Conspiracy by Zanna
Table of Contents [Report This]

Ah, the joys of manipulating characters that aren't yours. The disclaimer is in the first part but if you're too lazy to read it, it goes something like this: These characters aren't mine, I'm not making any money out of this so please don't sue me.
Anyway, yes, you may distribute it. Just tell me where it's headed and all will be right in my little universe. Comments will be appreciated, flames will be used to light Miss Parker's cigarettes. This one is for my beta readers, Ellie and Yip, who sometimes had to wade through the most vile of plots and the most terrifying of grammar.
part 3
by Zanna
Simlab 12
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
The sim was not going well. Angelo was not reacting in a positive way to get out. Sydney watched him from his cot in the cell. He had to give it to Jarod, he could construct sims as well as he could act in them. But within his admiration for Jarod was his question of why Jarod would return to the Centre, voluntarily no less. Sydney focused his attention on Angelo again. He was pacing the cell, looking like a predator that was trapped in the most hideous ways of capture. His eyes were roving over the room, desperate for any means of escape. He was sweating, his shirt already damp and his hands were never still as they studied the firmness of the bars, or the hardness of the walls or the feeling of the cracks in the cement floor. There was a vent in the room, under Sydney's bed, but it was so small that only a rat could access it. Jarod walked past the cell every twenty minutes and he looked every bit the part of a warden, hell bent on stopping anyone that wanted to escape.
When they approached the ninth hour Jarod gave a glance to Sydney which coneveyed how worried he was. Why hadn't Angelo escaped yet ? Dinner had been served and Angelo had made no effort to overpower Jarod and escape. Sydney shook his head. Perhaps Miss Parker was having more luck.
Centre gym
Sublevel 3
"Debbie, you have to start paying attention !" Miss Parker was exasperated. Debbie was not paying any attention to her and she would not let Jarod have the satisfaction of having her show up after a day of hard work and not have anything to show for it. So far, the only thing that had been able to catch Debbie's attention was one of the younger pretenders, one slightly older than Debbie that was exercising with them. Miss Parker racked her brain for his name. Oh yes, his name was Steven and according to the Centre, he was one of their very best. There was a rumor that he nearly broke Jarod's record score of 63 000 but it was unconfirmed and besides, no one could ever beat Jarod.
Well, there was different ways to motivate people and if Miss Parker couldn't get Debbie to learn, maybe Steven could. She grabbed Debbie and made her way over to him and his mentor, Jonathan somebody or another.
"Good Morning gentlemen. Jonathan, I was wondering if I could borrow Steven for a while ?" Debbie giggled when Steven began staring in obvious admiration.
"Er... um... Miss Parker we are on a tight schedule and any break from it ..." Jonathan was scared stiff. This was not supposed to happen !
"Please, Jonathan. We can make it up tonight, I promise and I won't even complain." Steven butted in, never taking his eyes of Debbie.
"With an offer like that how can you refuse ? Don't worry, we won't harm him and if you have a problem, just take it up with the Tower." Miss Parker glared at the frightened mentor and he slowly nodded his head and disappeared
"Thanks Miss P." Debbie whispered and giggled.
" O, don't thank me yet. You just might regret it." Miss Parker smiled and explained to Steven exactly what she wanted him to do.
"I want you to pretend that you are one of Raines henchmen. Your orders are to kidnap Debbie. When I shout the word 'Refuge' you'll cease your actions and stand still on the spot. Do you understand me ?"
"Yes Miss Parker." Debbie slowly tugged on Miss Parker's shirt and whispered in a scared voice:
"He has to attack me ? What am I suppose to do ?"
Miss Parker snapped back.
"If you payed attention earlier, you would know what to do. Now begin!"
Steven grabbed her from behind. Debbie did what anyone would do in her situation: she tried to wriggle out of his grasp while trying to hit him on some vital spot. With seemingly no effort whatsoever he maneuvered her on to the floor in a seemingly inescapable position. Debbie kept on struggling for a while, but when she realized that it was making no effect at all on her attacker she stopped and sighed and looked at Miss Parker with a resigned expression.
