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Let It Be
Chapter 2
"You're Jarod," the little girl stated, looking at the boy in front of her. "Why do they keep you down here?"
"I'm a Pretender," he said.
"Are you dangerous?" she asked wide-eyed. It was the first time she had heard of a Pretender and it sounded exciting and dangerous.
He shook his head. "Who are you?"
"Miss Parker. My daddy works here."
He stared at her, enthralled. He didn't remember meeting a girl before, and he'd certainly never met anyone like the girl in front of him. "You're beautiful," he whispered. "You must be an angel."
She smiled. "No, silly!"
There was a moment of silence, more comfortable than awkward.
"Will you be my friend?" the young Miss Parker asked.
Jarod nodded, his smile lighting up his entire face.
"Can I tell you a secret?" she asked.
He said yes, already enamoured with her, willing to do anything for her. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
"That's a beautiful name," he said. "Why don't people call you that?"
She shrugged. "Daddy said not to. But you can call me Parker."
Miss Parker rolled over and snuggled into Jarod's chest. He tightened his hold around her.
"I have to get up," she mumbled.
She started to get up but he wouldn't let go of her. She kissed him and tried to disentangle herself from his arms.
"No, Parker. Come back," he groaned, grabbing her wrist.
She shook her head. "I have to go before Daddy sends someone to fetch me."
"Fine," he grumbled, releasing her.
"You could always come in with me," she teased.
"For that, you have to pay!" He pulled her back onto the bed and she made no attempt to escape him.
"I'm going to be late."
"They'll manage without you," Jarod said between kisses. "Besides, you have to admit this is more exciting than being at the Centre."
"Mmm…stop talking." She pulled him closer.
"You're late." Mr. Parker stared accusingly at his daughter. He'd left a message with Broots that he wanted to see her as soon as she arrived.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. I…overslept. I didn't sleep much last night and then I couldn't get out of bed this morning." It's not the whole truth, Daddy, but it will have to do.
"I just worry about you, that's all."
Liar, she thought, and said, "I know, Daddy. I'm sorry."
"How's the search for Jarod?"
"The same. We keep missing him. It's almost like he does it on purpose, just to taunt us with he fact that he's still free." She hoped she sounded sufficiently bitter.
"You'll catch him, Angel," Mr. Parker tried to sound reassuring. "One of these days he'll slip up and you'll bring him back where he belongs."
"Yes, Daddy. And that's my cue to get back to the search." She left her father's office thinking about the reason she was late. She'd warned him. It was all Jarod's fault, but she couldn't have resisted even if she'd tried. It had been a couple of weeks since she'd last seen him and it had been so good to see him in her bed when she arrived home. She'd missed him and it appeared that he'd missed her too.
"Well, if it isn't my lovely sister. So glad you decided to join us."
Parker stared at Lyle and imagined the pleasure of putting a bullet between his eyes.
"Caught Jarod yet?" he asked although he knew the answer.
She glared at him. "Get out of my way," she hissed, her good mood vanishing more with each passing second in his presence.
Miss Parker was in the bath when her cell phone rang. It had been a long day and all she wanted was peace and quiet.
"What?" she snapped.
"Bad day?" Jarod asked.
"You could say that," she said, relaxing. "I've been to Kansas and back looking for you."
"Sorry about that. I couldn't resist. How did Lyle enjoy the trip?"
"Who cares?" Parker closed her eyes, picturing Jarod's face. "Where are you?"
"Unlocking the front door."
"Hurry up! The bath water's getting cold."
"Bubbles?" he asked smiling.
Three weeks later….
Mr. Parker looked at the faces of the people seated at the table. The stared back at him, unflinching.
"No," Mr. Parker said. "We had an agreement."
"It doesn't look like Jarod is going to return," the man known as Mutambo said. "Miss Parker is a Pretender too. While we wait, she can be trained."
"No," Mr. Parker repeated. "I won't have it."
"Then bring our Pretender back!"
"Are you okay, Miss Parker?" Broots asked from behind the relative safety of his computer screen. "You don't look so good."
"I'm fine."
"You sure? 'Cause-"
"Broots!" Her tone suggested that silence would prove less hazardous to his health.
"Uh, okay, Miss Parker."
"Where's Sydney?" she snapped, standing up.
