Table of Contents [Report This]

Disclaimer: We all know who Jarod, Miss Parker and the other Pretender characters belong to and it's not me (surprise!). I am taking the liberty of borrowing them but I do promise to return them unharmed…well, most of them anyway. I don't mean any harm and I'm definitely not making any money from this. I should be so lucky! Oh, the title is from a song by the Beatles, long may they reign!
Please r & r. Thanks!
Let It Be
Chapter 1
Jarod was tired of running. It seemed as though it would never end. How many more times would he escape from Miss Parker before his luck ran out? He had a feeling that one of these days she'd get the better of him. He opened the door of his apartment, glad of the chance to relax for a change. He knew he should be on his guard but he was just too tired to care.
If she comes tonight she can have me, he thought, switching on the light.
He froze, staring at the person asleep on his couch.
Miss Parker.
Great, he thought. What the hell is going on? He knew Miss Parker wouldn't come for him on her own, and she would definitely not fall asleep waiting for him. Something was up and he was determined to find out exactly what it was.
"Why is Miss Parker asleep on my couch?" Jarod got straight to the point.
"Jarod!" Sydney smiled when he heard Jarod's voice. "I wondered when you'd get around to calling. I assume you haven't read my note?"
"Your note? You brought her here?"
Before Sydney could reply, Lyle entered the room and he had to end the call.
"Have you seen my dear sister?" Lyle asked, looking tense.
"Not since this afternoon," Sydney lied. "She went home sick."
Lyle didn't believe Sydney but he knew that Sydney would never betray Miss Parker. He decided to bide his time, knowing she'd surface soon enough. He assumed she was off chasing the lab-rat.
"If you see her, tell her our father is looking for her." He left.
Sydney gazed at his retreating form, wondering how it was possible that Catherine had given birth to something so vile.
A note, Jarod thought. Where would Sydney leave a note?
He glanced at the still form of Miss Parker. There was no note near or attached to her. He hesitated briefly before glancing through her bag. Nothing. He went into the kitchen, intending to get something to eat and contemplating calling Sydney again when he found it. It was attached to the refrigerator with a ladybird magnet.
Dear Jarod Finding Miss Parker in your apartment is no doubt a tremendous shock. I hope she doesn't shoot you when she wakes up. I gave her a sedative before bringing her to you so you'll be all right until morning. I know I have absolutely no right to ask what I am about to ask of you. Miss Parker is in danger. Someone at the Centre is planning to kill her and until Broots and I can discover who is behind this, this is the only place where she is safe. Please help her, if only because of the friendship you shared as children. You are her refuge, whether you know it or not. She is her mother's child. -Sydney
All thought of food forgotten, Jarod wandered back into the living room. He re-read the letter and sighed, sinking into a chair opposite his hunter. I hope she doesn't shoot you. If she was sedated then she obviously wasn't there by choice. He thought about the letter more, trying to decipher Sydney's words. You are her refuge…she is her mother's child. What the hell does that mean? Refuge…the code word Sydney and I agreed on. Her mother's child… He gave up. Removing the clip from her gun he settled back into his chair and watched her sleep.
Jarod woke to the feeling of cold metal pressed against his neck. He opened his eyes and saw Miss Parker standing over him, the barrel of her gun digging into his skin.
"Morning, Sunshine," he croaked. "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
"Spare me the wisecracks, Jarod! What the hell is going on?" she hissed.
He looked at her carefully. She'd obviously grabbed her gun the minute she opened her eyes and seen him sitting across from her. Although her hair was unkempt and her make-up was smudged, her eyes were alert. Jarod eased her gun away from his neck and took Sydney's note from his pocket. He gave it to her and she sat back on the couch, reading it. He disappeared into the kitchen, reappearing minutes later with coffee for her. She accepted it without a word, still reeling from the shock of waking up to Jarod.
"So, Parker," Jarod broke the silence, "who'd want to kill you?"
"You mean besides you?"
"I don't want to kill you," he said quietly.
She raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing him. He wasn't surprised considering that she spent her life surrounded by liars.
"Well, it looks like we're stuck with each other for a while," Jarod said. "Think you can manage to not shoot me?"
She fingered the note and smiled tentatively. "I'll do my best, but I'm not making any promises."
He smiled when she did. He hadn't seen a genuine smile from her in years, not since before her mother died. He was reminded of a young girl who had let him into her heart, only to have her heart broken by lies and deceit and betrayal; a girl who then shut everyone out of her heart to protect herself. He wanted the young girl back.
"Uh, Sydney?" A very nervous Broots poked his head around the door.
"M- Mr. Lyle was asking about Miss Parker."
"Well, I…uh, I told him I hadn't see her since yesterday. He didn't say anything but I don't think he believed me."
"Good. Have you found out who issued the order?"
"No, not yet. Whoever it was, covered their tracks well."
Sydney was about to comment when the rattle of a grate disturbed them and Angelo slipped into the room. "Daughter safe now," he said. "With friend."
"Yes, Angelo," Sydney said. "She's safe now. Do you know who wants to hurt her?"
Angelo rocked backwards and forwards. "Bad man. Bad man hurt daughter and friend."
Sydney and Broots looked at each other, startled by the news. Someone wanted Jarod dead.
"Nice place," Miss Parker said. "How long have you lived here?"
"I come here when I'm not on a pretend. I didn't realize Sydney knew about it."
"What do you mean?" Her eyes narrowed. "Sydney knew about this place?"
"He must have. I came in and found you asleep on my couch."
Miss Parker was silent. She wasn't sure what to make of the fact that one of Jarod's pursuers had known where he lived.
"We can't stay here anyway," Jarod continued. "Someone could have followed him here."
"So where do you propose we go?" He shrugged and she scowled good-naturedly. "You're the genius - figure something out!"