"Fine, you made your point." Miss Parker smirked.
"Refuge." Steven let her go immediately and stood relaxed and bent down to help Debbie up with a grin.
"Nice job Steven. Think the two of us can teach her how to fight ?" Miss Parker asked Steven and his grin grew bigger with every word.
Simlab 12
Nine hours, forty-five minutes. Sydney looked at Angelo and wondered when he was going to escape. Jarod had just finished his rounds and had come to fetch their plates. Nothing had been taken from it, bar the food and Angelo had made no attempt to overpower Jarod. Sydney had by now given up any thought of escape and was surprised when he saw Angelo suddenly produce the keys and unlock the gate.
"Sydney ...come?" Angelo gestured to the open door and they both slid out of the cage as silently as thieves in the night.
Centre Gym
Many bumps and scrapes later Miss Parker had to call a halt to their lesson. Their time was up and besides she was exhausted. They (Steven and Miss Parker) had taught Debbie the basic moves for defending herself but she still didn't have the motions down to pat and they hadn't even started on handguns. Steven, noticing that Miss Parker's patience was running short after Debbie failed for the fifth time in a row to block an ordinary punch, decided to try and prevent a bloodshed while creating an excuse for him to more around other people, specifically this girl.
"Um ... Miss Parker ? If I can make a suggestion ?"
"What ?" Miss Parker had a rather intense craving for a cigarette but unfortunately for Debbie and Steven she had left it at her office.
"Well, how about I teach Debbie self-defense, the hand to hand type I mean, until she's got it right ? I have a lot of time on my hands and I'm sure Jonathan won't object, well, not much. That will give enough time to finish your other projects wouldn't it ?"
Steven was sure she could see right through him but when she considered the alternative and the fact that Debbie would learn much faster with Steven she agreed.
"Fine. I'll arrange it with Jonathan. Meet us here tomorrow at about 09h00. Jarod will of course have to come along just to make certain that you will teach her something usefull but I doubt he'll have any complaints."
Debbie and Steven shared a smile and for just an instant they reminded Miss Parker of two children who also grew up in the Centre who was never allowed the opportunities that these two had.
"Come along, Debbie. You've got some convincing to do." Miss Parker grinned and had to practically drag Debbie out of the room.
"I'll see you then! " Steven called after them and went back to his exercises.
Sub-level 14
Jonathan Midea's office
He looked around nervously. This was not part of the plan. Hell, it wasn't even considered a possibility. But it had happened and he had to inform them. They wouldn't be pleased but it wasn't his fault.
He picked up the phone and dialed an eight digit code. For about ten seconds nothing happened until a voice said:
"Authorization ?"
"Code Bravo, Alpha, Delta."
"Confirm ?"
" Ten, Delta, Romeo."
"Channel ?"
"Scramble 64." The man looked around him again. If anybody caught him, he would be dead within the hour. It was just a question of who got to him first.
"Senator Whitehead speaking."
" We have a problem."
"Jonathan ! It's so nice to hear from you again !"
Sublevel 12
The Simlab
One of the most enjoyable pieces of simulating any type of person in security is the doughnuts. Or at least that's what Jarod thought. Just as he was about to take another big bite of the Manhatten delight he held, a hand lightly tapped him on his shoulder at the exact time that the timer on his watch told him the ten hours was over.
"Ahem." Syndey cleared his throat and with the usual sparkle in his eye said:
"I see we made it in the nick of time as usual, Angelo."
Jarod spun around with a huge grin on his face .
"What took you so long ? I thought that I would have to help you break out."
" Help would be ... cheating." Angelo said and grabbed a doughnut out of the box. The enjoyment of this treat was prominently displayed on his face.
"I see teatime started without us Debbie. I think we're insulted Jarod." Miss Parker said while she grabbed her own doughnut.
"It's not my fault you didn't come back sooner. Debbie, why don't you go get your father so that we can have a update ? Just grab a doughnut before you go, because we won't be responsible if there's nothing left."
"In that case I better grab two. See ya!" And with that she disappeared.