"I don't know." He looked over at her just in time to see her steady herself by reaching out a hand to the wall. He braved another question.
"You sure you're fine?"
"Umm…it's been a long day, Broots. I think I'll head home."
He stared after her as she left the room, thoroughly confused. It wasn't even 12:00 yet.
Miss Parker couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Yes, ma'am. Roughly six weeks."
Parker was still stunned. "How could I possibly be pregnant?"
The doctor looked at her, a smile playing on his lips. He loved questions like these. Thinking he was being funny, he said, "Uh, I'd have to guess-"
He was silenced by the icy look she gave him. "I know how, Doctor. It's just…unexpected."
"Are you going to go through with it? I can recommend a few doctors who-"
"Of course I'm going to have the baby!" She liked this doctor less and less. How dare he suggest that she have an abortion? The only thing worrying her was what her father would say. Jarod, she hoped, would be ecstatic. Strangely, because she had never pegged herself as a mother, the idea of carrying Jarod's child thrilled her. She couldn't wait to tell him.
When she got home, she sat in her car for a while, trying to absorb the fact that she was going to be a mother. She wished her mother was able to share this feeling with her. You'd be happy, Mama. I know you'd approve. She thought back to a conversation she'd had with her mother a few weeks before her death.
Miss Parker sat in front of the mirror in her parents' bedroom, watching her mother brush her hair. She glanced at the dressing table and picked up their wedding photo, smiling.
"Mama," she said, "when I'm big I'm going to marry Jarod."
Catherine Parker laughed and to her daughter's ears it was the most beautiful sound in the world. "Really? Does Jarod know?"
"Nope. Not yet, anyway."
"What makes you so sure he wants to marry you?"
"He loves me."
Catherine smiled. "You know, it won't be easy, but if you're happy then nothing else matters. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have for you. Just don't tell Daddy, okay?"
"Okay, Mama."
Only now did Parker understand. If you're happy then nothing else matters. Thank you, Mama.
"Good morning, Sydney. Broots." Miss Parker smiled as they walked into her office the next morning. "Any news for me?"
The two men glanced at each other. Miss Parker was unusually cheerful and they didn't know why. They weren't sure whether to be worried or to enjoy it while it lasted.
"Lyle mentioned something about Jarod," Sydney said. Miss Parker's smile vanished as soon as Lyle's name was mentioned. Her good mood evaporated.
Half an hour later Lyle and Miss Parker were on their way to Dallas. Lyle had insisted that Sydney and Broots remain at the Centre so Miss Parker had to put up with Lyle by herself. She didn't like the way he was looking at her; it was almost too intimate. She was used to stares like that from other men, but Lyle was her brother.
"How are you feeling today, Sis?"
"Fine." She wouldn't look at him. Maybe he'll get the hint and kill himself, she thought. She had no such luck.
"You haven't been looking too good these days," Lyle continued. "Are you eating enough?"
She frowned. "Since when do you care, Lyle?"
He leaned across the seat and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "You are my sister, unfortunately. I've always cared."
She suppressed a shudder at his touch. There was something menacing in his tone and she was starting to feel uncomfortable. I wonder what he meant by 'unfortunately'. Surely not- No. He's not that sick!
Miss Parker ran after Jarod, cursing her fondness for inappropriate shoes. Maybe Jarod will rub my feet tonight, she thought, and stopped dead as a shot rang out from behind her. She looked back to see Lyle holding a gun and turned back to Jarod who was now lying in a rapidly growing pool of blood. She knelt beside him and held his hand.
Please, God, if you're there, please don't take him too, she prayed.
"Parker?" Jarod whispered.
"It was Lyle," she said, stroking his face. "I don't know why-"
"Shh…don't speak. Save your strength, Jarod. You're going to need it."
She tried to hold back her tears. "Jarod, you'll die if I leave you here. Let me take you back and I promise I'll get you out again. Please?"
"Yes. I promise. Jarod, I-"
"Well, well, well." Lyle joined them. "Looks like I caught your lab-rat for you, sister dear. How about a thank-you kiss?" he smirked.
"Go to hell, Lyle," Parker hissed, glaring up at him. "Why'd you shoot him?"
"He was going to get away - again. If I didn't know you better I'd say you were upset."
The look she gave him would have sent any other man running for his life. It also told him exactly what he suspected.
