. Still, he could not deny the consuming desire in his mind and body, so he continued his rough assault on her body. Finally, he reached orgasm. His cry of release was a growl, not a shout of passion. He lay down beside her.

"Everything will be all right, Jarod. Your thoughts should be clearing now. Tell me everything you remember."

She was right. He felt much better and his memory was coming back.

"I was working on a case. A young Mexican had been accused of some grisly killings, but swore he was innocent. He was afflicted with a medical condition that caused thick hair to grow all over his body. The locals were calling him a werewolf and were saying only a werewolf could tear the victims bodies apart the way they were found. I believed in his innocence and was trying to ascertain who was really responsible for the murders. Since the killer trapped his victims in alleys near bars, I decided to hang out in some such places and hope to catch him in the act. I heard a noise as I entered the alley behind 'The Lost Ones' bar so I crept nearer, but something hit me from overhead. Then---pain! I tried to fight, but I couldn't see what was attacking me! I felt something --someone-- pull it off me. I heard them arguing. One said to stay out of it. The other said she wouldn't let him take this one. There was hissing and fighting. I couldn't see anything. Then I woke up here."

"Yes, Jarod. You had indeed found your killer. Jarod, when you dance with darkness, sometimes it catches up with you. This time, your luck ran out. You had set yourself up to be his next victim."

"What happened to me? Why did you make me drink your blood? What just happened between us?"

"The killer you were tracking attacked you. He jumped you from above, as he does all his victims. You were being torn apart and bitten savagely. When I pulled him off you, you were barely alive. There was no hope of your recovery in your human state, so I saved you the only way I knew how to. I finished the job the killer started."

"I don't understand!"

"I finished draining your blood, Jarod. I finished the kill."

"Wait a minute! Are you saying I'm dead?"

"Yes, Jarod you are. There was no other way. You were too badly injured. I had to make you one of us."

"One of WHAT?"

"Most humans call us vampires."

Jarod began to laugh. "Now that's a good one. Vampires are fairy tales!"

"Not hardly. How else do you explain what just happened?"

"I can't---yet."

"You are a vampire now, Jarod. The sooner you accept it the better. You will be in this state for several weeks, maybe months, before I can change you back."

"Change me back?"

"You were not meant to be like this Jarod. I intend to change you back to your human state as soon as possible."

Jarod leapt off the bed and ran to the mirror hanging on the wall.

"Ah-ha! You're lying! I can see myself."

Kathleen got up and walked up to the mirror.

"You are thinking of the vampire stories made up by humans. Bram Stoker's "Dracula" . That, and television shows like "Dark Shadows", "Forever Knight" and "Kindred: The Embraced" tell about the fantasy vampires. Fictional characters. You are a real life vampire. There are considerable differences."

"Such as?"

"Well, for one, we reflect nicely!" she smiled, laughing.

Jarod was in a foul mood and didn't care for jokes right now.

"Tell me more. Tell me what you did to me. Tell me what those visions I had were. Tell me why I craved your blood and your body."

"You were dying. Sabastian--the killer-- had ripped you apart badly. It had been a very long time since I'd drained anyone, and I was unable to control the sexual desire that comes with that act. As I drained your blood, I mated with you. We shared consciousness for a few minutes. Those visions you saw were MY memories. I , in turn, saw glimpses of you at The Centre, of you in various sims, of Sydney."

Jarod was starting to believe her.

"The hunger and lust you felt on awakening are normal for new vampires."

"How often do I have to 'eat'?"

"You need to feed daily for optimal health and mental well-being. You can survive for up to two weeks without food, but it would drive you mad."

"So---I suck your arm every day?"

"No. That isn't necessary except for the first feeding. From now on, you'll get a bottle of animal blood, fortified with nutrients."

"How about the other fictional vampire legends? Will the sun kill me? Can I change into other creatures? Can I fly? Will a cross burn me?"

"So full of curiosity! Unless you are allergic to the pills that were developed in 1953, you will be able to go out the sun with no ill effects. Transmutation takes many years to accomplish. Crosses and holy water can burn us. You can fly right now."

Jarod's eyes widened, and he thought of his body lifting up and rose into the air. He darted around the ceiling, almost crashing into the chandelier.

"Careful there! You can practice outside later!"

Jarod landed shakily.

"One more thing. Why did you intervene to start with? Why 'save' me?"

"I was tracking Sabastian myself, hoping to stop him. When I found him attacking you, I saw your light and knew I had to save you."

