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It wasn't long until Broots returned with Sydney.
"Jarod!" Sydney paused. "It's really you." He shook the young man's hand.
"It's been a while." Jarod pulled the older man into an embrace.
They sat around Parker's office talking about Jarod's plan when Mr. Parker entered.
"Okay they will agree to it." Mr. Parker spoke.
Lyle busted in. " is true." He paced around Jarod like a predator after his prey. "Why isn't he in lock up?" Lyle demanded.
"Cause he isn't going to be locked up." Mr. Parker's voice remained calm.
"Meet your sister's new boyfriend." Mr. Parker stepped back.
"No! This isn't happening!" Lyle shouted.
Parker smiled. "Jarod is going to be family."
"Welcome to the family." Mr. Parker mumbled as he shook the young man's hand. Then he turned to leave.
Lyle just glared over at the happy couple and followed his father out.
"Dad!" He caught up with him. "You can't let this happen."
"Lyle, forget Jarod. Forget the pretender project cause of's over!" Mr. Parker left him standing in the hallway.
By the time Mr. Parker reached his office Mr. Raines was waiting for him.
"You can't let this happen." He wheezed.
"I don't have any control over it now." Mr. Parker didn't move.
"We have lost everything. Jarod. The genetics'. The possibility of more Pretenders. Our future is gone."
"We never had much of future." Mr. Parker waved his hand into the Raines face, letting him know he wanted to be alone.
Raines took the hint. Mr. Parker found his seat back behind his desk. He picked of a photo of Catherine. "Damn it. It's all you fault." He slammed the picture down.
Parker and Jarod returned to her house.
"Can you believe it worked?" She got excited as she thought of finally leaving the Centre.
"Parker, he is not going to just let us walk away."
"Then why did we just go in there?" She couldn't believe what he was saying. She thought he would be happy about this.
"He might let us leave but we will never be safe."
She paced in circles around him. She could'nt believe what she was hearing.
Jarod pulled her into his arms. "I said I was going to protect us and I am."
She started to say something when Jarod stopped her. "Dance with me." He whispered.
"There's no music playing." She said as she raised one eyebrow.
Jarod reached over and turned on the radio that was sitting on table.
Whisper to me softly three words upon my skin
"There is now." He pulled her into his body. They began to move slowly to the music.
No one's near and listenin',
so please don't say goodbye
Just hold me close and love me
Jarod picked her up and pressed her body against the wall. His lips trailed down her neck to her breast bone.
Press your lips to mine
Mm, feels so right, feels so right
Parker's body slid down the wall to the floor, taking Jarod with her. He removed her shirt and within minutes the rest of her clothing.
Lying here beside you,
I hear the echoes of your sighs
Promise me you'll stay with me and keep me warm tonight
So hold me close and love me
Give my heart a smile
Parker moved closer to his body, his warmth made her feel secure.
Your body feels so gentle and my passion rises high
You're lovin me so easy
You wish is my command
She reached up and gave him a kiss. Her damp hair brushed against his skin.
Just hold me close and love me
Tell me it won't end
Mm, feels so right, feels so right, feels so right
Aw, you feel so right baby
"Jarod, promise me we will always be together."
"I promise." His fingertips made small circles on her skin as she moved closer to his body.
"Don't get mad but I have to ask you something."
"What?" She raised her head to look him in the eyes.
"I want us to have a baby."
"What?" She let out a laugh.
"A baby. A family. I want a family."
"Now?" She looked down at him.
" can wait until we are married."
"Quit saying what."
"I can't help it. I just can't believe you want me to have a baby."
"Don't tell me you haven't thought about it before."
"Not really." She left his side and walked into the bedroom.
"You never wanted a family?" He followed her.
"I didn't say that." She turned around to see him behind her.
"Then what are you saying?"
"I'm saying I haven't thought about it before."
"Well, promise me you will think about it." Jarod grabbed her wrist and kissed her again.
She stared into his eyes.
"Promise me, please." He said softly as he kept giving her kisses.
She pulled away and looked him in the eye. "Okay, I'll think about it."
He smiled as he watched her walk away. "Yes!" He smirked.
Several weeks later
Mr. Parker walked up to his daughter. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You look beautiful in that wedding dress."
"Thank you Daddy." She smiled.
"Your mother would be proud." He turned to leave.
"Mmm." He faced her.
"Thank you for letting me be happy with Jarod."