"Ah…your favorite toy is broken and now you've got nothing to play with," he sneered. "Don't worry, Daddy will find something else to keep his Angel occupied." He grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her to standing. "Leave him for the sweepers."
Parker slapped him. "I will not leave him here to die. You go on back and suck up to the Triumvirate if you want, but I'm going to make sure Jarod gets back to the Centre alive!"
Lyle shrugged and walked nonchalantly away. He wondered how to taunt his father with the information he had on his sister.
"Miss Parker? Are you okay?" Sydney asked. He had been on his way to Mr. Parker's office when he spied her curled up on the couch in her office.
She looked up and smiled weakly. "How's Jarod?" she asked.
Sydney sat down next to her. "He lost a lot of blood but he'll be fine - physically. Mentally - " He shrugged. "You know he'd rather die than be here."
Parker nodded. "I couldn't let him die, Syd. I-"
"I know."
"I'm…um…Daddy's going to kill me!"
"What's wrong?"
She leaned closer to whisper in his ear so that her words would not be recorded.
"I'm pregnant."
To Sydney's credit he showed no outward reaction, and merely asked, "Whose?"
Sydney smiled. "It explains a lot."
Parker let out a sigh. "Now what?"
Sydney put an arm around her shoulder and said; "Now we wait until he's well enough to leave and then the two of you disappear and live happily ever after."
A tear trickled down Parker's cheek as she asked, "Is there such a thing?"
Lyle and Mr. Parker watched the exchange between Sydney and Miss Parker over a video monitor.
"What the hell are they talking about?" Mr. Parker asked, furious that his daughter confided in Sydney and not himself.
"She's in love with Jarod," Lyle replied.
There was one thing Mr. Parker would not allow his daughter to do, and that was to love Jarod. He didn't want to believe she could, but her body language and the tears confirmed his fears. The Triumvirate wanted a child with their combined genes but the union of the parents frightened them. It was, in fact, the reason Miss Parker was put in charge of Jarod's search.
"Kill him!" Mr. Parker hissed.
Lyle hid his smile as he left his father's office. He would kill Jarod, yes, but he would wait for an order from the Tower. In the meantime he would do everything in his power to make Jarod's life a living hell.
"Mutambo, you can go ahead with the Nursery project."
"But Jarod is back now."
"Not for long."
"Mr. Parker, don't even think about harming him. We will create the child but we want Jarod alive. He will still be useful until the child is old enough. After that you may do whatever you wish with him."
"But she is a Pretender too!"
"She is untrained. There is no use training her when we already have a trained Pretender, the best Pretender we ever had."
"It has been decided! The Triumvirate will not tolerate insubordination. You will obey, Mr. Parker." Mutambo's tone was final. Mr. Parker did not argue further - he did not have a death wish.
Miss Parker woke to a noise. She automatically reached for her gun but it was not where she had left it. A hand clamped over her mouth and a body pinned her to the bed. She struggled, pushing and kicking, and was slapped hard enough to make her ears ring. She glared at her attacker and in that instant the moon broke through the clouds, light pouring into the bedroom. Her eyes widened as she recognized the man.
"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this?" he asked. "You are so beautiful."
He pulled away the covers and ripped Parker's shirt open.
"Parker, Parker," he chastised, "I told you to eat properly."
He leaned forward to kiss her but was interrupted by the ringing of a phone. "Damn it!" he cursed. "Another time, perhaps," and he left as quickly as he had come.
Parker reached for the phone, trembling, and pulled the covers up over her chest. "W-what?" she asked.
"Miss Parker? Are…are you okay?"
"Yeah…um, there's something you need to see."
"Where are you?"
"At the Centre. Uh, I was, uh, wondering if I could come over."
"I, uh, found something. I think you need to see it."
"Sure, okay." On any other night Parker would have told Broots to go to hell for calling her so late, but she was still shaken. Having a man in the house, albeit Broots, would make her feel slightly safer.
Broots arrived twenty minutes later. Parker had showered and dressed, and was waiting on her couch, gun in hand.
"Spit it out, Broots!"
"Uh, I was on the Net, you know, and-"
"I don't have all night."
"Sorry. Well, Angelo gave me this." He thrust a folder at her and she opened it hesitantly, uncertain if she wanted to know what it contained.