"My 'light'?"

"Yes, that is a vampire ability that no human author had guessed at yet. That, and the fact that new vampires can be changed back to humans if done soon enough. But you wondered about the light. It's hard to describe. Vampires can 'see'' an aura around humans the first time they encounter each individual. It's a glimpse of that humans soul. All persons have a certain amount of good, or light, in them. Also, a certain amount of darkness, or evil. In most people, the light is slightly predominant over the dark. In some, the dark overcomes the light. In you---I saw brilliant light, dimmed with terrible streaks of darkness, but still shining brighter than any I'd seen before."

* * * *

Sydney had gone back to bed, but was tossing and turning, too worried about Jarod to sleep.

He was suddenly aware of someone in the room with him.

"Who's there?" he cried out.

"Don't be afraid. I have news of Jarod." a soft female voice told him.

Sydney jumped out of bed and turned on the lights.

A woman in a black outfit stood before him. She had long red hair and green eyes.

"My name is Tasia. Jarod is going to be fine. He was badly injured but is recovering. My people will take care of him until he can travel again."

"Who are your people? How was he injured?"

"I am not at liberty to tell you any more at this time."

"Please. I want to know what happened to him. He's never contacted me MENTALLY before."

"We know. That is why I was sent. There were extenuating circumstances. I'll tell you more when I can. I have to leave now."

She appeared to swirl into dust and disappeared out the window.

Sydney didn't know what to think, but somehow believed her.

* * * *

Tasia reported to her superior, Russell. He knew she was keeping something from him.

"What else happened?"

Tasia hung her head. She should have know she couldn't keep anything from someone of his level.

"An attraction. After all these years! It was so intense! I don't know what I'm going to do!"

"It may not be a bad thing. You must tell Kathleen about it when she's done with Jarod. Don't worry so!"

"Thank you."

* * * *

"So---you saved me because I'm such a good person." Jarod said sarcastically.

"You have much good in you, Jarod. It's being overshadowed by the darkness now. Your hurt and anger at the Centre, at Sydney, at Miss Parker are growing. You have to fight it, Jarod. The vampire in you will intensify those feeling if you let it."

"How much do you know about what happened to me"

"I've seen all the DSAs. My people traced where you had been staying and brought everything in the room back here. They are also working of clearing your innocent client."

"Your people---all vampires?"

"Yes. We've been organized since 1834. Before that, many small groups of vampires stayed together. Some went solo. The oldest among us created an organization for all vampires, worldwide. All but a very few rogues are now members."

"All vampires? How many would that be?"

"Worldwide, the are 7,382 of us."

"And you all work together for what?"

"We don't exactly work together. The organization is for everyone's benefit. An all-vampire scientific team was assembled. That's how the pill that enable us to function in sunlight was invented. There are different levels of leadership in the structure, certain regulations and rules that have to be maintained."

"So---are you the supreme ruler of us all , or something?"

"No. I am one of the oldest, though. I , and six others, form the second level of leadership."

"And just how old are you?"

"I was born in 1122 in the south of France. I died in1155."

"Gee---you don't look a day over 300!" Jarod said, still in sarcastic mode.

"There is an extensive library here, including book about vampires. Those of human legend and those of reality. We have books on many other topics you should find interesting. There is a large video library also, and you'll have access to our computer network."

"Wait a minute. This is starting to sound like you intend to keep me here!"

"It's for you own good, Jarod! You don't know how to control the vampire in you. That power can corrupt anyone, Jarod."

"I've been held prisoner long enough for one lifetime! I can use this new power for good! I can use it to find my family!"

"You can use the resources here to help with your search. I can't allow you to leave here just yet. Don't think of it as imprisonment----think of it as protective custody!"

Jarod was seething inwardly, but appeared to acquires outwardly.

"Very well. If you insist."

* * * *

Tasia stood before her superior with fear in her eyes.

"Don't be afraid! It's not wrong to have an attraction to a human! Tell me what you feel for him, what you see in him."

"I have never sensed such loneliness, such sadness. His soul has clouds of darkness in it, yet a bright light still burns. I want to help him, to ease his suffering, his loneliness."

"Jarod cares for him deeply and we want to keep Sydney safe.

Tasia, I hereby grant you permission to form a relationship with the human Sydney, if he so wishes it."

Tasia's face lit up. "Thank you!"