He smiled as he walked off.
Sydney and Broots walked up to hug the happy bride.
"I can't believe he just let you walk away after all those years chasing Jarod." Broots watched as Mr. Parker talked to Lyle and Raines.
"He doesn't have a choice." Parker answered. She knew they were probably up to something but what she didn't know.
Jarod joined the trio. "Honey, are you ready to leave?" He leaned in to kiss her.
"Yeah." She slipped her arm into his. He helped her with her dress as they made their way from the crowd.
Mr. Parker stopped them. "Jarod."
"Take care of my little girl."
"Bring her back to visit me."
"Anytime she wants. You have my word." He shook the older man's hand.
He stepped aside and let them pass.
Sydney and Broots watched as they left.
"It won't be the same without her." Broots replied softly.
"She will be back soon."
Broots looked up at the doctor. "I thought she wasn't coming back."
"She's not but we are leaving this place too. We will see her again, soon."
The older man turned leaving the tech alone pondering the thought of Jarod's plan.
A year later
Parker heard Jarod come in the house. "Honey!" She yelled.
"Yeah." He meet her half way.
"We need to talk." She took his hand and lead him to the big over sized chair.
"Is something wrong?" He took a seat and she straddled his lap.
"Remember that talk we had while back about starting a family?"
"Yeah." He rested his hands on her hips.
"Can we wait a little longer? I'm not sure if I'm ready to start a family." She watched his face as a look of disappointment began to show.
"I guess but at this rate you will never be ready for a family of our own." He whined.
"Are you sure you are okay with this?"
He nodded his head yes.
"Okay." She kissed his lips and got up from his lap. "Then I guess I should tell you that I'm pregnant." She smiled as she took a few steps backwards.
"What?!" He jumped up.
"We are going to have a baby."
He took her into his arms. "Are you serious?"
"Yep." She couldn't stop grinning.
He picked her up off the floor and swung her around a few times before setting her feet back on the floor. "Then why did you ask me about waiting?"
"I wanted to see what you would say."
"I love you." He gave her another kiss before pulling away from her.
"I love you too." She replied as she took his hand. They went over to the couch where she pulled out different types of books on babies. They began going flipping through them.
The End!
"Jarod!" Sydney paused. "It's really you." He shook the young man's hand.
"It's been a while." Jarod pulled the older man into an embrace.
They sat around Parker's office talking about Jarod's plan when Mr. Parker entered.
"Okay they will agree to it." Mr. Parker spoke.
Lyle busted in. " is true." He paced around Jarod like a predator after his prey. "Why isn't he in lock up?" Lyle demanded.
"Cause he isn't going to be locked up." Mr. Parker's voice remained calm.
"Meet your sister's new boyfriend." Mr. Parker stepped back.
"No! This isn't happening!" Lyle shouted.
Parker smiled. "Jarod is going to be family."
"Welcome to the family." Mr. Parker mumbled as he shook the young man's hand. Then he turned to leave.
Lyle just glared over at the happy couple and followed his father out.
"Dad!" He caught up with him. "You can't let this happen."
"Lyle, forget Jarod. Forget the pretender project cause of's over!" Mr. Parker left him standing in the hallway.
By the time Mr. Parker reached his office Mr. Raines was waiting for him.
"You can't let this happen." He wheezed.
"I don't have any control over it now." Mr. Parker didn't move.
"We have lost everything. Jarod. The genetics'. The possibility of more Pretenders. Our future is gone."
"We never had much of future." Mr. Parker waved his hand into the Raines face, letting him know he wanted to be alone.
Raines took the hint. Mr. Parker found his seat back behind his desk. He picked of a photo of Catherine. "Damn it. It's all you fault." He slammed the picture down.
Parker and Jarod returned to her house.
"Can you believe it worked?" She got excited as she thought of finally leaving the Centre.
"Parker, he is not going to just let us walk away."
"Then why did we just go in there?" She couldn't believe what he was saying. She thought he would be happy about this.
"He might let us leave but we will never be safe."
She paced in circles around him. She could'nt believe what she was hearing.
Jarod pulled her into his arms. "I said I was going to protect us and I am."
She started to say something when Jarod stopped her. "Dance with me." He whispered.
"There's no music playing." She said as she raised one eyebrow.
Jarod reached over and turned on the radio that was sitting on table.