Subject #01729879 Female Red File Subject #00637275 Male Red File Compatible. Suitable for further use. Possibility for success: 95%
Included with the report were two photographs. One of Jarod and the other of Miss Parker. #01729879 was written on the back of Miss Parker's and #00637275 on the back of Jarod's.
"Broots, what is this?" Parker was pale.
"Uh, I punched these numbers into the Centre mainframe and got a name: Nursery. Any idea what that is?"
"It's a code name. The Triumvirate wanted a Pretender they could train from infancy. They were going to create their own Pretender."
"From you and Jarod?"
"I thought the project had been dumped. I never knew they wanted to use us."
"Maybe you should, uh, take a vacation or something," Broots suggested.
Parker smiled and Broots thought he'd never seen her look sadder. He reached out and held her hand, unconsciously giving her support.
"We need to get Jarod out," she said. "And I have a debt to pay."
"Good morning, Angel."
Miss Parker looked up and saw her father standing in the doorway of her office. He was holding a mug of coffee. Parker smiled. Be nice, she told herself.
"Morning, Daddy."
"I brought you some coffee."
"Thank you."
What do you want? Parker asked in her head. You've never brought me coffee before.
"Angel, you know the agreement you had with the Triumvirate about bringing Jarod back? The one where you could leave the Centre?"
Parker nodded, her eyes darkening as she saw where this was heading.
"They've amended it to include Major Charles and the boy."
"But, Daddy-" She stood up, protesting, and felt dizzy. The coffee, she thought, there was something in the coffee!
"Daddy-" she pleaded and then everything went black. Mr. Parker called for Sam who carried her down to the infirmary.
Lyle calmly wiped the blood from his lip. "Really, Jarod," Lyle said. "I expected more from you."
Jarod glared at Lyle, wanting to hit him again but unable to break free of Willie's tight grip.
"How was she for you? Hot, I bet. She's not at all as cold and frigid as she pretends to be. Last night I found that out firsthand. You really should encourage her to eat more, she's looking very thin."
Jarod pulled but Willie held firm. "You son of a bitch! How dare you touch her!" he screamed.
"Oh, Jarod. She invited me to touch her. Told me I was the best she'd ever had. But I bet she tells that to all the boys. Is that what she told you, Willie?"
Willie nodded, playing along. He was enjoying this, watching Jarod squirm.
"And, Jarod, please don't insult my mother again. Parker wouldn't appreciate it."
Lyle nodded to Willie and they left. Jarod sank to the floor, not wanting to believe what he'd been told. He heard a noise from the ventilation shaft and moved closer to it.
"Friend not worry. Bad man liar. Daughter safe. Baby safe."
"Safe for now," Angelo amended.
"Thank you, Angelo," Jarod whispered. His mind whirled. Baby? Safe for now? If Parker was pregnant they were in more danger than he'd thought. He started thinking of an escape plan.
"Mr. Parker, Mr. Raines?"
The two men turned to the nervous nurse.
"Is it done?" Raines asked.
The nurse looked down. "Uh, sir, there's a problem. The patient is already pregnant."
The unexpected news stunned both men. At that moment the phone rang. Mr. Parker answered.
"I understand the subject is already pregnant?"
"Yes, Mutambo, she is. Do you want the baby aborted?"
"No. It will be a Pretender regardless of the father. When it is born you may try again."
Mutambo hung up and Mr. Parker turned to Raines. "They want the child."
Raines nodded and Mr. Parker went to see his daughter who was now awake.
"Daddy, what happened?" she asked.
"You fainted, Angel. I brought you down here for a check up." He paused. "Did you know you were pregnant?"
Miss Parker nodded. You're going to have to Pretend for all your life is worth, she told herself.
"Whose is it?" Mr. Parker asked gently.
"Uh, I don't know."
"You don't know?"
Quick! Think of something!
"It was a one-night stand…I don't usually do that but I was so lonely after Tommy and…I don't know. I never thought…." She trailed off, hoping she sounded suitably ashamed and penitent.
"It's okay, Angel." Mr. Parker had a sudden flash of guilt. This is what she told Sydney. She was too embarrassed to tell me. She's not with Jarod. When does Lyle ever tell the truth? His mind clearing her of the unforgivable sin, he stroked her hair, soothing her.
Angelo sat watching them from a ventilation shaft. "Good, good," he mumbled. "Safe for now."
