[Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstarPrinterMicrosoft Word
Summary: Blind and injured after a terrible accident, how can Jarod possibly escape the Centre now?

Rated: G
Categories: Post Season 4
Characters: Angelo, Broots, Jarod, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character, Sydney
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Completed: Yes Word count: 140404 Read: 120941
Published: 27/05/05 Updated: 27/05/05

1. Part 1: Staring Into The Dark by KB [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (6189 words)

2. Part 2: A Shot In The Dark by KB [Reviews - 0] (5683 words)

3. Part 3: Kept In The Dark by KB [Reviews - 0] (6062 words)

4. Part 4: In Total Darkness by KB [Reviews - 0] (6095 words)

5. Part 5: Out of the Darkness... by KB [Reviews - 0] (5735 words)

6. Part 6: ...A Light At The End... by KB [Reviews - 0] (5884 words)

7. Part 7: ...Into The Light by KB [Reviews - 0] (5784 words)

8. Part 8: A Helping Hand From the Dark by KB [Reviews - 0] (6197 words)

9. Part 9: After Dark by KB [Reviews - 0] (6677 words)

10. Part 10: Seeing The Light by KB [Reviews - 0] (6256 words)

11. Part 11: The Light Strengthens by KB [Reviews - 0] (6212 words)

12. Part 12: Lighting The Way by KB [Reviews - 0] (6080 words)

13. Part 13:...Down, Dark Places... by KB [Reviews - 0] (8199 words)


14. Part 14: In A New Light by KB [Reviews - 0] (5533 words)

15. Part 15: A Sort of Glow by KB [Reviews - 0] (5412 words)

16. Part 16: Glowing With Happiness by KB [Reviews - 0] (7040 words)

17. Part 17: A Glow of Satisfaction by KB [Reviews - 0] (6297 words)

18. Part 18: A Dimming of the Lights by KB [Reviews - 0] (6353 words)

19. Part 19: Another Light on the Horizon by KB [Reviews - 0] (6234 words)

20. Part 20: Light and Shadow by KB [Reviews - 0] (7437 words)

21. Part 21: The Light Ahead by KB [Reviews - 0] (7645 words)

22. Part 22: A Bright Future by KB [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (7400 words)