"Angelo, do you know why someone wants to hurt Miss Parker?" Sydney asked.
The empath didn't reply but continued his rocking, deeply disturbed by what he was feeling.
"Uh, I don't think he knows," Broots said.
"Angelo knows!" Angelo said. "Daughter like friend."
Broots was confused. How is Miss Parker like Jarod? Or does Miss Parker like Jarod? Sydney looked mildly surprised. Angelo had confirmed what Sydney had suspected for some time. It certainly explained why she was never able to bring Jarod in.
"What else do you know, Angelo?" he asked gently.
"Bad man." Angelo stopped rocking and looked Sydney straight in the eye. "Hurt daughter. Friend comes. Hurt friend."
"Thank you, Angelo," Sydney said, standing up as Broots stared at them, open-mouthed. "Come on, Broots. We have a 'bad man' to find."
"Maybe Angelo knows who the bad man is?" Broots suggested. They turned to where Broots had been only seconds ago, but he had already disappeared into the ventilation shaft.
"There's only one bed!" Miss Parker whirled around and started to walk out of their hotel room but Jarod caught her arm and pulled her back inside. He closed the door.
"I registered us as a couple. A married couple. It would have looked odd if I'd asked for twin beds."
Miss Parker glared at him, her Ice Queen façade coming back full-force. "Why the hell did you do that? I don't give a rat's ass what people think. If you honestly expect me to-"
"I did it because no one would expect us to share a room so if they are onto us, they'll check single bookings," he interrupted her tirade midway.
She had to admit, silently, that he did have a point. He was the one with the genius IQ. But the idea of sharing a bed with Jarod still made her uncomfortable. It was hard enough trying to stay enemies and now she had to sleep with him, in a manner of speaking.
"It's a big bed," he said. She still looked unconvinced. "Look, I'm not going to take advantage of you or anything."
She gave him a funny look that he interpreted as 'try it and I'll kill you'. She was thinking that he was the one in danger of being taken advantage of. Also, she was slightly annoyed that he didn't want to take advantage of her.
"Uh, do you have clothes with you?" Jarod asked, changing the subject. She gestured to what she had on and smiled. "Sydney didn't exactly pack a suitcase for me."
"Well I guess we're going shopping then. All on the Centre, of course." He winked.
She shook her head, trying not to laugh. "Enjoy you freedom while it lasts, Jarod. This can't…won't change anything. I still have a job to do." The truth was, she didn't want him to go back. He'd been her only friend as a child and she knew it was unfair of her to take him back to a place where he'd been so unhappy. Yet her freedom was at stake as well.
The smile disappeared from his face at her words, but he still held out his arm and escorted her outside. She wished that for once she'd had the grace to keep her mouth shut.
Later that afternoon both Jarod and Miss Parker had cheered up considerably. They had acted like two kids who'd gotten hold of Daddy's credit card. At Jarod's insistence, Parker had bought a black bikini. He'd told her that she was on vacation and that they'd spend every available moment on the beach. So she gave in, against her better judgement. He seemed intent on spoiling her and she couldn't understand why he was being so nice to her after everything she'd put him through. She tried to assuage her guilt by insisting that he buy something for himself as well.
"So now what?" Parker asked when they had returned to their room. It was late in the day and she was hungry. She always ate more when she was at the coast.
"Get dressed. We're going to dinner tonight. To celebrate."
"Celebrate what?"
"The melting of the Ice Queen."
She smiled and headed into the bathroom. He was reminded again of the young girl she had once been. He remembered the teenage crush he'd had. A crush that was still there, on his side at least. He frowned, knowing he was heading into dangerous territory but not sure whether he had any control over what was happening. He dialed Sydney's number, wanting to hear that it was safe for Parker to go back to Blue Cove.
"Sydney," the soft voice answered.
"You should make Parker take more vacations. She's actually pleasant when we're not playing 'catch the lab-rat'."
"Jarod!" Sydney was pleased to hear from him. "I take it she hasn't shot you yet?"
"My luck's still holding," Jarod replied. "But the sea air seems to agree with her."
So they'd left the apartment, Sydney thought. Good.
"Tell me, Sydney. Jokes aside, who'd want to hurt her?"
"It seems as though the threat to Miss Parker was bait, meant to draw you out of hiding. Unfortunately for whoever is behind it, it backfired and there are now two missing Pretenders. Lyle and Mr. Parker are furious, as you can imagine."
"You don't think they're behind it?" Jarod asked.
"Lyle…maybe. Not her father."
"You sure about that? You're forgetting Thomas."
"He wouldn't hurt his own child." Sydney hoped he sounded more certain than he felt.
"I hope you're right, Syd. For her sake." He hung up.
"Gee, Parker. You clean up nice," Jarod said, a little over an hour later. Parker had decided to dress up. She wore a figure hugging, floor-length black dress with thigh-high slits up either side and, of course, black stilettos. Her hair was up, revealing her long neck and to Jarod's eyes she was breathtaking.
"You don't look too bad yourself." She'd also decided to be nice. It wasn't too hard. She meant what she'd said - Jarod looked good. He was wearing a black tux and they were easily the most handsome couple to walk into the restaurant. All eyes were on them as they took their seats.
"Is this your idea of being inconspicuous?" Parker teased, leaning across the table.
"Me? You're the one everyone's staring at. I don't blame them."
She smiled at the unexpected compliment but didn't blush. She knew she looked good and was glad that Jarod had noticed. She felt the same way she had when she'd first met him. "You're beautiful. You must be an angel." Of course, she had been the first girl his own age that he'd seen in the Centre but she had known he'd truly meant it. The same way she knew he meant it now.
"You should smile more often," he said. "You're less intimidating."
"That's exactly why I don't smile. I like being the Ice Princess."
