Mirage I have tears in my eyes. I have so much love and respect for you. I'm thankful that I found your fiction. I don't have to miss the tv series anymore. You write the characters like they are here with me. Thank you!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Jane, I think- tears? I feel horrible about that. I have much love and respect for you as well and I appreciate the kind words. You're too kind.
Reviewer: Jane Anonymous

Date: 24/07/14 11:29 pm
You are a genius! Your writing grabs me and doesn't let go. No one writes the pretender better than you! Please don't stop now. I can't wait to read the rest.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Con-O. You're so kind. I'm not a genius; I'm actually rather stupid.
Reviewer: Con-O Signed

Date: 24/07/14 06:30 am
Love this story..er series. I love the characterization. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing, TJ. I'm glad you like the characterization.
Reviewer: tj Anonymous [Report This]Date: 24/07/14 04:05 am
You don't disappoint. Welcome back. When I think I'll give up on this fandom you pull me back in. I love your writing, descriptions. You are the best. I can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Archage, for reading, reviewing, and for the warm welcome back. This is the only series/fandom I've ever considered writing about; I know exactly what you mean when you speak (type) of the pull (it's relentless). The best? Ha. You can't mean that. I appreciate the thought just the same.
Reviewer: Archange Signed [Report This]Date: 24/07/14 02:38 am
I discovered this series through your fiction [julie_m sent me a link to this page] and after reading this series last night I watched the first six episodes of The Pretender season 1. I'm amazed at how well you write these characters. Please keep going with this.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Machelle. I don't know who Julie_m is, however, I'm glad you're here. Welcome to the fandom. The Pretender dvds are quite addictive, completey re-watch-able.
I will continue with this. Eventually.
Reviewer: Machelle Anonymous

Date: 23/07/14 09:00 pm
You keep me hungry for more. I love your writing style. I love that Miss Parker's voice, Jarod's voice, all the characters voices are still alive and the way they were during the series. You know these characters on a personal level and you flesh them out in a way that words can't explain. I read your fics and I see the scenes as I read, it's like I'm right there watching. You my dear are amazing. Whatever you do, don't stop writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Miss Parkere, for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: Miss Parkere Signed [Report This]Date: 23/07/14 03:45 am
Love it!
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing, Jay Buck.
Reviewer: Jay buck Anonymous [Report This]Date: 22/07/14 06:30 am
OMG! Mirage, what another great accomplishment this is. Terrific update like always. Please don't make us wait too long for more.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing, Lorraina. I'll try to update soon.
Reviewer: Lorraina Signed

Date: 21/07/14 09:56 pm
"Parker's hands were tender now, soft, comforting and yet those same hands had grasped him roughly by his lapels, in a cemetery of all places; those hands had steadily leveled a Ladysmith and Wesson 9 mm at his chest."
Nice quote of Till Death Do Us Part, isn't it? I love how you always put something about Tommy in the mix, when it is suitable to the storyline :)
Nice work, Mirage, as usual.
Author's Response:
Thank you, MissParker87. I did inject a bit of Tommy goodness. I'm still miffed with the PTBs. Tommy is incredibly easy on the eyes, incredibly- oh and not to mention how good he was for Parker. Thanks again for reading and reviewing. I appreciate it.
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed [Report This]Date: 21/07/14 03:21 pm
Mirage Mirage! Exquisite writing. I've come to expect nothing less from you. Please update soon.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Ameilia. I appreciate that.
Reviewer: Amelia Anonymous [Report This]Date: 19/07/14 08:54 pm
You're a genius scribe and you have blown me away again. WOW! No one fleshes out the characters the way you do and no one writes so well. Sorry but no one does. Both the dialogue and the internal dialogues are rich. I marvel at your descriptive work. You are so insightful! You know these characters like no one else. I don't want you to think the wrong thing because I'd miss your contributions to the fandom but you write at a best seller list level. Just sayin'! I wish you could turn pretender fiction into a career. You'd get paid, we'd get our fix. You're the best Mirage. Please keep writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Christoph. I won't lie: getting paid to indulge the muse would be lovely; I live in the real world. An utterly real world. I will continue writing.
Reviewer: Christoph Signed

Date: 19/07/14 06:48 pm
Welcome back Mirage! It's always a pleasure to read one of your stories! It's like being back in the series. The way you write Jarod and Miss Parker in this is perfect! She is still the Ice Queen; sarcastic and outwardly indifferent, cool with her rapier sharp wit. He is still arrogant and confused.
I've missed you! Have you taken a job at The Centre? You really should! Not to mention turning your obvious talents into a full time writing career. Honestly if someone can do so writing about One Direction so can YOU!
I like this story. I like how each chapter (Part) is different yet all ties together! Your skill in bringing these characters alive is unparalleled. Perhaps even by Steven and Craig themselves!
I've already envisioned the scene were they kick each other to oblivion and then f- each other to oblivion as well. While not a true J/MP shipper in any sense (she is just too good for him!) Nia is so bland and boring and her pretty boy fiancee is as well.
Thank you as always for taking the time to update your stories. You are still the indisputable fan fiction Queen!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Twisted, for your continued support. No, unfortunately, I have not taken a job with the Centre; I am writing, however, and I'm freelance editing and ghost-writing. I wouldn't know where to begin to become a published writer, however, if someone wants to point me in the right direction (not one direction haha), by all means. I have millions of ideas and I'm always open to offers (I'm just not big on self-promotion). I'm glad you're liking the story and that's quite a compliment. Thank you. Wow. I love your reviews. Are you sure this is my story that you're reviewing? Thank you for taking the time to read and for the lovely review.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 19/07/14 02:46 pm
Extraordinary! Splint infinitives or not you've established yourself as an author..... my favorite author. THIS is the Jarod and Parker I remember and love from the series and the chemistry! "BOUND BY INTERDEPENDENCE" Damn Mirage that is pure genius. Enjoyed your developement of Ethan, Julian and the others. I love how cute Julian was with MP. MPs tenderness during the traumatic scene gave me chill bumps... And the ending...Miss P has to make sure the mazes are safe for her daughter right? Glad to see Jarod making up to MP with the vino. Miss P earned it. Thank you for keeping them alive and staying true to the original universe.
Author's Response:
Aw thank you so much, Dark Angel. I thought Julian should be sweet and light to sort of counter-balance Jarod's darkness. Yes, yes, of course, a good parent will inspect the mazes for safety. Jarod owes quite a few glasses of wine- ah, but you know him: that's not good for you (what a buzz kill!). Thank you for taking the time to read and review.
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed

Date: 19/07/14 05:24 am