Conspiracy by Zanna
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Happy New Year everybody!!!
Wow, part 4.This is getting REALLY interesting, but first I suppose I should apologize to Yip for that baffoon remark. Nothing intended man !
Yip's Note: None taken. Nosy readers should infer nothing : )
Feedback, as always, will be appreciated. Compliments will be repeated in front of the mirror and flames will be used to light Miss Parker's cigarettes.
Hint: The more flames, the more Miss Parker smokes 8=)
Oh yeah, most of my beta readers advised me to slap a PG-13 sign on this for violence. It's not really gruesome but it may be a bit too much for sensitive readers.
part 4
by Zanna
Two weeks later
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
"I did it !" Broots shouted triumphantly. Although there was no one there to share his elation he felt himself blush with pride and mentally patted himself on the back and decided that this triumph deserved some celebratory Cheese Puffs. It was 02h00 in the morning. Debbie had spent the last couple of nights at Miss Parker's since Broots was working late so often. School was back in full swing and with promises of balanced meals and a 22h00 curfew he had relaxed. Jarod had made him promise to call him as soon as he found something, but he was hesitant to wake at such an early hour. What the heck, he did make him promise. Broots picked up the phone and dialed. He let the phone ring for a couple of times but nobody answered. For some inexplicable reason he dialed Miss Parker's number. After two rings the phone was answered.
"Wha ...?"
"Um... Miss Parker ?" Broots asked hisitantly, wondering to whom the muffled voice could belong.
"What is it Broots ?" Joarod patiently asked. He had spent the last couple of nights in Miss Parker's bed. Nothing happened, it was just that the two of them slept better when they felt a warm body next to them. For years Miss Parker and Jarod had suffered from Night Terrors until on one of his pretends he learned that when there is someone else with the victim in bed that it could reduce the attacks. Bur Broots could be forgiven for geting the wrong impression.
"What..what are you doing at Miss Parker's ?" Broots sputtered.
"Who is it Jarod ?" Miss Parker stirred next to him, her arm still casually draped over his middle. Jarod held on to the receiver so that Broots couldn't hear their conversation.
"It's Broots. I want you to go check on Debbie. It might calm him down" Miss Parker grumbled as she got out of bed and dragged herself to Debbie's room. Jarod grinned and turned his attention back to Broots.
"Just crashed here for the night. So, what's up ?"
"Well, you said you wanted to know when I got a lead and I kinda got a lead.
"You broke the Code ? I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Oh and Broots ?"
"Yeah ?"
"Good Job." Jarod put the phone and dragged his pants towards him. He didn't look up when Miss Parker entered the room.
"Broots broke the code, I'm going over." He looked up at her and was surprised to see Debbie with her, arms wrapped around Miss Parker. In her hand Miss Parker held a piece of paper. Without a word she held it out to him.
It was a photo of Debbie. She was completely unaware of the photographer. She talking with a young boy, but it was the markings on the photo that disturbed Jarod. Someone had taken a Magic Marker and slit the boys throat, and over Debbie's face the words
was written in a childish scrawl.
"Jarod ?" Jarod looked at Debbie. Her face was ash white and it looked like she was crying.
"He isn't going to hurt me, is he ?" She looked so scared, so fragile that at that moment he shared Broots' feeling that she was still little girl, not someone that was the focus of a madman.
"Not with me around. Besides, you've got all that stuff that Miss Parker and Steven taught you. Why don't you sleep here with Miss Parker while I go to Centre ?"
Miss Parker shook her head.
"The message was found on the dresser. That means that he entered the house without setting off the alarms. This guy is good Jarod. We'll have to move camp for a while. In the meantime we'll go with you to the Centre, just for a sense of security."
Debbie sniffled her approval. Jarod glanced between them and the bedside clock. He was caught between rock and a hard place. He reviewed his options and came out with a plan that would keep Debbie completely safe, but which would put him in the most danger.
"Get dressed, both of you. We're going to the Centre where we can discuss this with Broots." Debbie cringed when she heard Broots's name.
"Debbie we have to tell him. He has a right to know, after all he is your father."
She slowly nodded and went off to her room to change.
"Poor kid." Miss Parker said and grabbed a pair of jeans. Ever since Jarod had come back, her dress style was more comfortable and more relaxed.