He raised an eyebrow and her smile widened. Unconsciously he reached over and placed his hand over hers and she broke the gaze. "Umm…let's eat," she said.
"Are you sure Miss Parker is safe with Jarod?" Broots asked. Most of the Centre employees had gone home and Broots and Sydney were waiting for Angelo.
"She's fine. Jarod would never let anyone hurt her."
"Is he safe with her?" Broots had half-expected Miss Parker to drag Jarod back to the Centre after Sydney had told Broots where she was. Yet two days later neither were there.
"Broots, their bond goes back to childhood. They were friends before they were enemies and I'm sure they'll remember that before they try to kill each other."
Broots kept quiet. Sydney obviously knew more than he was letting on but Broots figured that the less he knew the better. Just then, Angelo climbed out of a ventilation shaft and came towards them, looking upset.
"What's wrong with him?" Broots asked.
"Bad man!"
"Angelo, who is the bad man?" Sydney asked.
"Thumbless man bad," Angelo muttered, creeping back into the shaft.
Sydney and Broots looked at each other, the same thought crossing their minds.
Both Jarod and Miss Parker felt uncomfortable when they had to go to bed. They refused to meet each other's gaze and Parker retreated to the bathroom to change. She hesitated before re-entering the room. She had forgotten to buy pajamas and Jarod had given her a shirt and a pair of boxer shorts to sleep in. She appreciated the gesture but still felt uncomfortable. Jarod was already in bed and she slipped in next to him.
"Goodnight, Jarod."
"Night, Parker."
She dreamed.
The young girl crawled out of a ventilation shaft. "Jarod!" she whispered. "Where are you?"
"Boo!" he cried, jumping out from behind his bed.
She cried out in alarm, almost dropping what she held in her hands.
"Sorry," he whispered. "What's that?"
"It's a present for you." She sat on his bed and he sat beside her.
"Why?" He couldn't remember ever having gotten a present before.
"It's Valentine's Day," she answered. "Here." She gave him the carefully wrapped package. He opened it slowly and found a heart in a plastic covering.
"What is it?" he asked.
"It's chocolate." She reached over and unwrapped the chocolate for him. "You eat it."
He hesitated, breaking off a tiny piece and tasting it. A huge grin broke across his face. "Thank you, Parker! It's delicious!" He paused. "But I don't have anything for you."
She smiled, her heart beating faster. "You could give me a kiss," she suggested.
He looked puzzled. "What's that?"
She leaned over and kissed him quickly on his lips. "I love you, Jarod," she whispered.
He smiled, about to say something in return when they heard a noise.
"Bye!" Parker whispered and crawled out through the ventilation shaft, leaving Jarod to absorb what had just happened.
The sunlight streaming through the blinds woke Parker. It took her a moment to recall why she was sharing a bed with Jarod, and once the initial urge to shoot him had passed, she was content to watch him sleep. He looked so peaceful, the kind of peaceful that didn't exist within Centre walls. He moaned and shifted position slightly so that he was facing her. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch his chin. The memory of her dream was fresh in her mind and she decided that Jarod would never go back to the Centre, not if she had anything to do with it. The Centre owed him so much; the least she could do was help him keep his freedom.
This time she didn't refrain from touching him. He opened his eyes the second she touched his skin and she guiltily jerked her hand back.
"Morning," he mumbled. "See something you like?"
She scowled and jumped out of the bed, heading for the bathroom.
"I forgot, you're not a morning person," Jarod mumbled, rolling over and going back to sleep.
When Parker emerged a half-hour later, Jarod was still asleep. She hunted for her cell phone and dialed a number.
"Sydney," a groggy voice answered.
"Morning, Syd," Parker purred.
"Any luck finding out who wants to kill me?"
"Can't you handle Jarod?" he teased.
"Didn't Jarod tell you?"
"Tell me what?" she asked suspiciously.
"You were supposed to be bait to lure Jarod out."
"We think it was Lyle."
"What made him think Jarod would come rescue me?"
"You were his only friend as a child. Perhaps they felt he would feel obligated-"
"Whatever." She hung up and roughly woke Jarod. "Why the hell didn't you tell me it was Lyle?"
What?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.
"I just spoke to Sydney."
"What did he say?" Jarod sat up but she pushed him down again.
"Why didn't you tell me it was Lyle?"
"Lyle! So that's who it is."
Parker was taken aback. "You didn't know?"
He shook his head.
"Oh. Umm…sorry. Want breakfast?" She smiled, wanting him to forget that she'd just practically assaulted him.
"Give me a minute," he said and rolled over.
Jarod woke up to an empty room and was instantly alert.
"Parker!" he called.
No response.
"Parker!" He was worried. Could Lyle have found them? He searched the room, his worry increasing. He found a note attached to the bathroom mirror, and smiled. What is with Centre employees and leaving notes? He wondered.
I've gone to the beach. If you ever decide to wake up, join me. You looked too peaceful too wake up. But don't keep me waiting too long or else I'll have to shoot you. Parker.
Mr. Parker stormed into Sydney's office. He looked like he was out for blood.
"Where is my daughter?"
"I don't know," Sydney answered truthfully. He paused before continuing. "It appears Miss Parker was in danger. Perhaps she will return when she feels the danger has passed."
Mr. Parker glared at Sydney before stalking out. He was determined to find out where his Angel had gone and who would dare to wish her harm.
It wasn't too hard for Jarod to spot Miss Parker. There was a man standing near her, obviously wanting to approach her but unable to find the courage. He chuckled, wondering how many men she'd castrated with her icy glare while she waited for Jarod. He strolled to where she was, making a small detour past an ice-cream vendor. Sitting in the deck chair next to her, he handed her an ice cream and said, "I'm glad I convinced you to go with that bikini."