Everyone that remained behind assembled around the table , munching doughnuts and drinking coffee.
"Are you sure this is coffee and not pigslop ?" Miss Parker said after taking her first sip.
"Positive. Besides pigslop isn't such a lovely colour." Jarod teased.
"Undoubtably, pigslop would taste better." Sydney chipped in.
"Hey !If you don't like my coffee, then make your own." Broots said when he finally walked into the lab with Debbie.
"No thanks. Besides, Miss Parker's coffee is lethal !" Jarod cracked again
"You weren't complaining last time !"
"The fact that I was ..."
"What do you mean last time Jarod ?" Sydney asked. Miss Parker and Jarod uncomfortably looked at each other, both grateful that Sydney had reminded them that they had an audience.
"Nothing Syd. Nothing to worry about." Jarod said and gulped down the last of the coffee.
"Okay, status report. Broots, let's begin with you."
"Well, I've started a search on that string you gave me and I couldn't find anything, however, the code was something else. You were right that someone in the Centre is sending out classified information via the net, it's just that the code is a tad bit more complicated."
"Have you find out where the source is located."
"That's just the thing. The code automatically hides the source, by jumping around every five minutes."
"In English Broots." Miss Parker said while she walked towards the percolator.
"It means that every five minutes the source comes from a different place. It never even starts at the same place."
"So how did you know it was a leak ?"
"It just seemed unusual for a lot of servers to be active for only five minutes. From there I backtracked it."
"How long until you crack it ?" Jarod asked, absentmindedly tapping his fingers against his chin.
"A couple of days, but it'll go faster with Angelo's help."
"Done. Miss Parker ?" Jarod turned towards her.
"We've made some progress. While we were practicing when a young pretender named Steven helped Debbie with a bit more success though. Which leads me to something that Debbie will want to explain." Debbie, who had until then looked rather confident was beginning to look as if it was the end of the world. She swallowed her nervousness and with the slogan 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' ringing through her mind she began her argument:
"Well, Jarod, it's like this. Steven and I work really well together and he offered to teach me so that Miss Parker can continue with her other projects and it would really mean a lot to me and wouldn't it be better if Miss Parker could help you more and he's really a good teacher and ..." at that point Debbie ran out of breath and Jarod help up his hand to indicate that she should stop.
"I'll tell you what. I'll come with you to practice tomorrow to see how good he really is. If he's good enough, he can teach you, but I will want something in exchange. Deal ?"
"Deal." Debbie grinned from ear to ear.
"Jarod, there is also going to be the matter of his mentor." Sydney reminded him.
"A real baffoon if you ask me. His name is Jonathan, as quiet as a church mouse and as nervous as an opening batsman." Miss Parker snorted into her coffee.
" Just leave that to me. Now tomorrow we'll focus on different subject which I will discuss tomorrow. In the meantime, shooting range for the next hour and I'll see you tomorrow at 08h30."
West side Park
The two men greeted each other silently. The area around them was deathly quiet. It seemed fitting to Jonathan that in his betrayal he had to meet a man that was not only betraying his oath of office but was also doing it in his own town, the place that he was chosen to represent.
"So what was so important that couldn't be said over the phone, a secured phone for crying out loud !" Senator Whitehead was an old man, too old for this kind of version of cloak and dagger. But it sure made him feel years younger
"It is the Centre. Everyone is always watched by everyone." Jonathan shrugged.
"Who do you want me to eliminate ?" The senator hunched hid back, trying to dig himself deeper into his jacket. Jonathan handed him two
"I like the lady. She's real pretty, too bad she's going to end up like that. Oh ho! And who is this arrogant bastard ? I'm going to enjoy putting my dogs on him." The senator grinned. Few people knew his favourite pastime and with good reason.
" Both of them work at the Centre. I want them eliminated by the end of the month, do you hear me. They are getting uncomfortable close to us. If they find out about our mission we are going to wish that they killed us. The woman's name is Parker and the man goes by the name Jarod. No last name."
"Convenient." The senator frowned. "Are they any good ?"
"Sir, if they were any better we'd be dead by now."