Jarod was as good as his word and within 15 minutes all three of them walked into the tech room. Broots was at the coffee station, getting another refill but when he saw Debbie he nearly spilled coffee all over himself.
"Debbie ! What are you doing here ?"
"Relax Broots. We'll get to that in a minute, but first show me that code."
Broots relaxed. Here was something he understood, something that he could control and something completely opposite from his life.
"Well, I could go into the whole exciting tale but I don't want to put you back to sleep, so I'll just get to the point. The signal is coming from somewhere in Sub-level 14 and the destination is in D.C. A Senator's office. Senator ..." Broots scrambled for a piece of paper on his desk. When he found it, he let out a whoop of triumph and turned back to his audience.
"Boys and girls, say hello to Senator Whitehead. I ran his name against the Centre's mainframe and bingo! He was an instructor on assasinations and covert operations. He left the Centre just after you arrived Jarod, so I doubt that you ever heard about him. He's been in Public Office ever since, however he never broke his ties with the Centre."
"What do you mean ?" Miss Parker asked and lit up a cigarette.
"He still gets the odd assignment from the Centre and it isn't always to his disadvantage. There has been rumours that he killed his opponent after the polls showed that he, that's his opponent, was more likely to get elected."
Broots looked very pleased with himself. Miss Parker sighed.
"You still haven't told us who the mole is." She crushed her cigarette butt under foot. Broots' face fell.
"That was the only snag. It's an open terminal meaning that it's in a shared office. The user doesn't have to log on in his own name. So, I checked the records and the office belongs to Jonathan Midea, Marco Vasquez and Linda Montrose. I even went so far as to check the camera records and the office doesn't even have a camera."
"What ?" Miss Parker's mouth hung open.
"Are you sure ? This is the Centre, Broots. Everything is recorded."
"I'm positive. So um... why is Debbie here ?
Miss Parker took out the photo and threw on Broots' work table.
"Debbie's got an admirer."
Broots gasped when he saw the picture.
"Oh my God ! Who would do such a thing ? And why?" Miss Parker saw Debbie getting upset and ushered her into her office. She took out the blanket that she kept there for those all nighters that were a regular when she was still chasing after Jarod. When she returned a couple of minutes later she said softly to Jarod:
"She was exhausted. This is really taking everything out of her, we've got to make a plan."
Broots looked up surprised. Miss Parker, acting maternal ?. This was too weird, even for him.
"On one of my pretends I was a stalker." Jarod began slowly, as if searching for a hidden memory.
"That's what made me so successful at the VCS. I was the only one there who had experienced the feelings and motions that those that we were commissioned to catch had. I can tell you now that it is everything about control. Whatever this person ever felt for Debbie has long since evaporated into obsession. He may think he loves her but it probably stopped when she rejected him. He'll stay in the shadows, never leaving it's safety until she does something that's sets him off and when he explodes ..." Jarod paused, gathering his breath.
"It won't be pretty. My advice to you Broots is get her out of harm's way but also allow her to keep on with her regular activities. When he realises that she's changing her routine to accomodate him, he'll sense it, and he'll gain a little bit more of control and he'll begin to get more daring, more deliberate. The only thing that you can do Broots is move her to a safe location after school. He won't touch her at school, it's too public but when she's at home ..."
Miss Parker chipped in.
"... she'll be more vulnerable. Broots, there is only place where I can guarantee he won't get to her. But you won't like it. There is only one place with that kind of security and as an added bonus, the Centre doesn't know about it."
"Does such a place exist ?" Broots asked, combing through his hair.
"Oh yes, it does. And to make it better the Centre has sworn a blood oath to never come near it. My house is the only place where I can promise you she'll be totally safe." Jarod said. Miss Parker lit up another cigarette and went to check on Debbie.
"But what about me ? No offence Jarod, but I'd feel better if Debbie were with me."
"If you really want to you can stay with us. I don't have that many rooms, so you'll have to sleep on the couch."
"That's okay. I know it's non of my business, but why were you at Miss Parker's house ?"
Jarod opened his mouth to explain but Miss Parker butted in.
"You're right Broots, it is non of your business. Listen Jarod, how 'bout starting the day later. We're all tired and I know I'll appreciate sleeping on a bed."
"Fine, we'll go back to your place for the rest of the morning. Broots, leave a message for Sydney. Tell him we'll all meet in the simlab at noon."
"That late ?"