She glared at him. "I'm not. Do you have any idea how annoying it's been?"
"It?" he asked, confused.
She waved her hand at her would-be suitor who looked away and hastily retreated. "All these men are sick perverts whose only aim in life is to bed as many woman as possible. None of them even had the decency to come up with original pick-up lines. Do you know how many think it's so witty to use pick up lines that no semi-intelligent woman would fall for? Come on!" She rolled her eyes and Jarod couldn't contain a smile.
"I thought you liked all that attention," he said.
"It would have helped if any of them were even remotely good-looking," she grumbled.
He laughed. "So you turned down every single one?" He kept his eyes on her face, not willing to risk her wrath by looking at the rest of her.
"Of course," she said in a sugary-sweet voice and batting her eyelashes. "You know my heart belongs to you."
The devil inside him couldn't resist. He let his gaze travel along her body, savoring what he saw. To his surprise and delight, she didn't slap him. Instead, she asked, "Could you rub sunscreen on my back?"
He nodded, suddenly lost for words. Parker's heartbeat increased its pace when she felt Jarod's hands on her back. Too late, she realized what was happening. The feelings she'd had for him as a child and later as a teenager threatened to burst out from the black hole she'd hidden them in.
"My turn," Jarod said.
She took the lotion from him and poured a small amount into her palm. She hesitated before rubbing it slowly across his back. She tried, unsuccessfully, to hold back a giggle. What would Daddy think if he saw me now?
"What's so funny?" Jarod asked.
"I don't believe you." He turned to face her but she shook her head and smiled. Jarod lost all will to fight what he was feeling. He leaned forward and kissed her.
She kissed him back.
Eventually he pulled back, a huge smile on his face.
"What?" Parker asked, trying to ignore the feeling of light-headedness.
"I've just made every other guy on this beach jealous!"
She tilted her head, staring at him and said, "You talk too much." She pulled him towards her for another kiss.
"I will not have my daughter put in harm's way! I don't care what's at stake!" Mr. Parker was livid. Although not an affectionate man, he did love his daughter. She was one of the few good things he had ever done and he refused to let the Centre use her more than they already had.
"It's not like she would have been in any real danger. Jarod only needed to think that she was in danger." Lyle tried to pacify his father.
"But now she's gone and nobody knows where she is. Not even Sydney knows!"
"Perhaps Jarod has her," Mr. Raines suggested.
"Why do you two fools think Jarod would risk his life, his freedom, to save hers?" Mr. Parker asked.
"He's in love with her," Raines smirked.
Mr. Parker blanched. The thought of his beloved Angel and that…that lab-rat made him feel ill. "Find her," he hissed, leaving the conference room.
"Jarod, let's order room service tonight," Parker suggested as they walked, hand-in-hand, back to the hotel.
"Sure," he said. "You okay? Did you get too much sun?"
She shook her head and he glanced away, thoroughly puzzled. There were some things he'd never understand, he decided. One of them being women, especially Miss Parker.
"Sydney, when you hear from my daughter could you assure her that she is no longer in any danger?"
Mr. Parker had convinced the Triumvirate not to continue with Raines' plan. He knew his Angel trusted Sydney and that she'd be in contact with him, if anyone.
"Yes, Mr. Parker. Thank you," Sydney said.
Mr. Parker met Sydney's eye and said, "I do love her, you know. If things could be different…." He shrugged and left Sydney's office looking as though he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.
"I'm going to have a bubble bath," Parker announced from the door leading into the bathroom.
"Okay," Jarod said. "Shall I go ahead and order food or must I wait till you're done?"
Parker took a deep breath. "I was hoping you'd join me. I, uh…need someone to wash my back."
He looked at her and swallowed hard.
"You sure?" he asked.
She held out her hand in invitation and he walked towards her, reminding himself to breathe.
Later, while Parker slept, Jarod phoned Sydney.
"I've been waiting for your call, Jarod."
"I have a question, Syd."
"What is it?" Sydney prompted after some silence.
"Would Parker really get her freedom if she brought me back?"
"What do you think, Jarod?" Sydney was intrigued. What's been happening? He wondered.
"I don't know. Has anyone ever really been free of the Centre?"
"I think you already know the answer to that," Sydney replied.
There was another moment of silence before Sydney spoke again. "I have been told that it's quite safe for her to return."
Jarod hung up. On one hand he was glad that Parker was no longer in danger but on the other, he didn't want her to leave. He walked out onto the balcony, trying to sort out his feelings. He may have been a genius but when it came to matters of the heart he was clueless. He didn't know how long he'd been standing there when he felt Parker's arms encircle his waist from behind.
"What's wrong?"
He turned around and she leaned her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"Sydney says it's safe for you to go back."
She looked up but couldn't see his eyes in the dark, couldn't see what he was feeling. Was that what was wrong? Was he worried that she wanted to take him back to the Centre?
"Jarod, I-"
"Please, Parker." It was a whisper.
"I'm not taking you back. Not now. Not ever," she said firmly.
He looked down at her, trying to process what he'd just heard.
"But what about your freedom?" he eventually asked.
"You're more important. You deserve to be free after everything that they did to you."
He pulled her closer and she laughed.
"Besides, I don't think Daddy would approve of me sneaking down to visit you every night!"
He smiled and said, "Let's go back to bed."
Two days after Sydney had spoken to Jarod, neither he nor Miss Parker had returned. Mr. Parker worried that something terrible had happened to her. Broots worried that they had killed each other. Angelo was unusually happy and no one had been able to make any sense out of his ramblings. Sydney hoped that they had run off together, never to return.