Chapter 2
"You're Jarod," the little girl stated, looking at the boy in front of her. "Why do they keep you down here?"
"I'm a Pretender," he said.
"Are you dangerous?" she asked wide-eyed. It was the first time she had heard of a Pretender and it sounded exciting and dangerous.
He shook his head. "Who are you?"
"Miss Parker. My daddy works here."
He stared at her, enthralled. He didn't remember meeting a girl before, and he'd certainly never met anyone like the girl in front of him. "You're beautiful," he whispered. "You must be an angel."
She smiled. "No, silly!"
There was a moment of silence, more comfortable than awkward.
"Will you be my friend?" the young Miss Parker asked.
Jarod nodded, his smile lighting up his entire face.
"Can I tell you a secret?" she asked.
He said yes, already enamoured with her, willing to do anything for her. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
"That's a beautiful name," he said. "Why don't people call you that?"
She shrugged. "Daddy said not to. But you can call me Parker."
Miss Parker rolled over and snuggled into Jarod's chest. He tightened his hold around her.
"I have to get up," she mumbled.
She started to get up but he wouldn't let go of her. She kissed him and tried to disentangle herself from his arms.
"No, Parker. Come back," he groaned, grabbing her wrist.
She shook her head. "I have to go before Daddy sends someone to fetch me."
"Fine," he grumbled, releasing her.
"You could always come in with me," she teased.
"For that, you have to pay!" He pulled her back onto the bed and she made no attempt to escape him.
"I'm going to be late."
"They'll manage without you," Jarod said between kisses. "Besides, you have to admit this is more exciting than being at the Centre."
"Mmm…stop talking." She pulled him closer.
"You're late." Mr. Parker stared accusingly at his daughter. He'd left a message with Broots that he wanted to see her as soon as she arrived.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. I…overslept. I didn't sleep much last night and then I couldn't get out of bed this morning." It's not the whole truth, Daddy, but it will have to do.
"I just worry about you, that's all."
Liar, she thought, and said, "I know, Daddy. I'm sorry."
"How's the search for Jarod?"
"The same. We keep missing him. It's almost like he does it on purpose, just to taunt us with he fact that he's still free." She hoped she sounded sufficiently bitter.
"You'll catch him, Angel," Mr. Parker tried to sound reassuring. "One of these days he'll slip up and you'll bring him back where he belongs."
"Yes, Daddy. And that's my cue to get back to the search." She left her father's office thinking about the reason she was late. She'd warned him. It was all Jarod's fault, but she couldn't have resisted even if she'd tried. It had been a couple of weeks since she'd last seen him and it had been so good to see him in her bed when she arrived home. She'd missed him and it appeared that he'd missed her too.
"Well, if it isn't my lovely sister. So glad you decided to join us."
Parker stared at Lyle and imagined the pleasure of putting a bullet between his eyes.
"Caught Jarod yet?" he asked although he knew the answer.
She glared at him. "Get out of my way," she hissed, her good mood vanishing more with each passing second in his presence.
Miss Parker was in the bath when her cell phone rang. It had been a long day and all she wanted was peace and quiet.
"What?" she snapped.
"Bad day?" Jarod asked.
"You could say that," she said, relaxing. "I've been to Kansas and back looking for you."
"Sorry about that. I couldn't resist. How did Lyle enjoy the trip?"
"Who cares?" Parker closed her eyes, picturing Jarod's face. "Where are you?"
"Unlocking the front door."
"Hurry up! The bath water's getting cold."
"Bubbles?" he asked smiling.
Three weeks later….
Mr. Parker looked at the faces of the people seated at the table. The stared back at him, unflinching.
"No," Mr. Parker said. "We had an agreement."
"It doesn't look like Jarod is going to return," the man known as Mutambo said. "Miss Parker is a Pretender too. While we wait, she can be trained."
"No," Mr. Parker repeated. "I won't have it."
"Then bring our Pretender back!"
"Are you okay, Miss Parker?" Broots asked from behind the relative safety of his computer screen. "You don't look so good."
"I'm fine."
"You sure? 'Cause-"
"Broots!" Her tone suggested that silence would prove less hazardous to his health.
"Uh, okay, Miss Parker."
"Where's Sydney?" she snapped, standing up.
"I don't know." He looked over at her just in time to see her steady herself by reaching out a hand to the wall. He braved another question.