"Well, apart from sleeping, we have to move your and Debbie's stuff."
"Oh yeah, I forgot."
"Take Debbie home Broots. We'll come and pick you up at ten. Goodnight."
Before Broots could protest they were gone.
Parker residence
They flopped into bed together. For the umpteenth time Jarod wondered how she could fit so perfectly in his arms. Their bodies molded together, Jarod was lulled into sleep by Miss Parker's heartbeat when she suddenly spoke.
"Jarod, was it really wise to send Debbie home ?"
"He made his point. Don't worry, she'll be fine."
"What's it like ?"
Jarod, accepting the fact that he won't be allowed to sleep until the issue was resolved, turned around so that he lay on his back and gathered her in his arms.
"What's what like ?"
"To control someone with you actions. You know, like the stalker ?" Jarod chuckled
"Funny you should ask that."
"Why ?"
"Considering you stalked me for all those years."
"I didn't stalk you !"
"Well, not in the traditional sense, but in the end it was still stalking."
"You mean the stalker is feeling helpless and desperate and extremely aroused ?" Miss Parker asked, trailing kisses down his shirt.
"I don't know about him, but it is possible. Aroused ?" He asked, planting a kiss on her head.
"Yeah. I don't want to be a spoilsport, but if I don't go to sleep now, you'll have a very grumpy stalker in the morning."
Jarod laughed and pulled the covers over them.
James Buchanen High
The elation. He pressed his nose against the fabric of the small t-shirt that he stole from her room. To think that it actually touched her flesh. When he watched her sleep he just wanted to touch her. If that woman hadn't come in when she had, he would've. He would've touched her, all of her and she would've loved him back just as much as he loved her.
Bob's Basement Blowouts
Washington D.C.
He had everything he needed. No matter what people said you could never quench the bloodlust of a true warrior. He tested the strength of the crossbow. Sturdy, but not exactly his style. He shrugged. The man would die a bloody and painful death but the woman ... He had something special for her. A drug that paralyzed the body, but kept the victim aware. First he would enjoy the pleasures of her flesh and then ... he licked his lips. Then he would slit her throat so that she could stare at him while her life bled away. The man loved to see them realize that they were dying. He walked around the store with a new spring to his step.
Wow, part 4.This is getting REALLY interesting, but first I suppose I should apologize to Yip for that baffoon remark. Nothing intended man !
Yip's Note: None taken. Nosy readers should infer nothing : )
Feedback, as always, will be appreciated. Compliments will be repeated in front of the mirror and flames will be used to light Miss Parker's cigarettes.
Hint: The more flames, the more Miss Parker smokes 8=)
Oh yeah, most of my beta readers advised me to slap a PG-13 sign on this for violence. It's not really gruesome but it may be a bit too much for sensitive readers.
part 4
by Zanna
Two weeks later
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
"I did it !" Broots shouted triumphantly. Although there was no one there to share his elation he felt himself blush with pride and mentally patted himself on the back and decided that this triumph deserved some celebratory Cheese Puffs. It was 02h00 in the morning. Debbie had spent the last couple of nights at Miss Parker's since Broots was working late so often. School was back in full swing and with promises of balanced meals and a 22h00 curfew he had relaxed. Jarod had made him promise to call him as soon as he found something, but he was hesitant to wake at such an early hour. What the heck, he did make him promise. Broots picked up the phone and dialed. He let the phone ring for a couple of times but nobody answered. For some inexplicable reason he dialed Miss Parker's number. After two rings the phone was answered.
"Wha ...?"
"Um... Miss Parker ?" Broots asked hisitantly, wondering to whom the muffled voice could belong.
"What is it Broots ?" Joarod patiently asked. He had spent the last couple of nights in Miss Parker's bed. Nothing happened, it was just that the two of them slept better when they felt a warm body next to them. For years Miss Parker and Jarod had suffered from Night Terrors until on one of his pretends he learned that when there is someone else with the victim in bed that it could reduce the attacks. Bur Broots could be forgiven for geting the wrong impression.
"What..what are you doing at Miss Parker's ?" Broots sputtered.
"Who is it Jarod ?" Miss Parker stirred next to him, her arm still casually draped over his middle. Jarod held on to the receiver so that Broots couldn't hear their conversation.
"It's Broots. I want you to go check on Debbie. It might calm him down" Miss Parker grumbled as she got out of bed and dragged herself to Debbie's room. Jarod grinned and turned his attention back to Broots.