* * * *

For the next seven days, Jarod played the perfect house guest. He devoured book after book in the library and watched an endless array of videos. Countless hours were spent on the Internet. When he got his daily ration of blood and supplements, he was gracious and drank it down readily. He conversed with the guards that were constantly around him. He checked the doors and windows (all guarded). He checked for secret doors and vent work (no luck). He was biding his time.

* * * *

Sydney again sensed someone in his bedroom.

"Tasia?" he inquired.

"Yes, Sydney. It is I."

Sydney got up and turned on the light.

"Is Jarod all right?"

"He's fine."

"Can you tell me more now?"


Tasia told him the whole story. As incredible as it all seemed, Sydney believed her.

"How long will it take to make him human again?"

"It depends. Kathleen must hunt down Sabastian and destroy him before the transformation can take place."

"Thank you for sharing this with me."

"I want to help, Sydney." she said, stepping close to him.

Sydney felt a wave of desire wash over him, and reached for her.

They kissed passionately for a few minutes.

"Sydney. I will be back in a few minutes." she said suddenly and shot out the window, leaving a thoroughly confused Sydney in her wake.

/I should have thought of this earlier/ she thought.

It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for. The night watchman at the Centre never knew what hit him. She fed, then left him sleeping. He'd wake up with an evil headache and a sore neck. Now that she had fed from a live source, she had the power to mate without draining her lover.

As she re-entered Sydney's bedroom, she was shocked to see another woman with her arms wrapped around him, ready to bite his neck.

"Leave him!" she commanded.

The other spun around and flew at her. Tasia easily avoided the blow and put herself between Sydney and the other vampire. She took a vial out of her pocket and splashed something on the other lady, burning her.

"Bitch!" the other shrieked in pain.

"Holy water comes in handy at times. Who sent you?"

The other remained silent.

Tasia closed in on her and grabbed her by the throat.

"Who are you and who sent you?"

Realizing her opponent was much more powerful than herself, she relented.

"I am called Donella. Sabastian sent me to claim Jarod's mentor. He still wants that one. He's very upset with Kathleen for interrupting his acquisition of that prize!"

"That's between the two of them. Leave here and never come back. The hiearchy will be told about you."

Donella exited without another word.

Sydney had watched the whole exchange in wide-eyed amazement.

"Tasia---I don't know how she did that to me!"

"She used her vampire power to seduce you. That is forbidden in our laws. Only the rogues use their gifts for such things."

Sydney put his arms around her. "You don't have to use anything extra to attract me."

She let him lead her to the bed, and eagerly made love with him. Three hundred years without a mate made it all the more special to her.

* * * *

Kathleen had followed Sabastian's trail to Houston. Resting in her hotel room there, she sensed a familiar presence.


"Kathleen" said a deep voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"Do I need a reason to see my lady love?"

"We haven't been lovers for over a century!"

"I still think of you."

"What do you want?"

"Do I have to want anything? Can't you trust me at all?"

"No. I can't."

Darius ran his hands through his short, spiky hair.

"I want to help you with Sabastian."

"Why? The last time I checked, you two were working together."

"I only worked with him that one time, to put the drug cartel out of business for good. He was the only one willing to help me kill them all. I'm not like him, Kath, and you know it! You loved me for two hundred years!"

"You're not a part of the hierarchy any more."

"Not everyone was cut out for that. I'm not a rogue! I still follow most of the rules. Give me another chance. Another chance to prove to you I'm not like him. To prove to you that I love you."

Kathleen wanted to believe him, needed to believe him.

"You know it will be dangerous."

"That's why I came to offer my help."

She stepped into his waiting arms. "If you betray me...."

"I know. I will be destroyed. I won't fail you this time, my love."

The two vampire lovers re-ignited the flames that had burned between them for years.

* * * *

The winds now fierce
a thunderous roar
he can barely hear
voice of the one before.

Jarod began his second week at Kathleen's vampire compound with more work in the library. In an old leather bound book, he found what he had been searching for.

This volume contained instructions on how to increase vampire powers and how to use the power to the best advantage. It also had a set of blueprints tucked away in it. Blueprints that showed Jarod exactly what he had been looking for---a secret passageway to the outside, located in the wine cellar.

For the next four days, Jarod took the pills he'd stolen from the pharmacy . They would allow him to function in daylight.

He was careful to keep an outwardly cheerful and compliant appearance, all the while plotting to escape and planning what he would do when he got out.

The gates of Hell
now open wide
inviting him
to step inside.