"You sure you're fine?"
"Umm…it's been a long day, Broots. I think I'll head home."
He stared after her as she left the room, thoroughly confused. It wasn't even 12:00 yet.
Miss Parker couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Yes, ma'am. Roughly six weeks."
Parker was still stunned. "How could I possibly be pregnant?"
The doctor looked at her, a smile playing on his lips. He loved questions like these. Thinking he was being funny, he said, "Uh, I'd have to guess-"
He was silenced by the icy look she gave him. "I know how, Doctor. It's just…unexpected."
"Are you going to go through with it? I can recommend a few doctors who-"
"Of course I'm going to have the baby!" She liked this doctor less and less. How dare he suggest that she have an abortion? The only thing worrying her was what her father would say. Jarod, she hoped, would be ecstatic. Strangely, because she had never pegged herself as a mother, the idea of carrying Jarod's child thrilled her. She couldn't wait to tell him.
When she got home, she sat in her car for a while, trying to absorb the fact that she was going to be a mother. She wished her mother was able to share this feeling with her. You'd be happy, Mama. I know you'd approve. She thought back to a conversation she'd had with her mother a few weeks before her death.
Miss Parker sat in front of the mirror in her parents' bedroom, watching her mother brush her hair. She glanced at the dressing table and picked up their wedding photo, smiling.
"Mama," she said, "when I'm big I'm going to marry Jarod."
Catherine Parker laughed and to her daughter's ears it was the most beautiful sound in the world. "Really? Does Jarod know?"
"Nope. Not yet, anyway."
"What makes you so sure he wants to marry you?"
"He loves me."
Catherine smiled. "You know, it won't be easy, but if you're happy then nothing else matters. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have for you. Just don't tell Daddy, okay?"
"Okay, Mama."
Only now did Parker understand. If you're happy then nothing else matters. Thank you, Mama.
"Good morning, Sydney. Broots." Miss Parker smiled as they walked into her office the next morning. "Any news for me?"
The two men glanced at each other. Miss Parker was unusually cheerful and they didn't know why. They weren't sure whether to be worried or to enjoy it while it lasted.
"Lyle mentioned something about Jarod," Sydney said. Miss Parker's smile vanished as soon as Lyle's name was mentioned. Her good mood evaporated.
Half an hour later Lyle and Miss Parker were on their way to Dallas. Lyle had insisted that Sydney and Broots remain at the Centre so Miss Parker had to put up with Lyle by herself. She didn't like the way he was looking at her; it was almost too intimate. She was used to stares like that from other men, but Lyle was her brother.
"How are you feeling today, Sis?"
"Fine." She wouldn't look at him. Maybe he'll get the hint and kill himself, she thought. She had no such luck.
"You haven't been looking too good these days," Lyle continued. "Are you eating enough?"
She frowned. "Since when do you care, Lyle?"
He leaned across the seat and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "You are my sister, unfortunately. I've always cared."
She suppressed a shudder at his touch. There was something menacing in his tone and she was starting to feel uncomfortable. I wonder what he meant by 'unfortunately'. Surely not- No. He's not that sick!
Miss Parker ran after Jarod, cursing her fondness for inappropriate shoes. Maybe Jarod will rub my feet tonight, she thought, and stopped dead as a shot rang out from behind her. She looked back to see Lyle holding a gun and turned back to Jarod who was now lying in a rapidly growing pool of blood. She knelt beside him and held his hand.
Please, God, if you're there, please don't take him too, she prayed.
"Parker?" Jarod whispered.
"It was Lyle," she said, stroking his face. "I don't know why-"
"Shh…don't speak. Save your strength, Jarod. You're going to need it."
She tried to hold back her tears. "Jarod, you'll die if I leave you here. Let me take you back and I promise I'll get you out again. Please?"
"Yes. I promise. Jarod, I-"
"Well, well, well." Lyle joined them. "Looks like I caught your lab-rat for you, sister dear. How about a thank-you kiss?" he smirked.
"Go to hell, Lyle," Parker hissed, glaring up at him. "Why'd you shoot him?"
"He was going to get away - again. If I didn't know you better I'd say you were upset."
The look she gave him would have sent any other man running for his life. It also told him exactly what he suspected.
