Did I mention how cool this is?
Now I'm going back to read the Madeline series, 'cause I've never done it before! :)
Great writer, Danielle... You're great!
Author's Response:
Thanks, my friend. :) I swear, I haven't forgotten about yours- I'm off today so I'll be starting in on it shortly....
Enjoy the rest of the series. ;)
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed [Report This]Date: 10/09/13 05:13 pm
Oooh Madeline, you're so sneaky. Glad to see the update! More one shots please! =)
Author's Response:
hahaha, yeah, she is... I'm trying to figure out a way for her to have to tell Miss P about all she's being doing and all she knows, cuz I think that'd be really fun to explore. ;)
I'm glad you're enjoying them.
I'm heading off for a bike ride with writing session break again, so hopefully I'll have another one up soon (doing everything in my power to avoid having to kill Tommy!)
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 09/09/13 03:11 pm
It's so lovely to see Madeline back here again, Dani. Please continue.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Mirage! It's good to be back.
And I see I have a lot from you to catch up on, too. :)
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 02/08/13 02:53 am
Yay! Mini-Parker is back. I love Madeline. And I love the playfulness you show with her relationship with Jarod. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) I'll have to keep an eye on for other things Jarod would enjoy! It was fun to introduce him to mini-golf.
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 25/07/13 08:04 pm