A week after Miss Parker's initial disappearance, she breezed back into the Centre, acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. When questioned, she replied vaguely that she had known she was in danger and had stayed away until she felt safe. She did not mention Jarod at all, although both Sydney and Broots were dying to know what had happened. She had come back different but refused to elaborate. She assured them that Jarod was still alive and that the search would continue.
Please r & r. Thanks!
Let It Be
Chapter 1
Jarod was tired of running. It seemed as though it would never end. How many more times would he escape from Miss Parker before his luck ran out? He had a feeling that one of these days she'd get the better of him. He opened the door of his apartment, glad of the chance to relax for a change. He knew he should be on his guard but he was just too tired to care.
If she comes tonight she can have me, he thought, switching on the light.
He froze, staring at the person asleep on his couch.
Miss Parker.
Great, he thought. What the hell is going on? He knew Miss Parker wouldn't come for him on her own, and she would definitely not fall asleep waiting for him. Something was up and he was determined to find out exactly what it was.
"Why is Miss Parker asleep on my couch?" Jarod got straight to the point.
"Jarod!" Sydney smiled when he heard Jarod's voice. "I wondered when you'd get around to calling. I assume you haven't read my note?"
"Your note? You brought her here?"
Before Sydney could reply, Lyle entered the room and he had to end the call.
"Have you seen my dear sister?" Lyle asked, looking tense.
"Not since this afternoon," Sydney lied. "She went home sick."
Lyle didn't believe Sydney but he knew that Sydney would never betray Miss Parker. He decided to bide his time, knowing she'd surface soon enough. He assumed she was off chasing the lab-rat.
"If you see her, tell her our father is looking for her." He left.
Sydney gazed at his retreating form, wondering how it was possible that Catherine had given birth to something so vile.
A note, Jarod thought. Where would Sydney leave a note?
He glanced at the still form of Miss Parker. There was no note near or attached to her. He hesitated briefly before glancing through her bag. Nothing. He went into the kitchen, intending to get something to eat and contemplating calling Sydney again when he found it. It was attached to the refrigerator with a ladybird magnet.
Dear Jarod Finding Miss Parker in your apartment is no doubt a tremendous shock. I hope she doesn't shoot you when she wakes up. I gave her a sedative before bringing her to you so you'll be all right until morning. I know I have absolutely no right to ask what I am about to ask of you. Miss Parker is in danger. Someone at the Centre is planning to kill her and until Broots and I can discover who is behind this, this is the only place where she is safe. Please help her, if only because of the friendship you shared as children. You are her refuge, whether you know it or not. She is her mother's child. -Sydney
All thought of food forgotten, Jarod wandered back into the living room. He re-read the letter and sighed, sinking into a chair opposite his hunter. I hope she doesn't shoot you. If she was sedated then she obviously wasn't there by choice. He thought about the letter more, trying to decipher Sydney's words. You are her refuge…she is her mother's child. What the hell does that mean? Refuge…the code word Sydney and I agreed on. Her mother's child… He gave up. Removing the clip from her gun he settled back into his chair and watched her sleep.
Jarod woke to the feeling of cold metal pressed against his neck. He opened his eyes and saw Miss Parker standing over him, the barrel of her gun digging into his skin.
"Morning, Sunshine," he croaked. "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
"Spare me the wisecracks, Jarod! What the hell is going on?" she hissed.
He looked at her carefully. She'd obviously grabbed her gun the minute she opened her eyes and seen him sitting across from her. Although her hair was unkempt and her make-up was smudged, her eyes were alert. Jarod eased her gun away from his neck and took Sydney's note from his pocket. He gave it to her and she sat back on the couch, reading it. He disappeared into the kitchen, reappearing minutes later with coffee for her. She accepted it without a word, still reeling from the shock of waking up to Jarod.
"So, Parker," Jarod broke the silence, "who'd want to kill you?"
"You mean besides you?"
"I don't want to kill you," he said quietly.
She raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing him. He wasn't surprised considering that she spent her life surrounded by liars.
"Well, it looks like we're stuck with each other for a while," Jarod said. "Think you can manage to not shoot me?"
She fingered the note and smiled tentatively. "I'll do my best, but I'm not making any promises."
He smiled when she did. He hadn't seen a genuine smile from her in years, not since before her mother died. He was reminded of a young girl who had let him into her heart, only to have her heart broken by lies and deceit and betrayal; a girl who then shut everyone out of her heart to protect herself. He wanted the young girl back.
"Uh, Sydney?" A very nervous Broots poked his head around the door.
"M- Mr. Lyle was asking about Miss Parker."
"Well, I…uh, I told him I hadn't see her since yesterday. He didn't say anything but I don't think he believed me."
"Good. Have you found out who issued the order?"
"No, not yet. Whoever it was, covered their tracks well."
Sydney was about to comment when the rattle of a grate disturbed them and Angelo slipped into the room. "Daughter safe now," he said. "With friend."
"Yes, Angelo," Sydney said. "She's safe now. Do you know who wants to hurt her?"
Angelo rocked backwards and forwards. "Bad man. Bad man hurt daughter and friend."
Sydney and Broots looked at each other, startled by the news. Someone wanted Jarod dead.
"Nice place," Miss Parker said. "How long have you lived here?"
"I come here when I'm not on a pretend. I didn't realize Sydney knew about it."
"What do you mean?" Her eyes narrowed. "Sydney knew about this place?"
"He must have. I came in and found you asleep on my couch."
Miss Parker was silent. She wasn't sure what to make of the fact that one of Jarod's pursuers had known where he lived.
"We can't stay here anyway," Jarod continued. "Someone could have followed him here."
"So where do you propose we go?" He shrugged and she scowled good-naturedly. "You're the genius - figure something out!"
"Angelo, do you know why someone wants to hurt Miss Parker?" Sydney asked.
The empath didn't reply but continued his rocking, deeply disturbed by what he was feeling.