"Fine. It'll be done before the end of the week." He longing stroked the picture of Miss Parker and sighed. He was going to enjoy this one. He was sure of it.
Anyway, yes, you may distribute it. Just tell me where it's headed and all will be right in my little universe. Comments will be appreciated, flames will be used to light Miss Parker's cigarettes. This one is for my beta readers, Ellie and Yip, who sometimes had to wade through the most vile of plots and the most terrifying of grammar.
part 3
by Zanna
Simlab 12
The Centre
Blue Cove, Delaware
The sim was not going well. Angelo was not reacting in a positive way to get out. Sydney watched him from his cot in the cell. He had to give it to Jarod, he could construct sims as well as he could act in them. But within his admiration for Jarod was his question of why Jarod would return to the Centre, voluntarily no less. Sydney focused his attention on Angelo again. He was pacing the cell, looking like a predator that was trapped in the most hideous ways of capture. His eyes were roving over the room, desperate for any means of escape. He was sweating, his shirt already damp and his hands were never still as they studied the firmness of the bars, or the hardness of the walls or the feeling of the cracks in the cement floor. There was a vent in the room, under Sydney's bed, but it was so small that only a rat could access it. Jarod walked past the cell every twenty minutes and he looked every bit the part of a warden, hell bent on stopping anyone that wanted to escape.
When they approached the ninth hour Jarod gave a glance to Sydney which coneveyed how worried he was. Why hadn't Angelo escaped yet ? Dinner had been served and Angelo had made no effort to overpower Jarod and escape. Sydney shook his head. Perhaps Miss Parker was having more luck.
Centre gym
Sublevel 3
"Debbie, you have to start paying attention !" Miss Parker was exasperated. Debbie was not paying any attention to her and she would not let Jarod have the satisfaction of having her show up after a day of hard work and not have anything to show for it. So far, the only thing that had been able to catch Debbie's attention was one of the younger pretenders, one slightly older than Debbie that was exercising with them. Miss Parker racked her brain for his name. Oh yes, his name was Steven and according to the Centre, he was one of their very best. There was a rumor that he nearly broke Jarod's record score of 63 000 but it was unconfirmed and besides, no one could ever beat Jarod.
Well, there was different ways to motivate people and if Miss Parker couldn't get Debbie to learn, maybe Steven could. She grabbed Debbie and made her way over to him and his mentor, Jonathan somebody or another.
"Good Morning gentlemen. Jonathan, I was wondering if I could borrow Steven for a while ?" Debbie giggled when Steven began staring in obvious admiration.
"Er... um... Miss Parker we are on a tight schedule and any break from it ..." Jonathan was scared stiff. This was not supposed to happen !
"Please, Jonathan. We can make it up tonight, I promise and I won't even complain." Steven butted in, never taking his eyes of Debbie.
"With an offer like that how can you refuse ? Don't worry, we won't harm him and if you have a problem, just take it up with the Tower." Miss Parker glared at the frightened mentor and he slowly nodded his head and disappeared
"Thanks Miss P." Debbie whispered and giggled.
" O, don't thank me yet. You just might regret it." Miss Parker smiled and explained to Steven exactly what she wanted him to do.
"I want you to pretend that you are one of Raines henchmen. Your orders are to kidnap Debbie. When I shout the word 'Refuge' you'll cease your actions and stand still on the spot. Do you understand me ?"
"Yes Miss Parker." Debbie slowly tugged on Miss Parker's shirt and whispered in a scared voice:
"He has to attack me ? What am I suppose to do ?"
Miss Parker snapped back.
"If you payed attention earlier, you would know what to do. Now begin!"
Steven grabbed her from behind. Debbie did what anyone would do in her situation: she tried to wriggle out of his grasp while trying to hit him on some vital spot. With seemingly no effort whatsoever he maneuvered her on to the floor in a seemingly inescapable position. Debbie kept on struggling for a while, but when she realized that it was making no effect at all on her attacker she stopped and sighed and looked at Miss Parker with a resigned expression.
"Fine, you made your point." Miss Parker smirked.