Whisper to me softly three words upon my skin
"There is now." He pulled her into his body. They began to move slowly to the music.
No one's near and listenin',
so please don't say goodbye
Just hold me close and love me
Jarod picked her up and pressed her body against the wall. His lips trailed down her neck to her breast bone.
Press your lips to mine
Mm, feels so right, feels so right
Parker's body slid down the wall to the floor, taking Jarod with her. He removed her shirt and within minutes the rest of her clothing.
Lying here beside you,
I hear the echoes of your sighs
Promise me you'll stay with me and keep me warm tonight
So hold me close and love me
Give my heart a smile
Parker moved closer to his body, his warmth made her feel secure.
Your body feels so gentle and my passion rises high
You're lovin me so easy
You wish is my command
She reached up and gave him a kiss. Her damp hair brushed against his skin.
Just hold me close and love me
Tell me it won't end
Mm, feels so right, feels so right, feels so right
Aw, you feel so right baby
"Jarod, promise me we will always be together."
"I promise." His fingertips made small circles on her skin as she moved closer to his body.
"Don't get mad but I have to ask you something."
"What?" She raised her head to look him in the eyes.
"I want us to have a baby."
"What?" She let out a laugh.
"A baby. A family. I want a family."
"Now?" She looked down at him.
" can wait until we are married."
"Quit saying what."
"I can't help it. I just can't believe you want me to have a baby."
"Don't tell me you haven't thought about it before."
"Not really." She left his side and walked into the bedroom.
"You never wanted a family?" He followed her.
"I didn't say that." She turned around to see him behind her.
"Then what are you saying?"
"I'm saying I haven't thought about it before."
"Well, promise me you will think about it." Jarod grabbed her wrist and kissed her again.
She stared into his eyes.
"Promise me, please." He said softly as he kept giving her kisses.
She pulled away and looked him in the eye. "Okay, I'll think about it."
He smiled as he watched her walk away. "Yes!" He smirked.
Several weeks later
Mr. Parker walked up to his daughter. He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You look beautiful in that wedding dress."
"Thank you Daddy." She smiled.
"Your mother would be proud." He turned to leave.
"Mmm." He faced her.
"Thank you for letting me be happy with Jarod."
He smiled as he walked off.
Sydney and Broots walked up to hug the happy bride.
"I can't believe he just let you walk away after all those years chasing Jarod." Broots watched as Mr. Parker talked to Lyle and Raines.
"He doesn't have a choice." Parker answered. She knew they were probably up to something but what she didn't know.
Jarod joined the trio. "Honey, are you ready to leave?" He leaned in to kiss her.
"Yeah." She slipped her arm into his. He helped her with her dress as they made their way from the crowd.
Mr. Parker stopped them. "Jarod."
"Take care of my little girl."
"Bring her back to visit me."
"Anytime she wants. You have my word." He shook the older man's hand.
He stepped aside and let them pass.
Sydney and Broots watched as they left.
"It won't be the same without her." Broots replied softly.
"She will be back soon."
Broots looked up at the doctor. "I thought she wasn't coming back."
"She's not but we are leaving this place too. We will see her again, soon."
The older man turned leaving the tech alone pondering the thought of Jarod's plan.
A year later
Parker heard Jarod come in the house. "Honey!" She yelled.
"Yeah." He meet her half way.
"We need to talk." She took his hand and lead him to the big over sized chair.
"Is something wrong?" He took a seat and she straddled his lap.
"Remember that talk we had while back about starting a family?"
"Yeah." He rested his hands on her hips.
"Can we wait a little longer? I'm not sure if I'm ready to start a family." She watched his face as a look of disappointment began to show.
"I guess but at this rate you will never be ready for a family of our own." He whined.
"Are you sure you are okay with this?"
He nodded his head yes.
"Okay." She kissed his lips and got up from his lap. "Then I guess I should tell you that I'm pregnant." She smiled as she took a few steps backwards.
"What?!" He jumped up.
"We are going to have a baby."
He took her into his arms. "Are you serious?"
"Yep." She couldn't stop grinning.
He picked her up off the floor and swung her around a few times before setting her feet back on the floor. "Then why did you ask me about waiting?"
"I wanted to see what you would say."
"I love you." He gave her another kiss before pulling away from her.
"I love you too." She replied as she took his hand. They went over to the couch where she pulled out different types of books on babies. They began going flipping through them.
The End!