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Disclaimer: “The Pretender” and its characters do not belong to me they belong to TNT and NBC and are being used without permission. Please don’t sue because I have no money.

Coming together part 2
By: 24

Jarod walked down the alleyway to take a shortcut to his latest lair. There was a squeal of tires and he turned to see who it was. The doors opened and stared in shock as men in white suits and Mason emerge from the white town car. He turned to run down the alleyway hoping for a way out of this mess.

A black car suddenly stopped at the end of the alleyway. A woman, two men in black suits, a distinguished man with gray hair and a smaller balding man came out of the black town car. They quickly walked up the alleyway and drew their guns towards him. He didn’t know who they were, but he hoped that they would help him.

“Stop Jarod or I’ll shoot.” Miss Parker yelled.

Jarod skidded to a stop and stared at her curiously. “Who are you and how do you know my name?” He said as he glanced over his shoulders taking in that they stopped and watched the exchange.

“You don’t know who I am? I was your childhood friend when we were children when you were inside the Centre. This is Sydney and he used to take care of you.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know you. The only person who took care of me is Mason.”

Mason smiled as he watched the exchange. The drug had done its work. Jarod didn’t know who these people were.

“What is the Centre anyways?”

“It’s a research facility. You were taken there when you were a small child.”

“I don’t remember. The only thing I remember is being taken to the Institute where Mason raised me since I was a child.”

Jarod turned then towards the others glaring at Mason.

“You lied to me Mason.”

“And why do you think that?”

“You told me that my simulations were doing good, but instead I was killing and hurting thousands of people. I can’t let you use me like that again.”

“Who are you people?” Asked Miss Parker.

“We are from the Clarkson Institute.”

“I’ve heard of you. You are enemies of The Centre.”

“Yes, we are. We found out that Jarod escaped the Centre and we knew that we had to have him. We captured him at his last lair in the night and brought him to the Institute. We gave him a drug that wiped out his memories of the Centre. All he’s ever known was that I was his handler and he was raised at the Institute.”

Jarod stared in shock at what Mason was saying. He couldn’t believe what was coming out of Mason’s mouth.

“He’s the Centre’s property. You shouldn’t have kidnapped Centre’s property.”

“Fine, but we’ll be back.” They quickly went towards the vehicle and drove away. Leaving Jarod with the Centre’s hunters.

“Jarod. Time to go home.”

“I’m not going home with anyone. Not the Institute, or anyone else.”

Miss Parker nodded to the sweepers and they quickly advanced towards the pretender. Jarod turned to run, but didn’t get very far. They tackled him and put handcuffs on him. Then they took him to the car and took off.

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