"Refuge." Steven let her go immediately and stood relaxed and bent down to help Debbie up with a grin.
"Nice job Steven. Think the two of us can teach her how to fight ?" Miss Parker asked Steven and his grin grew bigger with every word.
Simlab 12
Nine hours, forty-five minutes. Sydney looked at Angelo and wondered when he was going to escape. Jarod had just finished his rounds and had come to fetch their plates. Nothing had been taken from it, bar the food and Angelo had made no attempt to overpower Jarod. Sydney had by now given up any thought of escape and was surprised when he saw Angelo suddenly produce the keys and unlock the gate.
"Sydney ...come?" Angelo gestured to the open door and they both slid out of the cage as silently as thieves in the night.
Centre Gym
Many bumps and scrapes later Miss Parker had to call a halt to their lesson. Their time was up and besides she was exhausted. They (Steven and Miss Parker) had taught Debbie the basic moves for defending herself but she still didn't have the motions down to pat and they hadn't even started on handguns. Steven, noticing that Miss Parker's patience was running short after Debbie failed for the fifth time in a row to block an ordinary punch, decided to try and prevent a bloodshed while creating an excuse for him to more around other people, specifically this girl.
"Um ... Miss Parker ? If I can make a suggestion ?"
"What ?" Miss Parker had a rather intense craving for a cigarette but unfortunately for Debbie and Steven she had left it at her office.
"Well, how about I teach Debbie self-defense, the hand to hand type I mean, until she's got it right ? I have a lot of time on my hands and I'm sure Jonathan won't object, well, not much. That will give enough time to finish your other projects wouldn't it ?"
Steven was sure she could see right through him but when she considered the alternative and the fact that Debbie would learn much faster with Steven she agreed.
"Fine. I'll arrange it with Jonathan. Meet us here tomorrow at about 09h00. Jarod will of course have to come along just to make certain that you will teach her something usefull but I doubt he'll have any complaints."
Debbie and Steven shared a smile and for just an instant they reminded Miss Parker of two children who also grew up in the Centre who was never allowed the opportunities that these two had.
"Come along, Debbie. You've got some convincing to do." Miss Parker grinned and had to practically drag Debbie out of the room.
"I'll see you then! " Steven called after them and went back to his exercises.
Sub-level 14
Jonathan Midea's office
He looked around nervously. This was not part of the plan. Hell, it wasn't even considered a possibility. But it had happened and he had to inform them. They wouldn't be pleased but it wasn't his fault.
He picked up the phone and dialed an eight digit code. For about ten seconds nothing happened until a voice said:
"Authorization ?"
"Code Bravo, Alpha, Delta."
"Confirm ?"
" Ten, Delta, Romeo."
"Channel ?"
"Scramble 64." The man looked around him again. If anybody caught him, he would be dead within the hour. It was just a question of who got to him first.
"Senator Whitehead speaking."
" We have a problem."
"Jonathan ! It's so nice to hear from you again !"
Sublevel 12
The Simlab
One of the most enjoyable pieces of simulating any type of person in security is the doughnuts. Or at least that's what Jarod thought. Just as he was about to take another big bite of the Manhatten delight he held, a hand lightly tapped him on his shoulder at the exact time that the timer on his watch told him the ten hours was over.
"Ahem." Syndey cleared his throat and with the usual sparkle in his eye said:
"I see we made it in the nick of time as usual, Angelo."
Jarod spun around with a huge grin on his face .
"What took you so long ? I thought that I would have to help you break out."
" Help would be ... cheating." Angelo said and grabbed a doughnut out of the box. The enjoyment of this treat was prominently displayed on his face.
"I see teatime started without us Debbie. I think we're insulted Jarod." Miss Parker said while she grabbed her own doughnut.
"It's not my fault you didn't come back sooner. Debbie, why don't you go get your father so that we can have a update ? Just grab a doughnut before you go, because we won't be responsible if there's nothing left."
"In that case I better grab two. See ya!" And with that she disappeared.
Everyone that remained behind assembled around the table , munching doughnuts and drinking coffee.
"Are you sure this is coffee and not pigslop ?" Miss Parker said after taking her first sip.