"Uh, I don't think he knows," Broots said.
"Angelo knows!" Angelo said. "Daughter like friend."
Broots was confused. How is Miss Parker like Jarod? Or does Miss Parker like Jarod? Sydney looked mildly surprised. Angelo had confirmed what Sydney had suspected for some time. It certainly explained why she was never able to bring Jarod in.
"What else do you know, Angelo?" he asked gently.
"Bad man." Angelo stopped rocking and looked Sydney straight in the eye. "Hurt daughter. Friend comes. Hurt friend."
"Thank you, Angelo," Sydney said, standing up as Broots stared at them, open-mouthed. "Come on, Broots. We have a 'bad man' to find."
"Maybe Angelo knows who the bad man is?" Broots suggested. They turned to where Broots had been only seconds ago, but he had already disappeared into the ventilation shaft.
"There's only one bed!" Miss Parker whirled around and started to walk out of their hotel room but Jarod caught her arm and pulled her back inside. He closed the door.
"I registered us as a couple. A married couple. It would have looked odd if I'd asked for twin beds."
Miss Parker glared at him, her Ice Queen façade coming back full-force. "Why the hell did you do that? I don't give a rat's ass what people think. If you honestly expect me to-"
"I did it because no one would expect us to share a room so if they are onto us, they'll check single bookings," he interrupted her tirade midway.
She had to admit, silently, that he did have a point. He was the one with the genius IQ. But the idea of sharing a bed with Jarod still made her uncomfortable. It was hard enough trying to stay enemies and now she had to sleep with him, in a manner of speaking.
"It's a big bed," he said. She still looked unconvinced. "Look, I'm not going to take advantage of you or anything."
She gave him a funny look that he interpreted as 'try it and I'll kill you'. She was thinking that he was the one in danger of being taken advantage of. Also, she was slightly annoyed that he didn't want to take advantage of her.
"Uh, do you have clothes with you?" Jarod asked, changing the subject. She gestured to what she had on and smiled. "Sydney didn't exactly pack a suitcase for me."
"Well I guess we're going shopping then. All on the Centre, of course." He winked.
She shook her head, trying not to laugh. "Enjoy you freedom while it lasts, Jarod. This can't…won't change anything. I still have a job to do." The truth was, she didn't want him to go back. He'd been her only friend as a child and she knew it was unfair of her to take him back to a place where he'd been so unhappy. Yet her freedom was at stake as well.
The smile disappeared from his face at her words, but he still held out his arm and escorted her outside. She wished that for once she'd had the grace to keep her mouth shut.
Later that afternoon both Jarod and Miss Parker had cheered up considerably. They had acted like two kids who'd gotten hold of Daddy's credit card. At Jarod's insistence, Parker had bought a black bikini. He'd told her that she was on vacation and that they'd spend every available moment on the beach. So she gave in, against her better judgement. He seemed intent on spoiling her and she couldn't understand why he was being so nice to her after everything she'd put him through. She tried to assuage her guilt by insisting that he buy something for himself as well.
"So now what?" Parker asked when they had returned to their room. It was late in the day and she was hungry. She always ate more when she was at the coast.
"Get dressed. We're going to dinner tonight. To celebrate."
"Celebrate what?"
"The melting of the Ice Queen."
She smiled and headed into the bathroom. He was reminded again of the young girl she had once been. He remembered the teenage crush he'd had. A crush that was still there, on his side at least. He frowned, knowing he was heading into dangerous territory but not sure whether he had any control over what was happening. He dialed Sydney's number, wanting to hear that it was safe for Parker to go back to Blue Cove.
"Sydney," the soft voice answered.
"You should make Parker take more vacations. She's actually pleasant when we're not playing 'catch the lab-rat'."
"Jarod!" Sydney was pleased to hear from him. "I take it she hasn't shot you yet?"
"My luck's still holding," Jarod replied. "But the sea air seems to agree with her."
So they'd left the apartment, Sydney thought. Good.
"Tell me, Sydney. Jokes aside, who'd want to hurt her?"
"It seems as though the threat to Miss Parker was bait, meant to draw you out of hiding. Unfortunately for whoever is behind it, it backfired and there are now two missing Pretenders. Lyle and Mr. Parker are furious, as you can imagine."
"You don't think they're behind it?" Jarod asked.
"Lyle…maybe. Not her father."
"You sure about that? You're forgetting Thomas."
"He wouldn't hurt his own child." Sydney hoped he sounded more certain than he felt.
"I hope you're right, Syd. For her sake." He hung up.
"Gee, Parker. You clean up nice," Jarod said, a little over an hour later. Parker had decided to dress up. She wore a figure hugging, floor-length black dress with thigh-high slits up either side and, of course, black stilettos. Her hair was up, revealing her long neck and to Jarod's eyes she was breathtaking.
"You don't look too bad yourself." She'd also decided to be nice. It wasn't too hard. She meant what she'd said - Jarod looked good. He was wearing a black tux and they were easily the most handsome couple to walk into the restaurant. All eyes were on them as they took their seats.
"Is this your idea of being inconspicuous?" Parker teased, leaning across the table.
"Me? You're the one everyone's staring at. I don't blame them."
She smiled at the unexpected compliment but didn't blush. She knew she looked good and was glad that Jarod had noticed. She felt the same way she had when she'd first met him. "You're beautiful. You must be an angel." Of course, she had been the first girl his own age that he'd seen in the Centre but she had known he'd truly meant it. The same way she knew he meant it now.
"You should smile more often," he said. "You're less intimidating."
"That's exactly why I don't smile. I like being the Ice Princess."
He raised an eyebrow and her smile widened. Unconsciously he reached over and placed his hand over hers and she broke the gaze. "Umm…let's eat," she said.