"Just crashed here for the night. So, what's up ?"
"Well, you said you wanted to know when I got a lead and I kinda got a lead.
"You broke the Code ? I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Oh and Broots ?"
"Yeah ?"
"Good Job." Jarod put the phone and dragged his pants towards him. He didn't look up when Miss Parker entered the room.
"Broots broke the code, I'm going over." He looked up at her and was surprised to see Debbie with her, arms wrapped around Miss Parker. In her hand Miss Parker held a piece of paper. Without a word she held it out to him.
It was a photo of Debbie. She was completely unaware of the photographer. She talking with a young boy, but it was the markings on the photo that disturbed Jarod. Someone had taken a Magic Marker and slit the boys throat, and over Debbie's face the words
was written in a childish scrawl.
"Jarod ?" Jarod looked at Debbie. Her face was ash white and it looked like she was crying.
"He isn't going to hurt me, is he ?" She looked so scared, so fragile that at that moment he shared Broots' feeling that she was still little girl, not someone that was the focus of a madman.
"Not with me around. Besides, you've got all that stuff that Miss Parker and Steven taught you. Why don't you sleep here with Miss Parker while I go to Centre ?"
Miss Parker shook her head.
"The message was found on the dresser. That means that he entered the house without setting off the alarms. This guy is good Jarod. We'll have to move camp for a while. In the meantime we'll go with you to the Centre, just for a sense of security."
Debbie sniffled her approval. Jarod glanced between them and the bedside clock. He was caught between rock and a hard place. He reviewed his options and came out with a plan that would keep Debbie completely safe, but which would put him in the most danger.
"Get dressed, both of you. We're going to the Centre where we can discuss this with Broots." Debbie cringed when she heard Broots's name.
"Debbie we have to tell him. He has a right to know, after all he is your father."
She slowly nodded and went off to her room to change.
"Poor kid." Miss Parker said and grabbed a pair of jeans. Ever since Jarod had come back, her dress style was more comfortable and more relaxed.
Jarod was as good as his word and within 15 minutes all three of them walked into the tech room. Broots was at the coffee station, getting another refill but when he saw Debbie he nearly spilled coffee all over himself.
"Debbie ! What are you doing here ?"
"Relax Broots. We'll get to that in a minute, but first show me that code."
Broots relaxed. Here was something he understood, something that he could control and something completely opposite from his life.
"Well, I could go into the whole exciting tale but I don't want to put you back to sleep, so I'll just get to the point. The signal is coming from somewhere in Sub-level 14 and the destination is in D.C. A Senator's office. Senator ..." Broots scrambled for a piece of paper on his desk. When he found it, he let out a whoop of triumph and turned back to his audience.
"Boys and girls, say hello to Senator Whitehead. I ran his name against the Centre's mainframe and bingo! He was an instructor on assasinations and covert operations. He left the Centre just after you arrived Jarod, so I doubt that you ever heard about him. He's been in Public Office ever since, however he never broke his ties with the Centre."
"What do you mean ?" Miss Parker asked and lit up a cigarette.
"He still gets the odd assignment from the Centre and it isn't always to his disadvantage. There has been rumours that he killed his opponent after the polls showed that he, that's his opponent, was more likely to get elected."
Broots looked very pleased with himself. Miss Parker sighed.
"You still haven't told us who the mole is." She crushed her cigarette butt under foot. Broots' face fell.
"That was the only snag. It's an open terminal meaning that it's in a shared office. The user doesn't have to log on in his own name. So, I checked the records and the office belongs to Jonathan Midea, Marco Vasquez and Linda Montrose. I even went so far as to check the camera records and the office doesn't even have a camera."
"What ?" Miss Parker's mouth hung open.
"Are you sure ? This is the Centre, Broots. Everything is recorded."
"I'm positive. So um... why is Debbie here ?
Miss Parker took out the photo and threw on Broots' work table.
"Debbie's got an admirer."
Broots gasped when he saw the picture.
"Oh my God ! Who would do such a thing ? And why?" Miss Parker saw Debbie getting upset and ushered her into her office. She took out the blanket that she kept there for those all nighters that were a regular when she was still chasing after Jarod. When she returned a couple of minutes later she said softly to Jarod:
"She was exhausted. This is really taking everything out of her, we've got to make a plan."