It was six hours before any of the guards knew Jarod was missing. He had asked permission to go to the wine cellar, telling them he wanted to see what vintages were available.

No one missed him until feeding time. When a mass hunt failed to turn him up, they had to assume he'd escaped.

Garret, the chief of guards, dreaded telling Kathleen, yet he knew he had to.

She did not react well to the news, and ordered him to use all available resources to re-capture and contain Jarod.

Soon, hundreds of vampires were searching the city for signs of their missing member.

* * * *

Jarod felt pure exhilaration, pure joy, upon his escape.

/Free again!/

He soared into the darkening sky, triumphant.

He flew to the airport and took a more conventional flight to Oregon.

Making his way to Nia's cabin, he heard a ruckus below him.

Swooping down, he saw a man with a knife to a female camper's throat,

ripping off her clothing. Jarod descended on him like a hawk after a rabbit.

He grabbed the man with one hand and pulled him off the lady. The man took a swing at Jarod, but Jarod easily deflected the blow. He grabbed the man and pulled him closer.

The stranger tried to scream as Jarod's teeth ripped into his throat, but nothing came out.

Jarod drank the warm human blood greedily, savoring the high it was giving him.

When he'd had his fill, he twisted the man's neck, making sure he was dead.

The female he'd just rescued was backing away from him now.

"Hey, bitch! I saved your ass! The least you could do is say thank you!"

"St-stay away from me! Please!" she screamed, and ran toward town.

"Fine. You're welcome."

A dog, possibly the dead man's pet, came charging at Jarod.

Jarod grabbed it by the neck and easily slashed its throat.

A thought of Ember stirred in his mind, but it quickly passed. He tossed the dog's lifeless body into a ravine.

Arriving at Nia's, he didn't bother to knock.

"Nia! I need you!" he called out.


Nia ran into his arms. They kissed for several minutes.

"Oh, Jarod! I was afraid I'd never see you again!"

"You may see a lot more of me now."

It was only then that Nia noticed the blood on his shirt.

"What happened!"

"Oh, nothing much. Rescued a woman from a rapist."

Nia suddenly realized Jarod was acting very differently, speaking with a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Let's go to bed." he told her.

"No. You aren't acting right."

Anger flooded through Jarod.

"I'm fine! I came all the way here to make love to you!"

He grabbed her roughly.

She tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. She stared to cry,

whimpering softly in Spanish.

Jarod backed off since even now he couldn't bear the look of terror in her eyes.

"You aren't the Jarod I loved. Leave me alone!" she cried.

He backed away and fled, blood tears staining his face.

/Stupid bitch! She doesn't know anything!/

He was still horny, so he took a conventional flight to Blue Cove, Delaware.

* * * *

Tasia visited Sydney almost every night, to his delight. He was pleased to discover her an intelligent and witty companion, as well as a wonderful lover. He was dismayed to learn that Jarod had escaped those who only meant to help him. He understood that Tasia had to help recapture the errant genius.

* * * *

The fires of Hell
now burning bright
lure him to dance
in damnation's light.

Miss Parker felt rather than heard a presence in her bedroom. She started to reach for her gun on the bedside table, but she was too late.

Jarod pinned her wrists to the bed above her head.

"Jarod! What a surprise."

"Well, well, Miss Parker. Monica. You're looking lovely tonight."

"What do you want Jarod? Come to turn yourself in?"

She didn't want him to know how unnerved this intrusion had made her.

"I want you."

He ripped the nightgown from her slender shoulders.


"Don't tell you don't want it. You've always wanted me."

"Not like this."

Jarod ignored her, and positioned himself on top of her.

"Please don't!"

Jarod plunged into her without another word. She gasped in shock and pain. He began thrusting roughly. A scream of pain almost escaped her lips before he clamped his hand over her mouth. He continued his assault on her body, pistioning into her with fury.

"You were always teasing me. Flirting with me. But you never would do anything about it. You were free to come and go. You couldn't waste your time on a captive lab rat!"

/No, Jarod. It wasn't like that at all! I wanted to be with you! They wouldn't let me!/ she thought, longing to tell him.

He bent toward her face and she hoped he was going to kiss her, but all she felt was a searing pain in the side of her neck, then she slipped into unconsciousness.

Jarod was still thrusting into her still body. He finally reached release, but his cry was one of rage, not passion. He quickly withdrew from her and headed for the Centre compound to settle his next score.

A hapless computer tech working late provided Jarod with another fresh meal.

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