"Are you sure Miss Parker is safe with Jarod?" Broots asked. Most of the Centre employees had gone home and Broots and Sydney were waiting for Angelo.
"She's fine. Jarod would never let anyone hurt her."
"Is he safe with her?" Broots had half-expected Miss Parker to drag Jarod back to the Centre after Sydney had told Broots where she was. Yet two days later neither were there.
"Broots, their bond goes back to childhood. They were friends before they were enemies and I'm sure they'll remember that before they try to kill each other."
Broots kept quiet. Sydney obviously knew more than he was letting on but Broots figured that the less he knew the better. Just then, Angelo climbed out of a ventilation shaft and came towards them, looking upset.
"What's wrong with him?" Broots asked.
"Bad man!"
"Angelo, who is the bad man?" Sydney asked.
"Thumbless man bad," Angelo muttered, creeping back into the shaft.
Sydney and Broots looked at each other, the same thought crossing their minds.
Both Jarod and Miss Parker felt uncomfortable when they had to go to bed. They refused to meet each other's gaze and Parker retreated to the bathroom to change. She hesitated before re-entering the room. She had forgotten to buy pajamas and Jarod had given her a shirt and a pair of boxer shorts to sleep in. She appreciated the gesture but still felt uncomfortable. Jarod was already in bed and she slipped in next to him.
"Goodnight, Jarod."
"Night, Parker."
She dreamed.
The young girl crawled out of a ventilation shaft. "Jarod!" she whispered. "Where are you?"
"Boo!" he cried, jumping out from behind his bed.
She cried out in alarm, almost dropping what she held in her hands.
"Sorry," he whispered. "What's that?"
"It's a present for you." She sat on his bed and he sat beside her.
"Why?" He couldn't remember ever having gotten a present before.
"It's Valentine's Day," she answered. "Here." She gave him the carefully wrapped package. He opened it slowly and found a heart in a plastic covering.
"What is it?" he asked.
"It's chocolate." She reached over and unwrapped the chocolate for him. "You eat it."
He hesitated, breaking off a tiny piece and tasting it. A huge grin broke across his face. "Thank you, Parker! It's delicious!" He paused. "But I don't have anything for you."
She smiled, her heart beating faster. "You could give me a kiss," she suggested.
He looked puzzled. "What's that?"
She leaned over and kissed him quickly on his lips. "I love you, Jarod," she whispered.
He smiled, about to say something in return when they heard a noise.
"Bye!" Parker whispered and crawled out through the ventilation shaft, leaving Jarod to absorb what had just happened.
The sunlight streaming through the blinds woke Parker. It took her a moment to recall why she was sharing a bed with Jarod, and once the initial urge to shoot him had passed, she was content to watch him sleep. He looked so peaceful, the kind of peaceful that didn't exist within Centre walls. He moaned and shifted position slightly so that he was facing her. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch his chin. The memory of her dream was fresh in her mind and she decided that Jarod would never go back to the Centre, not if she had anything to do with it. The Centre owed him so much; the least she could do was help him keep his freedom.
This time she didn't refrain from touching him. He opened his eyes the second she touched his skin and she guiltily jerked her hand back.
"Morning," he mumbled. "See something you like?"
She scowled and jumped out of the bed, heading for the bathroom.
"I forgot, you're not a morning person," Jarod mumbled, rolling over and going back to sleep.
When Parker emerged a half-hour later, Jarod was still asleep. She hunted for her cell phone and dialed a number.
"Sydney," a groggy voice answered.
"Morning, Syd," Parker purred.
"Any luck finding out who wants to kill me?"
"Can't you handle Jarod?" he teased.
"Didn't Jarod tell you?"
"Tell me what?" she asked suspiciously.
"You were supposed to be bait to lure Jarod out."
"We think it was Lyle."
"What made him think Jarod would come rescue me?"
"You were his only friend as a child. Perhaps they felt he would feel obligated-"
"Whatever." She hung up and roughly woke Jarod. "Why the hell didn't you tell me it was Lyle?"
What?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.
"I just spoke to Sydney."
"What did he say?" Jarod sat up but she pushed him down again.
"Why didn't you tell me it was Lyle?"
"Lyle! So that's who it is."
Parker was taken aback. "You didn't know?"
He shook his head.
"Oh. Umm…sorry. Want breakfast?" She smiled, wanting him to forget that she'd just practically assaulted him.
"Give me a minute," he said and rolled over.
Jarod woke up to an empty room and was instantly alert.
"Parker!" he called.
No response.
"Parker!" He was worried. Could Lyle have found them? He searched the room, his worry increasing. He found a note attached to the bathroom mirror, and smiled. What is with Centre employees and leaving notes? He wondered.
I've gone to the beach. If you ever decide to wake up, join me. You looked too peaceful too wake up. But don't keep me waiting too long or else I'll have to shoot you. Parker.
Mr. Parker stormed into Sydney's office. He looked like he was out for blood.
"Where is my daughter?"
"I don't know," Sydney answered truthfully. He paused before continuing. "It appears Miss Parker was in danger. Perhaps she will return when she feels the danger has passed."
Mr. Parker glared at Sydney before stalking out. He was determined to find out where his Angel had gone and who would dare to wish her harm.
It wasn't too hard for Jarod to spot Miss Parker. There was a man standing near her, obviously wanting to approach her but unable to find the courage. He chuckled, wondering how many men she'd castrated with her icy glare while she waited for Jarod. He strolled to where she was, making a small detour past an ice-cream vendor. Sitting in the deck chair next to her, he handed her an ice cream and said, "I'm glad I convinced you to go with that bikini."
She glared at him. "I'm not. Do you have any idea how annoying it's been?"
"It?" he asked, confused.