Broots looked up surprised. Miss Parker, acting maternal ?. This was too weird, even for him.
"On one of my pretends I was a stalker." Jarod began slowly, as if searching for a hidden memory.
"That's what made me so successful at the VCS. I was the only one there who had experienced the feelings and motions that those that we were commissioned to catch had. I can tell you now that it is everything about control. Whatever this person ever felt for Debbie has long since evaporated into obsession. He may think he loves her but it probably stopped when she rejected him. He'll stay in the shadows, never leaving it's safety until she does something that's sets him off and when he explodes ..." Jarod paused, gathering his breath.
"It won't be pretty. My advice to you Broots is get her out of harm's way but also allow her to keep on with her regular activities. When he realises that she's changing her routine to accomodate him, he'll sense it, and he'll gain a little bit more of control and he'll begin to get more daring, more deliberate. The only thing that you can do Broots is move her to a safe location after school. He won't touch her at school, it's too public but when she's at home ..."
Miss Parker chipped in.
"... she'll be more vulnerable. Broots, there is only place where I can guarantee he won't get to her. But you won't like it. There is only one place with that kind of security and as an added bonus, the Centre doesn't know about it."
"Does such a place exist ?" Broots asked, combing through his hair.
"Oh yes, it does. And to make it better the Centre has sworn a blood oath to never come near it. My house is the only place where I can promise you she'll be totally safe." Jarod said. Miss Parker lit up another cigarette and went to check on Debbie.
"But what about me ? No offence Jarod, but I'd feel better if Debbie were with me."
"If you really want to you can stay with us. I don't have that many rooms, so you'll have to sleep on the couch."
"That's okay. I know it's non of my business, but why were you at Miss Parker's house ?"
Jarod opened his mouth to explain but Miss Parker butted in.
"You're right Broots, it is non of your business. Listen Jarod, how 'bout starting the day later. We're all tired and I know I'll appreciate sleeping on a bed."
"Fine, we'll go back to your place for the rest of the morning. Broots, leave a message for Sydney. Tell him we'll all meet in the simlab at noon."
"That late ?"
"Well, apart from sleeping, we have to move your and Debbie's stuff."
"Oh yeah, I forgot."
"Take Debbie home Broots. We'll come and pick you up at ten. Goodnight."
Before Broots could protest they were gone.
Parker residence
They flopped into bed together. For the umpteenth time Jarod wondered how she could fit so perfectly in his arms. Their bodies molded together, Jarod was lulled into sleep by Miss Parker's heartbeat when she suddenly spoke.
"Jarod, was it really wise to send Debbie home ?"
"He made his point. Don't worry, she'll be fine."
"What's it like ?"
Jarod, accepting the fact that he won't be allowed to sleep until the issue was resolved, turned around so that he lay on his back and gathered her in his arms.
"What's what like ?"
"To control someone with you actions. You know, like the stalker ?" Jarod chuckled
"Funny you should ask that."
"Why ?"
"Considering you stalked me for all those years."
"I didn't stalk you !"
"Well, not in the traditional sense, but in the end it was still stalking."
"You mean the stalker is feeling helpless and desperate and extremely aroused ?" Miss Parker asked, trailing kisses down his shirt.
"I don't know about him, but it is possible. Aroused ?" He asked, planting a kiss on her head.
"Yeah. I don't want to be a spoilsport, but if I don't go to sleep now, you'll have a very grumpy stalker in the morning."
Jarod laughed and pulled the covers over them.
James Buchanen High
The elation. He pressed his nose against the fabric of the small t-shirt that he stole from her room. To think that it actually touched her flesh. When he watched her sleep he just wanted to touch her. If that woman hadn't come in when she had, he would've. He would've touched her, all of her and she would've loved him back just as much as he loved her.
Bob's Basement Blowouts
Washington D.C.
He had everything he needed. No matter what people said you could never quench the bloodlust of a true warrior. He tested the strength of the crossbow. Sturdy, but not exactly his style. He shrugged. The man would die a bloody and painful death but the woman ... He had something special for her. A drug that paralyzed the body, but kept the victim aware. First he would enjoy the pleasures of her flesh and then ... he licked his lips. Then he would slit her throat so that she could stare at him while her life bled away. The man loved to see them realize that they were dying. He walked around the store with a new spring to his step.