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List Provided By: Jackie.

Sibling Rivalry VI
by: chopsticks
p g


Lyle smiled evilly as he pulled the freshly printed paper out of the printer. This list was too perfect. He had no idea where it came from, except for the cryptic e-mail address of

It was just as well, he figured. If Miss Parker ever found out who wrote the list, she’d murder the person in several heinous ways. Several dozen, that is.

Lyle grinned at the image his previous thought conjured up, and swung open his door, nearly hitting Broots in the process.

"Mr. Broots!" Lyle called out loudly, capturing the attention of the techie who was staring in slight apprehension at the door that had nearly struck him.

"Y-yes, Mr. Lyle?"

"Do me a favor, would ya?" Lyle asked, putting on his best charming smile. "Tack this up outside Sis’s door." Lyle handed the piece of paper and a tack over to Broots, who looked like he’d rather melt into the floor and be trampled upon all day than post up another list.

Broots shakily took the paper and said nothing, simply staring at it.

"Now, Mr. Broots!" Lyle boomed, causing the balding man to jump in fright and scurry away, quietly mumbling, "Yes, Mr. Lyle."

On his way to Miss Parker’s office, or, to be more accurate, the wall next to her office door, Broots contemplated his options. He could post the list and incur the vengeful wrath of Miss Parker or he could not post it and incur the cannibalistic wrath of Mr. Lyle. Neither option was looking to good for him, though he figured being murdered and keeping all his organs was certainly better than being murdered and loosing his liver.

So it was decided. He would post the list and hopefully manage to disappear into the woodwork, though whenever he wanted that to happen, it never did.

He finally came to a halt outside Miss Parker’s office. A few curious workers began to gather around him, as they had learned by now that whenever someone stood there staring at either Miss Parker’s or Mr. Lyle’s wall, it most certainly meant a new list was on the way.

Broots nervously tacked it up, and the crowd began to shove him out of the way until he ended up in the back of it all. He quickly turned around and scurried towards his hole, his ear hearing the growing crowd’s clamor increase each millisecond.

The crowd was, per usual, trying to keep the laughter to a minimum. Many had to clamp their hands over each other’s mouths in order to prevent early discovery.

The entire scene played out just like it always did. Miss Parker swung open her door and the crowd scattered quickly, everyone running or tripping over the other to get away.

Miss Parker glowered and ripped the piece of paper off the wall and read it quietly, her anger building each second.

Things PMS Actually Stands For

Parker Might Shoot
Pass My Semi-automatic
Parker's Mood Swing
Parker's Mad Season
Parker's Mood Shift
People Must Suffer
Parker Moody Syndrome
Parker's Monthly Shootout
Parker's Midol Season
Pardon My Screaming
Actually. . . That's your normal behavior, Parker!

Lyle was going to pay, and he was going to pay dearly, Miss Parker decided.

She was going to exact revenge on him, and she was going to do it in the most perfect way: with another list, of course. What else?


the end.

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