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Disclaimer: Don't own Jarod *sigh* but a girl can dream, can't she? Don't own the other characters either. I'm not making any money by writing this and no infringement is intended. Also, having never lived on a hippie commune I can only guess what goes on there and if I am completely wrong, I apologize. My knowledge is based on what I see on TV and we all know TV never lies LOL.

Note: This is a response to Lizzy's 'challenge in a can'. We were given 3 words and had to write a story. My 3 words were Jarod, potted plant and sensuous & I decided to play with the 'pot' in potted plant. Hope I don't offend anyone. Also, I haven't ever smoked pot so I'm just guessing the effects (again). If I'm wrong - too bad! I don't think writing fanfic deserves that kind of in-depth research LOL. Anyway, why are you still reading this note? Get on with the story, it's much better than my meaningless ramblings, I promise!

Give Peace A Chance
By Melanie-Anne

You know, since my escape from the hell-hole called the Centre, I've been fascinated with learning new things. And because I was cooped up for over thirty years of my life, I missed out on a lot of experiences that other people took for granted. Things like chocolate and ice cream. So every now and then I take a break from pretending (and tormenting Miss Parker) to just experience things. What can I say, whoever came up with the concept of the vacation must have been one clever guy.

I feel I must explain to you why I chose to come here. My last pretend involved rescuing a teenage boy- Actually, that's not important to this tale. What is important is that he had a band. He said his influences were the Beatles - I didn't understand that they were a band at first so I was very confused as to how insects could have spurred him to form a band.

After the boy was returned to his family I listened to his band play, thus was my introduction to sixties' music. And because I'm naturally curious - it's not my fault, I was born that way! - I had to find out everything about that era in our history. The concept of free love intrigues me, as does the idea of making love, not war, and giving peace a chance. Someone should explain these thoughts to the powers that be at the Centre, assuming anyone there even knows the meaning of the word 'love'.

So here I am, at a...commune, is that the right word? In California, where else? It's a huge farm belonging to everyone who lives there I'm told as I climb out of my car and am greeted by a barefoot young man in his early twenties. He proudly tells me that he's one of the original inhabitants of the community and has lived there since his birth.

When I tell him I'm interested in staying for a while he hugs me and welcomes me to the family. I'm confused and ask him if everyone here is related. He smiles and tells me that family "isn't about blood, Jarod, it's about love." There's that word again.

He takes me on a tour of the grounds. I see a few people working in an orchard. There are some chickens running around and a girl who introduces herself as Rainbow is milking a cow. These people here have all got the strangest and most beautiful assortment of names: Rainbow, Skye, River, Storm. Some of them do look a bit out of it though, but I can't think why.

We go inside for lunch and I discover that all of them are vegetarians. I think that's great. But I'm not sure I could do it permanently. When I think of life without, I don't even want to go there.

Rainbow seems interested in me. There's something about her that I like too. Maybe it's her dark hair, or her smile, or her blue eyes...I know she reminds me of Miss Parker but that has absolutely nothing to do with her appeal. I am not in love with Miss Parker!

She - Rainbow, not Miss Parker, stop thinking about her! - takes me on a tour of the inside of the house after lunch. Almost everything, she says proudly, is handcrafted by the members of the community.

Have I mentioned that I'm impressed?

Rainbow tells me she's an artist and we go to her room to see her art. It's very good. If she didn't live here, I'm sure she'd be quite a successful artist in the outside world. My attention is caught by a potted plant in the corner of her room. I ask her what kind of plant it is and she smiles and tells me his name is Freddie. I don't know why she's given her plant a name so I ask again what kind of plant he is. She laughs and tells me he's just a pot plant, emphasising the 'pot'. And then she does something I find very odd. She asks me if I'd like to smoke some of him.

Well, I was looking for a new experience, wasn't I?

Sure, I tell her. I'd love to.

Half an hour later my head is buzzing and feeling very thick. And everything is funny. I mean, it's not really funny but I can't help laughing at everything Rainbow says to me.

"You're a sensual soul," she tells me. "I can tell, you're a very sensuous person."

She rubs her hands across my shoulders and back and in that moment I believe her.

And when we take off our clothes, I tell myself that this time I'm not going to think of Miss Parker. Not this time. Not again.

Well, I tried. Really, I did. At least I managed to not scream out Miss Parker's name. It's happened before. Needless to say, my partner was not impressed.

I only stayed at the commune for a week and it was one of the best experiences I've had. Rainbow insisted I share her room for my stay and I didn't protest. She had a great body. Sadly, it's time for me to join the real world again. But I do think Miss Parker needs a break. Maybe I'll lead her to this place.

I smile as I tape up the box, checking the holes on the side will provide sufficient ventilation. She's not going to be happy with me. I laugh. This is my favorite part of the game - preparing gifts for Miss Parker.

As I drive away, waving goodbye to my new friends, I think that maybe, next time I need a break, just maybe I'll come back here.


Miss Parker rose to her feet as Broots entered her office carrying a small cardboard box.

"Is that from the lab rat?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"Uh, yeah, uh...that's what we think. It, uh, it just arrived. Are...are you going to open it?"

"No, I think I'll send it back marked 'Return to Sender.' Of course I'm going to open it!"

Broots visibly cringed and put the box on the desk. Miss Parker cut the tape with a letter opener and pulled open the flaps. She picked up a small potted plant and looked at Broots, who was staring open-mouthed at the plant.

" that what it looks like?" Broots sputtered.

"I don't know, Broots. What does it look like?"


"Marijuana," she said, matter-of-factly. She opened the envelope that lay inside the box and read Jarod's note. Laughing, she put the plant on her desk and walked out, leaving the note where she dropped it. Broots couldn't resist the urge to peek at the note. As he read the words, a frown creased his forehead. He didn't see what was so fuuny. He shrugged and looked at the note again.

Give peace a chance sometime, Miss Parker, and make love, not war. - J.


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