"Ah…your favorite toy is broken and now you've got nothing to play with," he sneered. "Don't worry, Daddy will find something else to keep his Angel occupied." He grabbed her arm and roughly pulled her to standing. "Leave him for the sweepers."
Parker slapped him. "I will not leave him here to die. You go on back and suck up to the Triumvirate if you want, but I'm going to make sure Jarod gets back to the Centre alive!"
Lyle shrugged and walked nonchalantly away. He wondered how to taunt his father with the information he had on his sister.
"Miss Parker? Are you okay?" Sydney asked. He had been on his way to Mr. Parker's office when he spied her curled up on the couch in her office.
She looked up and smiled weakly. "How's Jarod?" she asked.
Sydney sat down next to her. "He lost a lot of blood but he'll be fine - physically. Mentally - " He shrugged. "You know he'd rather die than be here."
Parker nodded. "I couldn't let him die, Syd. I-"
"I know."
"I'm…um…Daddy's going to kill me!"
"What's wrong?"
She leaned closer to whisper in his ear so that her words would not be recorded.
"I'm pregnant."
To Sydney's credit he showed no outward reaction, and merely asked, "Whose?"
Sydney smiled. "It explains a lot."
Parker let out a sigh. "Now what?"
Sydney put an arm around her shoulder and said; "Now we wait until he's well enough to leave and then the two of you disappear and live happily ever after."
A tear trickled down Parker's cheek as she asked, "Is there such a thing?"
Lyle and Mr. Parker watched the exchange between Sydney and Miss Parker over a video monitor.
"What the hell are they talking about?" Mr. Parker asked, furious that his daughter confided in Sydney and not himself.
"She's in love with Jarod," Lyle replied.
There was one thing Mr. Parker would not allow his daughter to do, and that was to love Jarod. He didn't want to believe she could, but her body language and the tears confirmed his fears. The Triumvirate wanted a child with their combined genes but the union of the parents frightened them. It was, in fact, the reason Miss Parker was put in charge of Jarod's search.
"Kill him!" Mr. Parker hissed.
Lyle hid his smile as he left his father's office. He would kill Jarod, yes, but he would wait for an order from the Tower. In the meantime he would do everything in his power to make Jarod's life a living hell.
"Mutambo, you can go ahead with the Nursery project."
"But Jarod is back now."
"Not for long."
"Mr. Parker, don't even think about harming him. We will create the child but we want Jarod alive. He will still be useful until the child is old enough. After that you may do whatever you wish with him."
"But she is a Pretender too!"
"She is untrained. There is no use training her when we already have a trained Pretender, the best Pretender we ever had."
"It has been decided! The Triumvirate will not tolerate insubordination. You will obey, Mr. Parker." Mutambo's tone was final. Mr. Parker did not argue further - he did not have a death wish.
Miss Parker woke to a noise. She automatically reached for her gun but it was not where she had left it. A hand clamped over her mouth and a body pinned her to the bed. She struggled, pushing and kicking, and was slapped hard enough to make her ears ring. She glared at her attacker and in that instant the moon broke through the clouds, light pouring into the bedroom. Her eyes widened as she recognized the man.
"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this?" he asked. "You are so beautiful."
He pulled away the covers and ripped Parker's shirt open.
"Parker, Parker," he chastised, "I told you to eat properly."
He leaned forward to kiss her but was interrupted by the ringing of a phone. "Damn it!" he cursed. "Another time, perhaps," and he left as quickly as he had come.
Parker reached for the phone, trembling, and pulled the covers up over her chest. "W-what?" she asked.
"Miss Parker? Are…are you okay?"
"Yeah…um, there's something you need to see."
"Where are you?"
"At the Centre. Uh, I was, uh, wondering if I could come over."
"I, uh, found something. I think you need to see it."
"Sure, okay." On any other night Parker would have told Broots to go to hell for calling her so late, but she was still shaken. Having a man in the house, albeit Broots, would make her feel slightly safer.
Broots arrived twenty minutes later. Parker had showered and dressed, and was waiting on her couch, gun in hand.
"Spit it out, Broots!"
"Uh, I was on the Net, you know, and-"
"I don't have all night."
"Sorry. Well, Angelo gave me this." He thrust a folder at her and she opened it hesitantly, uncertain if she wanted to know what it contained.