"Positive. Besides pigslop isn't such a lovely colour." Jarod teased.
"Undoubtably, pigslop would taste better." Sydney chipped in.
"Hey !If you don't like my coffee, then make your own." Broots said when he finally walked into the lab with Debbie.
"No thanks. Besides, Miss Parker's coffee is lethal !" Jarod cracked again
"You weren't complaining last time !"
"The fact that I was ..."
"What do you mean last time Jarod ?" Sydney asked. Miss Parker and Jarod uncomfortably looked at each other, both grateful that Sydney had reminded them that they had an audience.
"Nothing Syd. Nothing to worry about." Jarod said and gulped down the last of the coffee.
"Okay, status report. Broots, let's begin with you."
"Well, I've started a search on that string you gave me and I couldn't find anything, however, the code was something else. You were right that someone in the Centre is sending out classified information via the net, it's just that the code is a tad bit more complicated."
"Have you find out where the source is located."
"That's just the thing. The code automatically hides the source, by jumping around every five minutes."
"In English Broots." Miss Parker said while she walked towards the percolator.
"It means that every five minutes the source comes from a different place. It never even starts at the same place."
"So how did you know it was a leak ?"
"It just seemed unusual for a lot of servers to be active for only five minutes. From there I backtracked it."
"How long until you crack it ?" Jarod asked, absentmindedly tapping his fingers against his chin.
"A couple of days, but it'll go faster with Angelo's help."
"Done. Miss Parker ?" Jarod turned towards her.
"We've made some progress. While we were practicing when a young pretender named Steven helped Debbie with a bit more success though. Which leads me to something that Debbie will want to explain." Debbie, who had until then looked rather confident was beginning to look as if it was the end of the world. She swallowed her nervousness and with the slogan 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' ringing through her mind she began her argument:
"Well, Jarod, it's like this. Steven and I work really well together and he offered to teach me so that Miss Parker can continue with her other projects and it would really mean a lot to me and wouldn't it be better if Miss Parker could help you more and he's really a good teacher and ..." at that point Debbie ran out of breath and Jarod help up his hand to indicate that she should stop.
"I'll tell you what. I'll come with you to practice tomorrow to see how good he really is. If he's good enough, he can teach you, but I will want something in exchange. Deal ?"
"Deal." Debbie grinned from ear to ear.
"Jarod, there is also going to be the matter of his mentor." Sydney reminded him.
"A real baffoon if you ask me. His name is Jonathan, as quiet as a church mouse and as nervous as an opening batsman." Miss Parker snorted into her coffee.
" Just leave that to me. Now tomorrow we'll focus on different subject which I will discuss tomorrow. In the meantime, shooting range for the next hour and I'll see you tomorrow at 08h30."
West side Park
The two men greeted each other silently. The area around them was deathly quiet. It seemed fitting to Jonathan that in his betrayal he had to meet a man that was not only betraying his oath of office but was also doing it in his own town, the place that he was chosen to represent.
"So what was so important that couldn't be said over the phone, a secured phone for crying out loud !" Senator Whitehead was an old man, too old for this kind of version of cloak and dagger. But it sure made him feel years younger
"It is the Centre. Everyone is always watched by everyone." Jonathan shrugged.
"Who do you want me to eliminate ?" The senator hunched hid back, trying to dig himself deeper into his jacket. Jonathan handed him two
"I like the lady. She's real pretty, too bad she's going to end up like that. Oh ho! And who is this arrogant bastard ? I'm going to enjoy putting my dogs on him." The senator grinned. Few people knew his favourite pastime and with good reason.
" Both of them work at the Centre. I want them eliminated by the end of the month, do you hear me. They are getting uncomfortable close to us. If they find out about our mission we are going to wish that they killed us. The woman's name is Parker and the man goes by the name Jarod. No last name."
"Convenient." The senator frowned. "Are they any good ?"
"Sir, if they were any better we'd be dead by now."
"Fine. It'll be done before the end of the week." He longing stroked the picture of Miss Parker and sighed. He was going to enjoy this one. He was sure of it.