She waved her hand at her would-be suitor who looked away and hastily retreated. "All these men are sick perverts whose only aim in life is to bed as many woman as possible. None of them even had the decency to come up with original pick-up lines. Do you know how many think it's so witty to use pick up lines that no semi-intelligent woman would fall for? Come on!" She rolled her eyes and Jarod couldn't contain a smile.
"I thought you liked all that attention," he said.
"It would have helped if any of them were even remotely good-looking," she grumbled.
He laughed. "So you turned down every single one?" He kept his eyes on her face, not willing to risk her wrath by looking at the rest of her.
"Of course," she said in a sugary-sweet voice and batting her eyelashes. "You know my heart belongs to you."
The devil inside him couldn't resist. He let his gaze travel along her body, savoring what he saw. To his surprise and delight, she didn't slap him. Instead, she asked, "Could you rub sunscreen on my back?"
He nodded, suddenly lost for words. Parker's heartbeat increased its pace when she felt Jarod's hands on her back. Too late, she realized what was happening. The feelings she'd had for him as a child and later as a teenager threatened to burst out from the black hole she'd hidden them in.
"My turn," Jarod said.
She took the lotion from him and poured a small amount into her palm. She hesitated before rubbing it slowly across his back. She tried, unsuccessfully, to hold back a giggle. What would Daddy think if he saw me now?
"What's so funny?" Jarod asked.
"I don't believe you." He turned to face her but she shook her head and smiled. Jarod lost all will to fight what he was feeling. He leaned forward and kissed her.
She kissed him back.
Eventually he pulled back, a huge smile on his face.
"What?" Parker asked, trying to ignore the feeling of light-headedness.
"I've just made every other guy on this beach jealous!"
She tilted her head, staring at him and said, "You talk too much." She pulled him towards her for another kiss.
"I will not have my daughter put in harm's way! I don't care what's at stake!" Mr. Parker was livid. Although not an affectionate man, he did love his daughter. She was one of the few good things he had ever done and he refused to let the Centre use her more than they already had.
"It's not like she would have been in any real danger. Jarod only needed to think that she was in danger." Lyle tried to pacify his father.
"But now she's gone and nobody knows where she is. Not even Sydney knows!"
"Perhaps Jarod has her," Mr. Raines suggested.
"Why do you two fools think Jarod would risk his life, his freedom, to save hers?" Mr. Parker asked.
"He's in love with her," Raines smirked.
Mr. Parker blanched. The thought of his beloved Angel and that…that lab-rat made him feel ill. "Find her," he hissed, leaving the conference room.
"Jarod, let's order room service tonight," Parker suggested as they walked, hand-in-hand, back to the hotel.
"Sure," he said. "You okay? Did you get too much sun?"
She shook her head and he glanced away, thoroughly puzzled. There were some things he'd never understand, he decided. One of them being women, especially Miss Parker.
"Sydney, when you hear from my daughter could you assure her that she is no longer in any danger?"
Mr. Parker had convinced the Triumvirate not to continue with Raines' plan. He knew his Angel trusted Sydney and that she'd be in contact with him, if anyone.
"Yes, Mr. Parker. Thank you," Sydney said.
Mr. Parker met Sydney's eye and said, "I do love her, you know. If things could be different…." He shrugged and left Sydney's office looking as though he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.
"I'm going to have a bubble bath," Parker announced from the door leading into the bathroom.
"Okay," Jarod said. "Shall I go ahead and order food or must I wait till you're done?"
Parker took a deep breath. "I was hoping you'd join me. I, uh…need someone to wash my back."
He looked at her and swallowed hard.
"You sure?" he asked.
She held out her hand in invitation and he walked towards her, reminding himself to breathe.
Later, while Parker slept, Jarod phoned Sydney.
"I've been waiting for your call, Jarod."
"I have a question, Syd."
"What is it?" Sydney prompted after some silence.
"Would Parker really get her freedom if she brought me back?"
"What do you think, Jarod?" Sydney was intrigued. What's been happening? He wondered.
"I don't know. Has anyone ever really been free of the Centre?"
"I think you already know the answer to that," Sydney replied.
There was another moment of silence before Sydney spoke again. "I have been told that it's quite safe for her to return."
Jarod hung up. On one hand he was glad that Parker was no longer in danger but on the other, he didn't want her to leave. He walked out onto the balcony, trying to sort out his feelings. He may have been a genius but when it came to matters of the heart he was clueless. He didn't know how long he'd been standing there when he felt Parker's arms encircle his waist from behind.
"What's wrong?"
He turned around and she leaned her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"Sydney says it's safe for you to go back."
She looked up but couldn't see his eyes in the dark, couldn't see what he was feeling. Was that what was wrong? Was he worried that she wanted to take him back to the Centre?
"Jarod, I-"
"Please, Parker." It was a whisper.
"I'm not taking you back. Not now. Not ever," she said firmly.
He looked down at her, trying to process what he'd just heard.
"But what about your freedom?" he eventually asked.
"You're more important. You deserve to be free after everything that they did to you."
He pulled her closer and she laughed.
"Besides, I don't think Daddy would approve of me sneaking down to visit you every night!"
He smiled and said, "Let's go back to bed."
Two days after Sydney had spoken to Jarod, neither he nor Miss Parker had returned. Mr. Parker worried that something terrible had happened to her. Broots worried that they had killed each other. Angelo was unusually happy and no one had been able to make any sense out of his ramblings. Sydney hoped that they had run off together, never to return.
A week after Miss Parker's initial disappearance, she breezed back into the Centre, acting as though nothing was out of the ordinary. When questioned, she replied vaguely that she had known she was in danger and had stayed away until she felt safe. She did not mention Jarod at all, although both Sydney and Broots were dying to know what had happened. She had come back different but refused to elaborate. She assured them that Jarod was still alive and that the search would continue.