Subject #01729879 Female Red File Subject #00637275 Male Red File Compatible. Suitable for further use. Possibility for success: 95%
Included with the report were two photographs. One of Jarod and the other of Miss Parker. #01729879 was written on the back of Miss Parker's and #00637275 on the back of Jarod's.
"Broots, what is this?" Parker was pale.
"Uh, I punched these numbers into the Centre mainframe and got a name: Nursery. Any idea what that is?"
"It's a code name. The Triumvirate wanted a Pretender they could train from infancy. They were going to create their own Pretender."
"From you and Jarod?"
"I thought the project had been dumped. I never knew they wanted to use us."
"Maybe you should, uh, take a vacation or something," Broots suggested.
Parker smiled and Broots thought he'd never seen her look sadder. He reached out and held her hand, unconsciously giving her support.
"We need to get Jarod out," she said. "And I have a debt to pay."
"Good morning, Angel."
Miss Parker looked up and saw her father standing in the doorway of her office. He was holding a mug of coffee. Parker smiled. Be nice, she told herself.
"Morning, Daddy."
"I brought you some coffee."
"Thank you."
What do you want? Parker asked in her head. You've never brought me coffee before.
"Angel, you know the agreement you had with the Triumvirate about bringing Jarod back? The one where you could leave the Centre?"
Parker nodded, her eyes darkening as she saw where this was heading.
"They've amended it to include Major Charles and the boy."
"But, Daddy-" She stood up, protesting, and felt dizzy. The coffee, she thought, there was something in the coffee!
"Daddy-" she pleaded and then everything went black. Mr. Parker called for Sam who carried her down to the infirmary.
Lyle calmly wiped the blood from his lip. "Really, Jarod," Lyle said. "I expected more from you."
Jarod glared at Lyle, wanting to hit him again but unable to break free of Willie's tight grip.
"How was she for you? Hot, I bet. She's not at all as cold and frigid as she pretends to be. Last night I found that out firsthand. You really should encourage her to eat more, she's looking very thin."
Jarod pulled but Willie held firm. "You son of a bitch! How dare you touch her!" he screamed.
"Oh, Jarod. She invited me to touch her. Told me I was the best she'd ever had. But I bet she tells that to all the boys. Is that what she told you, Willie?"
Willie nodded, playing along. He was enjoying this, watching Jarod squirm.
"And, Jarod, please don't insult my mother again. Parker wouldn't appreciate it."
Lyle nodded to Willie and they left. Jarod sank to the floor, not wanting to believe what he'd been told. He heard a noise from the ventilation shaft and moved closer to it.
"Friend not worry. Bad man liar. Daughter safe. Baby safe."
"Safe for now," Angelo amended.
"Thank you, Angelo," Jarod whispered. His mind whirled. Baby? Safe for now? If Parker was pregnant they were in more danger than he'd thought. He started thinking of an escape plan.
"Mr. Parker, Mr. Raines?"
The two men turned to the nervous nurse.
"Is it done?" Raines asked.
The nurse looked down. "Uh, sir, there's a problem. The patient is already pregnant."
The unexpected news stunned both men. At that moment the phone rang. Mr. Parker answered.
"I understand the subject is already pregnant?"
"Yes, Mutambo, she is. Do you want the baby aborted?"
"No. It will be a Pretender regardless of the father. When it is born you may try again."
Mutambo hung up and Mr. Parker turned to Raines. "They want the child."
Raines nodded and Mr. Parker went to see his daughter who was now awake.
"Daddy, what happened?" she asked.
"You fainted, Angel. I brought you down here for a check up." He paused. "Did you know you were pregnant?"
Miss Parker nodded. You're going to have to Pretend for all your life is worth, she told herself.
"Whose is it?" Mr. Parker asked gently.
"Uh, I don't know."
"You don't know?"
Quick! Think of something!
"It was a one-night stand…I don't usually do that but I was so lonely after Tommy and…I don't know. I never thought…." She trailed off, hoping she sounded suitably ashamed and penitent.
"It's okay, Angel." Mr. Parker had a sudden flash of guilt. This is what she told Sydney. She was too embarrassed to tell me. She's not with Jarod. When does Lyle ever tell the truth? His mind clearing her of the unforgivable sin, he stroked her hair, soothing her.
Angelo sat watching them from a ventilation shaft. "Good, good," he mumbled. "Safe for now."